/****************************************************************************** * biso.h * * Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #ifndef __BISO_H__ #define __BISO_H__ #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "time.h" extern int g_biso_debug; void BISO_SetDebug(int debug); #define BISO_DIAG(fmt, ...) if(g_biso_debug) printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define BISO_DUMP printf #ifndef STATIC #define STATIC static #endif #ifndef CONST #define CONST const #endif #ifndef INLINE #define INLINE inline #endif #ifndef VOID #define VOID void #endif #ifndef PVOID typedef VOID * PVOID; #endif #ifndef CHAR #define CHAR char #endif #ifndef UCHAR #define UCHAR unsigned char #endif #ifndef SHORT #define SHORT short #endif #ifndef USHORT #define USHORT unsigned short #endif #ifndef LONG #define LONG long #endif #ifndef ULONG #define ULONG unsigned long #endif #ifndef ULONGLONG #define ULONGLONG unsigned long long #endif #ifndef INT #define INT int #endif #ifndef UINT #define UINT unsigned int #endif #ifndef INT16 #define INT16 short #endif #ifndef UINT16 #define UINT16 unsigned short #endif #ifndef INT32 #define INT32 int #endif #ifndef UINT32 #define UINT32 unsigned int #endif #ifndef BOOL_T typedef USHORT BOOL_T; #define BOOL_TRUE ((BOOL_T)1) #define BOOL_FALSE ((BOOL_T)0) #endif typedef long long INT64; typedef unsigned long long UINT64; #define BISO_PATH_STRCMP strcmp #ifndef NULL #define NULL (void *)0 #endif #ifndef IN #define IN #endif #ifndef OUT #define OUT #endif #ifndef INOUT #define INOUT #endif #define BISO_TRUE 1 #define BISO_FALSE 0 typedef VOID BISO_READ_S; typedef VOID BISO_WRITE_S; typedef CONST VOID * BISO_HANDLE; /* error code */ #define BISO_SUCCESS 0 #define BISO_ERR_BASE 0x1000 #define BISO_ERR_FAILED (BISO_ERR_BASE + 1) #define BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR (BISO_ERR_BASE + 2) #define BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM (BISO_ERR_BASE + 3) #define BISO_ERR_OPEN_FILE (BISO_ERR_BASE + 4) #define BISO_ERR_READ_FILE (BISO_ERR_BASE + 5) #define BISO_ERR_WRITE_FILE (BISO_ERR_BASE + 6) #define BISO_ERR_INVALID_ISO9660 (BISO_ERR_BASE + 7) #define BISO_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_BLKSIZE (BISO_ERR_BASE + 8) #define BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM (BISO_ERR_BASE + 9) #define BISO_ERR_NOT_FOUND (BISO_ERR_BASE + 10) #define BISO_ERR_NOT_RECORD (BISO_ERR_BASE + 11) #define BISO_ERR_HANDLE_UNINITIALIZED (BISO_ERR_BASE + 12) #define BISO_ERR_INVALID_RRIP_SP (BISO_ERR_BASE + 13) #define BISO_ERR_ABORT (BISO_ERR_BASE + 14) typedef struct tagBISO_VOLUME_SUMMARY { CHAR szVolumeId[33]; CHAR szSystemId[33]; CHAR szPublisherId[129]; CHAR szPreparerId[129]; CHAR szApplicationId[129]; CHAR szCopyrightFileId[38]; CHAR szAbstractFileId[38]; UINT uiRockRidgeVer; UINT uiJolietLevel; UINT uiTotDirNum; UINT uiTotFileNum; UINT uiTotLinkNum; }BISO_VOLUME_SUMMARY_S; #define BISO_TREE_FLAG_CUR 1 #define BISO_TREE_FLAG_DFS 2 #define BISO_TREE_FLAG_BFS 3 /* time */ typedef struct tagBISO_DATE { USHORT usYear; UCHAR ucMonth; UCHAR ucDay; UCHAR ucHour; UCHAR ucMin; UCHAR ucSecond; USHORT usMillSec; CHAR cZone; }BISO_DATE_S; typedef enum tagBISO_DATE_TYPE { BISO_DATE_TYPE_CREATE = 0, BISO_DATE_TYPE_MODIFY, BISO_DATE_TYPE_EXPIRATION, BISO_DATE_TYPE_EFFECTIVE, BISO_DATE_TYPE_BUTT }BISO_DATE_TYPE_E; /* dir stat */ typedef struct tagBISO_DIR_STAT { UINT uiCurDirNum; UINT uiCurFileNum; UINT uiCurLinkNum; UINT uiCurUsedSec; UINT64 ui64CurSpace; UINT uiTotDirNum; UINT uiTotFileNum; UINT uiTotLinkNum; UINT64 ui64TotSpace; UINT uiTotUsedSec; }BISO_DIR_STAT_S; #define BISO_NODE_REGFILE 1 #define BISO_NODE_SYMLINK 2 #define BISO_NODE_DIRECTORY 4 /* file tree */ typedef struct tagBISO_FILE_NODE { /* * ucFlag * BISO_NODE_REGFILE * BISO_NODE_SYMLINK * BISO_NODE_DIRECTORY */ UCHAR ucFlag; CHAR szName[256]; CHAR szLinkTgt[256]; UINT64 ui64FileSize; UINT64 ui64Seek; UINT64 ui64DirRecOffet; BISO_HANDLE hParent; BISO_HANDLE hCurrent; }BISO_FILE_NODE_S; typedef struct tagBISO_SVD_FILE_NODE { UINT64 ui64FileSize; UINT64 ui64Seek; UINT64 ui64DirRecOffet; }BISO_SVD_FILE_NODE_S; /* timestamp type */ #define BISO_EXTRACT_TIME_FOLLOW 1 #define BISO_EXTRACT_TIME_SPECIFY 2 typedef struct tagBISO_EXTRACT_CTRL { UCHAR ucATimeFlag; UCHAR ucMTimeFlag; BISO_DATE_S