 * ventoy_define.h
 * Copyright (c) 2021, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef __VENTOY_DEFINE_H__
#define __VENTOY_DEFINE_H__

#define MAX_DISK_NUM    256

#define SIZE_1MB    1048576
#define SIZE_1GB    1073741824

#define VTOYIMG_PART_START_BYTES    (1024 * 1024)

#define VTOYEFI_PART_BYTES    (32 * 1024 * 1024)

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct vtoy_guid
    uint32_t   data1;
    uint16_t   data2;
    uint16_t   data3;
    uint8_t    data4[8];

typedef struct PART_TABLE
    uint8_t  Active; // 0x00  0x80

    uint8_t  StartHead;
    uint16_t StartSector : 6;
    uint16_t StartCylinder : 10;

    uint8_t  FsFlag;

    uint8_t  EndHead;
    uint16_t EndSector : 6;
    uint16_t EndCylinder : 10;

    uint32_t StartSectorId;
    uint32_t SectorCount;

typedef struct MBR_HEAD
    uint8_t BootCode[446];
    PART_TABLE PartTbl[4];
    uint8_t Byte55;
    uint8_t ByteAA;

typedef struct VTOY_GPT_HDR
    char     Signature[8]; /* EFI PART */
    uint8_t  Version[4];
    uint32_t Length;
    uint32_t Crc;
    uint8_t  Reserved1[4];
    uint64_t EfiStartLBA;
    uint64_t EfiBackupLBA;
    uint64_t PartAreaStartLBA;
    uint64_t PartAreaEndLBA;
    vtoy_guid   DiskGuid;
    uint64_t PartTblStartLBA;
    uint32_t PartTblTotNum;
    uint32_t PartTblEntryLen;
    uint32_t PartTblCrc;
    uint8_t  Reserved2[420];

typedef struct VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL
    vtoy_guid   PartType;
    vtoy_guid   PartGuid;
    uint64_t StartLBA;
    uint64_t LastLBA;
    uint64_t Attr;
    uint16_t Name[36];

typedef struct VTOY_GPT_INFO
    VTOY_GPT_HDR Head;
    VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL PartTbl[128];
#pragma pack()

#define MBR_PART_STYLE  0
#define GPT_PART_STYLE  1

typedef struct disk_ventoy_data
    int ventoy_valid;
    char ventoy_ver[32];  // 1.0.33 ...
    int  secure_boot_flag;
    uint64_t preserved_space;

    uint64_t part2_start_sector;

    int  partition_style; // MBR_PART_STYLE/GPT_PART_STYLE
    VTOY_GPT_INFO gptinfo;
    uint8_t rsvdata[4096];

typedef struct ventoy_disk
    char disk_name[32];   // sda
    char disk_path[64];   // /dev/sda

    char part1_name[32];   // sda1
    char part1_path[64];   // /dev/sda1
    char part2_name[32];   // sda2
    char part2_path[64];   // /dev/sda2

    char disk_model[256]; // Sandisk/Kingston ...
    char human_readable_size[32];

    int is4kn;
    int major;
    int minor;
    int type;
    int partstyle;
    uint64_t size_in_byte;

    disk_ventoy_data vtoydata;

#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct ventoy_guid
    uint32_t   data1;
    uint16_t   data2;
    uint16_t   data3;
    uint8_t    data4[8];
#pragma pack()

#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0

#define VLOG_LOG    1
#define VLOG_DEBUG  2

#define ulong unsigned long
#define _ll long long
#define _ull unsigned long long
#define strlcpy(dst, src) strncpy(dst, src, sizeof(dst) - 1)
#define scnprintf(dst, fmt, args...) snprintf(dst, sizeof(dst) - 1, fmt, ##args)

#define vlog(fmt, args...) ventoy_syslog(VLOG_LOG, fmt, ##args)
#define vdebug(fmt, args...) ventoy_syslog(VLOG_DEBUG, fmt, ##args)

void ventoy_syslog(int level, const char *Fmt, ...);
void ventoy_set_loglevel(int level);
uint32_t ventoy_crc32(void *Buffer, uint32_t Length);

static inline void * zalloc(size_t n)
    void *p = malloc(n);
    if (p) memset(p, 0, n);
    return p;

#endif /* __VENTOY_DEFINE_H__ */