package hscontrol

import (

const prometheusNamespace = "headscale"

var (
	// This is a high cardinality metric (user x node), we might want to make this
	// configurable/opt-in in the future.
	nodeRegistrations = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
		Namespace: prometheusNamespace,
		Name:      "node_registrations_total",
		Help:      "The total amount of registered node attempts",
	}, []string{"action", "auth", "status", "user"})

	updateRequestsSentToNode = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
		Namespace: prometheusNamespace,
		Name:      "update_request_sent_to_node_total",
		Help:      "The number of calls/messages issued on a specific nodes update channel",
	}, []string{"user", "node", "status"})
	// TODO(kradalby): This is very debugging, we might want to remove it.