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1. Compile Enviroment
My build envrioment is CentOS 7.8 x86_64. So here I first explain how to create the build environment from scratch.
Because Ventoy is based on many open source projects, so the envrioment is important. I suggest you test it on a virtual machine first.
1.1 Install CentOS 7.8
I use CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-2003.iso and select Minimal install
1.2 Install Packages
yum install \
libXpm net-tools bzip2 wget vim gcc gcc-c++ samba dos2unix glibc-devel glibc.i686 glibc-devel.i686 \
mpfr.i686 mpfr-devel.i686 zlib.i686 rsync autogen autoconf automake libtool gettext* bison binutils \
flex device-mapper-devel SDL libpciaccess libusb freetype freetype-devel gnu-free-* qemu-* virt-* \
libvirt* vte* NetworkManager-bluetooth brlapi fuse-devel dejavu* gnu-efi* pesign shim \
iscsi-initiator-utils grub2-tools zip nasm acpica-tools glibc-static zlib-static
2. Download Source Code
2.1 Download Ventoy source code from github and decompress it.
Next I assume that you have unzipped the code into the /home directory (check /home/Ventoy-master/README.md file for the directory level).
2.2 Download third-part source code
https://www.fefe.de/dietlibc/dietlibc-0.34.tar.xz ===> /home/Ventoy-master/DOC/dietlibc-0.34.tar.xz
https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/grub/grub-2.04.tar.xz ===> /home/Ventoy-master/GRUB2/grub-2.04.tar.xz
https://codeload.github.com/tianocore/edk2/zip/edk2-stable201911 ===> /home/Ventoy-master/EDK2/edk2-edk2-stable201911.zip
https://codeload.github.com/relan/exfat/zip/v1.3.0 ===> /home/Ventoy-master/ExFAT/exfat-1.3.0.zip
https://codeload.github.com/libfuse/libfuse/zip/fuse-2.9.9 ===> /home/Ventoy-master/ExFAT/libfuse-fuse-2.9.9.zip
3. All in one script
I have made the whole build process in all_in_one.sh, you can run this script to build and pack ventoy.
If you want to compile a certain part separately, you can continue to refer to the later chapters of this text.
cd /home/Ventoy-master/INSTALL
sh all_in_one.sh
It should be noted that, some part of Ventoy has 32bit&64bit version (like 4.9 4.10 4.11 follows)
all_in_one.sh only build 64bit version of them, if you want to rebuild the 32bit verison. You should create a 32bit CentOS environment and build them.
Fortunately these parts are few modified, you only need to build once or you can directly use the binary I have built.
Besides, after a fully compile and pack, you can only build the part you modified (for example grub2) and run ventoy_pack.sh to generate the package.
4. Build every part of Ventoy
4.1 == Build grub2 ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/GRUB2
sh buildgrub.sh
4.2 == Build ipxe.krn ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/IPXE
sh buildipxe.sh
4.3 == Build Ventoy2Disk.exe ==
Ventoy2Disk.exe is the installer in Windows platform. And it must be built in Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio (2013+).
Open /home/Ventoy-master/Ventoy2Disk/Ventoy2Disk.sln with Visual Studio and build it.
4.4 == Build vtoyjump64.exe/vtoyjump32.exe ==
vtoyjump64.exe/vtoyjump32.exe is used to mount iso file in windows PE. You should install Microsoft Visual Studio (2013+) to build it.
Open /home/Ventoy-master/vtoyjump/vtoyjump.sln with Visual Studio and build it (64&32).
4.5 == Build dmsetup ==
Please refer to DMSETUP/build.txt
4.6 == Build ventoy_x64.efi ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/EDK2
sh buildedk.sh
4.7 == Build VtoyTool ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/VtoyTool
sh build.sh
4.8 == Build vtoyfat ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/vtoyfat/fat_io_lib
sh buildlib.sh
cd /home/Ventoy-master/vtoyfat
sh build.sh
4.9 == Build exfat-util ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/ExFAT
sh buidlibfuse.sh
sh buidexfat.sh
After that, copy EXFAT/shared/mkexfatfs ===> /home/Ventoy-master/INSTALL/tool/mkexfatfs_64
After that, copy EXFAT/shared/mount.exfat-fuse ===> /home/Ventoy-master/INSTALL/tool/mount.exfat-fuse_64
Use the same build step to build exfat-util 32bit in a 32bit CentOS system and get mkexfatfs_32 and mount.exfat-fuse_32
4.10 == Build vtoy_fuse_iso_64/vtoy_fuse_iso_32 ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/FUSEISO
sh build_libfuse.sh
sh build.sh
Use the same build step to build in a 32bit CentOS system and get vtoy_fuse_iso_32
4.11 == Build unsquashfs_64/unsquashfs_32 ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/SQUASHFS/SRC
sh build_lz4.sh
sh build_lzma.sh
sh build_lzo.sh
sh build_zstd.sh
cd /home/Ventoy-master/SQUASHFS/squashfs-tools-4.4/squashfs-tools
sh build.sh
Use the same build step to build in a 32bit CentOS system and get unsquashfs_32
4.12 == Build vblade_64/vblade_32 ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/VBLADE/vblade-master
sh build.sh
4.13 == Build zstdcat ==
Please refer to ZSTD/build.txt
4.14 == Build vtoy_gen_uuid ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/GenUUID
sh build.sh
4.15 == Build xzminidec32 ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/Ventoy2Disk/Ventoy2Disk/xz-embedded-20130513/userspace
make -f ventoy_makefile
strip --strip-all xzminidec
4.16 == Build xzminidec64 ==
cd /home/Ventoy-master/Ventoy2Disk/Ventoy2Disk/xz-embedded-20130513/userspace
make -f ventoy_makefile64
strip --strip-all xzminidec
4.17 == Build iso9660_x64.efi ==
This efi driver is from https://github.com/pbatard/efifs
Follow all the build instructions in this project. I modified 3 files (the original and modified source are at /home/Ventoy-master/EDK2/efiffs)
4.18 IMG/cpio/ventoy/busybox/64h
use BUSYBOX/64h.config and uclibc to build busybox-1.32
4.19 == Build lunzip32/lunzip64 ==
./configure --disable-nls CC='diet gcc -nostdinc'
strip --strip-all lunzip
5. Binaries
There some binaries in Ventoy install package. These files are downloaded from other open source project's website, such as busybox.
