/****************************************************************************** * biso.c * * Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "biso.h" #include "biso_list.h" #include "biso_util.h" #include "biso_9660.h" #include "biso_eltorito.h" #include "biso_rockridge.h" #include "biso_joliet.h" #include "biso_dump.h" CONST STATIC CHAR *g_aszErrMsg[] = { "Success", /* BISO_SUCCESS */ "General failed", /* BISO_ERR_FAILED */ "Null pointer", /* BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR */ "Failed to alloc memory", /* BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM */ "Failed to open file", /* BISO_ERR_OPEN_FILE */ "Failed to read file", /* BISO_ERR_READ_FILE */ "Failed to write file", /* BISO_ERR_WRITE_FILE */ "Invalid iso-9660 format", /* BISO_ERR_INVALID_ISO9660 */ "Unsupported block size", /* BISO_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_BLKSIZE */ "Invalid parameter", /* BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM */ "Not found", /* BISO_ERR_NOT_FOUND */ "Not record in iso file", /* BISO_ERR_NOT_RECORD */ "Handle is not initialized", /* BISO_ERR_HANDLE_UNINITIALIZED */ }; int g_biso_debug = 0; VOID BISO_SetDebug(int debug) { g_biso_debug = debug; } CONST CHAR * BISO_GetErrMsg(IN ULONG ulErrCode) { if (ulErrCode > BISO_ERR_BASE) { ulErrCode -= BISO_ERR_BASE; } if (ulErrCode > ARRAY_SIZE(g_aszErrMsg)) { return NULL; } return g_aszErrMsg[ulErrCode]; } VOID BISO_GetNow(OUT BISO_DATE_S *pstTM) { INT iTimeZone; INT iLocalHour; INT iGMTHour; time_t ulTime; struct tm *pstLocalTM = NULL; struct tm *pstGMTM = NULL; if (NULL == pstTM) { return; } time(&ulTime); pstGMTM = gmtime(&ulTime); iGMTHour = pstGMTM->tm_hour; pstLocalTM = localtime(&ulTime); iLocalHour = pstLocalTM->tm_hour; iTimeZone = iLocalHour - iGMTHour; if (iTimeZone < -12) { iTimeZone += 24; } else if (iTimeZone > 12) { iTimeZone -= 24; } pstTM->usYear = pstLocalTM->tm_year + 1900; pstTM->ucMonth = pstLocalTM->tm_mon + 1; pstTM->ucDay = pstLocalTM->tm_mday; pstTM->ucHour = pstLocalTM->tm_hour; pstTM->ucMin = pstLocalTM->tm_min; pstTM->ucSecond = pstLocalTM->tm_sec; pstTM->usMillSec = 0; pstTM->cZone = (CHAR)iTimeZone; return; } VOID BISO_TimeConv(IN ULONG ulTime, OUT BISO_DATE_S *pstTM) { time_t ulTm = ulTime; struct tm *pstLocalTM = NULL; pstLocalTM = localtime(&ulTm); pstTM->usYear = pstLocalTM->tm_year + 1900; pstTM->ucMonth = pstLocalTM->tm_mon + 1; pstTM->ucDay = pstLocalTM->tm_mday; pstTM->ucHour = pstLocalTM->tm_hour; pstTM->ucMin = pstLocalTM->tm_min; pstTM->ucSecond = pstLocalTM->tm_sec; pstTM->usMillSec = 0; pstTM->cZone = (CHAR)BISO_UTIL_GetTimeZone(); return; } BISO_READ_S * BISO_AllocReadHandle(VOID) { return (BISO_READ_S *)BISO_9660_CreateParser(); } VOID BISO_FreeReadHandle(INOUT BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { BISO_9660_DestroyParser((BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead); } BOOL_T BISO_IsISOFile(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName) { UINT uiReadLen; UINT64 ui64FileSize = 0; BISO_FILE_S *pstFile = NULL; BISO_VD_S stVolDesc; /* 先看文件大小,过小的文件不可能是ISO文件 */ ui64FileSize = BISO_PLAT_GetFileSize(pcFileName); if (ui64FileSize < BISO_SYSTEM_AREA_SIZE + sizeof(BISO_PVD_S)) { return BOOL_FALSE; } /* 打开ISO文件 */ pstFile = BISO_PLAT_OpenExistFile(pcFileName); if (NULL == pstFile) { return BOOL_FALSE; } /* 标准规定前16个逻辑扇区用来保存系统数据,VD信息从第17个扇区开始 */ BISO_PLAT_SeekFile(pstFile, BISO_SYSTEM_AREA_SIZE, SEEK_SET); /* 读出VD信息 */ uiReadLen = (UINT)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, sizeof(stVolDesc), &stVolDesc); if (uiReadLen != sizeof(stVolDesc)) { BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BOOL_FALSE; } /* 根据ID检验是否是合法的ISO-9660格式 */ if (0 != strncmp(stVolDesc.szId, BISO_VD_ID, strlen(BISO_VD_ID))) { BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BOOL_FALSE; } BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BOOL_TRUE; } BOOL_T BISO_HasSVD(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { if (((BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead)->pstSVD) { return BOOL_TRUE; } return BOOL_FALSE; } BOOL_T