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synced 2024-12-27 22:55:52 -05:00
This commits removes the locks used to guard data integrity for the database and replaces them with Transactions, turns out that SQL had a way to deal with this all along. This reduces the complexity we had with multiple locks that might stack or recurse (database, nofitifer, mapper). All notifications and state updates are now triggered _after_ a database change. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
653 lines
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653 lines
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package hscontrol
import (
xslices "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
const (
keepAliveInterval = 60 * time.Second
type contextKey string
const nodeNameContextKey = contextKey("nodeName")
type UpdateNode func()
func logPollFunc(
mapRequest tailcfg.MapRequest,
node *types.Node,
) (func(string), func(error, string)) {
return func(msg string) {
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Str("node_key", node.NodeKey.ShortString()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
func(err error, msg string) {
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Str("node_key", node.NodeKey.ShortString()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
// handlePoll ensures the node gets the appropriate updates from either
// polling or immediate responses.
func (h *Headscale) handlePoll(
writer http.ResponseWriter,
ctx context.Context,
node *types.Node,
mapRequest tailcfg.MapRequest,
) {
logInfo, logErr := logPollFunc(mapRequest, node)
// This is the mechanism where the node gives us information about its
// current configuration.
// If OmitPeers is true, Stream is false, and ReadOnly is false,
// then te server will let clients update their endpoints without
// breaking existing long-polling (Stream == true) connections.
// In this case, the server can omit the entire response; the client
// only checks the HTTP response status code.
// TODO(kradalby): remove ReadOnly when we only support capVer 68+
if mapRequest.OmitPeers && !mapRequest.Stream && !mapRequest.ReadOnly {
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Str("node_key", node.NodeKey.ShortString()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
Int("cap_ver", int(mapRequest.Version)).
Msg("Received update")
change := node.PeerChangeFromMapRequest(mapRequest)
online := h.nodeNotifier.IsConnected(node.MachineKey)
change.Online = &online
hostInfoChange := node.Hostinfo.Equal(mapRequest.Hostinfo)
logTracePeerChange(node.Hostname, hostInfoChange, &change)
// Check if the Hostinfo of the node has changed.
// If it has changed, check if there has been a change tod
// the routable IPs of the host and update update them in
// the database. Then send a Changed update
// (containing the whole node object) to peers to inform about
// the route change.
// If the hostinfo has changed, but not the routes, just update
// hostinfo and let the function continue.
if !hostInfoChange {
oldRoutes := node.Hostinfo.RoutableIPs
newRoutes := mapRequest.Hostinfo.RoutableIPs
oldServicesCount := len(node.Hostinfo.Services)
newServicesCount := len(mapRequest.Hostinfo.Services)
node.Hostinfo = mapRequest.Hostinfo
sendUpdate := false
// Route changes come as part of Hostinfo, which means that
// when an update comes, the Node Route logic need to run.
// This will require a "change" in comparison to a "patch",
// which is more costly.
if !xslices.Equal(oldRoutes, newRoutes) {
var err error
sendUpdate, err = h.db.SaveNodeRoutes(node)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Error processing node routes")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
if h.ACLPolicy != nil {
// update routes with peer information
update, err := h.db.EnableAutoApprovedRoutes(h.ACLPolicy, node)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Error running auto approved routes")
if update != nil {
sendUpdate = true
// Services is mostly useful for discovery and not critical,
// except for peerapi, which is how nodes talk to eachother.
// If peerapi was not part of the initial mapresponse, we
// need to make sure its sent out later as it is needed for
// Taildrop.