Here is the list of the binaries, their SHA-256 and the download urls:
5.1 IMG/cpio/ventoy/tool/lz4cat
https://create.stephan-brumme.com/smallz4 smallz4cat-x32-v1.4
SHA-256: 13d293ddeedb469f51da41167f79b2cbdb904e681716f6e6191b233dbb162438
5.2 IMG/cpio/ventoy/tool/ar
https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.30.0-i686 busybox_AR
SHA-256: f29b7d81a983c0c85d22496f4a833c18f2528a1b666eb7d47c93084c1ed66ae0
5.3 IMG/cpio/ventoy/tool/inotifyd
https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.30.0-i686 busybox_INOTIFYD
SHA-256: 3532162a8695e91a1ed9ddea28b2cb22259a90e93d5d9c4a517b6c36842c686f
5.4 IMG/cpio/ventoy/busybox/ash
https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.27.1-i686 busybox_ASH
SHA-256: 44a6274bca580c2758ffc173fc76d18bb855b1fe8dcf70efd9ee75cbd57dee97
5.5 IMG/cpio/ventoy/busybox/tmpxz
https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.27.1-i686 busybox_XZ
SHA-256: f6cdb6293680424c29b89bde0685ca27f455166c9b302cd6082ef90681456291
5.6 INSTALL/tool/xzcat
https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.30.0-i686/ busybox_XZCAT
SHA-256: 7399db642c2beaf52a16ab5264ffc55cfd1ff5699a524f63e5d48edf84e20f44
5.7 INSTALL/tool/hexdump
https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.30.0-i686/ busybox_HEXDUMP
SHA-256: cde08b6a2cf5ad914f05203e18e3f7c2ed6060a63604e3d75536f19b55e8e0af
5.8 imdisk
download http://www.ltr-data.se/files/imdiskinst.exe and extract it by 7zip.
INSTALL/ventoy/imdisk/64/imdisk.sys --> sys/amd64/imdisk.sys SHA-256: 6702202220268787e361f5a82dae53362c8e6c6dcd240bb01b44dd77ae0788da
INSTALL/ventoy/imdisk/64/imdisk.exe --> cli/amd64/imdisk.exe SHA-256: 9759175380af836869443e5f21ce2e33022125d154bc6b3d1c04dc36b190de04
INSTALL/ventoy/imdisk/64/imdisk.cpl --> cpl/amd64/imdisk.cpl SHA-256: aea2ebbea2b073c947263744962af8a3eab025ff4c9d825c543e380e738a4c99
INSTALL/ventoy/imdisk/32/imdisk.sys --> sys/i386/imdisk.sys SHA-256: a94caec2f71a924d6a914c093ad4b905d7cfdea3f515ed48aaa8c3950b2dc191
INSTALL/ventoy/imdisk/32/imdisk.exe --> cli/i386/imdisk.exe SHA-256: 33b53858e2139704cf603b115a3e5e1dfd4daeaaed4d3e03c633f2df3b55dbaa
INSTALL/ventoy/imdisk/32/imdisk.cpl --> cpl/i386/imdisk.cpl SHA-256: b781d3e2d286ac8bf548f44e50cbbb3fe78203296e41e4d2e73b407668f88f2d
5.9 INSTALL/ventoy/memdisk
decompress it and memdisk is at syslinux-6.03/bios/memdisk/memdisk
SHA-256: 3f6cd656b8a14109cd3f906fee2dd2e75418f983a5e1bfdb64f44f7765588cbb
5.10 UEFIinSecureBoot
https://github.com/ValdikSS/Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk/releases Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk_minimal_v3.zip
unzip it and get Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk_minimal.img, extract the img by 7zip.
INSTALL/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI --> EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI SHA-256: 475552c7476ad45e42344eee8b30d44c264d200ac2468428aa86fc8795fb6e34
INSTALL/EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi --> EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi SHA-256: 25d858157349dc52fa70f3cdf5c62fe1e0bae37ddfc3a6b6528af9a3c745775f
INSTALL/EFI/BOOT/MokManager.efi --> EFI/BOOT/MokManager.efi SHA-256: 3bf1f46cee0832355c7dd1dba880dea9bcaa78cc44375a1559d43bc9db18933b
5.11 INSTALL/tool/ash
https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.31.0-i686-uclibc/ busybox_ASH
SHA-256: 2943f02f85fee0c9551aec47110a558a73f919c032b3c51e56d6f197b5ec4d7b
5.12 7za.exe
download from https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900-extra.7z
ISNTALL/ventoy/7z/64/7za.exe SHA-256: 8117e40ee7f824f63373a4f5625bb62749f69159d0c449b3ce2f35aad3b83549
ISNTALL/ventoy/7z/32/7za.exe SHA-256: ea308c76a2f927b160a143d94072b0dce232e04b751f0c6432a94e05164e716d