#!/bin/sh . ./tool/ventoy_lib.sh print_usage() { echo 'Usage: Ventoy2Disk.sh CMD [ OPTION ] /dev/sdX' echo ' CMD:' echo ' -i install Ventoy to sdX (fails if disk already installed with Ventoy)' echo ' -I force install Ventoy to sdX (no matter if installed or not)' echo ' -u update Ventoy in sdX' echo ' -l list Ventoy information in sdX' echo '' echo ' OPTION: (optional)' echo ' -r SIZE_MB preserve some space at the bottom of the disk (only for install)' echo ' -s/-S enable/disable secure boot support (default is enabled)' echo ' -g use GPT partition style, default is MBR (only for install)' echo ' -L Label of the 1st exfat partition (default is Ventoy)' echo ' -n try non-destructive installation (only for install)' echo '' } SECUREBOOT="YES" VTNEW_LABEL='Ventoy' RESERVE_SIZE_MB=0 while [ -n "$1" ]; do if [ "$1" = "-i" ]; then MODE="install" elif [ "$1" = "-I" ]; then MODE="install" FORCE="Y" elif [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then NONDESTRUCTIVE="Y" elif [ "$1" = "-u" ]; then MODE="update" elif [ "$1" = "-l" ]; then MODE="list" elif [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then SECUREBOOT="YES" elif [ "$1" = "-S" ]; then SECUREBOOT="NO" elif [ "$1" = "-g" ]; then VTGPT="YES" elif [ "$1" = "-L" ]; then shift VTNEW_LABEL=$1 elif [ "$1" = "-r" ]; then RESERVE_SPACE="YES" shift RESERVE_SIZE_MB=$1 elif [ "$1" = "-V" ] || [ "$1" = "--version" ]; then exit 0 elif [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then print_usage exit 0 else if ! [ -b "$1" ]; then vterr "$1 is NOT a valid device" print_usage exit 1 fi DISK=$1 # Resolve symlinks now, will be needed to look up information about the device in # the /sys/ filesystem, for example /sys/class/block/${DISK#/dev/}/start # The main use case is supporting /dev/disk/by-id/ symlinks instead of raw devices if [ -L "$DISK" ]; then DISK=$(readlink -e -n "$DISK") fi fi shift done if [ -z "$MODE" ]; then print_usage exit 1 fi if ! [ -b "$DISK" ]; then vterr "Disk $DISK does not exist" exit 1 fi if [ -e /sys/class/block/${DISK#/dev/}/start ]; then vterr "$DISK is a partition, please use the whole disk." echo "For example:" vterr " sudo sh Ventoy2Disk.sh -i /dev/sdb1 <=== This is wrong" vtinfo " sudo sh Ventoy2Disk.sh -i /dev/sdb <=== This is right" echo "" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$RESERVE_SPACE" -a "$MODE" = "install" ]; then if echo $RESERVE_SIZE_MB | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9]*$'; then vtdebug "User will reserve $RESERVE_SIZE_MB MB disk space" else vterr "$RESERVE_SIZE_MB is invalid for reserved space" exit 1 fi fi vtdebug "MODE=$MODE FORCE=$FORCE RESERVE_SPACE=$RESERVE_SPACE RESERVE_SIZE_MB=$RESERVE_SIZE_MB" #check tools if check_tool_work_ok; then vtdebug "check tool work ok" else vterr "Some tools can not run on current system. Please check log.txt for details." exit 1 fi if [ "$MODE" = "list" ]; then version=$(get_disk_ventoy_version $DISK) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Ventoy Version in Disk: $version" vtPart1Type=$(dd if=$DISK bs=1 count=1 skip=450 status=none | hexdump -n1 -e '1/1 "%02X"') if [ "$vtPart1Type" = "EE" ]; then echo "Disk Partition Style : GPT" else echo "Disk Partition Style : MBR" fi if check_disk_secure_boot $DISK; then echo "Secure Boot Support : YES" else echo "Secure Boot Support : NO" fi