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synced 2025-03-10 05:40:05 -04:00
This PR removes the complicated session management introduced in https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/pull/1791 which kept track of the sessions in a map, in addition to the channel already kept track of in the notifier. Instead of trying to close the mapsession, it will now be replaced by the new one and closed after so all new updates goes to the right place. The map session serve function is also split into a streaming and a non-streaming version for better readability. RemoveNode in the notifier will not remove a node if the channel is not matching the one that has been passed (e.g. it has been replaced with a new one). A new tuning parameter has been added to added to set timeout before the notifier gives up to send an update to a node. Add a keep alive resetter so we wait with sending keep alives if a node has just received an update. In addition it adds a bunch of env debug flags that can be set: - `HEADSCALE_DEBUG_HIGH_CARDINALITY_METRICS`: make certain metrics include per node.id, not recommended to use in prod. - `HEADSCALE_DEBUG_PROFILING_ENABLED`: activate tracing - `HEADSCALE_DEBUG_PROFILING_PATH`: where to store traces - `HEADSCALE_DEBUG_DUMP_CONFIG`: calls `spew.Dump` on the config object startup - `HEADSCALE_DEBUG_DEADLOCK`: enable go-deadlock to dump goroutines if it looks like a deadlock has occured, enabled in integration tests. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
769 lines
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769 lines
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package hscontrol
import (
xslices "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
const (
keepAliveInterval = 50 * time.Second
type contextKey string
const nodeNameContextKey = contextKey("nodeName")
type mapSession struct {
h *Headscale
req tailcfg.MapRequest
ctx context.Context
capVer tailcfg.CapabilityVersion
mapper *mapper.Mapper
cancelChMu deadlock.Mutex
ch chan types.StateUpdate
cancelCh chan struct{}
cancelChOpen bool
keepAlive time.Duration
keepAliveTicker *time.Ticker
node *types.Node
w http.ResponseWriter
warnf func(string, ...any)
infof func(string, ...any)
tracef func(string, ...any)
errf func(error, string, ...any)
func (h *Headscale) newMapSession(
ctx context.Context,
req tailcfg.MapRequest,
w http.ResponseWriter,
node *types.Node,
) *mapSession {
warnf, infof, tracef, errf := logPollFunc(req, node)
var updateChan chan types.StateUpdate
if req.Stream {
// Use a buffered channel in case a node is not fully ready
// to receive a message to make sure we dont block the entire
// notifier.
updateChan = make(chan types.StateUpdate, h.cfg.Tuning.NodeMapSessionBufferedChanSize)
updateChan <- types.StateUpdate{
Type: types.StateFullUpdate,
ka := keepAliveInterval + (time.Duration(rand.IntN(9000)) * time.Millisecond)
return &mapSession{
h: h,
ctx: ctx,
req: req,
w: w,
node: node,
capVer: req.Version,
mapper: h.mapper,
ch: updateChan,
cancelCh: make(chan struct{}),
cancelChOpen: true,
keepAlive: ka,
keepAliveTicker: nil,
// Loggers
warnf: warnf,
infof: infof,
tracef: tracef,
errf: errf,
func (m *mapSession) close() {
defer m.cancelChMu.Unlock()
if !m.cancelChOpen {
m.tracef("mapSession (%p) sending message on cancel chan", m)
select {
case m.cancelCh <- struct{}{}:
m.tracef("mapSession (%p) sent message on cancel chan", m)
case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
m.tracef("mapSession (%p) timed out sending close message", m)
func (m *mapSession) isStreaming() bool {
return m.req.Stream && !m.req.ReadOnly
func (m *mapSession) isEndpointUpdate() bool {
return !m.req.Stream && !m.req.ReadOnly && m.req.OmitPeers
func (m *mapSession) isReadOnlyUpdate() bool {
return !m.req.Stream && m.req.OmitPeers && m.req.ReadOnly
func (m *mapSession) resetKeepAlive() {
// serve handles non-streaming requests.
func (m *mapSession) serve() {
// TODO(kradalby): A set todos to harden:
// - func to tell the stream to die, readonly -> false, !stream && omitpeers -> false, true
// This is the mechanism where the node gives us information about its
// current configuration.
