#include "ventoy2diskwindow.h" #include "ui_ventoy2diskwindow.h" #include "partcfgdialog.h" #include <QMessageBox> extern "C" { #include "ventoy_define.h" #include "ventoy_util.h" #include "ventoy_disk.h" #include "ventoy_json.h" #include "ventoy_http.h" #include "ventoy_qt.h" } MyQThread::MyQThread(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) { m_index = -1; m_type = 0; m_running = false; } void MyQThread::install_run() { int ret = 0; int pos = 0; int buflen = 0; int percent = 0; char buf[1024]; char dec[64]; char out[256]; char disk_name[32]; ventoy_disk *cur; vlog("install run %d ...\n", m_index); cur = g_disk_list + m_index; snprintf(disk_name, sizeof(disk_name), "%s", cur->disk_name); snprintf(dec, sizeof(dec), "%llu", (unsigned long long)m_reserve_space); buflen = sizeof(buf); VTOY_JSON_FMT_BEGIN(pos, buf, buflen); VTOY_JSON_FMT_OBJ_BEGIN(); VTOY_JSON_FMT_STRN("method", "install"); VTOY_JSON_FMT_STRN("disk", disk_name); VTOY_JSON_FMT_STRN("reserve_space", dec); VTOY_JSON_FMT_UINT("partstyle", ventoy_code_get_cur_part_style()); VTOY_JSON_FMT_UINT("secure_boot", m_secureboot); VTOY_JSON_FMT_UINT("align_4kb", m_align4K); VTOY_JSON_FMT_OBJ_END(); VTOY_JSON_FMT_END(pos); out[0] = 0; ventoy_func_handler(buf, out, sizeof(out)); vlog("func handler install <%s>\n", out); if (strstr(out, "success")) { while (percent != 100) { percent = ventoy_code_get_percent(); emit thread_event(THREAD_MSG_PROGRESS_BAR, percent); msleep(50); } ret = ventoy_code_get_result(); ventoy_code_refresh_device(); cur = NULL; } else { ret = 1; } emit thread_event(THREAD_MSG_INSTALL_FINISH, ret); m_running = false; } void MyQThread::update_run() { int ret = 0; int percent = 0; char buf[1024]; char out[256]; char disk_name[32]; ventoy_disk *cur; vlog("install run %d ...\n", m_index); cur = g_disk_list + m_index; snprintf(disk_name, sizeof(disk_name), "%s", cur->disk_name); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "{\"method\":\"update\",\"disk\":\"%s\",\"secure_boot\":%d}", disk_name, m_secureboot); out[0] = 0; ventoy_func_handler(buf, out, sizeof(out)); vlog("func handler update <%s>\n", out); if (strstr(out, "success")) { while (percent != 100) { percent = ventoy_code_get_percent(); emit thread_event(THREAD_MSG_PROGRESS_BAR, percent); msleep(50); } ret = ventoy_code_get_result(); ventoy_code_refresh_device(); cur = NULL; } else { ret = 1; } emit thread_event(THREAD_MSG_UPDATE_FINISH, ret); m_running = false; } void MyQThread::run() { if (THREAD_TYPE_INSTALL == m_type) { install_run(); } else if (THREAD_TYPE_UPDATE == m_type) { update_run(); } else { } } Ventoy2DiskWindow::Ventoy2DiskWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::Ventoy2DiskWindow) { m_partcfg = new PartCfgDialog(); m_part_group = new QActionGroup(this); m_lang_group = new QActionGroup(this); m_thread = new MyQThread(this); ui->setupUi(this); } Ventoy2DiskWindow::~Ventoy2DiskWindow() { delete m_partcfg; delete m_part_group; delete m_lang_group; delete m_thread; delete ui; } bool LangCompare(const QString &s1, const QString &s2) { if (true == s1.startsWith("Chinese Simplified") && false == s2.startsWith("Chinese Simplified")) { return true; } else if (false == s1.startsWith("Chinese Simplified") && true == s2.startsWith("Chinese Simplified")) { return false; } else { return s1 < s2; } } int Ventoy2DiskWindow::lang_string(const QString &id, QString &str) { QString cur = ventoy_code_get_cur_language(); for (QJsonArray::iterator p = m_lang_array.begin(); p != m_lang_array.end(); p++) { if (p->toObject().value("name") == cur) { str = p->toObject().value(id).toString(); str = str.replace("#@", "\r\n"); return 0; } } return 1; } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::update_ui_language() { QString dev; QJsonObject obj; QString cur = ventoy_code_get_cur_language(); for (QJsonArray::iterator p = m_lang_array.begin(); p != m_lang_array.end(); p++) { if (p->toObject().value("name") == cur) { obj = p->toObject(); break; } } ui->menuOption->setTitle(_LANG_STR("STR_MENU_OPTION")); ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->setText(_LANG_STR("STR_MENU_SECURE_BOOT")); ui->menuPartition_Style->setTitle(_LANG_STR("STR_MENU_PART_STYLE")); ui->actionPartition_Configuration->setText(_LANG_STR("STR_MENU_PART_CFG")); ui->actionClear_Ventoy->setText(_LANG_STR("STR_MENU_CLEAR")); ui->actionShow_All_Devices->setText(_LANG_STR("STR_SHOW_ALL_DEV")); dev = _LANG_STR("STR_DEVICE"); if (m_partcfg->reserve) { QString str; str.sprintf(" [ -%lld%s ]", (long long)m_partcfg->resvalue, m_partcfg->unit ? "GB" : "MB"); ui->groupBoxDevice->setTitle(dev + str); } else { ui->groupBoxDevice->setTitle(dev); } ui->groupBoxVentoyLocal->setTitle(_LANG_STR("STR_LOCAL_VER")); ui->groupBoxVentoyDevice->setTitle(_LANG_STR("STR_DISK_VER")); ui->groupBoxStatus->setTitle(_LANG_STR("STR_STATUS")); ui->ButtonInstall->setText(_LANG_STR("STR_INSTALL")); ui->ButtonUpdate->setText(_LANG_STR("STR_UPDATE")); m_partcfg->update_language_ui(obj); m_partcfg->setWindowTitle(_LANG_STR("STR_MENU_PART_CFG")); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::lang_check_action(QAction *act) { ventoy_code_set_cur_language(act->text().toStdString().c_str()); update_ui_language(); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::LoadLanguages() { QString curlang = ventoy_code_get_cur_language(); if (curlang.isEmpty()) { QString LANG = qgetenv("LANG"); if (LANG.startsWith("zh_CN")) { ventoy_code_set_cur_language("Chinese Simplified (简体中文)"); } else { ventoy_code_set_cur_language("English (English)"); } curlang = ventoy_code_get_cur_language(); } QFile inFile("./tool/languages.json"); inFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text); QByteArray data = inFile.readAll(); inFile.close(); QJsonParseError errorPtr; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &errorPtr); m_lang_array = doc.array(); QVector<QString> List; for (QJsonArray::iterator p = m_lang_array.begin(); p != m_lang_array.end(); p++) { List.push_back(p->toObject().value("name").toString()); } connect(m_lang_group, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(lang_check_action(QAction *))); std::sort(List.begin(), List.end(), LangCompare); for (QVector<QString>::iterator p = List.begin(); p != List.end(); p++) { QAction *action = new QAction(*p, m_lang_group); action->setCheckable(true); if (p->compare(curlang) == 0) { action->setChecked(true); m_lang_group->triggered(action); } ui->menuLanguage->addAction(action); } } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::part_style_check_action(QAction *action) { int style = 0; if (action->text() == "MBR") { style = 0; ui->labelVentoyLocalPartStyle->setText("MBR"); } else { style = 1; ui->labelVentoyLocalPartStyle->setText("GPT"); } if (style != ventoy_code_get_cur_part_style()) { ventoy_code_set_cur_part_style(style); } } static ventoy_disk *select_active_dev(const QString &select, int *activeid) { int i; int alldev = ventoy_code_get_cur_show_all(); ventoy_disk *cur = NULL; /* find the match one */ if (!select.isEmpty()) { for (i = 0; i < g_disk_num; i++) { cur = g_disk_list + i; if (alldev == 0 && cur->type != VTOY_DEVICE_USB) { continue; } if (select.compare(cur->disk_name) == 0) { *activeid = i; return cur; } } } /* find the first one that installed with Ventoy */ for (i = 0; i < g_disk_num; i++) { cur = g_disk_list + i; if (alldev == 0 && cur->type != VTOY_DEVICE_USB) { continue; } if (cur->vtoydata.ventoy_valid) { *activeid = i; return cur; } } /* find the first USB interface device */ for (i = 0; i < g_disk_num; i++) { cur = g_disk_list + i; if (alldev == 0 && cur->type != VTOY_DEVICE_USB) { continue; } if (cur->type == VTOY_DEVICE_USB) { *activeid = i; return cur; } } /* use the first one */ for (i = 0; i < g_disk_num; i++) { cur = g_disk_list + i; if (alldev == 0 && cur->type != VTOY_DEVICE_USB) { continue; } *activeid = i; return