else echo "Ventoy Version: NA" fi echo "" exit 0 fi #check mountpoint check_umount_disk "$DISK" if grep "$DISK" /proc/mounts; then vterr "$DISK is already mounted, please umount it first!" exit 1 fi #check swap partition if swapon --help 2>&1 | grep -q '^ -s,'; then if swapon -s | grep -q "^${DISK}[0-9]"; then vterr "$DISK is used as swap, please swapoff it first!" exit 1 fi fi #check access if dd if="$DISK" of=/dev/null bs=1 count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then vtdebug "root permission check ok ..." else vterr "Failed to access $DISK, maybe root privilege is needed!" echo '' exit 1 fi #check tmp_mnt directory if [ -d ./tmp_mnt ]; then vtdebug "There is a tmp_mnt directory, now delete it." umount ./tmp_mnt >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf ./tmp_mnt if [ -d ./tmp_mnt ]; then vterr "tmp_mnt directory exists, please delete it first." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$MODE" = "install" -a -z "$NONDESTRUCTIVE" ]; then vtdebug "install Ventoy ..." if [ -n "$VTGPT" ]; then if parted -v > /dev/null 2>&1; then PARTTOOL='parted' else vterr "parted is not found in the system, Ventoy can't create new partitions without it." vterr "You should install \"GNU parted\" first." exit 1 fi else if parted -v > /dev/null 2>&1; then PARTTOOL='parted' elif fdisk -v >/dev/null 2>&1; then PARTTOOL='fdisk' else vterr "Both parted and fdisk are not found in the system, Ventoy can't create new partitions." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$PARTTOOL" = "parted" ]; then if parted -s $DISK p 2>&1 | grep -i -q 'sector size.*4096.*4096'; then vterr "Currently Ventoy does not support 4K native device." exit 1 fi else if fdisk -l $DISK | grep -i -q 'sector size.*4096.*4096'; then vterr "Currently Ventoy does not support 4K native device." exit 1 fi fi version=$(get_disk_ventoy_version $DISK) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -z "$FORCE" ]; then vtwarn "$DISK already contains a Ventoy with version $version" vtwarn "Use -u option to do a safe upgrade operation." vtwarn "OR if you really want to reinstall Ventoy to $DISK, please use -I option." vtwarn "" exit 1 fi fi disk_sector_num=$(cat /sys/block/${DISK#/dev/}/size) disk_size_gb=$(expr $disk_sector_num / 2097152) if [ $disk_sector_num -gt 4294967296 ] && [ -z "$VTGPT" ]; then vterr "$DISK is over 2TB size, MBR will not work on it." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$RESERVE_SPACE" ]; then sum_size_mb=$(expr $RESERVE_SIZE_MB + $VENTOY_PART_SIZE_MB) reserve_sector_num=$(expr $sum_size_mb \* 2048) if [ $disk_sector_num -le $reserve_sector_num ]; then vterr "Can't reserve $RESERVE_SIZE_MB MB space from $DISK" exit 1 fi fi #Print disk info echo "Disk : $DISK" parted -s $DISK p 2>&1 | grep Model echo "Size : $disk_size_gb GB" if [ -n "$VTGPT" ]; then echo "Style: GPT" else echo "Style: MBR" fi echo '' if [ -n "$RESERVE_SPACE" ]; then echo "You will reserve $RESERVE_SIZE_MB MB disk space " fi echo '' vtwarn "Attention:" vtwarn "You will install Ventoy to $DISK." vtwarn "All the data on the disk $DISK will be lost!!!" echo "" read -p 'Continue? (y/n) ' Answer if [ "$Answer" != "y" ]; then if [ "$Answer" != "Y" ]; then exit 0 fi fi echo "" vtwarn "All the data on the disk $DISK will be lost!!!" read -p 'Double-check. Continue? (y/n) ' Answer if [ "$Answer" != "y" ]; then if [ "$Answer" != "Y" ]; then exit 0 fi fi if [ $disk_sector_num -le $VENTOY_SECTOR_NUM ]; then vterr "No enough space in disk $DISK" exit 1 fi # check and umount check_umount_disk "$DISK" if ! dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISK bs=64 count=512 status=none conv=fsync; then vterr "Write data to $DISK failed, please check whether it's in use." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$VTGPT" ]; then vtdebug "format_ventoy_disk_gpt $RESERVE_SIZE_MB $DISK $PARTTOOL ..." format_ventoy_disk_gpt $RESERVE_SIZE_MB $DISK $PARTTOOL else vtdebug "format_ventoy_disk_mbr $RESERVE_SIZE_MB $DISK $PARTTOOL ..." format_ventoy_disk_mbr $RESERVE_SIZE_MB $DISK $PARTTOOL fi # format part1 # DiskSize > 32GB Cluster Size use 128KB # DiskSize < 32GB Cluster Size use 32KB if [ $disk_size_gb -gt 32 ]; then cluster_sectors=256 else cluster_sectors=64 fi PART1=$(get_disk_part_name $DISK 1) PART2=$(get_disk_part_name $DISK 2) #clean part2 dd status=none conv=fsync if=/dev/zero of=$DISK bs=512 count=32 seek=$part2_start_sector #format part1 wait_and_create_part ${PART1} ${PART2} if [ -b ${PART1} ]; then vtinfo "Format partition 1 ${PART1} ..." mkexfatfs -n "$VTNEW_LABEL" -s $cluster_sectors ${PART1} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "mkexfatfs failed, now retry..." mkexfatfs -n "$VTNEW_LABEL" -s $cluster_sectors ${PART1} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "######### mkexfatfs failed, exit ########" exit 1 fi else echo "mkexfatfs success" fi else vterr "${PART1} NOT exist" fi vtinfo "writing data to disk ..." dd status=none conv=fsync if=./boot/boot.img of=$DISK bs=1 count=446 if [ -n "$VTGPT" ]; then echo -en '\x22' | dd status=none of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=92 xzcat ./boot/core.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=2014 seek=34 echo -en '\x23' | dd of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=17908 status=none else xzcat ./boot/core.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=2047 seek=1 fi # check and umount check_umount_disk "$DISK" xzcat ./ventoy/ventoy.disk.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=$VENTOY_SECTOR_NUM seek=$part2_start_sector #test UUID testUUIDStr=$(vtoy_gen_uuid | hexdump -C) vtdebug "test uuid: $testUUIDStr" #disk uuid vtoy_gen_uuid | dd status=none conv=fsync of=${DISK} seek=384 bs=1 count=16 #disk signature vtoy_gen_uuid | dd status=none conv=fsync of=${DISK} skip=12 seek=440 bs=1 count=4 vtinfo "sync data ..." sync vtinfo "esp partition processing ..." if [ "$SECUREBOOT" != "YES" ]; then sleep 2 check_umount_disk "$DISK" vtoycli partresize -s $DISK $part2_start_sector fi echo "" vtinfo "Install Ventoy to $DISK successfully finished." echo "" elif [ "$MODE" = "install" -a -n "$NONDESTRUCTIVE" ]; then vtdebug "non-destructive install Ventoy ..." version=$(get_disk_ventoy_version $DISK) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -z "$FORCE" ]; then vtwarn "$DISK already contains a Ventoy with version $version." vtwarn "You can not do and don not need non-destructive installation." vtwarn "" exit 1 fi fi disk_sector_num=$(cat /sys/block/${DISK#/dev/}/size) disk_size_gb=$(expr $disk_sector_num / 2097152) if vtoycli partresize -t $DISK; then OldStyle="GPT" else OldStyle="MBR" fi #Print disk info echo "Disk : $DISK" parted -s $DISK p 2>&1 | grep Model echo "Size : $disk_size_gb GB" echo "Style: $OldStyle" echo '' vtwarn "Attention:" vtwarn "Ventoy will try non-destructive installation on $DISK if possible." echo "" read -p 'Continue? (y/n) ' Answer if [ "$Answer" != "y" ]; then if [ "$Answer" != "Y" ]; then exit 0 fi fi if [ $disk_sector_num -le $VENTOY_SECTOR_NUM ]; then vterr "No enough space in disk $DISK" exit 1 fi PART1=$(get_disk_part_name $DISK 1) PART2=$(get_disk_part_name $DISK 2) #Part1 size in MB aligned with 4KB PART1_SECTORS=$(cat /sys/class/block/${PART1#/dev/}/size) PART1_4K=$(expr $PART1_SECTORS / 8) PART1_MB=$(expr $PART1_4K / 256) PART1_NEW_MB=$(expr $PART1_MB - 32) echo "$PART1 is ${PART1_MB}MB" #check partition layout echo "check partition layout ..." vtoycli partresize -c $DISK vtRet=$? if [ $vtRet -eq 0 ]; then exit 1 else # check and umount check_umount_disk "$DISK" sleep 1 check_umount_disk "$DISK" if [ $vtRet -eq 1 ]; then echo "Free space enough, start install..." part2_start_sector=$(expr $PART1_SECTORS + 2048) elif [ $vtRet -eq 2 ]; then echo "We need to shrink partition 1 firstly ..." PART1_BLKID=$(blkid $PART1) blkid $PART1 if echo $PART1_BLKID | grep -E -q -i 'TYPE=ntfs|TYPE=.ntfs'; then echo "Partition 1 contains NTFS filesystem" which ntfsresize if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "###[FAIL] ntfsresize not found. Please install ntfs-3g package." exit 1 fi echo "ntfsfix -b -d $PART1 ..." ntfsfix -b -d $PART1 echo "ntfsresize --size ${PART1_NEW_MB}Mi $PART1 ..." ntfsresize -f --size ${PART1_NEW_MB}Mi $PART1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "###[FAIL] ntfsresize failed." exit 1 fi elif echo $PART1_BLKID | grep -E -q -i 'TYPE=ext[2-4]|TYPE=.ext[2-4]'; then echo "Partition 1 contains EXT filesystem" which resize2fs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "###[FAIL] resize2fs not found. Please install e2fsprogs package." exit 1 fi echo "e2fsck -f $PART1 ..." e2fsck -f $PART1 echo "resize2fs $PART1 ${PART1_NEW_MB}M ..." resize2fs $PART1 ${PART1_NEW_MB}M if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "###[FAIL] resize2fs failed." exit 1 fi else echo "###[FAIL] Unsupported filesystem in partition 1." exit 1 fi sync PART1_NEW_END_MB=$(expr $PART1_NEW_MB + 1) part2_start_sector=$(expr $PART1_NEW_END_MB \* 2048) fi fi vtinfo "writing data to disk part2_start=$part2_start_sector ..." dd status=none conv=fsync if=./boot/boot.img of=$DISK bs=1 count=440 if [ "$OldStyle" = "GPT" ]; then echo -en '\x22' | dd status=none of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=92 xzcat ./boot/core.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=2014 seek=34 echo -en '\x23' | dd of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=17908 status=none else xzcat ./boot/core.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=2047 seek=1 fi xzcat ./ventoy/ventoy.disk.