function ventoy_replace_slash(str) { var str1 = str.replace(/\\/g, '/'); var str2 = str1.replace(/\/\//g, '/'); return str2; } function ventoy_get_ulen(str) { var c, b = 0, l = str.length; while(l) { c = str.charCodeAt(--l); b += (c < 128) ? 1 : ((c < 2048) ? 2 : ((c < 65536) ? 3 : 4)); }; return b; } function ventoy_common_check_path(path) { if (path.indexOf('//') >= 0) { return false; } if (path.length <= g_current_dir.length) { return false; } if (path.substr(0, g_current_dir.length) != g_current_dir) { return false; } return true; } // 加载子页面内容 function loadContent(page) { $("#plugson-content").load(page + ".html?_=" + (new Date().getTime()), function() { $("body").scrollTop(0); }); } // 包装ajax请求 function callVtoyCatchErr(p1, p2, p3) { var url = '/vtoy/json'; var data = {}; var func = function(data) {}; var errfunc = function(xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {}; if (typeof(p1) === 'string') { url = p1; } else if (typeof(p1) === 'object') { data = p1; } if (typeof(p2) === 'object') { data = p2; 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} case 'abort': { break; } default: { break; } } } }, complete: function(data) { //vtoy.debug('callVtoyASyncTimeout\'s resp:\t' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }); } function callVtoySync(data, func) { //vtoy.debug('callVtoySync:\t\t\t' + JSON.stringify(data)); $.ajax({ url: '/vtoy/json', type: 'post', cache: false, dataType: 'json', async: false, data: JSON.stringify(data), success: function VtoyCallFuncWrapper(data) { if (data.result === 'busy') { var titlestr = ' ' + g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INFO + ''; var msgstr = ' ' + g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_WEB_SERVICE_BUSY + ''; Modal.alert({title:titlestr, msg:msgstr, btnok:g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_BTN_OK }); }else { func(data); } }, error: function(xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if(undefined === errorThrown) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_WEB_REMOTE_ABNORMAL); } else if(undefined === errorThrown.length) { } else if('' == errorThrown.trim()) { } else { switch(errorThrown) { case 'timeout': { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_WEB_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); break; } case 'Service Unavailable': { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_WEB_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); break; } case 'abort': { break; } default: { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_WEB_COMMUNICATION_ERR + errorThrown); break; } } } }, complete: function(data) { //vtoy.debug('callVtoySync\'s resp:\t' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }); } var vtoy = { baseurl : '', status: '', scan: { time: 3, ret: [] } } // String.prototype.endsWith = function(str) { if (str == null || str == "" || this.length == 0 || str.length > this.length) return false; if (this.substring(this.length - str.length) == str) return true; else return false; } window.Message = function() { var _showMsg = function(type, msg, time) { var o = {type : type, msg : msg }; if(time) { o.time = time; } _show(o); } var _show = function(options) { var ops = { msg : "提示内容", type: 'S', time: 3000 }; $.extend(ops, options); var msg_class = 'alert-success'; if('S' === ops.type || 's' === ops.type) { msg_class = 'alert-success'; } else if ('E' === ops.type || 'e' === ops.type) { msg_class = 'alert-danger'; 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Do you want to save it?", "STR_SAVE_SUCCESS": "Configuration successfully