/****************************************************************************** * PhyDrive.c * * Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda * Copyright (c) 2011-2020, Pete Batard * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "Language.h" #include "Ventoy2Disk.h" #include "fat_filelib.h" #include "ff.h" /* * Some code and functions in the file are copied from rufus. * https://github.com/pbatard/rufus */ #define VDS_SET_ERROR SetLastError #define IVdsServiceLoader_LoadService(This, pwszMachineName, ppService) (This)->lpVtbl->LoadService(This, pwszMachineName, ppService) #define IVdsServiceLoader_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IVdsService_QueryProviders(This, masks, ppEnum) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryProviders(This, masks, ppEnum) #define IVdsService_WaitForServiceReady(This) ((This)->lpVtbl->WaitForServiceReady(This)) #define IVdsService_CleanupObsoleteMountPoints(This) ((This)->lpVtbl->CleanupObsoleteMountPoints(This)) #define IVdsService_Refresh(This) ((This)->lpVtbl->Refresh(This)) #define IVdsService_Reenumerate(This) ((This)->lpVtbl->Reenumerate(This)) #define IVdsSwProvider_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) #define IVdsProvider_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IVdsSwProvider_QueryPacks(This, ppEnum) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryPacks(This, ppEnum) #define IVdsSwProvider_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IVdsPack_QueryDisks(This, ppEnum) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryDisks(This, ppEnum) #define IVdsDisk_GetProperties(This, pDiskProperties) (This)->lpVtbl->GetProperties(This, pDiskProperties) #define IVdsDisk_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IVdsDisk_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) #define IVdsAdvancedDisk_QueryPartitions(This, ppPartitionPropArray, plNumberOfPartitions) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryPartitions(This, ppPartitionPropArray, plNumberOfPartitions) #define IVdsAdvancedDisk_DeletePartition(This, ullOffset, bForce, bForceProtected) (This)->lpVtbl->DeletePartition(This, ullOffset, bForce, bForceProtected) #define IVdsAdvancedDisk_Clean(This, bForce, bForceOEM, bFullClean, ppAsync) (This)->lpVtbl->Clean(This, bForce, bForceOEM, bFullClean, ppAsync) #define IVdsAdvancedDisk_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IEnumVdsObject_Next(This, celt, ppObjectArray, pcFetched) (This)->lpVtbl->Next(This, celt, ppObjectArray, pcFetched) #define IVdsPack_QueryVolumes(This, ppEnum) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryVolumes(This, ppEnum) #define IVdsVolume_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) #define IVdsVolume_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IVdsVolumeMF3_QueryVolumeGuidPathnames(This, pwszPathArray, pulNumberOfPaths) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryVolumeGuidPathnames(This,pwszPathArray,pulNumberOfPaths) #define IVdsVolumeMF3_FormatEx2(This, pwszFileSystemTypeName, usFileSystemRevision, ulDesiredUnitAllocationSize, pwszLabel, Options, ppAsync) (This)->lpVtbl->FormatEx2(This, pwszFileSystemTypeName, usFileSystemRevision, ulDesiredUnitAllocationSize, pwszLabel, Options, ppAsync) #define IVdsVolumeMF3_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IVdsVolume_GetProperties(This, pVolumeProperties) (This)->lpVtbl->GetProperties(This,pVolumeProperties) #define IVdsAsync_Cancel(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Cancel(This) #define IVdsAsync_QueryStatus(This,pHrResult,pulPercentCompleted) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryStatus(This,pHrResult,pulPercentCompleted) #define IVdsAsync_Wait(This,pHrResult,pAsyncOut) (This)->lpVtbl->Wait(This,pHrResult,pAsyncOut) #define IVdsAsync_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IUnknown_QueryInterface(This, a, b) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This,a,b) #define IUnknown_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) /* * Delete all the partitions from a disk, using VDS * Mostly copied from https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/b90482ae-4e44-4b08-8731-81915030b32a/createpartition-using-vds-interface-throw-error-enointerface-dcom?forum=vcgeneral */ BOOL DeletePartitions(DWORD DriveIndex, BOOL OnlyPart2) { BOOL r = FALSE; HRESULT hr; ULONG ulFetched; wchar_t wPhysicalName[48]; IVdsServiceLoader *pLoader; IVdsService *pService; IEnumVdsObject *pEnum; IUnknown *pUnk; swprintf_s(wPhysicalName, ARRAYSIZE(wPhysicalName), L"\\\\?\\PhysicalDrive%lu", DriveIndex); // Initialize COM CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, 0, NULL); // Create a VDS Loader Instance hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_VdsLoader, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER | CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER, &IID_IVdsServiceLoader, (void **)&pLoader); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not create VDS Loader Instance: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Load the VDS Service hr = IVdsServiceLoader_LoadService(pLoader, L"", &pService); IVdsServiceLoader_Release(pLoader); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not load VDS Service: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Wait for the Service to become ready if needed hr = IVdsService_WaitForServiceReady(pService); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("VDS Service is not ready: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Query the VDS Service Providers hr = IVdsService_QueryProviders(pService, VDS_QUERY_SOFTWARE_PROVIDERS, &pEnum); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not query VDS Service Providers: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } while (IEnumVdsObject_Next(pEnum, 1, &pUnk, &ulFetched) == S_OK) { IVdsProvider *pProvider; IVdsSwProvider *pSwProvider; IEnumVdsObject *pEnumPack; IUnknown *pPackUnk; // Get VDS Provider hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(pUnk, &IID_IVdsProvider, (void **)&pProvider); IUnknown_Release(pUnk); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not get VDS Provider: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Get VDS Software Provider hr = IVdsSwProvider_QueryInterface(pProvider, &IID_IVdsSwProvider, (void **)&pSwProvider); IVdsProvider_Release(pProvider); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not get VDS Software Provider: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Get VDS Software Provider Packs hr = IVdsSwProvider_QueryPacks(pSwProvider, &pEnumPack); IVdsSwProvider_Release(pSwProvider); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not get VDS Software Provider Packs: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Enumerate Provider Packs while (IEnumVdsObject_Next(pEnumPack, 1, &pPackUnk, &ulFetched) == S_OK) { IVdsPack *pPack; IEnumVdsObject *pEnumDisk; IUnknown *pDiskUnk; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(pPackUnk, &IID_IVdsPack, (void **)&pPack); IUnknown_Release(pPackUnk); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not query VDS Software Provider Pack: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Use the pack interface to access the disks hr = IVdsPack_QueryDisks(pPack, &pEnumDisk); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not query VDS disks: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // List disks while (IEnumVdsObject_Next(pEnumDisk, 1, &pDiskUnk, &ulFetched) == S_OK) { VDS_DISK_PROP diskprop; VDS_PARTITION_PROP* prop_array; LONG i, prop_array_size; IVdsDisk *pDisk; IVdsAdvancedDisk *pAdvancedDisk; // Get the disk interface. hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(pDiskUnk, &IID_IVdsDisk, (void **)&pDisk); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not query VDS Disk Interface: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Get the disk properties hr = IVdsDisk_GetProperties(pDisk, &diskprop); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not query VDS Disk Properties: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Isolate the disk we want if (_wcsicmp(wPhysicalName, diskprop.pwszName) != 0) { IVdsDisk_Release(pDisk); continue; } // Instantiate the AdvanceDisk interface for our disk. hr = IVdsDisk_QueryInterface(pDisk, &IID_IVdsAdvancedDisk, (void **)&pAdvancedDisk); IVdsDisk_Release(pDisk); if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not access VDS Advanced Disk interface: %u", LASTERR); goto out; } // Query the partition data, so we can get the start offset, which we need for deletion hr = IVdsAdvancedDisk_QueryPartitions(pAdvancedDisk, &prop_array, &prop_array_size); if (hr == S_OK) { Log("Deleting ALL partition(s) from disk '%S':", diskprop.pwszName); // Now go through each partition for (i = 0; i < prop_array_size; i++) { Log("* Partition %d (offset: %lld, size: %llu)", prop_array[i].ulPartitionNumber, prop_array[i].ullOffset, (ULONGLONG)prop_array[i].ullSize); if (OnlyPart2 && prop_array[i].ullOffset == 2048*512) { Log("Skip this partition..."); continue; } hr = IVdsAdvancedDisk_DeletePartition(pAdvancedDisk, prop_array[i].ullOffset, TRUE, TRUE); if (hr != S_OK) { r = FALSE; VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not delete partitions: %u", LASTERR); } } r = TRUE; } else { Log("No partition to delete on disk '%S'", diskprop.pwszName); r = TRUE; } CoTaskMemFree(prop_array); #if 0 // Issue a Clean while we're at it HRESULT hr2 = E_FAIL; ULONG completed; IVdsAsync* pAsync; hr = IVdsAdvancedDisk_Clean(pAdvancedDisk, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, &pAsync); while (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (IS_ERROR(FormatStatus)) { IVdsAsync_Cancel(pAsync); break; } hr = IVdsAsync_QueryStatus(pAsync, &hr2, &completed); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = hr2; if (hr == S_OK) break; if (hr == VDS_E_OPERATION_PENDING) hr = S_OK; } Sleep(500); } if (hr != S_OK) { VDS_SET_ERROR(hr); Log("Could not clean disk: %s", LASTERR); } #endif IVdsAdvancedDisk_Release(pAdvancedDisk); goto out; } } } out: return r; } static DWORD GetVentoyVolumeName(int PhyDrive, UINT64 StartSectorId, CHAR *NameBuf, UINT32 BufLen, BOOL DelSlash) { size_t len; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwSize; HANDLE hDrive; HANDLE hVolume; UINT64 PartOffset; DWORD Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; DISK_EXTENT *pExtents = NULL; CHAR VolumeName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS DiskExtents; PartOffset = 512ULL * StartSectorId; Log("GetVentoyVolumeName PhyDrive %d SectorStart:%llu PartOffset:%llu", PhyDrive, (ULONGLONG)StartSectorId, (ULONGLONG)PartOffset); hVolume = FindFirstVolumeA(VolumeName, sizeof(VolumeName)); if (hVolume == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 1; } do { len = strlen(VolumeName); Log("Find volume:%s", VolumeName); VolumeName[len - 1] = 0; hDrive = CreateFileA(VolumeName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { continue; } bRet = DeviceIoControl(hDrive, IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS, NULL, 0, &DiskExtents, (DWORD)(sizeof(DiskExtents)), (LPDWORD)&dwSize, NULL); Log("IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:%u code:%u", bRet, LASTERR); Log("NumberOfDiskExtents:%u DiskNumber:%u", DiskExtents.NumberOfDiskExtents, DiskExtents.Extents[0].DiskNumber); if (bRet && DiskExtents.NumberOfDiskExtents == 1) { pExtents = DiskExtents.Extents; Log("This volume DiskNumber:%u offset:%llu", pExtents->DiskNumber, (ULONGLONG)pExtents->StartingOffset.QuadPart); if ((int)pExtents->DiskNumber == PhyDrive && pExtents->StartingOffset.QuadPart == PartOffset) { Log("This volume match"); if (!DelSlash) { VolumeName[len - 1] = '\\'; } sprintf_s(NameBuf, BufLen, "%s", VolumeName); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; CloseHandle(hDrive); break; } } CloseHandle(hDrive); } while (FindNextVolumeA(hVolume, VolumeName, sizeof(VolumeName))); FindVolumeClose(hVolume); Log("GetVentoyVolumeName return %u", Status); return Status; } static int GetLettersBelongPhyDrive(int PhyDrive, char *DriveLetters, size_t Length) { int n = 0; DWORD DataSize = 0; CHAR *Pos = NULL; CHAR *StringBuf = NULL; DataSize = GetLogicalDriveStringsA(0, NULL); StringBuf = (CHAR *)malloc(DataSize + 1); if (StringBuf == NULL) { return 1; } GetLogicalDriveStringsA(DataSize, StringBuf); for (Pos = StringBuf; *Pos; Pos += strlen(Pos) + 1) { if (n < (int)Length && PhyDrive == GetPhyDriveByLogicalDrive(Pos[0])) { Log("%C: is belong to phydrive%d", Pos[0], PhyDrive); DriveLetters[n++] = Pos[0]; } } free(StringBuf); return 0; } static HANDLE GetPhysicalHandle(int Drive, BOOLEAN bLockDrive, BOOLEAN bWriteAccess, BOOLEAN bWriteShare) { int i; DWORD dwSize; DWORD LastError; UINT64 EndTime; HANDLE hDrive = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CHAR PhyDrive[128]; CHAR DevPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; safe_sprintf(PhyDrive, "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d", Drive); if (0 == QueryDosDeviceA(PhyDrive + 4, DevPath, sizeof(DevPath))) { Log("QueryDosDeviceA failed error:%u", GetLastError()); strcpy_s(DevPath, sizeof(DevPath), "???"); } else { Log("QueryDosDeviceA success %s", DevPath); } for (i = 0; i < DRIVE_ACCESS_RETRIES; i++) { // Try without FILE_SHARE_WRITE (unless specifically requested) so that // we won't be bothered by the OS or other apps when we set up our data. // However this means we might have to wait for an access gap... // We keep FILE_SHARE_READ though, as this shouldn't hurt us any, and is // required for enumeration. hDrive = CreateFileA(PhyDrive, GENERIC_READ | (bWriteAccess ? GENERIC_WRITE : 0), FILE_SHARE_READ | (bWriteShare ? FILE_SHARE_WRITE : 0), NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, NULL); LastError = GetLastError(); Log("[%d] CreateFileA %s code:%u %p", i, PhyDrive, LastError, hDrive); if (hDrive != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { break; } if ((LastError != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && (LastError != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)) { break; } if (i == 0) { Log("Waiting for access on %s [%s]...", PhyDrive, DevPath); } else if (!bWriteShare && (i > DRIVE_ACCESS_RETRIES / 3)) { // If we can't seem to get a hold of the drive for some time, try to enable FILE_SHARE_WRITE... Log("Warning: Could not obtain exclusive rights. Retrying with write sharing enabled..."); bWriteShare = TRUE; // Try to report the process that is locking the drive // We also use bit 6 as a flag to indicate that SearchProcess was called. //access_mask = SearchProcess(DevPath, SEARCH_PROCESS_TIMEOUT, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) | 0x40; } Sleep(DRIVE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT / DRIVE_ACCESS_RETRIES); } if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Could not open %s %u", PhyDrive, LASTERR); goto End; } if (bWriteAccess) { Log("Opened %s for %s write access", PhyDrive, bWriteShare ? "shared" : "exclusive"); } if (bLockDrive) { if (DeviceIoControl(hDrive, FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL)) { Log("I/O boundary checks disabled"); } EndTime = GetTickCount64() + DRIVE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT; do { if (DeviceIoControl(hDrive, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL)) { Log("FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success"); goto End; } Sleep(DRIVE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT / DRIVE_ACCESS_RETRIES); } while (GetTickCount64() < EndTime); // If we reached this section, either we didn't manage to get a lock or the user cancelled Log("Could not lock access to %s %u", PhyDrive, LASTERR); // See if we can report the processes are accessing the drive //if (!IS_ERROR(FormatStatus) && (access_mask == 0)) // access_mask = SearchProcess(DevPath, SEARCH_PROCESS_TIMEOUT, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); // Try to continue if the only access rights we saw were for read-only //if ((access_mask & 0x07) != 0x01) // safe_closehandle(hDrive); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); } End: if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Can get handle of %s, maybe some process control it.", DevPath); } return hDrive; } int GetPhyDriveByLogicalDrive(int DriveLetter) { BOOL Ret; DWORD dwSize; HANDLE Handle; VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS DiskExtents; CHAR PhyPath[128]; safe_sprintf(PhyPath, "\\\\.\\%C:", (CHAR)DriveLetter); Handle = CreateFileA(PhyPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Could not open the disk<%s>, error:%u", PhyPath, LASTERR); return -1; } Ret = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS, NULL, 0, &DiskExtents, (DWORD)(sizeof(DiskExtents)), (LPDWORD)&dwSize, NULL); if (!Ret || DiskExtents.NumberOfDiskExtents == 0) { Log("DeviceIoControl IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS failed %s, error:%u", PhyPath, LASTERR); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(Handle); return -1; } CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(Handle); Log("LogicalDrive:%s PhyDrive:%d Offset:%llu ExtentLength:%llu", PhyPath, DiskExtents.Extents[0].DiskNumber, DiskExtents.Extents[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart, DiskExtents.Extents[0].ExtentLength.QuadPart ); return (int)DiskExtents.Extents[0].DiskNumber; } int GetAllPhysicalDriveInfo(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveList, DWORD *pDriveCount) { int i; int Count; int id; int Letter = 'A'; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwBytes; DWORD DriveCount = 0; HANDLE Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CHAR PhyDrive[128]; PHY_DRIVE_INFO *CurDrive = pDriveList; GET_LENGTH_INFORMATION LengthInfo; STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY Query; STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER DevDescHeader; STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR *pDevDesc; int PhyDriveId[VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE]; Count = GetPhysicalDriveCount(); for (i = 0; i < Count && i < VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE; i++) { PhyDriveId[i] = i; } dwBytes = GetLogicalDrives(); Log("Logical Drives: 0x%x", dwBytes); while (dwBytes) { if (dwBytes & 0x01) { id = GetPhyDriveByLogicalDrive(Letter); Log("%C --> %d", Letter, id); if (id >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { if (PhyDriveId[i] == id) { break; } } if (i >= Count) { Log("Add phy%d to list", i); PhyDriveId[Count] = id; Count++; } } } Letter++; dwBytes >>= 1; } for (i = 0; i < Count && DriveCount < VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE; i++) { CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(Handle); safe_sprintf(PhyDrive, "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d", PhyDriveId[i]); Handle = CreateFileA(PhyDrive, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); Log("Create file Handle:%p %s status:%u", Handle, PhyDrive, LASTERR); if (Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { continue; } bRet = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO, NULL, 0, &LengthInfo, sizeof(LengthInfo), &dwBytes, NULL); if (!bRet) { Log("DeviceIoControl IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO failed error:%u", LASTERR); continue; } Log("PHYSICALDRIVE%d size %llu bytes", i, (ULONGLONG)LengthInfo.Length.QuadPart); Query.PropertyId = StorageDeviceProperty; Query.QueryType = PropertyStandardQuery; bRet = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &Query, sizeof(Query), &DevDescHeader, sizeof(STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER), &dwBytes, NULL); if (!bRet) { Log("DeviceIoControl1 error:%u dwBytes:%u", LASTERR, dwBytes); continue; } if (DevDescHeader.Size < sizeof(STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR)) { Log("Invalid DevDescHeader.Size:%u", DevDescHeader.Size); continue; } pDevDesc = (STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR *)malloc(DevDescHeader.Size); if (!pDevDesc) { Log("failed to malloc error:%u len:%u", LASTERR, DevDescHeader.Size); continue; } bRet = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &Query, sizeof(Query), pDevDesc, DevDescHeader.Size, &dwBytes, NULL); if (!bRet) { Log("DeviceIoControl2 error:%u dwBytes:%u", LASTERR, dwBytes); free(pDevDesc); continue; } CurDrive->PhyDrive = i; CurDrive->SizeInBytes = LengthInfo.Length.QuadPart; CurDrive->DeviceType = pDevDesc->DeviceType; CurDrive->RemovableMedia = pDevDesc->RemovableMedia; CurDrive->BusType = pDevDesc->BusType; if (pDevDesc->VendorIdOffset) { safe_strcpy(CurDrive->VendorId, (char *)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->VendorIdOffset); TrimString(CurDrive->VendorId); } if (pDevDesc->ProductIdOffset) { safe_strcpy(CurDrive->ProductId, (char *)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->ProductIdOffset); TrimString(CurDrive->ProductId); } if (pDevDesc->ProductRevisionOffset) { safe_strcpy(CurDrive->ProductRev, (char *)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->ProductRevisionOffset); TrimString(CurDrive->ProductRev); } if (pDevDesc->SerialNumberOffset) { safe_strcpy(CurDrive->SerialNumber, (char *)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->SerialNumberOffset); TrimString(CurDrive->SerialNumber); } CurDrive++; DriveCount++; free(pDevDesc); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(Handle); } for (i = 0, CurDrive = pDriveList; i < (int)DriveCount; i++, CurDrive++) { Log("PhyDrv:%d BusType:%-4s Removable:%u Size:%dGB(%llu) Name:%s %s", CurDrive->PhyDrive, GetBusTypeString(CurDrive->BusType), CurDrive->RemovableMedia, GetHumanReadableGBSize(CurDrive->SizeInBytes), CurDrive->SizeInBytes, CurDrive->VendorId, CurDrive->ProductId); } *pDriveCount = DriveCount; return 0; } static HANDLE g_FatPhyDrive; static UINT64 g_Part2StartSec; static int GetVentoyVersionFromFatFile(CHAR *VerBuf, size_t BufLen) { int rc = 1; int size = 0; char *buf = NULL; void *flfile = NULL; flfile = fl_fopen("/grub/grub.cfg", "rb"); if (flfile) { fl_fseek(flfile, 0, SEEK_END); size = (int)fl_ftell(flfile); fl_fseek(flfile, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = (char *)malloc(size + 1); if (buf) { fl_fread(buf, 1, size, flfile); buf[size] = 0; rc = 0; sprintf_s(VerBuf, BufLen, "%s", ParseVentoyVersionFromString(buf)); free(buf); } fl_fclose(flfile); } return rc; } static int VentoyFatDiskRead(uint32 Sector, uint8 *Buffer, uint32 SectorCount) { DWORD dwSize; BOOL bRet; DWORD ReadSize; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentPosition; liCurrentPosition.QuadPart = Sector + g_Part2StartSec; liCurrentPosition.QuadPart *= 512; SetFilePointerEx(g_FatPhyDrive, liCurrentPosition, &liCurrentPosition, FILE_BEGIN); ReadSize = (DWORD)(SectorCount * 512); bRet = ReadFile(g_FatPhyDrive, Buffer, ReadSize, &dwSize, NULL); if (bRet == FALSE || dwSize != ReadSize) { Log("ReadFile error bRet:%u WriteSize:%u dwSize:%u ErrCode:%u\n", bRet, ReadSize, dwSize, LASTERR); } return 1; } int GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive(const PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveInfo, UINT64 Part2StartSector, CHAR *VerBuf, size_t BufLen, BOOL *pSecureBoot) { int rc = 0; HANDLE hDrive; void *flfile; hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pDriveInfo->PhyDrive, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 1; } g_FatPhyDrive = hDrive; g_Part2StartSec = Part2StartSector; Log("Parse FAT fs..."); fl_init(); if (0 == fl_attach_media(VentoyFatDiskRead, NULL)) { Log("attach media success..."); rc = GetVentoyVersionFromFatFile(VerBuf, BufLen); } else { Log("attach media failed..."); rc = 1; } Log("GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive rc=%d...", rc); if (rc == 0) { Log("VentoyVerInPhyDrive %d is <%s>...", pDriveInfo->PhyDrive, VerBuf); flfile = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/grubx64_real.efi", "rb"); if (flfile) { *pSecureBoot = TRUE; fl_fclose(flfile); } } fl_shutdown(); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); return rc; } static unsigned int g_disk_unxz_len = 0; static BYTE *g_part_img_pos = NULL; static BYTE *g_part_img_buf[VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / SIZE_1MB]; static int VentoyFatMemRead(uint32 Sector, uint8 *Buffer, uint32 SectorCount) { uint32 i; uint32 offset; BYTE *MbBuf = NULL; for (i = 0; i < SectorCount; i++) { offset = (Sector + i) * 512; if (g_part_img_buf[1] == NULL) { MbBuf = g_part_img_buf[0] + offset; memcpy(Buffer + i * 512, MbBuf, 512); } else { MbBuf = g_part_img_buf[offset / SIZE_1MB]; memcpy(Buffer + i * 512, MbBuf + (offset % SIZE_1MB), 512); } } return 1; } static int VentoyFatMemWrite(uint32 Sector, uint8 *Buffer, uint32 SectorCount) { uint32 i; uint32 offset; BYTE *MbBuf = NULL; for (i = 0; i < SectorCount; i++) { offset = (Sector + i) * 512; if (g_part_img_buf[1] == NULL) { MbBuf = g_part_img_buf[0] + offset; memcpy(MbBuf, Buffer + i * 512, 512); } else { MbBuf = g_part_img_buf[offset / SIZE_1MB]; memcpy(MbBuf + (offset % SIZE_1MB), Buffer + i * 512, 512); } } return 1; } int VentoyProcSecureBoot(BOOL SecureBoot) { int rc = 0; int size; char *filebuf = NULL; void *file = NULL; Log("VentoyProcSecureBoot %d ...", SecureBoot); if (SecureBoot) { Log("Secure boot is enabled ..."); return 0; } fl_init(); if (0 == fl_attach_media(VentoyFatMemRead, VentoyFatMemWrite)) { file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/grubx64_real.efi", "rb"); Log("Open ventoy efi file %p ", file); if (file) { fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = (int)fl_ftell(file); fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); Log("ventoy efi file size %d ...", size); filebuf = (char *)malloc(size); if (filebuf) { fl_fread(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fclose(file); Log("Now delete all efi files ..."); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubx64_real.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/MokManager.efi"); fl_remove("/ENROLL_THIS_KEY_IN_MOKMANAGER.cer"); file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI", "wb"); Log("Open bootx64 efi file %p ", file); if (file) { if (filebuf) { fl_fwrite(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fflush(file); fl_fclose(file); } if (filebuf) { free(filebuf); } } file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/grubia32_real.efi", "rb"); Log("Open ventoy efi file %p ", file); if (file) { fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = (int)fl_ftell(file); fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); Log("ventoy efi file size %d ...", size); filebuf = (char *)malloc(size); if (filebuf) { fl_fread(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fclose(file); Log("Now delete all efi files ..."); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubia32.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubia32_real.