cur; } return NULL; } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::FillDeviceList(const QString &select) { int active; int count = 0; int alldev = ventoy_code_get_cur_show_all(); ventoy_disk *cur; ui->comboBoxDevice->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < g_disk_num; i++) { cur = g_disk_list + i; if (alldev == 0 && cur->type != VTOY_DEVICE_USB) { continue; } QString item; item.sprintf("%s [%s] %s", cur->disk_name, cur->human_readable_size, cur->disk_model); ui->comboBoxDevice->addItem(item); count++; } cur = select_active_dev(select, &active); if (cur) { vlog("combox count:%d, active:%s id:%d\n", count, cur->disk_name, active); ui->ButtonInstall->setEnabled(true); ui->ButtonUpdate->setEnabled(cur->vtoydata.ventoy_valid); ui->comboBoxDevice->setCurrentIndex(active); } else { vlog("combox count:%d, no active id\n", count); ui->ButtonInstall->setEnabled(false); ui->ButtonUpdate->setEnabled(false); } } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::OnInitWindow(void) { int len; const uchar *data; QIcon icon; QPixmap pix1; QPixmap pix2; char ver[512]; ui->labelVentoyLocalSecure->hide(); m_part_group->addAction(ui->actionMBR); m_part_group->addAction(ui->actionGPT); connect(m_part_group, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(part_style_check_action(QAction *))); if (ventoy_code_get_cur_part_style()) { ui->actionGPT->setChecked(true); m_part_group->triggered(ui->actionGPT); } else { ui->actionMBR->setChecked(true); m_part_group->triggered(ui->actionMBR); } snprintf(ver, sizeof(ver), VERSION_FMT, ventoy_get_local_version()); ui->labelVentoyLocalVer->setText(QApplication::translate("Ventoy2DiskWindow", ver, nullptr)); LoadLanguages(); data = (const uchar *)get_refresh_icon_raw_data(&len); pix1.loadFromData(data, len); icon.addPixmap(pix1); ui->ButtonRefresh->setIcon(icon); data = (const uchar *)get_secure_icon_raw_data(&len); pix2.loadFromData(data, len); ui->labelVentoyLocalSecure->setPixmap(pix2); ui->labelVentoyDeviceSecure->setPixmap(pix2); ui->labelVentoyDeviceSecure->setHidden(true); ui->labelVentoyDeviceVer->setText(""); ui->labelVentoyDevicePartStyle->setText(""); ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->trigger(); ui->actionShow_All_Devices->setChecked(ventoy_code_get_cur_show_all()); connect(m_thread, &MyQThread::thread_event, this, &Ventoy2DiskWindow::thread_event); FillDeviceList(""); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev) { QMainWindow::showEvent(ev); OnInitWindow(); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_ButtonInstall_clicked() { int index; quint64 size = 0, space = 0; ventoy_disk *cur; QString title_warn, title_err, msg; lang_string("STR_ERROR", title_err); lang_string("STR_WARNING", title_warn); if (m_thread->m_running || ventoy_code_is_busy()) { lang_string("STR_WAIT_PROCESS", msg); QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg); return; } index = ui->comboBoxDevice->currentIndex(); if (index < 0 || index > g_disk_num) { vlog("Invalid combobox current index %d\n", index); return; } cur = g_disk_list + index; if (cur->is4kn) { lang_string("STR_4KN_UNSUPPORTED", msg); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, title_err, msg); return; } if (ventoy_code_get_cur_part_style() == 0 && cur->size_in_byte > 2199023255552ULL) { lang_string("STR_DISK_2TB_MBR_ERROR", msg); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, title_err, msg); return; } if (m_partcfg->reserve) { size = cur->size_in_byte / SIZE_1MB; space = m_partcfg->resvalue; if (m_partcfg->unit == 1) { space = m_partcfg->resvalue * 1024; } if (size <= space || (size - space) <= VTOYEFI_PART_BYTES / SIZE_1MB) { lang_string("STR_SPACE_VAL_INVALID", msg); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, title_err, msg); vlog("reserved space too big.