saved!", "STR_FILE_EXIST": "OK", "STR_FILE_NONEXIST": "Invalid", "STR_FILE_FUZZY": "Fuzzy", "STR_DIR_EXIST": "OK", "STR_DIR_NONEXIST": "Invalid", "STR_DUPLICATE_PATH": "Duplicate path", "STR_DELETE_CONFIRM": "Delete this item, Continue?", "STR_FILE_PATH": "File Path", "STR_DIR_PATH": "Directory Path", "STR_SET_ALIAS": "Set Menu Alias", "STR_ALIAS": "Alias", "STR_SET_TIP": "Set Menu Tip", "STR_TIP": "Tip", "STR_SET_CLASS": "Set Menu Class", "STR_CLASS": "Class", "STR_SET_INJECTION": "Set Injection", "STR_SET_AUTO_INS": "Set Auto Install", "STR_SET_AUTO_TEMPLATE": "Template", "STR_SET_PERSISTENCE": "Set Persistence", "STR_SET_PERSISTENCE_DAT": "Dat File", "STR_SET_DUD": "Set DUD", "STR_SET_DUD_FILE": "DUD File", "STR_PASSWORD": "Password", "STR_SET_PASSWORD": "Set Password", "STR_PASSWORD_TYPE": "Password Type", "STR_PASSWORD_VALUE": "Password Value", "STR_WEB_COMMUNICATION_ERR":"Communication error:", "STR_WEB_REMOTE_ABNORMAL":"Communication error: remote abnormal", "STR_WEB_REQUEST_TIMEOUT":"Communication error: Request timed out", "STR_WEB_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE":"Communication error: Service Unavailable", "STR_WEB_SERVICE_BUSY":"Service is busy, please retry later.", "STR_PLUG_DEVICE": "Device Information", "STR_PLUG_CONTROL": "Global Control Plugin", "STR_PLUG_THEME": "Theme Plugin", "STR_PLUG_ALIAS": "Menu Alias Plugin", "STR_PLUG_CLASS": "Menu Class Plugin", "STR_PLUG_TIP": "Menu Tip Plugin", "STR_PLUG_AUTO_INSTALL": "Auto Install Plugin", "STR_PLUG_PERSISTENCE": "Persistence Plugin", "STR_PLUG_INJECTION": "Injection Plugin", "STR_PLUG_CONF_REPLACE": "Boot Conf Replace Plugin", "STR_PLUG_PASSWORD": "Password Plugin", "STR_PLUG_IMAGELIST": "Image List Plugin", "STR_PLUG_AUTO_MEMDISK": "Auto Memdisk Plugin", "STR_PLUG_DUD": "DUD Plugin", "STR_PLUG_DONATION": "Donation", "STR_PATH_TOO_LONG": "The path exceeds the maximum supported length, please check!", "STR_INPUT_TOO_LONG": "The string exceeds the maximum supported length, please check!", "STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH": "Invalid or nonexist full file path, please check!", "STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH1": "The 1st file path is invalid or nonexist!", "STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH2": "The 2nd file path is invalid or nonexist!", "STR_INVALID_NEW_FILE_PATH": "The full file path of new is invalid or nonexist, please check!", "STR_INVALID_DIR_PATH": "Invalid directory path, please check!", "STR_INVALID_NUMBER": "Please input valid non-negative integer!", "STR_INVALID_AUTOSEL": "autosel exceeds the length of the list!", "STR_INVALID_TIMEOUT": "Please input valid timeout integer!", "STR_INVALID_PERCENT": "Please input integer between 0-100 !", "STR_INVALID_COLOR": "Please input valid color!", "STR_SELECT": "Please Select", "STR_SET_ALIAS_FOR_FILE": "Set Menu Alias For File", "STR_SET_ALIAS_FOR_DIR": "Set Menu Alias For Directory", "STR_SET_TIP_FOR_FILE": "Set Menu Tip For File", "STR_SET_TIP_FOR_DIR": "Set Menu Tip For Directory", "STR_SET_INJECTION_FOR_FILE": "[image] Set injection for a file", "STR_SET_INJECTION_FOR_DIR": "[parent] Set the same injection for all the files under a directory.", "STR_INVALID_ARCHIVE_PATH": "Invalid or nonexist archive file path, please check!", "STR_SET_PWD_FOR_FILE": "[file] Set password for a file.", "STR_SET_PWD_FOR_DIR": "[parent] Set the same password for all the files under a directory.", "STR_SET_AUTO_INSTALL_FOR_FILE": "[image] Set auto install template for a file", "STR_SET_AUTO_INSTALL_FOR_DIR": "[parent] Set the same auto install template for all the files under a directory.", "STR_SET_CLASS_BY_KEY": "[key] Set menu class