#!/ventoy/busybox/sh #************************************************************************************ # Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #************************************************************************************ . $VTOY_PATH/hook/ventoy-os-lib.sh #ventoy_systemd_udevd_work_around #ventoy_add_udev_rule "$VTOY_PATH/hook/default/udev_disk_hook.sh %k noreplace" if [ -f $VTOY_PATH/autoinstall ]; then VTKS="inst.ks=file:$VTOY_PATH/autoinstall" else for vtParam in $($CAT /proc/cmdline); do if echo $vtParam | $GREP -q 'ks=file:/'; then continue fi if echo $vtParam | $GREP -q 'inst.ks=hd:LABEL='; then vtRawKsFull="$vtParam" vtRawKs=$(echo $vtParam | $AWK -F: '{print $NF}') VTKS="inst.ks=hd:/dev/ventoy:$vtRawKs" break fi if echo $vtParam | $GREP -q '^ks=.*:/'; then vtRawKsFull="$vtParam" vtRawKs=$(echo $vtParam | $AWK -F: '{print $NF}') VTKS="ks=hd:/dev/ventoy:$vtRawKs" break fi if echo $vtParam | $GREP -q '^inst.ks=.*:/'; then vtRawKsFull="$vtParam" vtRawKs=$(echo $vtParam | $AWK -F: '{print $NF}') VTKS="inst.ks=hd:/dev/ventoy:$vtRawKs" break fi done fi if [ -f $VTOY_PATH/ventoy_persistent_map ]; then VTOVERLAY="rd.live.overlay=/dev/dm-1:/vtoyoverlayfs/overlayfs" if [ -e /sbin/dmsquash-live-root ]; then echo "patch /sbin/dmsquash-live-root for persistent ..." >> $VTLOG $SED "/mount.*devspec.*\/run\/initramfs\/overlayfs/a . /ventoy/hook/rhel7/ventoy-overlay.sh" -i /sbin/dmsquash-live-root $SED "s/osmin.img/osmin.imgxxxx/g" -i /sbin/dmsquash-live-root fi #close selinux $BUSYBOX_PATH/mkdir -p $VTOY_PATH/selinuxfs if $BUSYBOX_PATH/mount -t selinuxfs selinuxfs $VTOY_PATH/selinuxfs; then echo 1 > $VTOY_PATH/selinuxfs/disable $BUSYBOX_PATH/umount $VTOY_PATH/selinuxfs fi $BUSYBOX_PATH/rm -rf $VTOY_PATH/selinuxfs fi echo "VTKS=$VTKS VTOVERLAY=$VTOVERLAY" >> $VTLOG if [ -n "$vtRawKs" ]; then if echo $vtRawKsFull | $EGREP -q "=http|=https|=ftp|=nfs|=hmc"; then echo "vtRawKsFull=$vtRawKsFull no patch needed." >> $VTLOG vtRawKs="" VTKS="" else echo "$vtRawKs" > $VTOY_PATH/ventoy_ks_rootpath fi fi if ls $VTOY_PATH | $GREP -q 'ventoy_dud[0-9]'; then for vtDud in $(ls $VTOY_PATH/ventoy_dud*); do vtInstDD="$vtInstDD inst.dd=file:$vtDud" done fi echo "vtInstDD=$vtInstDD" >> $VTLOG if $GREP -q 'root=live' /proc/cmdline; then $SED "s#printf\(.*\)\$CMDLINE#printf\1\$CMDLINE root=live:/dev/ventoy $VTKS $VTOVERLAY $vtInstDD#" -i /lib/dracut-lib.sh else $SED "s#printf\(.*\)\$CMDLINE#printf\1\$CMDLINE inst.stage2=hd:/dev/ventoy $VTKS $VTOVERLAY $vtInstDD#" -i /lib/dracut-lib.sh fi ventoy_set_inotify_script rhel7/ventoy-inotifyd-hook.sh #Fedora if $BUSYBOX_PATH/which dmsquash-live-root > /dev/null; then vtPriority=99 else vtPriority=01 fi $BUSYBOX_PATH/cp -a $VTOY_PATH/hook/rhel7/ventoy-inotifyd-start.sh /lib/dracut/hooks/pre-udev/${vtPriority}-ventoy-inotifyd-start.sh $BUSYBOX_PATH/cp -a $VTOY_PATH/hook/rhel7/ventoy-timeout.sh /lib/dracut/hooks/initqueue/timeout/${vtPriority}-ventoy-timeout.sh vtNeedRepo= if [ -f /etc/system-release ]; then if $GREP -q 'RED OS' /etc/system-release; then vtNeedRepo="yes" fi fi if $GREP -q 'el[89]' /proc/version; then vtNeedRepo="yes" fi if $GREP -i -q Fedora /proc/version; then if $GREP -q 'Server Edition' /etc/os-release; then vtNeedRepo="yes" fi fi echo "vtNeedRepo=$vtNeedRepo" >> $VTLOG if [ "$vtNeedRepo" = "yes" ]; then $BUSYBOX_PATH/cp -a $VTOY_PATH/hook/rhel7/ventoy-repo.sh /lib/dracut/hooks/pre-pivot/99-ventoy-repo.sh fi if [ -e /sbin/dmsquash-live-root ]; then echo "patch /sbin/dmsquash-live-root ..." >> $VTLOG $SED "1 a $BUSYBOX_PATH/sh $VTOY_PATH/hook/rhel7/ventoy-make-link.sh" -i /sbin/dmsquash-live-root fi # suppress write protected mount warning if [ -e /usr/sbin/anaconda-diskroot ]; then $SED 's/^mount $dev $repodir/mount -oro $dev $repodir/' -i /usr/sbin/anaconda-diskroot fi #For Fedora CoreOS if $GREP -i -q 'fedora.*coreos' /etc/os-release; then $SED "s#isosrc=.*#isosrc=/dev/mapper/ventoy#" -i /lib/systemd/system-generators/live-generator cp -a $VTOY_PATH/hook/rhel7/ventoy-make-link.sh /lib/dracut/hooks/pre-mount/99-ventoy-premount-mklink.sh fi if [ -f $VTOY_PATH/autoinstall ]; then cp -a $VTOY_PATH/hook/rhel7/ventoy-autoexp.sh /lib/dracut/hooks/pre-mount/99-ventoy-autoexp.sh fi #special distro magic $BUSYBOX_PATH/mkdir -p $VTOY_PATH/distmagic if $GREP -q SCRE /proc/cmdline; then echo 1 > $VTOY_PATH/distmagic/SCRE fi if $GREP -qw 'SA[.]1' /proc/cmdline; then if $GREP -qw 'writable.fsimg' /proc/cmdline; then if $GREP -qw 'rw' /proc/cmdline; then echo 1 > $VTOY_PATH/distmagic/DELL_PER fi fi fi