\n"); return; } } lang_string("STR_INSTALL_TIP", msg); if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No)) { return; } lang_string("STR_INSTALL_TIP2", msg); if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No)) { return; } ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(false); ui->ButtonInstall->setEnabled(false); ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(false); m_thread->m_type = THREAD_TYPE_INSTALL; m_thread->m_index = index; m_thread->m_reserve_space = space * SIZE_1MB; m_thread->m_secureboot = ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->isChecked(); m_thread->m_align4K = m_partcfg->align; m_thread->m_running = true; m_thread->start(); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_ButtonUpdate_clicked() { int index; ventoy_disk *cur; QString title_info, title_warn, title_err, msg; lang_string("STR_ERROR", title_err); lang_string("STR_WARNING", title_warn); lang_string("STR_INFO", title_info); if (m_thread->m_running || ventoy_code_is_busy()) { lang_string("STR_WAIT_PROCESS", msg); QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg); return; } index = ui->comboBoxDevice->currentIndex(); if (index < 0 || index > g_disk_num) { vlog("Invalid combobox current index %d\n", index); return; } cur = g_disk_list + index; if (cur->vtoydata.ventoy_valid == 0) { vlog("invalid ventoy version"); return; } lang_string("STR_UPDATE_TIP", msg); if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::information(NULL, title_info, msg, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No)) { return; } ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(false); ui->ButtonInstall->setEnabled(false); ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(false); m_thread->m_type = THREAD_TYPE_UPDATE; m_thread->m_index = index; m_thread->m_secureboot = ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->isChecked(); m_thread->m_running = true; m_thread->start(); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_ButtonRefresh_clicked() { QString title_warn, msg; if (m_thread->m_running || ventoy_code_is_busy()) { lang_string("STR_WARNING", title_warn); lang_string("STR_WAIT_PROCESS", msg); QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg); return; } ventoy_code_refresh_device(); FillDeviceList(""); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_comboBoxDevice_currentIndexChanged(int index) { char ver[512]; ventoy_disk *cur; ui->labelVentoyDeviceSecure->setHidden(true); ui->labelVentoyDeviceVer->setText(""); ui->labelVentoyDevicePartStyle->setText(""); if (index < 0 || index > g_disk_num) { vlog("invalid combobox index %d\n", index); return; } cur = g_disk_list + index; if (cur->vtoydata.ventoy_valid) { if (cur->vtoydata.secure_boot_flag) { ui->labelVentoyDeviceSecure->setHidden(false); } else { ui->labelVentoyDeviceSecure->setHidden(true); } if ((int)(ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->isChecked()) != cur->vtoydata.secure_boot_flag) { ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->trigger(); } snprintf(ver, sizeof(ver), VERSION_FMT, cur->vtoydata.ventoy_ver); ui->labelVentoyDeviceVer->setText(QApplication::translate("Ventoy2DiskWindow", ver, nullptr)); ui->labelVentoyDevicePartStyle->setText(cur->vtoydata.partition_style ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } else { if (!(ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->isChecked())) { ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->trigger(); } } } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_actionPartition_Configuration_triggered() { m_partcfg->update_ui_status(); if (QDialog::Accepted == m_partcfg->exec()) { QString str; QString dev; lang_string("STR_DEVICE", dev); if (m_partcfg->reserve) { str.sprintf(" [ -%lld%s ]", (long long)m_partcfg->resvalue, m_partcfg->unit ? "GB" : "MB"); ui->groupBoxDevice->setTitle(dev + str); } else { ui->groupBoxDevice->setTitle(dev); } } } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_actionClear_Ventoy_triggered() { int ret; int index; ventoy_disk *cur; QString