/****************************************************************************** * Utility.c * * Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * */ #include #include "Ventoy2Disk.h" void Log(const char *Fmt, ...) { va_list Arg; int Len = 0; FILE *File = NULL; SYSTEMTIME Sys; char szBuf[1024]; GetLocalTime(&Sys); Len += safe_sprintf(szBuf, "[%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d] ", Sys.wYear, Sys.wMonth, Sys.wDay, Sys.wHour, Sys.wMinute, Sys.wSecond, Sys.wMilliseconds); va_start(Arg, Fmt); Len += vsnprintf_s(szBuf + Len, sizeof(szBuf)-Len, sizeof(szBuf)-Len, Fmt, Arg); va_end(Arg); //printf("%s\n", szBuf); #if 1 fopen_s(&File, VENTOY_FILE_LOG, "a+"); if (File) { fwrite(szBuf, 1, Len, File); fwrite("\n", 1, 1, File); fclose(File); } #endif } BOOL IsPathExist(BOOL Dir, const char *Fmt, ...) { va_list Arg; HANDLE hFile; DWORD Attr; CHAR FilePath[MAX_PATH]; va_start(Arg, Fmt); vsnprintf_s(FilePath, sizeof(FilePath), sizeof(FilePath), Fmt, Arg); va_end(Arg); hFile = CreateFileA(FilePath, FILE_READ_EA, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { return FALSE; } CloseHandle(hFile); Attr = GetFileAttributesA(FilePath); if (Dir) { if ((Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { return FALSE; } } else { if (Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } int ReadWholeFileToBuf(const CHAR *FileName, int ExtLen, void **Bufer, int *BufLen) { int FileSize; FILE *File = NULL; void *Data = NULL; fopen_s(&File, FileName, "rb"); if (File == NULL) { Log("Failed to open file %s", FileName); return 1; } fseek(File, 0, SEEK_END); FileSize = (int)ftell(File); Data = malloc(FileSize + ExtLen); if (!Data) { fclose(File); return 1; } fseek(File, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(Data, 1, FileSize, File); fclose(File); *Bufer = Data; *BufLen = FileSize; return 0; } const CHAR* GetLocalVentoyVersion(void) { int rc; int FileSize; CHAR *Pos = NULL; CHAR *Buf = NULL; static CHAR LocalVersion[64] = { 0 }; if (LocalVersion[0] == 0) { rc = ReadWholeFileToBuf(VENTOY_FILE_VERSION, 1, (void **)&Buf, &FileSize); if (rc) { return ""; } Buf[FileSize] = 0; for (Pos = Buf; *Pos; Pos++) { if (*Pos == '\r' || *Pos == '\n') { *Pos = 0; break; } } safe_sprintf(LocalVersion, "%s", Buf); free(Buf); } return LocalVersion; } const CHAR* ParseVentoyVersionFromString(CHAR *Buf) { CHAR *Pos = NULL; CHAR *End = NULL; static CHAR LocalVersion[64] = { 0 }; Pos = strstr(Buf, "VENTOY_VERSION="); if (Pos) { Pos += strlen("VENTOY_VERSION="); if (*Pos == '"') { Pos++; } End = Pos; while (*End != 0 && *End != '"' && *End != '\r' && *End != '\n') { End++; } *End = 0; safe_sprintf(LocalVersion, "%s", Pos); return LocalVersion; } return ""; } BOOL IsWow64(void) { typedef BOOL(WINAPI *LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS)(HANDLE, PBOOL); LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS fnIsWow64Process; BOOL bIsWow64 = FALSE; fnIsWow64Process = (LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("kernel32"), "IsWow64Process"); if (NULL != fnIsWow64Process) { fnIsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow64); } return bIsWow64; } void DumpWindowsVersion(void) { int Bit; BOOL WsVer; DWORD Major, Minor; ULONGLONG MajorEqual, MinorEqual; OSVERSIONINFOEXA Ver1, Ver2; const CHAR *Ver = NULL; CHAR WinVer[256] = { 0 }; memset(&Ver1, 0, sizeof(Ver1)); memset(&Ver2, 0, sizeof(Ver2)); Ver1.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Ver1); // suppress the C4996 warning for GetVersionExA #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4996) if (!GetVersionExA((OSVERSIONINFOA *)&Ver1)) { memset(&Ver1, 0, sizeof(Ver1)); Ver1.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); if (!GetVersionExA((OSVERSIONINFOA *)&Ver1)) { return; } } #pragma warning(pop) if (Ver1.