/****************************************************************************** * partresize.c ---- ventoy part resize util * * Copyright (c) 2021, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <fat_filelib.h> #include "vtoycli.h" static int g_disk_fd = 0; static UINT64 g_disk_offset = 0; static GUID g_ZeroGuid = {0}; static GUID g_WindowsDataPartGuid = { 0xebd0a0a2, 0xb9e5, 0x4433, { 0x87, 0xc0, 0x68, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0x26, 0x99, 0xc7 } }; static int vtoy_disk_read(uint32 sector, uint8 *buffer, uint32 sector_count) { UINT64 offset = sector * 512ULL; lseek(g_disk_fd, g_disk_offset + offset, SEEK_SET); read(g_disk_fd, buffer, sector_count * 512); return 1; } static int vtoy_disk_write(uint32 sector, uint8 *buffer, uint32 sector_count) { UINT64 offset = sector * 512ULL; lseek(g_disk_fd, g_disk_offset + offset, SEEK_SET); write(g_disk_fd, buffer, sector_count * 512); return 1; } static int gpt_check(const char *disk) { int fd = -1; int rc = 1; VTOY_GPT_INFO *pGPT = NULL; fd = open(disk, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { printf("Failed to open %s\n", disk); goto out; } pGPT = malloc(sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); if (NULL == pGPT) { goto out; } memset(pGPT, 0, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); read(fd, pGPT, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); if (pGPT->MBR.PartTbl[0].FsFlag == 0xEE && memcmp(pGPT->Head.Signature, "EFI PART", 8) == 0) { rc = 0; } out: check_close(fd); check_free(pGPT); return rc; } static int part_check(const char *disk) { int i; int fd = -1; int rc = 0; int Index = 0; int Count = 0; int PartStyle = 0; UINT64 Part1Start; UINT64 Part1End; UINT64 NextPartStart; UINT64 DiskSizeInBytes; VTOY_GPT_INFO *pGPT = NULL; DiskSizeInBytes = get_disk_size_in_byte(disk); if (DiskSizeInBytes == 0) { printf("Failed to get disk size of %s\n", disk); goto out; } fd = open(disk, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { printf("Failed to open %s\n", disk); goto out; } pGPT = malloc(sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); if (NULL == pGPT) { goto out; } memset(pGPT, 0, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); read(fd, pGPT, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); if (pGPT->MBR.PartTbl[0].FsFlag == 0xEE && memcmp(pGPT->Head.Signature, "EFI PART", 8) == 0) { PartStyle = 1; } else { PartStyle = 0; } if (PartStyle == 0) { PART_TABLE *PartTbl = pGPT->MBR.PartTbl; for (Count = 0, i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (PartTbl[i].SectorCount > 0) { printf("MBR Part%d SectorStart:%u SectorCount:%u\n", i + 1, PartTbl[i].StartSectorId, PartTbl[i].SectorCount); Count++; } } //We must have a free partition table for VTOYEFI partition if (Count >= 4) { printf("###[FAIL] 4 MBR partition tables are all used.\n"); goto out; } if (PartTbl[0].SectorCount > 0) { Part1Start = PartTbl[0].StartSectorId; Part1End = PartTbl[0].SectorCount + Part1Start; } else { printf("###[FAIL] MBR Partition 1 is invalid\n"); goto out; } Index = -1; NextPartStart = DiskSizeInBytes / 512ULL; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (PartTbl[i].SectorCount > 0 && NextPartStart > PartTbl[i].StartSectorId) { Index = i; NextPartStart = PartTbl[i].StartSectorId; } } NextPartStart *= 512ULL; printf("DiskSize:%llu NextPartStart:%llu(LBA:%llu) Index:%d\n", DiskSizeInBytes, NextPartStart, NextPartStart / 512ULL, Index); } else { VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL *PartTbl = pGPT->PartTbl; for (Count = 0, i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (memcmp(&(PartTbl[i].PartGuid), &g_ZeroGuid, sizeof(GUID))) { printf("GPT Part%d StartLBA:%llu LastLBA:%llu\n", i + 1, PartTbl[i].StartLBA, PartTbl[i].LastLBA); Count++; } } if (Count >= 128) { printf("###[FAIL] 128 GPT partition tables are all used.