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synced 2025-03-01 02:29:11 -05:00
Add icons for AniList and osu! (#1022)
* Add anilist logo * Add osu logo
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@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
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@ -404,6 +410,15 @@
d="M128 256C198.7 256 256 198.7 256 128C256 57.3 198.7 0 128 0C57.3 0 0 57.3 0 128C0 198.7 57.3 256 128 256ZM70.9 186.2H86.3V127.5V79.0999H70.9V186.2ZM108.9 79.0999H150.5C190.1 79.0999 207.5 107.4 207.5 132.7C207.5 160.2 186 186.3 150.7 186.3H108.9V79.0999ZM124.3 172.4H148.8C183.7 172.4 191.7 145.9 191.7 132.7C191.7 111.2 178 93 148 93H124.3V172.4ZM78.6 66.8999C84.2 66.8999 88.7 62.2999 88.7 56.7999C88.7 51.2999 84.2 46.7 78.6 46.7C73 46.7 68.5 51.2 68.5 56.7999C68.5 62.2999 73 66.8999 78.6 66.8999Z"
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{{- else if (eq $icon_name "osu!") -}}
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d="M 25 3 C 12.85 3 3 12.85 3 25 C 3 37.15 12.85 47 25 47 C 37.15 47 47 37.15 47 25 C 47 12.85 37.15 3 25 3 z M 25 5 C 36.028 5 45 13.972 45 25 C 45 36.028 36.028 45 25 45 C 13.972 45 5 36.028 5 25 C 5 13.972 13.972 5 25 5 z M 38 18 L 38 26 L 40 26 L 40 18 L 38 18 z M 13.798828 21.013672 C 13.611859 21.023047 13.423828 21.042313 13.236328 21.070312 C 12.140328 21.233312 11.272594 21.778766 10.683594 22.759766 C 10.273594 23.440766 10.084437 24.197234 10.023438 24.990234 C 9.9604375 25.800234 10.019438 26.597094 10.273438 27.371094 C 10.664437 28.562094 11.402078 29.409828 12.580078 29.798828 C 13.299078 30.036828 14.041203 30.059359 14.783203 29.943359 C 16.013203 29.750359 16.940859 29.104312 17.505859 27.945312 C 17.875859 27.186312 17.99 26.368266 18 25.572266 C 17.995 24.978266 17.937828 24.434344 17.798828 23.902344 C 17.456828 22.604344 16.703031 21.686234 15.457031 21.240234 C 14.915531 21.046734 14.359734 20.985547 13.798828 21.013672 z M 23.408203 21.017578 C 22.808203 21.006578 22.216391 21.056297 21.650391 21.279297 C 21.003391 21.534297 20.485219 21.944187 20.199219 22.617188 C 19.985219 23.120187 19.957391 23.649547 20.025391 24.185547 C 20.085391 24.659547 20.258047 25.078531 20.623047 25.394531 C 20.884047 25.620531 21.171187 25.804016 21.492188 25.916016 C 21.926188 26.068016 22.370687 26.187891 22.804688 26.337891 C 23.045687 26.420891 23.278813 26.530531 23.507812 26.644531 C 23.647813 26.713531 23.722719 26.849859 23.761719 27.005859 C 23.861719 27.412859 23.717984 27.732219 23.333984 27.949219 C 23.046984 28.111219 22.734063 28.162734 22.414062 28.177734 C 21.718062 28.211734 21.054203 28.053781 20.408203 27.800781 C 20.368203 27.784781 20.327156 27.770859 20.285156 27.755859 C 20.271156 27.784859 20.262859 27.801359 20.255859 27.818359 C 20.030859 28.340359 19.884219 28.883172 19.824219 29.451172 C 19.817219 29.522172 19.839344 29.550219 19.902344 29.574219 C 20.468344 29.787219 21.048391 29.936469 21.650391 29.980469 C 22.347391 30.030469 23.042656 30.025125 23.722656 29.828125 C 24.345656 29.647125 24.908562 29.355563 25.351562 28.851562 C 25.862562 28.268563 26.041234 27.574734 25.990234 26.802734 C 25.930234 25.883734 25.518453 25.210703 24.689453 24.845703 C 24.377453 24.708703 24.049516 24.612047 23.728516 24.498047 C 23.362516 24.367047 22.986859 24.257562 22.630859 24.101562 C 22.304859 23.958563 22.187594 23.610625 22.308594 23.265625 C 22.399594 23.005625 22.612609 22.900844 22.849609 22.839844 C 23.300609 22.723844 23.756125 22.749562 24.203125 22.851562 C 24.559125 22.932563 24.907484 23.053156 25.271484 23.160156 C 25.270484 23.160156 25.27625 23.151578 25.28125 23.142578 C 25.52025 22.638578 25.658656 22.106781 25.722656 21.550781 C 25.731656 21.470781 25.684719 21.462312 25.636719 21.445312 C 24.914719 21.189312 24.174203 21.031578 23.408203 21.017578 z M 29.070312 21.113281 C 28.703937 21.113156 28.339656 21.146391 27.972656 21.212891 C 27.970656 21.252891 27.966797 21.286313 27.966797 21.320312 C 27.966797 22.825312 27.96575 24.332891 27.96875 25.837891 C 27.96975 26.435891 28.004203 27.031328 28.158203 27.611328 C 28.419203 28.596328 28.944094 29.338172 29.871094 29.701172 C 30.361094 29.893172 30.875625 29.943469 31.390625 29.980469 C 32.584625 30.066469 33.749625 29.880813 34.890625 29.507812 C 34.972625 29.480813 34.998047 29.444609 34.998047 29.349609 C 34.995047 26.679609 34.996094 24.009844 34.996094 21.339844 L 34.996094 21.214844 C 34.261094 21.081844 33.540594 21.079844 32.808594 21.214844 C 32.808594 21.268844 32.807641 21.316234 32.806641 21.365234 C 32.806641 23.514234 32.807547 25.6635 32.810547 27.8125 C 32.810547 27.9195 32.780547 27.956563 32.685547 27.976562 C 32.267547 28.063563 31.846828 28.088297 31.423828 28.029297 C 30.835828 27.947297 30.445687 27.602375 30.304688 26.984375 C 30.234688 26.678375 30.186594 26.358922 30.183594 26.044922 C 30.170594 24.485922 30.174828 22.926188 30.173828 21.367188 L 30.173828 21.214844 C 29.804328 21.147844 29.436688 21.113406 29.070312 21.113281 z M 13.798828 22.865234 C 13.993828 22.850234 14.192766 22.859531 14.384766 22.894531 C 14.826766 22.973531 15.144703 23.238344 15.345703 23.652344 C 15.545703 24.063344 15.625109 24.504031 15.662109 24.957031 C 15.678109 25.148031 15.6815 25.339844 15.6875 25.464844 C 15.6795 26.076844 15.643891 26.618719 15.462891 27.136719 C 15.307891 27.583719 15.060516 27.949328 14.603516 28.111328 C 14.208516 28.251328 13.808109 28.254094 13.412109 28.121094 C 13.057109 28.003094 12.814438 27.750156 12.648438 27.410156 C 12.472437 27.049156 12.386609 26.663625 12.349609 26.265625 C 12.287609 25.607625 12.282594 24.947781 12.433594 24.300781 C 12.488594 24.064781 12.571781 23.830281 12.675781 23.613281 C 12.902781 23.140281 13.297828 22.903234 13.798828 22.865234 z M 38 28 L 38 30 L 40 30 L 40 28 L 38 28 z">
{{- else if (eq $icon_name "overcast") -}}
<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor">
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