// TODO(kradalby): Length comparison is a bit naive, replace.
if oldServicesCount != newServicesCount {
sendUpdate = true
if sendUpdate {
if err := h.db.DB.Save(node).Error; err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to persist/update node in the database")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Send an update to all peers to propagate the new routes
// available.
stateUpdate := types.StateUpdate{
Type: types.StatePeerChanged,
ChangeNodes: types.Nodes{node},
Message: "called from handlePoll -> update -> new hostinfo",
if stateUpdate.Valid() {
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-nodeupdate-peers-hostinfochange", node.Hostname)
// Send an update to the node itself with to ensure it
// has an updated packetfilter allowing the new route
// if it is defined in the ACL.
selfUpdate := types.StateUpdate{
Type: types.StateSelfUpdate,
ChangeNodes: types.Nodes{node},
if selfUpdate.Valid() {
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-nodeupdate-self-hostinfochange", node.Hostname)
if err := h.db.DB.Save(node).Error; err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to persist/update node in the database")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
stateUpdate := types.StateUpdate{
Type: types.StatePeerChangedPatch,
ChangePatches: []*tailcfg.PeerChange{&change},
if stateUpdate.Valid() {
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-nodeupdate-peers-patch", node.Hostname)
if f, ok := writer.(http.Flusher); ok {
} else if mapRequest.OmitPeers && !mapRequest.Stream && mapRequest.ReadOnly {
// ReadOnly is whether the client just wants to fetch the
// MapResponse, without updating their Endpoints. The
// Endpoints field will be ignored and LastSeen will not be
// updated and peers will not be notified of changes.
// The intended use is for clients to discover the DERP map at
// start-up before their first real endpoint update.
} else if mapRequest.OmitPeers && !mapRequest.Stream && mapRequest.ReadOnly {
h.handleLiteRequest(writer, node, mapRequest)
} else if mapRequest.OmitPeers && mapRequest.Stream {
logErr(nil, "Ignoring request, don't know how to handle it")
change := node.PeerChangeFromMapRequest(mapRequest)
// A stream is being set up, the node is Online
online := true
change.Online = &online
// Only save HostInfo if changed, update routes if changed
// TODO(kradalby): Remove when capver is over 68
if !node.Hostinfo.Equal(mapRequest.Hostinfo) {
oldRoutes := node.Hostinfo.RoutableIPs
newRoutes := mapRequest.Hostinfo.RoutableIPs
node.Hostinfo = mapRequest.Hostinfo
if !xslices.Equal(oldRoutes, newRoutes) {
_, err := h.db.SaveNodeRoutes(node)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Error processing node routes")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
if err := h.db.DB.Save(node).Error; err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to persist/update node in the database")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// When a node connects to control, list the peers it has at
// that given point, further updates are kept in memory in
// the Mapper, which lives for the duration of the polling
// session.
peers, err := h.db.ListPeers(node)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to list peers when opening poller")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
for _, peer := range peers {
online := h.nodeNotifier.IsConnected(peer.MachineKey)
peer.IsOnline = &online
mapp := mapper.NewMapper(
// update ACLRules with peer informations (to update server tags if necessary)
if h.ACLPolicy != nil {
// update routes with peer information
// This state update is ignored as it will be sent
// as part of the whole node
// TODO(kradalby): figure out if that is actually correct
_, err = h.db.EnableAutoApprovedRoutes(h.ACLPolicy, node)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Error running auto approved routes")
logInfo("Sending initial map")
mapResp, err := mapp.FullMapResponse(mapRequest, node, h.ACLPolicy)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to create MapResponse")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Send the client an update to make sure we send an initial mapresponse
_, err = writer.Write(mapResp)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Could not write the map response")
if flusher, ok := writer.(http.Flusher); ok {
} else {
stateUpdate := types.StateUpdate{
Type: types.StatePeerChanged,
ChangeNodes: types.Nodes{node},
Message: "called from handlePoll -> new node added",
if stateUpdate.Valid() {
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-newnode-peers", node.Hostname)
if len(node.Routes) > 0 {
go h.pollFailoverRoutes(logErr, "new node", node)
// Set up the client stream
defer h.pollNetMapStreamWG.Done()
// Use a buffered channel in case a node is not fully ready
// to receive a message to make sure we dont block the entire
// notifier.