by filename keyword.", "STR_SET_CLASS_BY_DIR": "[dir] Set menu class for a directory.", "STR_SET_CLASS_BY_PARENT": "[parent] Set menu class for all the files under a directory.", "STR_SET_IMAGE_PWD": "[file] Set Password For A File", "STR_SET_PARENT_PWD": "[parent] Set the same password for all the files under a directory.", "STR_SET_SEARCH_ROOT": "Set Search Root", "STR_SET_DEFAULT_IMAGE": "Set Default Image", "STR_ADD_THEME": "Add Theme", "STR_ADD_FONT": "Set Font", "STR_ADD_FILE_TO_LIST": "Add File To List", "STR_DEFAULT_SELECT": " Default", "STR_AUTO_TEMPLATE": "Auto Install Template", "STR_ADD_AUTO_TEMPLATE": "Add Auto Install Template", "STR_PERSISTENCE_DAT": "Persistence Dat File", "STR_ADD_PERSISTENCE_DAT": "Add Persistence Dat File", "STR_DUD_FILE": "DUD File", "STR_ADD_DUD_FILE": "Add DUD File", "STR_DEL_LAST": "The entry will be deleted if you delete the this last item. Continue?", "STR_CLOSE_TIP": "Service unavailable, the page will close!", "STR_SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE": "Enable", "STR_SECURE_BOOT_DISABLE": "Disable", "STR_SYNTAX_ERROR_TIP": "Syntax error detected in ventoy.json, so the configuration is not loaded!", "STR_INVALID_CONFIG_TIP": "Invalid configuration detected in ventoy.json, so the configuration is not loaded!", "STR_XXX": "xxx" }; var g_vtoy_cur_language_cn = { "STR_INFO": "提醒", "STR_BTN_OK": "确定", "STR_BTN_CANCEL": "取消", "STR_SAVE": " 保存", "STR_RESET": " 重置", "STR_DISCARD": " 丢弃", "STR_ENABLE": " 使能", "STR_ADD": "新增", "STR_DEL": "删除", "STR_CLEAR": "清除", "STR_STATUS": "状态", "STR_DEFAULT": "默认", "STR_DEFAULT_SEL": "默认选择", "STR_RANDOM_SEL": "随机选择", "STR_OPERATION": "操作", "STR_VALID": "有效", "STR_INVALID": "无效", "STR_OPT_SETTING": "选项设置", "STR_OPT_DESC": "选项说明", "STR_EDIT": "设置", "STR_FILE": "文件", "STR_DIR": "目录", "STR_SAVE_TIP": "当前页面数据已经修改,是否保存?", "STR_SAVE_SUCCESS": "配置保存成功!", "STR_FILE_EXIST": "文件存在", "STR_FILE_NONEXIST": "文件无效", "STR_FILE_FUZZY": "模糊匹配", "STR_DIR_EXIST": "目录存在", "STR_DIR_NONEXIST": "目录无效", "STR_DUPLICATE_PATH": "路径不允许重复", "STR_DELETE_CONFIRM": "确定要删除吗?", "STR_FILE_PATH": "文件路径", "STR_DIR_PATH": "目录路径", "STR_SET_ALIAS": "设置菜单别名", "STR_ALIAS": "别名", "STR_SET_TIP": "设置菜单提示", "STR_TIP": "提示", "STR_SET_CLASS": "设置菜单类型", "STR_CLASS": "类型", "STR_SET_INJECTION": "设置文件注入", "STR_SET_AUTO_INS": "设置自动安装", "STR_SET_AUTO_TEMPLATE": "自动安装脚本", "STR_SET_PERSISTENCE": "设置持久化文件", "STR_SET_PERSISTENCE_DAT": "持久化文件", "STR_SET_DUD": "设置 DUD", "STR_SET_DUD_FILE": "DUD 文件", "STR_PASSWORD": "密码", "STR_SET_PASSWORD": "设置密码", "STR_PASSWORD_TYPE": "密码类型", "STR_PASSWORD_VALUE": "密码内容", "STR_WEB_COMMUNICATION_ERR":"通信失败:", "STR_WEB_REMOTE_ABNORMAL":"通信失败:服务端异常", "STR_WEB_REQUEST_TIMEOUT":"通信失败:请求超时", "STR_WEB_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE":"通信失败:服务不可用", "STR_WEB_SERVICE_BUSY":"后台服务正忙,请稍后重试", "STR_PLUG_DEVICE": "设备信息", "STR_PLUG_CONTROL": "全局控制插件", "STR_PLUG_THEME": "主题插件", "STR_PLUG_ALIAS": "菜单别名插件", "STR_PLUG_CLASS": "菜单类型插件", "STR_PLUG_TIP": "菜单提示插件", "STR_PLUG_AUTO_INSTALL": "自动安装插件", "STR_PLUG_PERSISTENCE": "数据持久化插件", "STR_PLUG_INJECTION": "文件注入插件", "STR_PLUG_CONF_REPLACE": "启动配置替换插件", "STR_PLUG_PASSWORD": "密码插件", "STR_PLUG_IMAGELIST": "文件列表插件", "STR_PLUG_AUTO_MEMDISK": "自动Memdisk插件", "STR_PLUG_DUD": "Driver Update Disk插件", "STR_PLUG_DONATION": "捐助", "STR_PATH_TOO_LONG": "路径超过最大支持长度,请检查!", "STR_INPUT_TOO_LONG": "字符串超过最大支持长度,请检查!", "STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH": "文件路径不合法或不存在,请检查!", "STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH1": "第1个文件路径不合法或不存在,请检查!", "STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH2": "第2个文件路径不合法或不存在,请检查!", "STR_INVALID_NEW_FILE_PATH": "new 