// If OmitPeers is true, Stream is false, and ReadOnly is false,
// then te server will let clients update their endpoints without
// breaking existing long-polling (Stream == true) connections.
// In this case, the server can omit the entire response; the client
// only checks the HTTP response status code.
// This is what Tailscale calls a Lite update, the client ignores
// the response and just wants a 200.
// !req.stream && !req.ReadOnly && req.OmitPeers
// TODO(kradalby): remove ReadOnly when we only support capVer 68+
if m.isEndpointUpdate() {
// ReadOnly is whether the client just wants to fetch the
// MapResponse, without updating their Endpoints. The
// Endpoints field will be ignored and LastSeen will not be
// updated and peers will not be notified of changes.
// The intended use is for clients to discover the DERP map at
// start-up before their first real endpoint update.
if m.isReadOnlyUpdate() {
// serveLongPoll ensures the node gets the appropriate updates from either
// polling or immediate responses.
func (m *mapSession) serveLongPoll() {
// Clean up the session when the client disconnects
defer func() {
m.cancelChOpen = false
// only update node status if the node channel was removed.
// in principal, it will be removed, but the client rapidly
// reconnects, the channel might be of another connection.
// In that case, it is not closed and the node is still online.
if m.h.nodeNotifier.RemoveNode(m.node.ID, m.ch) {
// Failover the node's routes if any.
m.h.updateNodeOnlineStatus(false, m.node)
m.pollFailoverRoutes("node closing connection", m.node)
m.infof("node has disconnected, mapSession: %p, chan: %p", m, m.ch)
// From version 68, all streaming requests can be treated as read only.
// TODO: Remove when we drop support for 1.48
if m.capVer < 68 {
// Error has been handled/written to client in the func
// return
err := m.handleSaveNode()
if err != nil {
// Set up the client stream
defer m.h.pollNetMapStreamWG.Done()
m.pollFailoverRoutes("node connected", m.node)
// Upgrade the writer to a ResponseController
rc := http.NewResponseController(m.w)
// Longpolling will break if there is a write timeout,
// so it needs to be disabled.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.WithValue(m.ctx, nodeNameContextKey, m.node.Hostname))
defer cancel()
m.keepAliveTicker = time.NewTicker(m.keepAlive)
m.h.nodeNotifier.AddNode(m.node.ID, m.ch)
go m.h.updateNodeOnlineStatus(true, m.node)
m.infof("node has connected, mapSession: %p, chan: %p", m, m.ch)
// Loop through updates and continuously send them to the
// client.
for {
// consume channels with update, keep alives or "batch" blocking signals
select {
case <-m.cancelCh:
m.tracef("poll cancelled received")
case <-ctx.Done():
m.tracef("poll context done")
// Consume updates sent to node
case update, ok := <-m.ch:
if !ok {
m.tracef("update channel closed, streaming session is likely being replaced")
m.tracef("received stream update: %s %s", update.Type.String(), update.Message)
var data []byte
var err error
var lastMessage string
// Ensure the node object is updated, for example, there
// might have been a hostinfo update in a sidechannel
// which contains data needed to generate a map response.