\n"); goto out; } if (memcmp(&(PartTbl[0].PartGuid), &g_ZeroGuid, sizeof(GUID))) { Part1Start = PartTbl[0].StartLBA; Part1End = PartTbl[0].LastLBA + 1; } else { printf("###[FAIL] GPT Partition 1 is invalid\n"); goto out; } Index = -1; NextPartStart = (pGPT->Head.PartAreaEndLBA + 1); for (i = 1; i < 128; i++) { if (memcmp(&(PartTbl[i].PartGuid), &g_ZeroGuid, sizeof(GUID)) && NextPartStart > PartTbl[i].StartLBA) { Index = i; NextPartStart = PartTbl[i].StartLBA; } } NextPartStart *= 512ULL; printf("DiskSize:%llu NextPartStart:%llu(LBA:%llu) Index:%d\n", DiskSizeInBytes, NextPartStart, NextPartStart / 512ULL, Index); } printf("Valid partition table (%s): Valid partition count:%d\n", (PartStyle == 0) ? "MBR" : "GPT", Count); //Partition 1 MUST start at 1MB Part1Start *= 512ULL; Part1End *= 512ULL; printf("Partition 1 start at: %llu %lluKB, end:%llu, NextPartStart:%llu\n", Part1Start, Part1Start / 1024, Part1End, NextPartStart); if (Part1Start != SIZE_1MB) { printf("###[FAIL] Partition 1 is not start at 1MB\n"); goto out; } //If we have free space after partition 1 if (NextPartStart - Part1End >= VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE) { printf("Free space after partition 1 (%llu) is enough for VTOYEFI part\n", NextPartStart - Part1End); rc = 1; } else if (NextPartStart == Part1End) { printf("There is no free space after partition 1\n"); rc = 2; } else { printf("The free space after partition 1 is not enough\n"); rc = 2; } out: check_close(fd); check_free(pGPT); return rc; } static int secureboot_proc(char *disk, UINT64 part2start) { int rc = 0; int size; int fd = -1; char *filebuf = NULL; void *file = NULL; fd = open(disk, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { printf("Failed to open %s\n", disk); return 1; } g_disk_fd = fd; g_disk_offset = part2start * 512ULL; fl_init(); if (0 == fl_attach_media(vtoy_disk_read, vtoy_disk_write)) { file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/grubx64_real.efi", "rb"); printf("Open ventoy efi file %p\n", file); if (file) { fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = (int)fl_ftell(file); fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); printf("ventoy x64 efi file size %d ...\n", size); filebuf = (char *)malloc(size); if (filebuf) { fl_fread(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fclose(file); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubx64_real.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/MokManager.efi"); fl_remove("/ENROLL_THIS_KEY_IN_MOKMANAGER.cer"); file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI", "wb"); printf("Open bootx64 efi file %p\n", file); if (file) { if (filebuf) { fl_fwrite(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fflush(file); fl_fclose(file); } if (filebuf) { free(filebuf); } } file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/grubia32_real.efi", "rb"); printf("Open ventoy ia32 efi file %p\n", file); if (file) { fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = (int)fl_ftell(file); fl_fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); printf("ventoy efi file size %d ...