// 12 is arbitrarily chosen.
updateChan := make(chan types.StateUpdate, 12)
defer closeChanWithLog(updateChan, node.Hostname, "updateChan")
// Register the node's update channel
h.nodeNotifier.AddNode(node.MachineKey, updateChan)
defer h.nodeNotifier.RemoveNode(node.MachineKey)
keepAliveTicker := time.NewTicker(keepAliveInterval)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.WithValue(ctx, nodeNameContextKey, node.Hostname))
defer cancel()
for {
logInfo("Waiting for update on stream channel")
select {
case <-keepAliveTicker.C:
data, err := mapp.KeepAliveResponse(mapRequest, node)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Error generating the keep alive msg")
_, err = writer.Write(data)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Cannot write keep alive message")
if flusher, ok := writer.(http.Flusher); ok {
} else {
log.Error().Msg("Failed to create http flusher")
// This goroutine is not ideal, but we have a potential issue here
// where it blocks too long and that holds up updates.
// One alternative is to split these different channels into
// goroutines, but then you might have a problem without a lock
// if a keepalive is written at the same time as an update.
go h.updateNodeOnlineStatus(true, node)
case update := <-updateChan:
logInfo("Received update")
now := time.Now()
var data []byte
var err error
// Ensure the node object is updated, for example, there
// might have been a hostinfo update in a sidechannel
// which contains data needed to generate a map response.
node, err = h.db.GetNodeByMachineKey(node.MachineKey)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Could not get machine from db")
startMapResp := time.Now()
switch update.Type {
case types.StateFullUpdate:
logInfo("Sending Full MapResponse")
data, err = mapp.FullMapResponse(mapRequest, node, h.ACLPolicy)
case types.StatePeerChanged:
logInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Sending Changed MapResponse: %s", update.Message))
isConnectedMap := h.nodeNotifier.ConnectedMap()
for _, node := range update.ChangeNodes {
// If a node is not reported to be online, it might be
// because the value is outdated, check with the notifier.
// However, if it is set to Online, and not in the notifier,
// this might be because it has announced itself, but not
// reached the stage to actually create the notifier channel.
if node.IsOnline != nil && !*node.IsOnline {
isOnline := isConnectedMap[node.MachineKey]
node.IsOnline = &isOnline
data, err = mapp.PeerChangedResponse(mapRequest, node, update.ChangeNodes, h.ACLPolicy, update.Message)
case types.StatePeerChangedPatch:
logInfo("Sending PeerChangedPatch MapResponse")
data, err = mapp.PeerChangedPatchResponse(mapRequest, node, update.ChangePatches, h.ACLPolicy)
case types.StatePeerRemoved:
logInfo("Sending PeerRemoved MapResponse")
data, err = mapp.PeerRemovedResponse(mapRequest, node, update.Removed)
case types.StateSelfUpdate:
if len(update.ChangeNodes) == 1 {
logInfo("Sending SelfUpdate MapResponse")
node = update.ChangeNodes[0]
data, err = mapp.LiteMapResponse(mapRequest, node, h.ACLPolicy, types.SelfUpdateIdentifier)
} else {
logInfo("SelfUpdate contained too many nodes, this is likely a bug in the code, please report.")
case types.StateDERPUpdated:
logInfo("Sending DERPUpdate MapResponse")
data, err = mapp.DERPMapResponse(mapRequest, node, update.DERPMap)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Could not get the create map update")
log.Trace().Str("node", node.Hostname).TimeDiff("timeSpent", time.Now(), startMapResp).Str("mkey", node.MachineKey.String()).Int("type", int(update.Type)).Msg("finished making map response")
// Only send update if there is change
if data != nil {
startWrite := time.Now()
_, err = writer.Write(data)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Could not write the map response")
updateRequestsSentToNode.WithLabelValues(node.User.Name, node.Hostname, "failed").
if flusher, ok := writer.(http.Flusher); ok {
} else {
log.Error().Msg("Failed to create http flusher")
log.Trace().Str("node", node.Hostname).TimeDiff("timeSpent", time.Now(), startWrite).Str("mkey", node.MachineKey.String()).Int("type", int(update.Type)).Msg("finished writing mapresp to node")
Bool("readOnly", mapRequest.ReadOnly).