m.node, err = m.h.db.GetNodeByID(m.node.ID)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Could not get machine from db")
updateType := "full"
switch update.Type {
case types.StateFullUpdate:
m.tracef("Sending Full MapResponse")
data, err = m.mapper.FullMapResponse(m.req, m.node, m.h.ACLPolicy, fmt.Sprintf("from mapSession: %p, stream: %t", m, m.isStreaming()))
case types.StatePeerChanged:
changed := make(map[types.NodeID]bool, len(update.ChangeNodes))
for _, nodeID := range update.ChangeNodes {
changed[nodeID] = true
lastMessage = update.Message
m.tracef(fmt.Sprintf("Sending Changed MapResponse: %v", lastMessage))
data, err = m.mapper.PeerChangedResponse(m.req, m.node, changed, update.ChangePatches, m.h.ACLPolicy, lastMessage)
updateType = "change"
case types.StatePeerChangedPatch:
m.tracef(fmt.Sprintf("Sending Changed Patch MapResponse: %v", lastMessage))
data, err = m.mapper.PeerChangedPatchResponse(m.req, m.node, update.ChangePatches, m.h.ACLPolicy)
updateType = "patch"
case types.StatePeerRemoved:
changed := make(map[types.NodeID]bool, len(update.Removed))
for _, nodeID := range update.Removed {
changed[nodeID] = false
m.tracef(fmt.Sprintf("Sending Changed MapResponse: %v", lastMessage))
data, err = m.mapper.PeerChangedResponse(m.req, m.node, changed, update.ChangePatches, m.h.ACLPolicy, lastMessage)
updateType = "remove"
case types.StateSelfUpdate:
lastMessage = update.Message
m.tracef(fmt.Sprintf("Sending Changed MapResponse: %v", lastMessage))
// create the map so an empty (self) update is sent
data, err = m.mapper.PeerChangedResponse(m.req, m.node, make(map[types.NodeID]bool), update.ChangePatches, m.h.ACLPolicy, lastMessage)
updateType = "remove"
case types.StateDERPUpdated:
m.tracef("Sending DERPUpdate MapResponse")
data, err = m.mapper.DERPMapResponse(m.req, m.node, m.h.DERPMap)
updateType = "derp"
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Could not get the create map update")
// Only send update if there is change
if data != nil {
startWrite := time.Now()
_, err = m.w.Write(data)
if err != nil {
mapResponseSent.WithLabelValues("error", updateType).Inc()
m.errf(err, "could not write the map response(%s), for mapSession: %p", update.Type.String(), m)
err = rc.Flush()
if err != nil {
mapResponseSent.WithLabelValues("error", updateType).Inc()
m.errf(err, "flushing the map response to client, for mapSession: %p", m)
log.Trace().Str("node", m.node.Hostname).TimeDiff("timeSpent", time.Now(), startWrite).Str("mkey", m.node.MachineKey.String()).Msg("finished writing mapresp to node")
if debugHighCardinalityMetrics {
mapResponseLastSentSeconds.WithLabelValues(updateType, m.node.ID.String()).Set(float64(time.Now().Unix()))
mapResponseSent.WithLabelValues("ok", updateType).Inc()
m.tracef("update sent")
case <-m.keepAliveTicker.C:
data, err := m.mapper.KeepAliveResponse(m.req, m.node)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Error generating the keep alive msg")
mapResponseSent.WithLabelValues("error", "keepalive").Inc()
_, err = m.w.Write(data)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Cannot write keep alive message")
mapResponseSent.WithLabelValues("error", "keepalive").Inc()
err = rc.Flush()
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "flushing keep alive to client, for mapSession: %p", m)
mapResponseSent.WithLabelValues("error", "keepalive").Inc()
if debugHighCardinalityMetrics {
mapResponseLastSentSeconds.WithLabelValues("keepalive", m.node.ID.String()).Set(float64(time.Now().Unix()))
mapResponseSent.WithLabelValues("ok", "keepalive").Inc()
func (m *mapSession) pollFailoverRoutes(where string, node *types.Node) {
update, err := db.Write(m.h.db.DB, func(tx *gorm.DB) (*types.StateUpdate, error) {
return db.FailoverNodeRoutesIfNeccessary(tx, m.h.nodeNotifier.LikelyConnectedMap(), node)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to ensure failover routes, %s", where))
if update != nil && !update.Empty() {
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf("poll-%s-routes-ensurefailover", strings.ReplaceAll(where, " ", "-")), node.Hostname)
m.h.nodeNotifier.NotifyWithIgnore(ctx, *update, node.ID)
// updateNodeOnlineStatus records the last seen status of a node and notifies peers
// about change in their online/offline status.