\n", size); filebuf = (char *)malloc(size); if (filebuf) { fl_fread(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fclose(file); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubia32.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/grubia32_real.efi"); fl_remove("/EFI/BOOT/mmia32.efi"); file = fl_fopen("/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI", "wb"); printf("Open bootia32 efi file %p\n", file); if (file) { if (filebuf) { fl_fwrite(filebuf, 1, size, file); } fl_fflush(file); fl_fclose(file); } if (filebuf) { free(filebuf); } } } else { rc = 1; } fl_shutdown(); fsync(fd); return rc; } static int VentoyFillMBRLocation(UINT64 DiskSizeInBytes, UINT32 StartSectorId, UINT32 SectorCount, PART_TABLE *Table) { UINT8 Head; UINT8 Sector; UINT8 nSector = 63; UINT8 nHead = 8; UINT32 Cylinder; UINT32 EndSectorId; while (nHead != 0 && (DiskSizeInBytes / 512 / nSector / nHead) > 1024) { nHead = (UINT8)nHead * 2; } if (nHead == 0) { nHead = 255; } Cylinder = StartSectorId / nSector / nHead; Head = StartSectorId / nSector % nHead; Sector = StartSectorId % nSector + 1; Table->StartHead = Head; Table->StartSector = Sector; Table->StartCylinder = Cylinder; EndSectorId = StartSectorId + SectorCount - 1; Cylinder = EndSectorId / nSector / nHead; Head = EndSectorId / nSector % nHead; Sector = EndSectorId % nSector + 1; Table->EndHead = Head; Table->EndSector = Sector; Table->EndCylinder = Cylinder; Table->StartSectorId = StartSectorId; Table->SectorCount = SectorCount; return 0; } static int WriteDataToPhyDisk(int fd, UINT64 offset, void *buffer, int len) { ssize_t wrlen; off_t newseek; newseek = lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET); if (newseek != offset) { printf("Failed to lseek %llu %lld %d\n", offset, (long long)newseek, errno); return 0; } wrlen = write(fd, buffer, len); if ((int)wrlen != len) { printf("Failed to write %d %d %d\n", len, (int)wrlen, errno); return 0; } return 1; } static int VentoyFillBackupGptHead(VTOY_GPT_INFO *pInfo, VTOY_GPT_HDR *pHead) { UINT64 LBA; UINT64 BackupLBA; memcpy(pHead, &pInfo->Head, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_HDR)); LBA = pHead->EfiStartLBA; BackupLBA = pHead->EfiBackupLBA; pHead->EfiStartLBA = BackupLBA; pHead->EfiBackupLBA = LBA; pHead->PartTblStartLBA = BackupLBA + 1 - 33; pHead->Crc = 0; pHead->Crc = VtoyCrc32(pHead, pHead->Length); return 0; } static int update_part_table(char *disk, UINT64 part2start) { int i; int j; int fd = -1; int rc = 1; int PartStyle = 0; ssize_t len = 0; UINT64 DiskSizeInBytes; VTOY_GPT_INFO *pGPT = NULL; VTOY_GPT_HDR *pBack = NULL; DiskSizeInBytes = get_disk_size_in_byte(disk); if (DiskSizeInBytes == 0) { printf("Failed to get disk size of %s\n", disk); goto out; } fd = open(disk, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { printf("Failed to open %s\n", disk); goto out; } pGPT = malloc(sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO) + sizeof(VTOY_GPT_HDR)); if (NULL == pGPT) { goto out; } memset(pGPT, 0, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO) + sizeof(VTOY_GPT_HDR)); pBack = (VTOY_GPT_HDR *)(pGPT + 1); len = read(fd, pGPT, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)); if (len != (ssize_t)sizeof(VTOY_GPT_INFO)) { printf("Failed to read partition table %d err:%d\n", (int)len, errno); goto out; } if (pGPT->MBR.PartTbl[0].FsFlag == 0xEE && memcmp(pGPT->Head.Signature, "EFI PART", 8) == 0) { PartStyle = 1; } else { PartStyle = 0; } if (PartStyle == 0) { PART_TABLE *PartTbl = pGPT->MBR.PartTbl; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (PartTbl[i].SectorCount == 0) { break; } } if (i >= 4) { printf("###[FAIL] Can not find a free MBR partition table.