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/mmia32.efi"); file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI", "wb"); Log("Open bootia32 efi file %p ", file); if (file) { if (filebuf) { fl_fwrite(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fflush(file); fl_fclose(file); } if (filebuf) { free(filebuf); } } } else { rc = 1; } fl_shutdown(); return rc; } static int disk_xz_flush(void *src, unsigned int size) { unsigned int i; BYTE *buf = (BYTE *)src; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { *g_part_img_pos = *buf++; g_disk_unxz_len++; if ((g_disk_unxz_len % SIZE_1MB) == 0) { g_part_img_pos = g_part_img_buf[g_disk_unxz_len / SIZE_1MB]; } else { g_part_img_pos++; } } return (int)size; } static void unxz_error(char *x) { Log("%s", x); } static BOOL TryWritePart2(HANDLE hDrive, UINT64 StartSectorId) { BOOL bRet; DWORD TrySize = 16 * 1024; DWORD dwSize; BYTE *Buffer = NULL; unsigned char *data = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentPosition; liCurrentPosition.QuadPart = StartSectorId * 512; SetFilePointerEx(hDrive, liCurrentPosition, &liCurrentPosition, FILE_BEGIN); Buffer = malloc(TrySize); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, Buffer, TrySize, &dwSize, NULL); free(Buffer); Log("Try write part2 bRet:%u dwSize:%u code:%u", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if (bRet && dwSize == TrySize) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static int FormatPart2Fat(HANDLE hDrive, UINT64 StartSectorId) { int i; int rc = 0; int len = 0; int writelen = 0; int partwrite = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; BOOL bRet; unsigned char *data = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentPosition; LARGE_INTEGER liNewPosition; Log("FormatPart2Fat %llu...", StartSectorId); rc = ReadWholeFileToBuf(VENTOY_FILE_DISK_IMG, 0, (void **)&data, &len); if (rc) { Log("Failed to read img file %p %u", data, len); return 1; } liCurrentPosition.QuadPart = StartSectorId * 512; SetFilePointerEx(hDrive, liCurrentPosition, &liNewPosition, FILE_BEGIN); Log("Set file pointer: %llu New pointer:%llu", liCurrentPosition.QuadPart, liNewPosition.QuadPart); memset(g_part_img_buf, 0, sizeof(g_part_img_buf)); g_part_img_buf[0] = (BYTE *)malloc(VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE); if (g_part_img_buf[0]) { Log("Malloc whole img buffer success, now decompress ..."); unxz(data, len, NULL, NULL, g_part_img_buf[0], &writelen, unxz_error); if (len == writelen) { Log("decompress finished success"); VentoyProcSecureBoot(g_SecureBoot); for (i = 0; i < VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / SIZE_1MB; i++) { dwSize = 0; bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, g_part_img_buf[0] + i * SIZE_1MB, SIZE_1MB, &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write part data bRet:%u dwSize:%u code:%u", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if (!bRet) { rc = 1; goto End; } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_WRITE_VENTOY_START + i); } } else { rc = 1; Log("decompress finished failed"); goto End; } } else { Log("Failed to malloc whole img size %u, now split it", VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE); partwrite = 1; for (i = 0; i < VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / SIZE_1MB; i++) { g_part_img_buf[i] = (BYTE *)malloc(SIZE_1MB); if (g_part_img_buf[i] == NULL) { rc = 1; goto End; } } Log("Malloc part img buffer success, now decompress ..."); g_part_img_pos = g_part_img_buf[0]; unxz(data, len, NULL, disk_xz_flush, NULL, NULL, unxz_error); if (g_disk_unxz_len == VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE) { Log("decompress finished success"); VentoyProcSecureBoot(g_SecureBoot); for (int i = 0; i < VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / SIZE_1MB; i++) { dwSize = 0; bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, g_part_img_buf[i], SIZE_1MB, &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write part data bRet:%u dwSize:%u code:%u", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if (!bRet) { rc = 1; goto End; } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_WRITE_VENTOY_START + i); } } else { rc = 1; Log("decompress finished failed"); goto End; } } End: if (data) free(data); if (partwrite) { for (i = 0; i < VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / SIZE_1MB; i++) { if (g_part_img_buf[i]) free(g_part_img_buf[i]); } } else { if (g_part_img_buf[0]) free(g_part_img_buf[0]); } return rc; } static int WriteGrubStage1ToPhyDrive(HANDLE hDrive, int PartStyle) { int Len = 0; int readLen = 0; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwSize; BYTE *ImgBuf = NULL; BYTE *RawBuf = NULL; Log("WriteGrubStage1ToPhyDrive ..."); RawBuf = (BYTE *)malloc(SIZE_1MB); if (!RawBuf) { return 1; } if (ReadWholeFileToBuf(VENTOY_FILE_STG1_IMG, 0, (void **)&ImgBuf, &Len)) { Log("Failed to read stage1 img"); free(RawBuf); return 1; } unxz(ImgBuf, Len, NULL, NULL, RawBuf, &readLen, unxz_error); if (PartStyle) { Log("Write GPT stage1 ..."); RawBuf[500] = 35;//update blocklist SetFilePointer(hDrive, 512 * 34, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, RawBuf, SIZE_1MB - 512 * 34, &dwSize, NULL); } else { Log("Write MBR stage1 ..."); SetFilePointer(hDrive, 512, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, RawBuf, SIZE_1MB - 512, &dwSize, NULL); } Log("WriteFile Ret:%u dwSize:%u ErrCode:%u", bRet, dwSize, GetLastError()); free(RawBuf); free(ImgBuf); return 0; } static int FormatPart1exFAT(UINT64 DiskSizeBytes) { MKFS_PARM Option; FRESULT Ret; FATFS fs; Option.fmt = FM_EXFAT; Option.n_fat = 1; Option.align = 8; Option.n_root = 1; // < 32GB select 32KB as cluster size // > 32GB select 128KB as cluster size if (DiskSizeBytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 <= 32) { Option.au_size = 32768; } else { Option.au_size = 131072; } Log("Formatting Part1 exFAT ..."); Ret = f_mkfs(TEXT("0:"), &Option, 0, 8 * 1024 * 1024); if (FR_OK == Ret) { Log("Formatting Part1 exFAT success"); Ret = f_mount(&fs, TEXT("0:"), 1); Log("mount part %d", Ret); if (FR_OK == Ret) { Ret = f_setlabel(TEXT("Ventoy")); Log("f_setlabel %d", Ret); Ret = f_mount(0, TEXT("0:"), 1); Log("umount part %d", Ret); return 0; } else { Log("mount exfat failed %d", Ret); return 1; } } else { Log("Formatting Part1 exFAT failed"); return 1; } } int ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive(HWND hWnd, PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, char *pDrvLetter) { int i; int rc = 0; int state = 0; HANDLE hDrive; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bRet; CHAR MountDrive; CHAR DriveName[] = "?:\\"; CHAR DriveLetters[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentPosition; char *pTmpBuf = NULL; MBR_HEAD MBR; *pDrvLetter = 0; Log("ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive PhyDrive%d <<%s %s %dGB>>", pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, pPhyDrive->VendorId, pPhyDrive->ProductId, GetHumanReadableGBSize(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes)); PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_LOCK_FOR_CLEAN); Log("Lock disk for clean ............................. "); hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to open physical disk"); return 1; } GetLettersBelongPhyDrive(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters)); if (DriveLetters[0] == 0) { Log("No drive letter was assigned..."); DriveName[0] = GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter(); Log("GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter %C: ...", DriveName[0]); } else { // Unmount all mounted volumes that belong to this drive // Do it in reverse so that we always end on the first volume letter for (i = (int)strlen(DriveLetters); i > 0; i--) { DriveName[0] = DriveLetters[i - 1]; bRet = DeleteVolumeMountPointA(DriveName); Log("Delete mountpoint %s ret:%u code:%u", DriveName, bRet, GetLastError()); } } MountDrive = DriveName[0]; Log("Will use '%C:' as volume mountpoint", DriveName[0]); // It kind of blows, but we have to relinquish access to the physical drive // for VDS to be able to delete the partitions that reside on it... DeviceIoControl(hDrive, FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_DEL_ALL_PART); if (!DeletePartitions(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, FALSE)) { Log("Notice: Could not delete partitions: %u", GetLastError()); } Log("Deleting all partitions ......................... OK"); PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_LOCK_FOR_WRITE); Log("Lock disk for write ............................. "); hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to GetPhysicalHandle for write."); rc = 1; goto End; } // clear first and last 2MB space pTmpBuf = malloc(SIZE_2MB); if (!pTmpBuf) { Log("Failed to alloc memory."); rc = 1; goto End; } memset(pTmpBuf, 0, SIZE_2MB); SET_FILE_POS(512); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, pTmpBuf, SIZE_2MB - 512, &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write fisrt 1MB ret:%d size:%u err:%d", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if (!bRet) { rc = 1; goto End; } SET_FILE_POS(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes - SIZE_2MB); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, pTmpBuf, SIZE_2MB, &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write 2nd 1MB ret:%d size:%u err:%d", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if (!bRet) { rc = 1; goto End; } SET_FILE_POS(0); if (pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes > 2199023255552ULL) { VTOY_GPT_INFO *pGptInfo; VTOY_GPT_HDR BackupHead; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentPosition; pGptInfo = (VTOY_GPT_INFO *)pTmpBuf; VentoyFillWholeGpt(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes, pGptInfo); SET_FILE_POS(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes - 512); VentoyFillBackupGptHead(pGptInfo, &BackupHead); if (!WriteFile(hDrive, &BackupHead, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_HDR), &dwSize, NULL)) { rc = 1; Log("Write GPT Backup Head Failed, dwSize:%u (%u) ErrCode:%u", dwSize, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), GetLastError()); goto End; } SET_FILE_POS(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes - 512 * 33); if (!WriteFile(hDrive, pGptInfo->PartTbl, sizeof(pGptInfo->PartTbl), &dwSize, NULL)) { rc = 1; Log("Write GPT Backup Part Table Failed, dwSize:%u (%u) ErrCode:%u", dwSize, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), GetLastError()); goto End; } SET_FILE_POS(0); if (!WriteFile(hDrive, pGptInfo, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), &dwSize, NULL)) { rc = 1; Log("Write GPT Info Failed, dwSize:%u (%u) ErrCode:%u", dwSize, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), GetLastError()); goto End; } Log("Write GPT Info OK ..."); } else { bRet = ReadFile(hDrive, &MBR, sizeof(MBR), &dwSize, NULL); Log("Read MBR ret:%d size:%u err:%d", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if (!bRet) { rc = 1; goto End; } //clear boot code and partition table (reserved disk signature) memset(MBR.BootCode, 0, 440); memset(MBR.PartTbl, 0, sizeof(MBR.PartTbl)); VentoyFillMBRLocation(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes, 2048, (UINT32)(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes / 512 - 2048), MBR.PartTbl); MBR.PartTbl[0].Active = 0x00; // bootable MBR.PartTbl[0].FsFlag = 0x07; // exFAT/NTFS/HPFS SET_FILE_POS(0); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, &MBR, 512, &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write MBR ret:%d size:%u err:%d", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if (!bRet) { rc = 1; goto End; } } Log("Clear Ventoy successfully finished"); //Refresh Drive Layout DeviceIoControl(hDrive, IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); End: PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_MOUNT_VOLUME); if (pTmpBuf) { free(pTmpBuf); } if (rc == 0) { Log("Mounting Ventoy Partition ....................... "); Sleep(1000); state = 0; memset(DriveLetters, 0, sizeof(DriveLetters)); GetLettersBelongPhyDrive(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters)); Log("Logical drive letter after write ventoy: <%s>", DriveLetters); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(DriveLetters) && DriveLetters[i]; i++) { DriveName[0] = DriveLetters[i]; Log("%s is ventoy part1, already mounted", DriveName); state = 1; } if (state != 1) { Log("need to mount ventoy part1..."); if (0 == GetVentoyVolumeName(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, 2048, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters), FALSE)) { DriveName[0] = MountDrive; bRet = SetVolumeMountPointA(DriveName, DriveLetters); Log("SetVolumeMountPoint <%s> <%s> bRet:%u code:%u", DriveName, DriveLetters, bRet, GetLastError()); *pDrvLetter = MountDrive; } else { Log("Failed to find ventoy volume"); } } Log("OK\n"); } else { FindProcessOccupyDisk(hDrive, pPhyDrive); } CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); return rc; } int InstallVentoy2PhyDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, int PartStyle) { int i; int rc = 0; int state = 0; HANDLE hDrive; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bRet; CHAR MountDrive; CHAR DriveName[] = "?:\\"; CHAR DriveLetters[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; MBR_HEAD MBR; VTOY_GPT_INFO *pGptInfo = NULL; UINT64 Part1StartSector = 0; UINT64 Part1SectorCount = 0; UINT64 Part2StartSector = 0; Log("InstallVentoy2PhyDrive %s PhyDrive%d <<%s %s %dGB>>", PartStyle ? "GPT" : "MBR", pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, pPhyDrive->VendorId, pPhyDrive->ProductId, GetHumanReadableGBSize(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes)); if (PartStyle) { pGptInfo = malloc(sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); memset(pGptInfo, 0, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_LOCK_FOR_CLEAN); if (PartStyle) { VentoyFillGpt(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes, pGptInfo); Part1StartSector = pGptInfo->PartTbl[0].StartLBA; Part1SectorCount = pGptInfo->PartTbl[0].LastLBA - Part1StartSector + 1; Part2StartSector = pGptInfo->PartTbl[1].StartLBA; } else { VentoyFillMBR(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes, &MBR, PartStyle); Part1StartSector = MBR.PartTbl[0].StartSectorId; Part1SectorCount = MBR.PartTbl[0].SectorCount; Part2StartSector = MBR.PartTbl[1].StartSectorId; } Log("Lock disk for clean ............................. "); hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to open physical disk"); free(pGptInfo); return 1; } GetLettersBelongPhyDrive(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters)); if (DriveLetters[0] == 0) { Log("No drive letter was assigned..."); DriveName[0] = GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter(); Log("GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter %C: ...", DriveName[0]); } else { // Unmount all mounted volumes that belong to this drive // Do it in reverse so that we always end on the first volume letter for (i = (int)strlen(DriveLetters); i > 0; i--) { DriveName[0] = DriveLetters[i - 1]; bRet = DeleteVolumeMountPointA(DriveName); Log("Delete mountpoint %s ret:%u code:%u", DriveName, bRet, GetLastError()); } } MountDrive = DriveName[0]; Log("Will use '%C:' as volume mountpoint", DriveName[0]); // It kind of blows, but we have to relinquish access to the physical drive // for VDS to be able to delete the partitions that reside on it... DeviceIoControl(hDrive, FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_DEL_ALL_PART); if (!DeletePartitions(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, FALSE)) { Log("Notice: Could not delete partitions: %u", GetLastError()); } Log("Deleting all partitions ......................... OK"); PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_LOCK_FOR_WRITE); Log("Lock disk for write ............................. "); hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to GetPhysicalHandle for write."); rc = 1; goto End; } //Refresh Drive Layout DeviceIoControl(hDrive, IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); disk_io_set_param(hDrive, Part1StartSector + Part1SectorCount);// include the 2048 sector gap PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_FORMAT_PART1); if (PartStyle == 1 && pPhyDrive->PartStyle == 0) { Log("Wait for format part1 ..."); Sleep(1000 * 5); } Log("Formatting part1 exFAT ..."); if (0 != FormatPart1exFAT(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes)) { Log("FormatPart1exFAT failed."); rc = 1; goto End; } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_FORMAT_PART2); Log("Writing part2 FAT img ..."); if (0 != FormatPart2Fat(hDrive, Part2StartSector)) { Log("FormatPart2Fat failed."); rc = 1; goto End; } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_WRITE_STG1_IMG); Log("Writing Boot Image ............................. "); if (WriteGrubStage1ToPhyDrive(hDrive, PartStyle) != 0) { Log("WriteGrubStage1ToPhyDrive failed."); rc = 1; goto End; } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_WRITE_PART_TABLE); Log("Writing Partition Table ........................ "); SetFilePointer(hDrive, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (PartStyle) { VTOY_GPT_HDR BackupHead; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentPosition; SET_FILE_POS(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes - 512); VentoyFillBackupGptHead(pGptInfo, &BackupHead); if (!WriteFile(hDrive, &BackupHead, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_HDR), &dwSize, NULL)) { rc = 1; Log("Write GPT Backup Head Failed, dwSize:%u (%u) ErrCode:%u", dwSize, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), GetLastError()); goto End; } SET_FILE_POS(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes - 512 * 33); if (!WriteFile(hDrive, pGptInfo->PartTbl, sizeof(pGptInfo->PartTbl), &dwSize, NULL)) { rc = 1; Log("Write GPT Backup Part Table Failed, dwSize:%u (%u) ErrCode:%u", dwSize, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), GetLastError()); goto End; } SET_FILE_POS(0); if (!WriteFile(hDrive, pGptInfo, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), &dwSize, NULL)) { rc = 1; Log("Write GPT Info Failed, dwSize:%u (%u) ErrCode:%u", dwSize, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), GetLastError()); goto End; } Log("Write GPT Info OK ..."); memcpy(&(pPhyDrive->MBR), &(pGptInfo->MBR), 512); } else { if (!WriteFile(hDrive, &MBR, sizeof(MBR), &dwSize, NULL)) { rc = 1; Log("Write MBR Failed, dwSize:%u ErrCode:%u", dwSize, GetLastError()); goto End; } Log("Write MBR OK ..."); memcpy(&(pPhyDrive->MBR), &MBR, 512); } //Refresh Drive Layout DeviceIoControl(hDrive, IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); End: PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_MOUNT_VOLUME); if (rc == 0) { Log("Mounting Ventoy Partition ....................... "); Sleep(1000); state = 0; memset(DriveLetters, 0, sizeof(DriveLetters)); GetLettersBelongPhyDrive(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters)); Log("Logical drive letter after write ventoy: <%s>", DriveLetters); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(DriveLetters) && DriveLetters[i]; i++) { DriveName[0] = DriveLetters[i]; if (IsVentoyLogicalDrive(DriveName[0])) { Log("%s is ventoy part2, delete mountpoint", DriveName); DeleteVolumeMountPointA(DriveName); } else { Log("%s is ventoy part1, already mounted", DriveName); state = 1; } } if (state != 1) { Log("need to mount ventoy part1..."); if (0 == GetVentoyVolumeName(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, Part1StartSector, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters), FALSE)) { DriveName[0] = MountDrive; bRet = SetVolumeMountPointA(DriveName, DriveLetters); Log("SetVolumeMountPoint <%s> <%s> bRet:%u code:%u", DriveName, DriveLetters, bRet, GetLastError()); } else { Log("Failed to find ventoy volume"); } } Log("OK\n"); } else { FindProcessOccupyDisk(hDrive, pPhyDrive); } if (pGptInfo) { free(pGptInfo); } CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); return rc; } int UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive) { int i; int rc = 0; BOOL ForceMBR = FALSE; HANDLE hVolume; HANDLE hDrive; DWORD Status; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bRet; CHAR DriveName[] = "?:\\"; CHAR DriveLetters[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; UINT64 StartSector; UINT64 ReservedMB = 0; MBR_HEAD BootImg; MBR_HEAD MBR; VTOY_GPT_INFO *pGptInfo = NULL; UINT8 ReservedData[4096]; Log("UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive %s PhyDrive%d <<%s %s %dGB>>", pPhyDrive->PartStyle ? "GPT" : "MBR", pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, pPhyDrive->VendorId, pPhyDrive->ProductId, GetHumanReadableGBSize(pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes)); PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_LOCK_FOR_CLEAN); Log("Lock disk for umount ............................ "); hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to open physical disk"); return 1; } if (pPhyDrive->PartStyle) { pGptInfo = malloc(sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); if (!pGptInfo) { return 1; } memset(pGptInfo, 0, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); // Read GPT Info SetFilePointer(hDrive, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile(hDrive, pGptInfo, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO), &dwSize, NULL); //MBR will be used to compare with local boot image memcpy(&MBR, &pGptInfo->MBR, sizeof(MBR_HEAD)); StartSector = pGptInfo->PartTbl[1].StartLBA; Log("GPT StartSector in PartTbl:%llu", (ULONGLONG)StartSector); ReservedMB = (pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes / 512 - (StartSector + VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / 512) - 33) / 2048; Log("GPT Reserved Disk Space:%llu MB", (ULONGLONG)ReservedMB); } else { // Read MBR SetFilePointer(hDrive, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile(hDrive, &MBR, sizeof(MBR), &dwSize, NULL); StartSector = MBR.PartTbl[1].StartSectorId; Log("MBR StartSector in PartTbl:%llu", (ULONGLONG)StartSector); ReservedMB = (pPhyDrive->SizeInBytes / 512 - (StartSector + VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / 512)) / 2048; Log("MBR Reserved Disk Space:%llu MB", (ULONGLONG)ReservedMB); } //Read Reserved Data SetFilePointer(hDrive, 512 * 2040, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile(hDrive, ReservedData, sizeof(ReservedData), &dwSize, NULL); GetLettersBelongPhyDrive(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters)); if (DriveLetters[0] == 0) { Log("No drive letter was assigned..."); } else { // Unmount all mounted volumes that belong to this drive // Do it in reverse so that we always end on the first volume letter for (i = (int)strlen(DriveLetters); i > 0; i--) { DriveName[0] = DriveLetters[i - 1]; if (IsVentoyLogicalDrive(DriveName[0])) { Log("%s is ventoy logical drive", DriveName); bRet = DeleteVolumeMountPointA(DriveName); Log("Delete mountpoint %s ret:%u code:%u", DriveName, bRet, LASTERR); break; } } } // It kind of blows, but we have to relinquish access to the physical drive // for VDS to be able to delete the partitions that reside on it... DeviceIoControl(hDrive, FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_LOCK_FOR_WRITE); Log("Lock disk for update ............................ "); hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to GetPhysicalHandle for write."); rc = 1; goto End; } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_LOCK_VOLUME); Log("Lock volume for update .......................... "); hVolume = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Status = GetVentoyVolumeName(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, StartSector, DriveLetters, sizeof(DriveLetters), TRUE); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) { Log("Now lock and dismount volume <%s>", DriveLetters); hVolume = CreateFileA(DriveLetters, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, NULL); if (hVolume == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to create file volume, errcode:%u", LASTERR); rc = 1; goto End; } bRet = DeviceIoControl(hVolume, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); Log("FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME bRet:%u code:%u", bRet, LASTERR); bRet = DeviceIoControl(hVolume, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); Log("FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME bRet:%u code:%u", bRet, LASTERR); } else if (ERROR_NOT_FOUND == Status) { Log("Volume not found, maybe not supported"); } else { rc = 1; goto End; } if (!TryWritePart2(hDrive, StartSector)) { if (pPhyDrive->PartStyle == 0) { ForceMBR = TRUE; Log("Try write failed, now delete partition 2..."); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); Log("Now delete partition 2..."); DeletePartitions(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE); hDrive = GetPhysicalHandle(pPhyDrive->PhyDrive, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log("Failed to GetPhysicalHandle for write."); rc = 1; goto End; } } } PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(PT_FORMAT_PART2); Log("Write Ventoy to disk ............................ "); if (0 != FormatPart2Fat(hDrive, StartSector)) { rc = 1; goto End; } if (hVolume != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bRet = DeviceIoControl(hVolume, FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); Log("FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME bRet:%u code:%u", bRet, LASTERR); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hVolume); } Log("Updating Boot Image ............................. "); if (WriteGrubStage1ToPhyDrive(hDrive, pPhyDrive->PartStyle) != 0) { rc = 1; goto End; } //write reserved data SetFilePointer(hDrive, 512 * 2040, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, ReservedData, sizeof(ReservedData), &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write resv data ret:%u dwSize:%u Error:%u", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); // Boot Image VentoyGetLocalBootImg(&BootImg); // Use Old UUID memcpy(BootImg.BootCode + 0x180, MBR.BootCode + 0x180, 16); if (pPhyDrive->PartStyle) { BootImg.BootCode[92] = 0x22; } if (ForceMBR == FALSE && memcmp(BootImg.BootCode, MBR.BootCode, 440) == 0) { Log("Boot image has no difference, no need to write."); } else { Log("Boot image need to write %u.", ForceMBR); SetFilePointer(hDrive, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); memcpy(MBR.BootCode, BootImg.BootCode, 440); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, &MBR, 512, &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write Boot Image ret:%u dwSize:%u Error:%u", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); } if (pPhyDrive->PartStyle == 0) { if (0x00 == MBR.PartTbl[0].Active && 0x80 == MBR.PartTbl[1].Active) { Log("Need to chage 1st partition active and 2nd partition inactive."); MBR.PartTbl[0].Active = 0x80; MBR.PartTbl[1].Active = 0x00; SetFilePointer(hDrive, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); bRet = WriteFile(hDrive, &MBR, 512, &dwSize, NULL); Log("Write NEW MBR ret:%u dwSize:%u Error:%u", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); } } //Refresh Drive Layout DeviceIoControl(hDrive, IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); End: if (rc == 0) { Log("OK"); } else { FindProcessOccupyDisk(hDrive, pPhyDrive); } CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); if (pGptInfo) { free(pGptInfo); } return rc; }