文件路径不合法或不存在,请检查!", "STR_INVALID_DIR_PATH": "文件夹路径不合法,请检查!", "STR_INVALID_NUMBER": "请输入合法的非负整数!", "STR_INVALID_AUTOSEL": "autosel 的值超过了列表实际长度!", "STR_INVALID_TIMEOUT": "请输入合法的超时秒数!", "STR_INVALID_PERCENT": "请输入 0-100 以内的整数!", "STR_INVALID_COLOR": "请输入合法的颜色!", "STR_SELECT": "请选择", "STR_SET_ALIAS_FOR_FILE": "为文件设置别名", "STR_SET_ALIAS_FOR_DIR": "为目录设置别名", "STR_SET_TIP_FOR_FILE": "为文件设置菜单提示信息", "STR_SET_TIP_FOR_DIR": "为目录设置菜单提示信息", "STR_SET_INJECTION_FOR_FILE": "[image] 为某一个文件设置注入", "STR_SET_INJECTION_FOR_DIR": "[parent] 为某个目录下的所有文件设置相同的注入", "STR_INVALID_ARCHIVE_PATH": "Archive 文件路径非法或不存在,请检查!", "STR_SET_PWD_FOR_FILE": "[file] 为指定文件设置密码", "STR_SET_PWD_FOR_DIR": "[parent] 为某个目录下的所有文件设置相同的密码", "STR_SET_AUTO_INSTALL_FOR_FILE": "[image] 为某个镜像文件设置自动安装脚本", "STR_SET_AUTO_INSTALL_FOR_DIR": "[parent] 为某个目录下的所有文件设置相同的自动安装脚本", "STR_SET_CLASS_BY_KEY": "[key] 通过文件名关键字设置类型", "STR_SET_CLASS_BY_DIR": "[dir] 为某个目录设置类型(只针对该目录本身,不包含里面的文件及子目录)", "STR_SET_CLASS_BY_PARENT": "[parent] 为某个目录下的所有子文件设置类型(只针对文件,不包含目录)", "STR_SET_IMAGE_PWD": "[file] 为某个镜像文件设置密码", "STR_SET_PARENT_PWD": "[parent] 为某个目录下的所有文件设置相同的密码", "STR_SET_SEARCH_ROOT": "设置搜索目录", "STR_SET_DEFAULT_IMAGE": "设置默认镜像文件", "STR_ADD_THEME": "添加主题", "STR_ADD_FONT": "添加字体", "STR_ADD_FILE_TO_LIST": "添加文件", "STR_DEFAULT_SELECT": " 默认选择", "STR_AUTO_TEMPLATE": "自动安装脚本", "STR_ADD_AUTO_TEMPLATE": "添加自动安装脚本", "STR_PERSISTENCE_DAT": "持久化数据文件", "STR_ADD_PERSISTENCE_DAT": "添加持久化数据文件", "STR_DUD_FILE": "DUD 文件", "STR_ADD_DUD_FILE": "添加 DUD 文件", "STR_DEL_LAST": "这是本条目中的最后一项,删除此项将会删除整个条目。是否继续?", "STR_CLOSE_TIP": "后台服务不可用,页面即将关闭!", "STR_SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE": "开启", "STR_SECURE_BOOT_DISABLE": "未开启", "STR_SYNTAX_ERROR_TIP": "ventoy.json 文件中存在语法错误,配置未加载!", "STR_INVALID_CONFIG_TIP": "ventoy.json 文件中存在错误配置,配置未加载!", "STR_XXX": "xxx" }; var g_current_dir; var g_current_os; var g_current_language = 'cn'; var g_vtoy_cur_language = g_vtoy_cur_language_cn; var g_vtoy_data_default_index = 6; var g_file_with_extra = false; var g_dir_with_extra = false; var g_file_fuzzy_match = 0; var g_file_modal_callback; var g_dir_modal_callback; function ventoy_file_submit(form, extra) { var filepath = $("#FilePath").val(); var fileextra = $("#FileExtra").val(); if (!filepath) { return; } if (extra) { if (!fileextra) { return; } } filepath = ventoy_replace_slash(filepath); if (!ventoy_common_check_path(filepath)) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH); return; } if (g_file_fuzzy_match && filepath.indexOf("*") >= 0) { callVtoySync({ method : 'check_fuzzy', path: filepath }, function(data) { if (data.exist != 0) { if (typeof(g_file_modal_callback) === 'function') { g_file_modal_callback(filepath, -1, fileextra); } $("#SetFileModal").modal('hide'); } else { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH); } }); } else { callVtoySync({ method : 'check_path', dir: 0, path: filepath }, function(data) { if (data.exist === 1) { if (typeof(g_file_modal_callback) === 'function') { g_file_modal_callback(filepath, 1, fileextra); } $("#SetFileModal").modal('hide'); } else { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH); } }); } } var g_filepath_validator = $("#SetFileForm").validate({ rules: { FilePath : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true, noquotes: true }, FileExtra : { required: false, utfmaxlen: true } }, submitHandler: function(form) { ventoy_file_submit(form, g_file_with_extra); } }); var g_dirpath_validator = $("#SetDirForm").validate({ rules: { DirPath : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true, noquotes: true }, DirExtra : { required: false, utfmaxlen: true } }, submitHandler: function(form) { var dirpath = $("#DirPath").val(); var dirextra = $("#DirExtra").val(); if (!dirpath) { return; } if (g_dir_with_extra) { if (!dirextra) { return; } } dirpath = ventoy_replace_slash(dirpath); if (dirpath.length > 0 && dirpath.charCodeAt(dirpath.length - 1) === 47) { dirpath = dirpath.substring(0, dirpath.length - 1); } if (!ventoy_common_check_path(dirpath)) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_DIR_PATH); return; } callVtoySync({ method : 'check_path', dir: 1, path: dirpath }, function(data) { if (data.exist === 1) { if (typeof(g_dir_modal_callback) === 'function') { g_dir_modal_callback(dirpath, dirextra); } $("#SetDirModal").modal('hide'); } else { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_DIR_PATH); } }); } }); function VtoySelectFilePath(cb, para) { g_file_fuzzy_match = para.fuzzy; if (para.extra) { $('div[id=id_div_file_extra]').show(); $('#SetFileForm_extra').text(para.extra_title); } else { $('div[id=id_div_file_extra]').hide(); } $('span[id=id_span_filepath_tip1]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip1); }); $('span[id=id_span_filepath_tip2]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip2); }); $('span[id=id_span_filepath_tip3]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip3); }); if (g_current_language === 'en') { if (para.title.length === 0) { $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_1').text("Set File Path"); } else { $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_1').text(para.title); } $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_2').text("File Path"); $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_3').text(" OK"); $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_4').text("Cancel"); $('#SetFileForm #id_note_setfile_cn').hide(); $('#SetFileForm #id_note_setfile_en').show(); } else { if (para.title.length === 0) { $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_1').text("设置文件路径"); } else { $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_1').text(para.title); } $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_2').text("文件路径"); $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_3').text("确定"); $('#SetFileForm #SetFileForm_lang_4').text("取消"); $('#SetFileForm #id_note_setfile_cn').show(); $('#SetFileForm #id_note_setfile_en').hide(); } if (para.tip3.length > 0) { if (g_current_language === 'en') { $('#SetFileForm #id_note_tip3_en').show(); $('#SetFileForm #id_note_tip3_cn').hide(); } else { $('#SetFileForm #id_note_tip3_cn').show(); $('#SetFileForm #id_note_tip3_en').hide(); } } else { $('#SetFileForm #id_note_tip3_en').hide(); $('#SetFileForm #id_note_tip3_cn').hide(); } g_file_modal_callback = cb; g_file_with_extra = para.extra; g_filepath_validator.settings.rules.FileExtra.required = g_file_with_extra; g_filepath_validator.resetForm(); $("#SetFileModal").modal(); } function VtoySelectDirPath(cb, para) { $('span[id=id_span_dirpath_tip]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip); }); $('span[id=id_span_dirpath_tip3]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip3); }); if (para.extra) { $('div[id=id_div_dir_extra]').show(); $('label[id=SetDirForm_extra]').text(para.extra_title); } else { $('div[id=id_div_dir_extra]').hide(); } if (g_current_language === 'en') { if (para.title.length === 0) { $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_1').text("Set Directory Path"); } else { $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_1').text(para.title); } $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_2').text("Directory