package main //go:generate go run ./main.go import ( "bytes" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "text/template" ) var ( jobFileNameTemplate = `test-integration-v2-%s.yaml` jobTemplate = template.Must( template.New("jobTemplate"). Parse(`# DO NOT EDIT, generated with cmd/gh-action-integration-generator/main.go # To regenerate, run "go generate" in cmd/gh-action-integration-generator/ name: Integration Test v2 - {{.Name}} on: [pull_request] concurrency: group: {{ "${{ github.workflow }}-$${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}" }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 2 - name: Get changed files id: changed-files uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v34 with: files: | *.nix go.* **/*.go integration_test/ config-example.yaml - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v18 if: {{ "${{ env.ACT }}" }} || steps.changed-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true' - name: Run general integration tests if: steps.changed-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true' run: | nix develop --command -- docker run \ --tty --rm \ --volume ~/.cache/hs-integration-go:/go \ --name headscale-test-suite \ --volume $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD/integration \ --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --volume $PWD/control_logs:/tmp/control \ golang:1 \ go test ./... \ -tags ts2019 \ -failfast \ -timeout 120m \ -parallel 1 \ -run "^{{.Name}}$" - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 if: always() && steps.changed-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true' with: name: logs path: "control_logs/*.log" `), ) ) const workflowFilePerm = 0o600 func findTests() []string { rgBin, err := exec.LookPath("rg") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to find rg (ripgrep) binary") } args := []string{ "--regexp", "func (Test.+)\\(.*", "../../integration/", "--replace", "$1", "--sort", "path", "--no-line-number", "--no-filename", "--no-heading", } log.Printf("executing: %s %s", rgBin, strings.Join(args, " ")) ripgrep := exec.Command( rgBin, args..., ) result, err := ripgrep.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Printf("out: %s", result) log.Fatalf("failed to run ripgrep: %s", err) } tests := strings.Split(string(result), "\n") tests = tests[:len(tests)-1] return tests } func main() { type testConfig struct { Name string } tests := findTests() for _, test := range tests { log.Printf("generating workflow for %s", test) var content bytes.Buffer if err := jobTemplate.Execute(&content, testConfig{ Name: test, }); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to render template: %s", err) } path := "../../.github/workflows/" + fmt.Sprintf(jobFileNameTemplate, test) err := os.WriteFile(path, content.Bytes(), workflowFilePerm) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to write github job: %s", err) } } }