// It takes a StateUpdateType of either StatePeerOnlineChanged or StatePeerOfflineChanged.
func (h *Headscale) updateNodeOnlineStatus(online bool, node *types.Node) {
change := &tailcfg.PeerChange{
NodeID: tailcfg.NodeID(node.ID),
Online: &online,
if !online {
now := time.Now()
// lastSeen is only relevant if the node is disconnected.
node.LastSeen = &now
change.LastSeen = &now
err := h.db.Write(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
return db.SetLastSeen(tx, node.ID, *node.LastSeen)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Cannot update node LastSeen")
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-nodeupdate-onlinestatus", node.Hostname)
h.nodeNotifier.NotifyWithIgnore(ctx, types.StateUpdate{
Type: types.StatePeerChangedPatch,
ChangePatches: []*tailcfg.PeerChange{
}, node.ID)
func (m *mapSession) handleEndpointUpdate() {
m.tracef("received endpoint update")
change := m.node.PeerChangeFromMapRequest(m.req)
online := m.h.nodeNotifier.IsLikelyConnected(m.node.ID)
change.Online = &online
sendUpdate, routesChanged := hostInfoChanged(m.node.Hostinfo, m.req.Hostinfo)
// The node might not set NetInfo if it has not changed and if
// the full HostInfo object is overrwritten, the information is lost.
// If there is no NetInfo, keep the previous one.
// From 1.66 the client only sends it if changed:
// https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/commit/e1011f138737286ecf5123ff887a7a5800d129a2
// TODO(kradalby): evaulate if we need better comparing of hostinfo
// before we take the changes.
if m.req.Hostinfo.NetInfo == nil {
m.req.Hostinfo.NetInfo = m.node.Hostinfo.NetInfo
m.node.Hostinfo = m.req.Hostinfo
logTracePeerChange(m.node.Hostname, sendUpdate, &change)
// If there is no changes and nothing to save,
// return early.
if peerChangeEmpty(change) && !sendUpdate {
// Check if the Hostinfo of the node has changed.
// If it has changed, check if there has been a change to
// the routable IPs of the host and update update them in
// the database. Then send a Changed update
// (containing the whole node object) to peers to inform about
// the route change.
// If the hostinfo has changed, but not the routes, just update
// hostinfo and let the function continue.
if routesChanged {
var err error
_, err = m.h.db.SaveNodeRoutes(m.node)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Error processing node routes")
http.Error(m.w, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
if m.h.ACLPolicy != nil {
// update routes with peer information
err := m.h.db.EnableAutoApprovedRoutes(m.h.ACLPolicy, m.node)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Error running auto approved routes")
// Send an update to the node itself with to ensure it
// has an updated packetfilter allowing the new route
// if it is defined in the ACL.
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-nodeupdate-self-hostinfochange", m.node.Hostname)
Type: types.StateSelfUpdate,
ChangeNodes: []types.NodeID{m.node.ID},
if err := m.h.db.DB.Save(m.node).Error; err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Failed to persist/update node in the database")
http.Error(m.w, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-nodeupdate-peers-patch", m.node.Hostname)
Type: types.StatePeerChanged,
ChangeNodes: []types.NodeID{m.node.ID},
Message: "called from handlePoll -> update",
// handleSaveNode saves node updates in the maprequest _streaming_
// path and is mostly the same code as in handleEndpointUpdate.
// It is not attempted to be deduplicated since it will go away
// when we stop supporting older than 68 which removes updates
// when the node is streaming.
func (m *mapSession) handleSaveNode() error {
m.tracef("saving node update from stream session")
change := m.node.PeerChangeFromMapRequest(m.req)
// A stream is being set up, the node is Online
online := true
change.Online = &online
sendUpdate, routesChanged := hostInfoChanged(m.node.Hostinfo, m.req.Hostinfo)
m.node.Hostinfo = m.req.Hostinfo
// If there is no changes and nothing to save,
// return early.
if peerChangeEmpty(change) || !sendUpdate {
return nil
// Check if the Hostinfo of the node has changed.
// If it has changed, check if there has been a change to
// the routable IPs of the host and update update them in
// the database. Then send a Changed update
// (containing the whole node object) to peers to inform about
// the route change.