stATime; BISO_DATE_S stMTime; }BISO_EXTRACT_CTRL_S; #define BISO_EXTRACT_MSG_MAKE_DIR 1 #define BISO_EXTRACT_MSG_CREATE_FILE 2 #define BISO_EXTRACT_MSG_SYMLINK 3 typedef struct tagBISO_EXTRACT_NOTIFY { UINT uiMsg; ULONG ulResult; CONST CHAR *pcFileName; }BISO_EXTRACT_NOTIFY_S; typedef ULONG (* BISO_EXTRACE_CB_PF)(IN CONST BISO_EXTRACT_NOTIFY_S *pstNotify); CONST CHAR * BISO_GetErrMsg(IN ULONG ulErrCode); VOID BISO_GetNow(OUT BISO_DATE_S *pstTM); VOID BISO_TimeConv(IN ULONG ulTime, OUT BISO_DATE_S *pstTM); BISO_READ_S * BISO_AllocReadHandle(VOID); VOID BISO_FreeReadHandle(INOUT BISO_READ_S *pstRead); BOOL_T BISO_IsISOFile(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName); BOOL_T BISO_IsUDFFile(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName); ULONG BISO_OpenImage(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName, OUT BISO_READ_S *pstRead); ULONG BISO_OpenImageWithSVD(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName, OUT BISO_READ_S *pstRead); BOOL_T BISO_HasSVD(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); ULONG BISO_GetVolumeSummary ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, OUT BISO_VOLUME_SUMMARY_S *pstSummary ); ULONG BISO_GetDate ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN BISO_DATE_TYPE_E enType, OUT BISO_DATE_S *pstDate ); UINT BISO_GetRockRidgeVer(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); UINT BISO_GetJolietLevel(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); BISO_HANDLE BISO_GetRoot(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); ULONG BISO_GetFileNodeByHdl ( IN BISO_HANDLE hFileHdl, OUT BISO_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ); ULONG BISO_GetFileNodeByName ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN CONST CHAR *pcFullPath, IN UCHAR ucFollowLink, OUT BISO_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ); ULONG BISO_GetFileNodeByExtent ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN UINT uiExtent, OUT BISO_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ); ULONG BISO_GetSVDFileNodeByExtent ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN UINT uiExtent, OUT BISO_SVD_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ); ULONG BISO_GetFileTree ( IN BISO_HANDLE hTopDir, IN UINT uiFlag, OUT BISO_HANDLE *phFileTree, OUT UINT *puiNodeNum ); ULONG BISO_GetDirStat ( IN BISO_HANDLE hTopDir, OUT BISO_DIR_STAT_S *pstDirStat ); ULONG BISO_ExtractFile ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN CONST BISO_HANDLE hTopDir, IN CONST CHAR *pcDstPath, IN CONST BISO_EXTRACT_CTRL_S *pstCtrl, IN BISO_EXTRACE_CB_PF pfCallBack ); VOID BISO_Fill733(IN UINT uiData, OUT VOID *pBuf); UINT BISO_Get733(IN CONST VOID *pBuf); UINT BISO_GetFileOccupySize(IN UINT uiRawSize); UINT BISO_GetBootEntryNum(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); VOID BISO_DumpVD(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); VOID BISO_DumpPathTable(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); VOID BISO_DumpFileTree(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead); typedef struct tagBISO_FILE { UINT64 CurPos; UINT64 FileSize; }BISO_FILE_S; UINT64 BISO_PLAT_GetFileSize(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName); VOID BISO_PLAT_UTime ( IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName, IN CONST BISO_DATE_S *pstAccessTime, IN CONST BISO_DATE_S *pstModifyTime ); BOOL_T BISO_PLAT_IsPathExist(IN CONST CHAR *pcPath); BOOL_T BISO_PLAT_IsFileExist(IN CONST CHAR *pcFilePath); ULONG BISO_PLAT_MkDir(IN CONST CHAR *pcFullPath); BISO_FILE_S * BISO_PLAT_OpenExistFile(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName); BISO_FILE_S * BISO_PLAT_CreateNewFile(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName); VOID BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile); INT64 BISO_PLAT_SeekFile(BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, INT64 i64Offset, INT iFromWhere); UINT64 BISO_PLAT_ReadFile ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN UINT uiBlkSize, IN UINT uiBlkNum, OUT VOID *pBuf ); UINT64 BISO_PLAT_WriteFile ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN UINT uiBlkSize, IN UINT uiBlkNum, IN VOID *pBuf ); CHAR * BISO_PLAT_GetCurDir(VOID); UINT64 BISO_UTIL_WholeFile2Buf(IN CONST CHAR *szFileName, OUT UCHAR *pucBuf); #endif /* __BISO_H__ */