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { if (Ver1.dwMajorVersion > 6 || (Ver1.dwMajorVersion == 6 && Ver1.dwMinorVersion >= 2)) { // GetVersionEx() has problem on some Windows version MajorEqual = VerSetConditionMask(0, VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL); for (Major = Ver1.dwMajorVersion; Major <= 9; Major++) { memset(&Ver2, 0, sizeof(Ver2)); Ver2.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Ver2); Ver2.dwMajorVersion = Major; if (!VerifyVersionInfoA(&Ver2, VER_MAJORVERSION, MajorEqual)) { continue; } if (Ver1.dwMajorVersion < Major) { Ver1.dwMajorVersion = Major; Ver1.dwMinorVersion = 0; } MinorEqual = VerSetConditionMask(0, VER_MINORVERSION, VER_EQUAL); for (Minor = Ver1.dwMinorVersion; Minor <= 9; Minor++) { memset(&Ver2, 0, sizeof(Ver2)); Ver2.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Ver2); Ver2.dwMinorVersion = Minor; if (!VerifyVersionInfoA(&Ver2, VER_MINORVERSION, MinorEqual)) { continue; } Ver1.dwMinorVersion = Minor; break; } break; } } if (Ver1.dwMajorVersion <= 0xF && Ver1.dwMinorVersion <= 0xF) { WsVer = (Ver1.wProductType <= VER_NT_WORKSTATION); switch ((Ver1.dwMajorVersion << 4) | Ver2.dwMinorVersion) { case 0x51: { Ver = "XP"; break; } case 0x52: { Ver = GetSystemMetrics(89) ? "Server 2003 R2" : "Server 2003"; break; } case 0x60: { Ver = WsVer ? "Vista" : "Server 2008"; break; } case 0x61: { Ver = WsVer ? "7" : "Server 2008 R2"; break; } case 0x62: { Ver = WsVer ? "8" : "Server 2012"; break; } case 0x63: { Ver = WsVer ? "8.1" : "Server 2012 R2"; break; } case 0x64: { Ver = WsVer ? "10 (Preview 1)" : "Server 10 (Preview 1)"; break; } case 0xA0: { Ver = WsVer ? "10" : ((Ver1.dwBuildNumber > 15000) ? "Server 2019" : "Server 2016"); break; } default: { Ver = "10 or later"; break; } } } } Bit = IsWow64() ? 64 : 32; if (Ver1.wServicePackMinor) { safe_sprintf(WinVer, "Windows %s SP%u.%u %d-bit", Ver, Ver1.wServicePackMajor, Ver1.wServicePackMinor, Bit); } else if (Ver1.wServicePackMajor) { safe_sprintf(WinVer, "Windows %s SP%u %d-bit", Ver, Ver1.wServicePackMajor, Bit); } else { safe_sprintf(WinVer, "Windows %s %d-bit", Ver, Bit); } if (((Ver1.dwMajorVersion << 4) | Ver2.dwMinorVersion) >= 0x62) { Log("Windows Version : %s (Build %u)", WinVer, Ver1.dwBuildNumber); } else { Log("Windows Version : %s", WinVer); } return; } BOOL IsVentoyLogicalDrive(CHAR DriveLetter) { int i; CONST CHAR *Files[] = { "EFI\\BOOT\\BOOTX64.EFI", "grub\\themes\\ventoy\\theme.txt", "ventoy\\ventoy.cpio", }; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Files) / sizeof(Files[0]); i++) { if (!IsFileExist("%C:\\%s", DriveLetter, Files[i])) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static int VentoyFillLocation(UINT64 DiskSizeInBytes, UINT32 StartSectorId, UINT32 SectorCount, PART_TABLE *Table) { BYTE Head; BYTE Sector; BYTE nSector = 63; BYTE nHead = 8; UINT32 Cylinder; UINT32 EndSectorId; while (nHead != 0 && (DiskSizeInBytes / 512 / nSector / nHead) > 1024) { nHead = (BYTE)nHead * 2; } if (nHead == 0) { nHead = 255; } Cylinder = StartSectorId / nSector / nHead; Head = StartSectorId / nSector % nHead; Sector = StartSectorId % nSector + 1; Table->StartHead = Head; Table->StartSector = Sector; Table->StartCylinder = Cylinder; EndSectorId = StartSectorId + SectorCount - 1; Cylinder = EndSectorId / nSector / nHead; Head = EndSectorId / nSector % nHead; Sector = EndSectorId % nSector + 1; Table->EndHead = Head; Table->EndSector = Sector; Table->EndCylinder = Cylinder; Table->StartSectorId = StartSectorId; Table->SectorCount = SectorCount; return 0; } int VentoyFillMBR(UINT64 DiskSizeBytes, MBR_HEAD *pMBR) { UINT32 DiskSectorCount; UINT32 