Media Access API

int media_read(uint32 sector, uint8 *buffer, uint32 sector_count)

	Sector: 32-bit sector number
	Buffer: Target buffer to read n sectors of data into.
	Sector_count: Number of sectors to read.

	int, 1 = success, 0 = failure.

   Application/target specific disk/media read function.
   Sector number (sectors are usually 512 byte pages) to read.

Media Write API

int media_write(uint32 sector, uint8 *buffer, uint32 sector_count)

	Sector: 32-bit sector number
	Buffer: Target buffer to write n sectors of data from.
	Sector_count: Number of sectors to write.

	int, 1 = success, 0 = failure.

   Application/target specific disk/media write function.
   Sector number (sectors are usually 512 byte pages) to write to.

File IO Library Linkage
   Use the following API to attach the media IO functions to the File IO library.

   int fl_attach_media(fn_diskio_read rd, fn_diskio_write wr)