Bool("omitPeers", mapRequest.OmitPeers).
Bool("stream", mapRequest.Stream).
Str("node_key", node.NodeKey.ShortString()).
Str("machine_key", node.MachineKey.ShortString()).
Str("node", node.Hostname).
TimeDiff("timeSpent", time.Now(), now).
Msg("update sent")
case <-ctx.Done():
logInfo("The client has closed the connection")
go h.updateNodeOnlineStatus(false, node)
// Failover the node's routes if any.
go h.pollFailoverRoutes(logErr, "node closing connection", node)
// The connection has been closed, so we can stop polling.
case <-h.shutdownChan:
logInfo("The long-poll handler is shutting down")
func (h *Headscale) pollFailoverRoutes(logErr func(error, string), where string, node *types.Node) {
update, err := db.Write(h.db.DB, func(tx *gorm.DB) (*types.StateUpdate, error) {
return db.EnsureFailoverRouteIsAvailable(tx, h.nodeNotifier.ConnectedMap(), node)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to ensure failover routes, %s", where))
if update != nil && !update.Empty() && update.Valid() {
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf("poll-%s-routes-ensurefailover", strings.ReplaceAll(where, " ", "-")), node.Hostname)
h.nodeNotifier.NotifyWithIgnore(ctx, *update, node.MachineKey.String())
// updateNodeOnlineStatus records the last seen status of a node and notifies peers
// about change in their online/offline status.
// It takes a StateUpdateType of either StatePeerOnlineChanged or StatePeerOfflineChanged.
func (h *Headscale) updateNodeOnlineStatus(online bool, node *types.Node) {
now := time.Now()
node.LastSeen = &now
statusUpdate := types.StateUpdate{
Type: types.StatePeerChangedPatch,
ChangePatches: []*tailcfg.PeerChange{
NodeID: tailcfg.NodeID(node.ID),
Online: &online,
LastSeen: &now,
if statusUpdate.Valid() {
ctx := types.NotifyCtx(context.Background(), "poll-nodeupdate-onlinestatus", node.Hostname)
h.nodeNotifier.NotifyWithIgnore(ctx, statusUpdate, node.MachineKey.String())
err := h.db.DB.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
return db.UpdateLastSeen(tx, node.ID, *node.LastSeen)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Cannot update node LastSeen")
func closeChanWithLog[C chan []byte | chan struct{} | chan types.StateUpdate](channel C, node, name string) {
Str("handler", "PollNetMap").
Str("node", node).
Str("channel", "Done").
Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Closing %s channel", name))
func (h *Headscale) handleLiteRequest(
writer http.ResponseWriter,
node *types.Node,
mapRequest tailcfg.MapRequest,
) {
logInfo, logErr := logPollFunc(mapRequest, node)
mapp := mapper.NewMapper(
logInfo("Client asked for a lite update, responding without peers")
mapResp, err := mapp.LiteMapResponse(mapRequest, node, h.ACLPolicy)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to create MapResponse")
http.Error(writer, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
_, err = writer.Write(mapResp)
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to write response")
func logTracePeerChange(hostname string, hostinfoChange bool, change *tailcfg.PeerChange) {
trace := log.Trace().Str("node_id", change.NodeID.String()).Str("hostname", hostname)
if change.Key != nil {
trace = trace.Str("node_key", change.Key.ShortString())
if change.DiscoKey != nil {
trace = trace.Str("disco_key", change.DiscoKey.ShortString())
if change.Online != nil {
trace = trace.Bool("online", *change.Online)
if change.Endpoints != nil {
eps := make([]string, len(change.Endpoints))
for idx, ep := range change.Endpoints {
eps[idx] = ep.String()
trace = trace.Strs("endpoints", eps)
if hostinfoChange {
trace = trace.Bool("hostinfo_changed", hostinfoChange)
if change.DERPRegion != 0 {
trace = trace.Int("derp_region", change.DERPRegion)
trace.Time("last_seen", *change.LastSeen).Msg("PeerChange received")