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=$VENTOY_SECTOR_NUM seek=$part2_start_sector #test UUID testUUIDStr=$(vtoy_gen_uuid | hexdump -C) vtdebug "test uuid: $testUUIDStr" #disk uuid vtoy_gen_uuid | dd status=none conv=fsync of=${DISK} seek=384 bs=1 count=16 vtinfo "sync data ..." sync vtinfo "esp partition processing ..." if [ "$SECUREBOOT" != "YES" ]; then vtoycli partresize -s $DISK $part2_start_sector fi vtinfo "update partition table $DISK $part2_start_sector ..." vtoycli partresize -p $DISK $part2_start_sector if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sync echo "" vtinfo "Ventoy non-destructive installation on $DISK successfully finished." echo "" else echo "" vterr "Ventoy non-destructive installation on $DISK failed." echo "" fi else vtdebug "update Ventoy ..." oldver=$(get_disk_ventoy_version $DISK) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if is_disk_contains_ventoy $DISK; then oldver="Unknown" else vtwarn "$DISK does not contain Ventoy or data corrupted" echo "" vtwarn "Please use -i option if you want to install ventoy to $DISK" echo "" exit 1 fi fi #reserve secure boot option if [ -z "$SECUREBOOT" ]; then if check_disk_secure_boot $DISK; then SECUREBOOT="YES" else SECUREBOOT="NO" fi fi curver=$(cat ./ventoy/version) vtinfo "Upgrade operation is safe, all the data in the 1st partition (iso files and other) will be unchanged!" echo "" read -p "Update Ventoy $oldver ===> $curver Continue? (y/n) " Answer if [ "$Answer" != "y" ]; then if [ "$Answer" != "Y" ]; then exit 0 fi fi PART2=$(get_disk_part_name $DISK 2) SHORT_PART2=${PART2#/dev/} part2_start=$(cat /sys/class/block/$SHORT_PART2/start) PART1_TYPE=$(dd if=$DISK bs=1 count=1 skip=450 status=none | hexdump -n1 -e '1/1 "%02X"') #reserve disk uuid rm -f ./diskuuid.bin dd status=none conv=fsync if=${DISK} skip=384 bs=1 count=16 of=./diskuuid.bin dd status=none conv=fsync if=./boot/boot.img of=$DISK bs=1 count=440 dd status=none conv=fsync if=./diskuuid.bin of=$DISK bs=1 count=16 seek=384 rm -f ./diskuuid.bin #reserve data rm -f ./rsvdata.bin dd status=none conv=fsync if=${DISK} skip=2040 bs=512 count=8 of=./rsvdata.bin if [ "$PART1_TYPE" = "EE" ]; then vtdebug "This is GPT partition style ..." echo -en '\x22' | dd status=none of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=92 xzcat ./boot/core.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=2014 seek=34 echo -en '\x23' | dd of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=17908 status=none else vtdebug "This is MBR partition style ..." PART1_ACTIVE=$(dd if=$DISK bs=1 count=1 skip=446 status=none | hexdump -n1 -e '1/1 "%02X"') PART2_ACTIVE=$(dd if=$DISK bs=1 count=1 skip=462 status=none | hexdump -n1 -e '1/1 "%02X"') vtdebug "PART1_ACTIVE=$PART1_ACTIVE PART2_ACTIVE=$PART2_ACTIVE" if [ "$PART1_ACTIVE" = "00" ] && [ "$PART2_ACTIVE" = "80" ]; then vtdebug "change 1st partition active, 2nd partition inactive ..." echo -en '\x80' | dd of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=446 status=none echo -en '\x00' | dd of=$DISK conv=fsync bs=1 count=1 seek=462 status=none fi xzcat ./boot/core.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=2047 seek=1 fi dd status=none conv=fsync if=./rsvdata.bin seek=2040 bs=512 count=8 of=${DISK} rm -f ./rsvdata.bin check_umount_disk "$DISK" xzcat ./ventoy/ventoy.disk.img.xz | dd status=none conv=fsync of=$DISK bs=512 count=$VENTOY_SECTOR_NUM seek=$part2_start sync vtinfo "esp partition processing ..." if [ "$SECUREBOOT" != "YES" ]; then sleep 2 check_umount_disk "$DISK" vtoycli partresize -s $DISK $part2_start fi if [ "$PART1_TYPE" = "EE" ]; then vtinfo "update esp partition attribute" vtoycli gpt -f $DISK sync fi echo "" vtinfo "Update Ventoy on $DISK successfully finished." echo "" fi