PartSectorCount; UINT32 PartStartSector; VentoyGetLocalBootImg(pMBR); DiskSectorCount = (UINT32)(DiskSizeBytes / 512); //Part1 PartStartSector = VENTOY_PART1_START_SECTOR; PartSectorCount = DiskSectorCount - VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / 512 - PartStartSector; VentoyFillLocation(DiskSizeBytes, PartStartSector, PartSectorCount, pMBR->PartTbl); pMBR->PartTbl[0].Active = 0x00; pMBR->PartTbl[0].FsFlag = 0x07; // exFAT/NTFS/HPFS //Part2 PartStartSector += PartSectorCount; PartSectorCount = VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / 512; VentoyFillLocation(DiskSizeBytes, PartStartSector, PartSectorCount, pMBR->PartTbl + 1); pMBR->PartTbl[1].Active = 0x80; // bootable pMBR->PartTbl[1].FsFlag = 0xEF; // EFI System Partition pMBR->Byte55 = 0x55; pMBR->ByteAA = 0xAA; return 0; } CHAR GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter(void) { CHAR Letter = 'D'; DWORD Drives = GetLogicalDrives(); Drives >>= 3; while (Drives & 0x1) { Letter++; Drives >>= 1; } return Letter; } const CHAR * GetBusTypeString(STORAGE_BUS_TYPE Type) { switch (Type) { case BusTypeUnknown: return "unknown"; case BusTypeScsi: return "SCSI"; case BusTypeAtapi: return "Atapi"; case BusTypeAta: return "ATA"; case BusType1394: return "1394"; case BusTypeSsa: return "SSA"; case BusTypeFibre: return "Fibre"; case BusTypeUsb: return "USB"; case BusTypeRAID: return "RAID"; case BusTypeiScsi: return "iSCSI"; case BusTypeSas: return "SAS"; case BusTypeSata: return "SATA"; case BusTypeSd: return "SD"; case BusTypeMmc: return "MMC"; case BusTypeVirtual: return "Virtual"; case BusTypeFileBackedVirtual: return "FileBackedVirtual"; case BusTypeSpaces: return "Spaces"; case BusTypeNvme: return "Nvme"; } return "unknown"; } int VentoyGetLocalBootImg(MBR_HEAD *pMBR) { int Len = 0; BYTE *ImgBuf = NULL; static int Loaded = 0; static MBR_HEAD MBR; if (Loaded) { memcpy(pMBR, &MBR, 512); return 0; } if (0 == ReadWholeFileToBuf(VENTOY_FILE_BOOT_IMG, 0, (void **)&ImgBuf, &Len)) { Log("Copy boot img success"); memcpy(pMBR, ImgBuf, 512); free(ImgBuf); CoCreateGuid((GUID *)(pMBR->BootCode + 0x180)); memcpy(&MBR, pMBR, 512); Loaded = 1; return 0; } else { Log("Copy boot img failed"); return 1; } } int GetHumanReadableGBSize(UINT64 SizeBytes) { int i; int Pow2 = 1; double Delta; double GB = SizeBytes * 1.0 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (Pow2 > GB) { Delta = (Pow2 - GB) / Pow2; } else { Delta = (GB - Pow2) / Pow2; } if (Delta < 0.05) { return Pow2; } Pow2 <<= 1; } return (int)GB; } void TrimString(CHAR *String) { CHAR *Pos1 = String; CHAR *Pos2 = String; size_t Len = strlen(String); while (Len > 0) { if (String[Len - 1] != ' ' && String[Len - 1] != '\t') { break; } String[Len - 1] = 0; Len--; } while (*Pos1 == ' ' || *Pos1 == '\t') { Pos1++; } while (*Pos1) { *Pos2++ = *Pos1++; } *Pos2++ = 0; return; } int GetRegDwordValue(HKEY Key, LPCSTR SubKey, LPCSTR ValueName, DWORD *pValue) { HKEY hKey; DWORD Type; DWORD Size; LSTATUS lRet; DWORD Value; lRet = RegOpenKeyExA(Key, SubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); Log("RegOpenKeyExA <%s> Ret:%ld", SubKey, lRet); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { Size = sizeof(Value); lRet = RegQueryValueExA(hKey, ValueName, NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE)&Value, &Size); Log("RegQueryValueExA <%s> ret:%u Size:%u Value:%u", ValueName, lRet, Size, Value); *pValue = Value; RegCloseKey(hKey); return 0; } else { return 1; } } int GetPhysicalDriveCount(void) { DWORD Value; int Count = 0; if (GetRegDwordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\disk\\Enum", "Count", &Value) == 0) { Count = (int)Value; } Log("GetPhysicalDriveCount: %d", Count); return Count; }