title_err, title_warn, title_info, msg; char disk_name[64]; char buf[256]; char out[256]; lang_string("STR_ERROR", title_err); lang_string("STR_WARNING", title_warn); lang_string("STR_INFO", title_info); if (m_thread->m_running || ventoy_code_is_busy()) { lang_string("STR_WAIT_PROCESS", msg); QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg); return; } index = ui->comboBoxDevice->currentIndex(); if (index < 0 || index > g_disk_num) { vlog("Invalid combobox current index %d\n", index); return; } cur = g_disk_list + index; lang_string("STR_INSTALL_TIP", msg); if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No)) { return; } lang_string("STR_INSTALL_TIP2", msg); if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title_warn, msg, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No)) { return; } snprintf(disk_name, sizeof(disk_name), "%s", cur->disk_name); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "{\"method\":\"clean\",\"disk\":\"%s\"}", disk_name); out[0] = 0; ventoy_func_handler(buf, out, sizeof(out)); vlog("func handler clean <%s>\n", out); if (strstr(out, "success")) { ret = ventoy_code_get_result(); ventoy_code_refresh_device(); cur = NULL; } else { ret = 1; } if (ret == 0) { lang_string("STR_CLEAR_SUCCESS", msg); QMessageBox::information(NULL, title_info, msg); } else { lang_string("STR_CLEAR_FAILED", msg); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, title_err, msg); } FillDeviceList(disk_name); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_actionShow_All_Devices_toggled(bool arg1) { ventoy_code_set_cur_show_all(arg1); FillDeviceList(""); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { vlog("On closeEvent ...\n"); if (m_thread->m_running) { QString title; QString msg; lang_string("STR_WARNING", title); lang_string("STR_WAIT_PROCESS", msg); QMessageBox::warning(NULL, title, msg); event->ignore(); return; } ventoy_code_save_cfg(); event->accept(); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::on_actionSecure_Boot_Support_triggered() { ui->labelVentoyLocalSecure->setHidden(!(ui->actionSecure_Boot_Support->isChecked())); } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::set_percent(int percent) { int index; QString status, radio; ui->progressBar->setValue(percent); lang_string("STR_STATUS", status); if (percent == 0) { ui->groupBoxStatus->setTitle(status); } else { index = status.indexOf("-"); radio.sprintf("%d%%", percent); ui->groupBoxStatus->setTitle(status.left(index + 2) + radio); } } void Ventoy2DiskWindow::thread_event(int msg, int data) { char disk_name[32]; QString title_err, title_info, tipmsg; if (msg == THREAD_MSG_PROGRESS_BAR) { set_percent(data); } else if (msg == THREAD_MSG_INSTALL_FINISH) { lang_string("STR_ERROR", title_err); lang_string("STR_INFO", title_info); if (data == 0) { lang_string("STR_INSTALL_SUCCESS", tipmsg); QMessageBox::information(NULL, title_info, tipmsg); } else { lang_string("STR_INSTALL_FAILED", tipmsg); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, title_err, tipmsg); } set_percent(0); ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(true); ui->ButtonInstall->setEnabled(true); ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(true); snprintf(disk_name, sizeof(disk_name), "%s", g_disk_list[m_thread->m_index].disk_name); FillDeviceList(disk_name); } else if (msg == THREAD_MSG_UPDATE_FINISH) { lang_string("STR_ERROR", title_err); lang_string("STR_INFO", title_info); if (data == 0) { lang_string("STR_UPDATE_SUCCESS", tipmsg); QMessageBox::information(NULL, title_info, tipmsg); } else { lang_string("STR_UPDATE_FAILED", tipmsg); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, title_err, tipmsg); } set_percent(0); ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(true); ui->ButtonInstall->setEnabled(true); ui->ButtonRefresh->setEnabled(true); snprintf(disk_name, sizeof(disk_name), "%s", g_disk_list[m_thread->m_index].disk_name); FillDeviceList(disk_name); } }