// If the hostinfo has changed, but not the routes, just update
// hostinfo and let the function continue.
if routesChanged {
var err error
_, err = m.h.db.SaveNodeRoutes(m.node)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.h.ACLPolicy != nil {
// update routes with peer information
err := m.h.db.EnableAutoApprovedRoutes(m.h.ACLPolicy, m.node)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := m.h.db.DB.Save(m.node).Error; err != nil {
return err
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "pre-68-update-while-stream", m.node.Hostname)
Type: types.StatePeerChanged,
ChangeNodes: []types.NodeID{m.node.ID},
Message: "called from handlePoll -> pre-68-update-while-stream",
return nil
func (m *mapSession) handleReadOnlyRequest() {
m.tracef("Client asked for a lite update, responding without peers")
mapResp, err := m.mapper.ReadOnlyMapResponse(m.req, m.node, m.h.ACLPolicy)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Failed to create MapResponse")
http.Error(m.w, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
m.w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
_, err = m.w.Write(mapResp)
if err != nil {
m.errf(err, "Failed to write response")
func logTracePeerChange(hostname string, hostinfoChange bool, change *tailcfg.PeerChange) {
trace := log.Trace().Uint64("node.id", uint64(change.NodeID)).Str("hostname", hostname)
if change.Key != nil {
trace = trace.Str("node_key", change.Key.ShortString())
if change.DiscoKey != nil {
trace = trace.Str("disco_key", change.DiscoKey.ShortString())
if change.Online != nil {
trace = trace.Bool("online", *change.Online)
if change.Endpoints != nil {
eps := make([]string, len(change.Endpoints))
for idx, ep := range change.Endpoints {
eps[idx] = ep.String()
trace = trace.Strs("endpoints", eps)
if hostinfoChange {
trace = trace.Bool("hostinfo_changed", hostinfoChange)
if change.DERPRegion != 0 {
trace = trace.Int("derp_region", change.DERPRegion)
trace.Time("last_seen", *change.LastSeen).Msg("PeerChange received")
func peerChangeEmpty(chng tailcfg.PeerChange) bool {
return chng.Key == nil &&
chng.DiscoKey == nil &&
chng.Online == nil &&
chng.Endpoints == nil &&
chng.DERPRegion == 0 &&
chng.LastSeen == nil &&
chng.KeyExpiry == nil
func logPollFunc(
mapRequest tailcfg.MapRequest,
node *types.Node,
) (func(string, ...any), func(string, ...any), func(string, ...any), func(error, string, ...any)) {
return func(msg string, a ...any) {
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Uint64("node.id", node.ID.Uint64()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
Msgf(msg, a...)
func(msg string, a ...any) {
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Uint64("node.id", node.ID.Uint64()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
Msgf(msg, a...)
func(msg string, a ...any) {
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Uint64("node.id", node.ID.Uint64()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
Msgf(msg, a...)
func(err error, msg string, a ...any) {
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Uint64("node.id", node.ID.Uint64()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
Msgf(msg, a...)
// hostInfoChanged reports if hostInfo has changed in two ways,
// - first bool reports if an update needs to be sent to nodes
// - second reports if there has been changes to routes
// the caller can then use this info to save and update nodes
// and routes as needed.
func hostInfoChanged(old, new *tailcfg.Hostinfo) (bool, bool) {
if old.Equal(new) {
return false, false
// Routes
oldRoutes := old.RoutableIPs
newRoutes := new.RoutableIPs
sort.Slice(oldRoutes, func(i, j int) bool {
return comparePrefix(oldRoutes[i], oldRoutes[j]) > 0
sort.Slice(newRoutes, func(i, j int) bool {
return comparePrefix(newRoutes[i], newRoutes[j]) > 0
if !xslices.Equal(oldRoutes, newRoutes) {
return true, true
// Services is mostly useful for discovery and not critical,
// except for peerapi, which is how nodes talk to eachother.
// If peerapi was not part of the initial mapresponse, we
// need to make sure its sent out later as it is needed for
// Taildrop.
// TODO(kradalby): Length comparison is a bit naive, replace.
if len(old.Services) != len(new.Services) {
return true, false
return false, false
// TODO(kradalby): Remove after go 1.23, will be in stdlib.
// Compare returns an integer comparing two prefixes.
// The result will be 0 if p == p2, -1 if p < p2, and +1 if p > p2.
// Prefixes sort first by validity (invalid before valid), then
// address family (IPv4 before IPv6), then prefix length, then
// address.
func comparePrefix(p, p2 netip.Prefix) int {
if c := cmp.Compare(p.Addr().BitLen(), p2.Addr().BitLen()); c != 0 {
return c
if c := cmp.Compare(p.Bits(), p2.Bits()); c != 0 {
return c
return p.Addr().Compare(p2.Addr())