\n"); goto out; } for (j = i - 1; j > 0; j--) { printf("Move MBR partition table %d --> %d\n", j + 1, j + 2); memcpy(PartTbl + (j + 1), PartTbl + j, sizeof(PART_TABLE)); } memset(PartTbl + 1, 0, sizeof(PART_TABLE)); VentoyFillMBRLocation(DiskSizeInBytes, (UINT32)part2start, VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / 512, PartTbl + 1); PartTbl[1].Active = 0x00; PartTbl[1].FsFlag = 0xEF; // EFI System Partition PartTbl[0].Active = 0x80; // bootable PartTbl[0].SectorCount = (UINT32)part2start - 2048; if (!WriteDataToPhyDisk(fd, 0, &(pGPT->MBR), 512)) { printf("MBR write MBR failed\n"); goto out; } fsync(fd); printf("MBR update partition table success.\n"); rc = 0; } else { VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL *PartTbl = pGPT->PartTbl; for (i = 1; i < 128; i++) { if (memcmp(&(PartTbl[i].PartGuid), &g_ZeroGuid, sizeof(GUID)) == 0) { break; } } if (i >= 128) { printf("###[FAIL] Can not find a free GPT partition table.\n"); goto out; } for (j = i - 1; j > 0; j--) { printf("Move GPT partition table %d --> %d\n", j + 1, j + 2); memcpy(PartTbl + (j + 1), PartTbl + j, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL)); } // to fix windows issue memset(PartTbl + 1, 0, sizeof(VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL)); memcpy(&(PartTbl[1].PartType), &g_WindowsDataPartGuid, sizeof(GUID)); ventoy_gen_preudo_uuid(&(PartTbl[1].PartGuid)); PartTbl[0].LastLBA = part2start - 1; PartTbl[1].StartLBA = PartTbl[0].LastLBA + 1; PartTbl[1].LastLBA = PartTbl[1].StartLBA + VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / 512 - 1; PartTbl[1].Attr = 0xC000000000000001ULL; PartTbl[1].Name[0] = 'V'; PartTbl[1].Name[1] = 'T'; PartTbl[1].Name[2] = 'O'; PartTbl[1].Name[3] = 'Y'; PartTbl[1].Name[4] = 'E'; PartTbl[1].Name[5] = 'F'; PartTbl[1].Name[6] = 'I'; PartTbl[1].Name[7] = 0; //Update CRC pGPT->Head.PartTblCrc = VtoyCrc32(pGPT->PartTbl, sizeof(pGPT->PartTbl)); pGPT->Head.Crc = 0; pGPT->Head.Crc = VtoyCrc32(&(pGPT->Head), pGPT->Head.Length); printf("pGPT->Head.EfiStartLBA=%llu\n", pGPT->Head.EfiStartLBA); printf("pGPT->Head.EfiBackupLBA=%llu\n", pGPT->Head.EfiBackupLBA); VentoyFillBackupGptHead(pGPT, pBack); if (!WriteDataToPhyDisk(fd, pGPT->Head.EfiBackupLBA * 512, pBack, 512)) { printf("GPT write backup head failed\n"); goto out; } if (!WriteDataToPhyDisk(fd, (pGPT->Head.EfiBackupLBA - 32) * 512, pGPT->PartTbl, 512 * 32)) { printf("GPT write backup partition table failed\n"); goto out; } if (!WriteDataToPhyDisk(fd, 0, pGPT, 512 * 34)) { printf("GPT write MBR & Main partition table failed\n"); goto out; } fsync(fd); printf("GPT update partition table success.\n"); rc = 0; } out: check_close(fd); check_free(pGPT); return rc; } int partresize_main(int argc, char **argv) { UINT64 sector; if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) { printf("usage: partresize -c/-f /dev/sdb\n"); return 1; } if (strcmp(argv[1], "-c") == 0) { return part_check(argv[2]); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) { sector = strtoull(argv[3], NULL, 10); return secureboot_proc(argv[2], sector); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-p") == 0) { sector = strtoull(argv[3], NULL, 10); return update_part_table(argv[2], sector); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-t") == 0) { return gpt_check(argv[2]); } else { return 1; } }