Path"); $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_3').text(" OK"); $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_4').text("Cancel"); $('#SetDirForm #id_note_setfile_cn').hide(); $('#SetDirForm #id_note_setfile_en').show(); } else { if (para.title.length === 0) { $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_1').text("设置文件夹路径"); } else { $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_1').text(para.title); } $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_2').text("文件夹路径"); $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_3').text("确定"); $('#SetDirForm #SetDirForm_lang_4').text("取消"); $('#SetDirForm #id_note_setfile_cn').show(); $('#SetDirForm #id_note_setfile_en').hide(); } if (para.tip3.length > 0) { if (g_current_language === 'en') { $('#SetDirForm #id_note_tip3_en').show(); $('#SetDirForm #id_note_tip3_cn').hide(); } else { $('#SetDirForm #id_note_tip3_cn').show(); $('#SetDirForm #id_note_tip3_en').hide(); } } else { $('#SetDirForm #id_note_tip3_en').hide(); $('#SetDirForm #id_note_tip3_cn').hide(); } g_dir_modal_callback = cb; g_dir_with_extra = para.extra; g_dirpath_validator.settings.rules.DirExtra.required = g_dir_with_extra; g_dirpath_validator.resetForm(); $("#SetDirModal").modal(); } function VtoyCommonChangeLanguage(newlang) { if (newlang === 'en') { g_vtoy_cur_language = g_vtoy_cur_language_en; ;$.extend($.validator.messages, { required: "This field is required", remote: "Please modify this field", maxlength: $.validator.format("You can enter up to {0} characters"), minlength: $.validator.format("Must enter at least {0} characters"), rangelength: $.validator.format("Please input {0} to {1} characters"), range: $.validator.format("The input range is from {0} to {1}"), max: $.validator.format("Please input a number less than or equal to {0}"), min: $.validator.format("Please input a number bigger than or equal to {0}"), utfmaxlen: $.validator.format("The string exceeds the maximum supported length"), start_slash: $.validator.format("Must start with /"), noquotes: $.validator.format("Can not include double quotes"), filenamepart:$.validator.format("As part of file name, can not include invalid characters"), printascii: $.validator.format("Can not include non-ascii characters.") }); $("a[id=id_a_official_doc]").each(function(){ var oldlink = $(this).attr('href'); var newlink = oldlink.replace("/cn/", "/en/"); 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} else { return '' + g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_FILE_NONEXIST + ''; } } } var g_type_select_callback; var g_type_select_validator = $("#TypeSelectForm").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { var sel = parseInt($('input:radio[name=name_select_type_radio]:checked').val()); if (typeof(g_type_select_callback) === 'function') { g_type_select_callback(sel); } $("#TypeSelectModal").modal('hide'); } }); function VtoySelectType(cb, para) { $('#TypeSelectForm #TypeSelForm_lang_1').text(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_SELECT); if (g_current_language === 'en') { $('#TypeSelectForm #TypeSelForm_lang_2').text(" OK"); $('#TypeSelectForm #TypeSelForm_lang_3').text("Cancel"); } else { $('#TypeSelectForm #TypeSelForm_lang_2').text("确定"); $('#TypeSelectForm #TypeSelForm_lang_3').text("取消"); } var $tbl = $("#id_type_select_table tbody"); $tbl.empty(); for (var i = 0; i < para.length; i++) { var $tr; if (para[i].selected) { $tr = $(''); } else { $tr = $(''); } $tbl.append($tr); } g_type_select_callback = cb; g_type_select_validator.resetForm(); $("#TypeSelectModal").modal(); } var g_set_key_callback; var g_set_key_validator = $("#SetKeyForm").validate({ rules: { SetKeyKey : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true }, SetKeyValue : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true, filenamepart: true } }, submitHandler: function(form) { var key = $('input:text[id=SetKeyKey]').val(); var val = $('input:text[id=SetKeyValue]').val(); if ((!key) || (!val)) { return; } if (typeof(g_set_key_callback) === 'function') { g_set_key_callback(key, val); } $("#SetKeyModal").modal('hide'); } }); function VtoySetKey(cb, para) { $('#SetKeyForm #SetKeyForm_lang_1').text(para.title); $('#SetKeyForm #SetKeyForm_lang_2').text(para.title1); $('#SetKeyForm #SetKeyForm_lang_3').text(para.title2); if (g_current_language === 'en') { $('#SetKeyForm #SetKeyForm_lang_4').text(" OK"); $('#SetKeyForm #SetKeyForm_lang_5').text("Cancel"); } else { $('#SetKeyForm #SetKeyForm_lang_4').text("确定"); $('#SetKeyForm #SetKeyForm_lang_5').text("取消"); } g_set_key_callback = cb; g_set_key_validator.resetForm(); $("#SetKeyModal").modal(); } var g_valid_color_name = [ "black", "blue", "green", "cyan", "red", "magenta", "brown", "light-gray", "dark-gray", "light-blue", "light-green", "light-cyan", "light-red", "light-magenta", "yellow", "white" ]; function ventoy_check_color(color) { if (/^#[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]$/.test(color)) { return true; } else { for (var i = 0; i < g_valid_color_name.length; i++) { if (g_valid_color_name[i] === color) { return true; } } } return false; } function ventoy_check_percent(percent) { if (percent.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function ventoy_check_file_path(isopath, fuzzy, cb) { if (fuzzy && isopath.indexOf("*") >= 0) { callVtoySync({ method : 'check_fuzzy', path: isopath }, function(data) { if (data.exist != 0) { if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(data.exist); } } else { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH); } }); } else { callVtoySync({ method : 'check_path', dir: 0, path: isopath }, function(data) { if (data.exist === 1) { if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(data.exist); } } else { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH); } }); } } function ventoy_random_string(e) {  var t = "abcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678"; var a = t.length; var n = ""; e = e || 4;    for (i = 0; i < e; i++) n += t.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a));    return n } var g_set_filefile_callback; var g_set_filefile_validator = $("#SetFileFileForm").validate({ rules: { FileFilePath1 : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true }, FileFilePath2 : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true } }, submitHandler: function(form) { var path1 = $('input:text[id=FileFilePath1]').val(); var path2 = $('input:text[id=FileFilePath2]').val(); if ((!path1) || (!path2)) { return; } path1 = ventoy_replace_slash(path1); if (!ventoy_common_check_path(path1)) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH1); return; } path2 = ventoy_replace_slash(path2); if (!ventoy_common_check_path(path2)) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH2); return; } callVtoy({ method : 'check_path2', dir1: 0, fuzzy1: 1, path1: path1, dir2: 0, fuzzy2: 0, path2: path2 }, function(retdata) { if (retdata.exist1 != 0 && retdata.exist2 != 0) { if (typeof(g_set_filefile_callback) === 'function') { g_set_filefile_callback(retdata.exist1, path1, path2); } $("#SetFileFileModal").modal('hide'); } else if (retdata.exist1 === 0) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH1); } else { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH2); } }); } }); function VtoySetFileFile(cb, para) { $('#SetFileFileForm #SetFileFileForm_title').text(para.title); $('#SetFileFileForm #SetFileFileForm_label1').text(para.label1); $('#SetFileFileForm #SetFileFileForm_label2').text(para.label2); if (g_current_language === 'en') { $('#SetFileFileForm #SetFileFileForm_ok').text(" OK"); $('#SetFileFileForm #SetFileFileForm_cancel').text("Cancel"); $('#SetFileFileForm #id_note_filefile_cn').hide(); $('#SetFileFileForm #id_note_filefile_en').show(); } else { $('#SetFileFileForm #SetFileFileForm_ok').text("确定"); $('#SetFileFileForm #SetFileFileForm_cancel').text("取消"); $('#SetFileFileForm #id_note_filefile_en').hide(); $('#SetFileFileForm #id_note_filefile_cn').show(); } $('span[id=id_span_filefile_tip1]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip1); }); $('span[id=id_span_filefile_tip2]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip2); }); $('span[id=id_span_filefile_tip3]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip3); }); g_set_filefile_callback = cb; g_set_filefile_validator.resetForm(); $("#SetFileFileModal").modal(); } var g_set_dirfile_callback; var g_set_dirfile_validator = $("#SetDirFileForm").validate({ rules: { DirFilePath1 : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true }, DirFilePath2 : { required: true, utfmaxlen: true } }, submitHandler: function(form) { var path1 = $('input:text[id=DirFilePath1]').val(); var path2 = $('input:text[id=DirFilePath2]').val(); if ((!path1) || (!path2)) { return; } path1 = ventoy_replace_slash(path1); if (!ventoy_common_check_path(path1)) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH1); return; } path2 = ventoy_replace_slash(path2); if (!ventoy_common_check_path(path2)) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH2); return; } callVtoy({ method : 'check_path2', dir1: 1, fuzzy1: 0, path1: path1, dir2: 0, fuzzy2: 0, path2: path2 }, function(retdata) { if (retdata.exist1 != 0 && retdata.exist2 != 0) { if (typeof(g_set_dirfile_callback) === 'function') { g_set_dirfile_callback(path1, path2); } $("#SetDirFileModal").modal('hide'); } else if (retdata.exist1 === 0) { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_DIR_PATH); } else { Message.error(g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_INVALID_FILE_PATH2); } }); } }); function VtoySetDirFile(cb, para) { $('#SetDirFileModal #SetDirFileForm_title').text(para.title); $('#SetDirFileModal #SetDirFileForm_label1').text(para.label1); $('#SetDirFileModal #SetDirFileForm_label2').text(para.label2); if (g_current_language === 'en') { $('#SetDirFileModal #SetDirFileForm_ok').text(" OK"); $('#SetDirFileModal #SetDirFileForm_cancel').text("Cancel"); $('#SetDirFileModal #id_note_dirfile_cn').hide(); $('#SetDirFileModal #id_note_dirfile_en').show(); } else { $('#SetDirFileModal #SetDirFileForm_ok').text("确定"); $('#SetDirFileModal #SetDirFileForm_cancel').text("取消"); $('#SetDirFileModal #id_note_dirfile_en').hide(); $('#SetDirFileModal #id_note_dirfile_cn').show(); } $('span[id=id_span_dirfile_tip1]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip1); }); $('span[id=id_span_dirfile_tip2]').each(function(){ $(this).text(para.tip2); }); g_set_dirfile_callback = cb; g_set_dirfile_validator.resetForm(); $("#SetDirFileModal").modal(); } function ventoy_get_xslg_addbtn(mclass) { return ''; } function ventoy_get_xslg_delbtn(mclass) { return ''; } function ventoy_get_addbtn(mclass) { return ''; } function ventoy_get_delbtn(mclass) { return ''; } function ventoy_confirm(title, cb, data1, data2) { Modal.confirm({msg:g_vtoy_cur_language.STR_DEL_LAST}).on(function(e) { if (e) { if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(data1, data2); } } }); }