BISO_IsUDFFile(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName) { UINT uiReadLen; UINT64 ui64FileSize = 0; BISO_FILE_S *pstFile = NULL; BISO_VD_S stVolDesc; /* 先看文件大小,过小的文件不可能是ISO文件 */ ui64FileSize = BISO_PLAT_GetFileSize(pcFileName); if (ui64FileSize < BISO_SYSTEM_AREA_SIZE + sizeof(BISO_PVD_S)) { return BOOL_FALSE; } /* 打开ISO文件 */ pstFile = BISO_PLAT_OpenExistFile(pcFileName); if (NULL == pstFile) { return BOOL_FALSE; } /* 标准规定前16个逻辑扇区用来保存系统数据,VD信息从第17个扇区开始 */ BISO_PLAT_SeekFile(pstFile, BISO_SYSTEM_AREA_SIZE, SEEK_SET); do { /* 每次读取1个VD结构 */ uiReadLen = (UINT)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, sizeof(stVolDesc), &stVolDesc); if (uiReadLen != sizeof(stVolDesc)) { BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BOOL_FALSE; } } while (BISO_VD_TYPE_END != stVolDesc.ucType); /* 根据ID检验是否是合法的UDF格式 */ (VOID)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, sizeof(stVolDesc), &stVolDesc); if (0 != strncmp(stVolDesc.szId, "BEA01", strlen("BEA01"))) { BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BOOL_FALSE; } /* 根据ID检验是否是合法的UDF格式 */ (VOID)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, sizeof(stVolDesc), &stVolDesc); if (0 != strncmp(stVolDesc.szId, "NSR02", strlen("NSR02")) && 0 != strncmp(stVolDesc.szId, "NSR03", strlen("NSR03"))) { BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BOOL_FALSE; } BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BOOL_TRUE; } ULONG BISO_OpenImage(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName, OUT BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { return BISO_9660_OpenImage(BOOL_FALSE, pcFileName, (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead); } ULONG BISO_OpenImageWithSVD(IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName, OUT BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { return BISO_9660_OpenImage(BOOL_TRUE, pcFileName, (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead); } ULONG BISO_GetVolumeSummary ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, OUT BISO_VOLUME_SUMMARY_S *pstSummary ) { BISO_PVD_S *pstPVD = NULL; BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = NULL; if (NULL == pstRead || NULL == pstSummary) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } if (BOOL_TRUE != BISO_IS_READ_HANDLE_VALID(pstRead)) { return BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead; pstPVD = pstParser->pstPVD; /* 拷贝字符串 */ BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPVD->szVolumeId, sizeof(pstPVD->szVolumeId), pstSummary->szVolumeId); BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPVD->szSystemId, sizeof(pstPVD->szSystemId), pstSummary->szSystemId); BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPVD->szPublisherId, sizeof(pstPVD->szPublisherId), pstSummary->szPublisherId); BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPVD->szPreparerId, sizeof(pstPVD->szPreparerId), pstSummary->szPreparerId); BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPVD->szApplicationId, sizeof(pstPVD->szApplicationId), pstSummary->szApplicationId); BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPVD->szCopyrightFileId, sizeof(pstPVD->szCopyrightFileId), pstSummary->szCopyrightFileId); BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPVD->szAbstractFileId, sizeof(pstPVD->szAbstractFileId), pstSummary->szAbstractFileId); /* 其他字段赋值 */ pstSummary->uiRockRidgeVer = pstParser->ucRRIPVersion; pstSummary->uiJolietLevel = BISO_GetJolietLevel(pstRead); pstSummary->uiTotDirNum = pstParser->stDirTree.pstDirStat->uiTotDirNum; pstSummary->uiTotFileNum = pstParser->stDirTree.pstDirStat->uiTotFileNum; pstSummary->uiTotLinkNum = pstParser->stDirTree.pstDirStat->uiTotLinkNum; return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_GetDate ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN BISO_DATE_TYPE_E enType, OUT BISO_DATE_S *pstDate ) { CONST CHAR *pcDate = NULL; BISO_PVD_S *pstPVD = NULL; if ((NULL == pstRead) || (enType >= BISO_DATE_TYPE_BUTT) || (NULL == pstDate)) { BISO_DIAG("Invalid param %p %d %p.", pstRead, enType, pstDate); return BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } BISO_CHECK_READ_HANDLE(pstRead); pstPVD = ((BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead)->pstPVD; switch (enType) { case BISO_DATE_TYPE_CREATE: { pcDate = pstPVD->szCreationDate; break; } case BISO_DATE_TYPE_MODIFY: { pcDate = pstPVD->szModifyDate; break; } case BISO_DATE_TYPE_EXPIRATION: { pcDate = pstPVD->szExpirationDate; break; } case BISO_DATE_TYPE_EFFECTIVE: { pcDate = pstPVD->szEffectiveDate; break; } default : { return BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } } return BISO_9660_ParseDate84261(pcDate, pstDate); } /* 获取Rock Ridge扩展的Version 0: 没有使用Rock Ridge扩展 具体版本号: 一般都是1 */ UINT BISO_GetRockRidgeVer(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { if ((NULL == pstRead) || (BOOL_TRUE != BISO_IS_READ_HANDLE_VALID(pstRead))) { return 0; } return ((BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead)->ucRRIPVersion; } /* 获取Joliet扩展的Level */ UINT BISO_GetJolietLevel(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = NULL; if ((NULL == pstRead) || (BOOL_TRUE != BISO_IS_READ_HANDLE_VALID(pstRead))) { return 0; } pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead; if (NULL == pstParser->pstSVD) { return 0; } return BISO_JOLIET_GetLevel(pstParser->pstSVD->aucEscape); } BISO_HANDLE BISO_GetRoot(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead; if (NULL == pstParser) { return NULL; } return (BISO_HANDLE)(&pstParser->stDirTree); } ULONG BISO_GetFileNodeByHdl ( IN BISO_HANDLE hFileHdl, OUT BISO_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ) { BISO_POSIX_INFO_S *pstPosix = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)hFileHdl; if ((NULL == pstDirTree) || (NULL == pstFileNode)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } pstPosix = pstDirTree->pstPosixInfo; /* 设置类型 */ BISO_SET_FLAG(pstFileNode, pstDirTree); /* 设置名称 */ scnprintf(pstFileNode->szName, sizeof(pstFileNode->szName), "%s", pstDirTree->szName); /* 设置连接路径 */ if (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_TREE_IS_SYMLINK(pstDirTree)) { scnprintf(pstFileNode->szLinkTgt, sizeof(pstFileNode->szLinkTgt), "%s", pstPosix->pcLinkSrc); } pstFileNode->ui64FileSize = pstDirTree->uiSize; pstFileNode->ui64Seek = (UINT64)((UINT64)pstDirTree->uiExtent * BISO_BLOCK_SIZE); pstFileNode->hParent = (BISO_HANDLE)(pstDirTree->pstParent); pstFileNode->hCurrent = hFileHdl; return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_GetFileNodeByName ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN CONST CHAR *pcFullPath, IN UCHAR ucFollowLink, OUT BISO_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ) { UINT i = 0; UINT uiDirNum = 0; UINT auiDirPos[32]; USHORT usPos = 0; USHORT usLen = 0; CHAR szDirName[1024]; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstRootDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstFileList = NULL; BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead; if ((NULL == pstRead) || (NULL == pcFullPath) || (NULL == pstFileNode)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } if ('/' == pcFullPath[0]) { return BISO_ERR_FAILED; } pstRootDir = &(pstParser->stDirTree); pstCurDir = pstRootDir->pstChild; if ((0 == pcFullPath[0]) || ((1 == strlen(pcFullPath)) && ('/' == pcFullPath[0]))) { /* 出参赋值 */ memset(pstFileNode, 0, sizeof(BISO_FILE_NODE_S)); BISO_SET_FLAG(pstFileNode, pstCurDir); scnprintf(pstFileNode->szName, sizeof(pstFileNode->szName), "%s", pstCurDir->szName); pstFileNode->hParent = 0; pstFileNode->hCurrent = (BISO_HANDLE)(pstRootDir); return BISO_SUCCESS; } if ((1 == uiDirNum) && (NULL != pstRootDir)) { pstFileList = pstRootDir->pstFileList; pstCurDir = pstFileList; while (pstCurDir) { if (0 == BISO_PATH_STRCMP(pstCurDir->szName, pcFullPath)) { goto FOUND; } pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } } /* 先将目录分解开 */ if (BISO_SUCCESS != BISO_UTIL_PathSplit(pcFullPath, &uiDirNum, auiDirPos)) { BISO_DIAG("Failed to split path %s", pcFullPath); return BISO_ERR_FAILED; } /* 依次查找每一级目录 */ if (pstRootDir) { pstCurDir = pstRootDir->pstChild; } for (i = 0; (i < uiDirNum) && (NULL != pstRootDir) && (NULL != pstCurDir); i++) { usPos = auiDirPos[i] >> 16; usLen = auiDirPos[i] & 0xFF; memcpy(szDirName, pcFullPath + usPos, usLen); szDirName[usLen] = 0; pstCurDir = pstRootDir->pstChild; pstFileList = pstRootDir->pstFileList; /* 先查找目录 */ while (pstCurDir) { if (0 == BISO_PATH_STRCMP(pstCurDir->szName, szDirName)) { pstRootDir = pstCurDir; break; } pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } /* 再查找文件 */ if (NULL == pstCurDir) { pstCurDir = pstFileList; while (pstCurDir) { if (0 == BISO_PATH_STRCMP(pstCurDir->szName, szDirName)) { break; } pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } } if (NULL == pstCurDir) { return BISO_ERR_FAILED; } /* 如果是符号链接则尝试找对应的实际文件 */ if ((ucFollowLink > 0) && (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_TREE_IS_SYMLINK(pstCurDir))) { pstCurDir = BISO_UTIL_FindLinkTgt(pstCurDir); } /* 如果是文件(或者是非法链接)的话一定是最后一级 */ if ((NULL == pstCurDir->pstDirStat) && (i + 1 != uiDirNum)) { return BISO_ERR_FAILED; } } FOUND: if (NULL == pstCurDir) { return BISO_ERR_FAILED; } else { /* 出参赋值 */ memset(pstFileNode, 0, sizeof(BISO_FILE_NODE_S)); BISO_SET_FLAG(pstFileNode, pstCurDir); scnprintf(pstFileNode->szName, sizeof(pstFileNode->szName), "%s", pstCurDir->szName); if (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_TREE_IS_SYMLINK(pstCurDir)) { scnprintf(pstFileNode->szLinkTgt, sizeof(pstFileNode->szLinkTgt), "%s", pstCurDir->pstPosixInfo->pcLinkSrc); } pstFileNode->ui64FileSize = pstCurDir->uiSize; pstFileNode->ui64DirRecOffet = pstCurDir->ui64FileRecordOffset; pstFileNode->ui64Seek = (UINT64)((UINT64)pstCurDir->uiExtent * BISO_BLOCK_SIZE); pstFileNode->hParent = (BISO_HANDLE)(pstCurDir->pstParent); pstFileNode->hCurrent = (BISO_HANDLE)(pstCurDir); return BISO_SUCCESS; } } ULONG BISO_GetFileNodeByExtent ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN UINT uiExtent, OUT BISO_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ) { BOOL_T bFind = BOOL_FALSE; BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstRootDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstFileList = NULL; BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead; if ((NULL == pstRead) || (NULL == pstFileNode)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } pstRootDir = &(pstParser->stDirTree); /* 创建堆栈,同时ROOT入栈 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstRootDir); while (NULL != (pstDirTree = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue))) { pstCurDir = pstDirTree->pstChild; while (pstCurDir) { BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstCurDir); pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } pstFileList = pstDirTree->pstFileList; pstCurDir = pstFileList; while (pstCurDir) { if (uiExtent == pstCurDir->uiExtent) { while (BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue)) { bFind = BOOL_TRUE; } break; } pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } } BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); if (BOOL_TRUE != bFind) { return BISO_ERR_FAILED; } else { /* 出参赋值 */ memset(pstFileNode, 0, sizeof(BISO_FILE_NODE_S)); BISO_SET_FLAG(pstFileNode, pstCurDir); scnprintf(pstFileNode->szName, sizeof(pstFileNode->szName), "%s", pstCurDir->szName); if (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_TREE_IS_SYMLINK(pstCurDir)) { scnprintf(pstFileNode->szLinkTgt, sizeof(pstFileNode->szLinkTgt), "%s", pstCurDir->pstPosixInfo->pcLinkSrc); } pstFileNode->ui64FileSize = pstCurDir->uiSize; pstFileNode->ui64DirRecOffet = pstCurDir->ui64FileRecordOffset; pstFileNode->ui64Seek = (UINT64)((UINT64)pstCurDir->uiExtent * BISO_BLOCK_SIZE); pstFileNode->hParent = (BISO_HANDLE)(pstCurDir->pstParent); pstFileNode->hCurrent = (BISO_HANDLE)(pstCurDir); return BISO_SUCCESS; } } ULONG BISO_GetSVDFileNodeByExtent ( IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead, IN UINT uiExtent, OUT BISO_SVD_FILE_NODE_S *pstFileNode ) { BOOL_T bFind = BOOL_FALSE; BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstRootDir = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstFileList = NULL; BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead; if ((NULL == pstRead) || (NULL == pstFileNode)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } pstRootDir = &(pstParser->stSVDDirTree); /* 创建堆栈,同时ROOT入栈 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstRootDir); while (NULL != (pstDirTree = (BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue))) { pstCurDir = pstDirTree->pstChild; while (pstCurDir) { BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstCurDir); pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } pstFileList = pstDirTree->pstFileList; pstCurDir = pstFileList; while (pstCurDir) { if (uiExtent == pstCurDir->uiExtent) { while (BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue)) { bFind = BOOL_TRUE; } break; } pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } } BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); if (BOOL_TRUE != bFind) { return BISO_ERR_FAILED; } else { /* 出参赋值 */ memset(pstFileNode, 0, sizeof(BISO_SVD_FILE_NODE_S)); pstFileNode->ui64FileSize = pstCurDir->uiSize; pstFileNode->ui64DirRecOffet = pstCurDir->ui64FileRecordOffset; pstFileNode->ui64Seek = (UINT64)((UINT64)pstCurDir->uiExtent * BISO_BLOCK_SIZE); return BISO_SUCCESS; } } ULONG BISO_GetFileTree ( IN BISO_HANDLE hTopDir, IN UINT uiFlag, OUT BISO_HANDLE *phFileTree, OUT UINT *puiNodeNum ) { BISO_DIR_STAT_S *pstDirStat = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurNode = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)hTopDir; if ((NULL == pstDirTree) || (NULL == phFileTree) || (NULL == puiNodeNum)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } pstDirStat = pstDirTree->pstDirStat; if (NULL == pstDirStat) { return BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } *puiNodeNum = pstDirStat->uiCurDirNum + pstDirStat->uiCurFileNum + pstDirStat->uiCurLinkNum; switch (uiFlag) { case BISO_TREE_FLAG_CUR: { pstCurNode = pstDirTree->pstChild; while (NULL != pstCurNode) { *phFileTree++ = (BISO_HANDLE)pstCurNode; pstCurNode = pstCurNode->pstNext; } pstCurNode = pstDirTree->pstFileList; while (NULL != pstCurNode) { *phFileTree++ = (BISO_HANDLE)pstCurNode; pstCurNode = pstCurNode->pstNext; } break; } case BISO_TREE_FLAG_DFS: { break; } case BISO_TREE_FLAG_BFS: { break; } default : { return BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } } return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_GetDirStat ( IN BISO_HANDLE hTopDir, OUT BISO_DIR_STAT_S *pstDirStat ) { BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = NULL; if ((NULL == hTopDir) || (NULL == pstDirStat)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } pstDirTree = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)hTopDir; if (NULL == pstDirTree->pstDirStat) { return BISO_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } memcpy(pstDirStat, pstDirTree->pstDirStat, sizeof(BISO_DIR_STAT_S)); return BISO_SUCCESS; } VOID BISO_Fill733(IN UINT uiData, OUT VOID *pBuf) { UINT uiSwap = 0; UINT *puiData = (UINT *)pBuf; uiSwap |= (uiData & 0xFF) << 24; uiSwap |= ((uiData >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16; uiSwap |= ((uiData >> 16) & 0xFF) << 8; uiSwap |= (uiData >> 24) & 0xFF; #if (__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN) puiData[0] = uiData; puiData[1] = uiSwap; #else puiData[0] = uiSwap; puiData[1] = uiData; #endif } UINT BISO_Get733(IN CONST VOID *pBuf) { UINT *puiData = (UINT *)pBuf; #if (__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN) return puiData[0]; #else return puiData[1]; #endif } UINT BISO_GetFileOccupySize(IN UINT uiRawSize) { UINT uiAlign = uiRawSize % BISO_SECTOR_SIZE; if (0 == uiAlign) { return uiRawSize; } else { return uiRawSize + BISO_SECTOR_SIZE - uiAlign; } } UINT BISO_GetBootEntryNum(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { return BISO_ELTORITO_GetBootEntryNum((CONST BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead); } VOID BISO_DumpFileTree(IN CONST BISO_READ_S *pstRead) { BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)pstRead; if (NULL != pstParser) { BISO_DUMP_ShowFileTree(1, pstParser->stDirTree.pstChild); BISO_DUMP_ShowFileTree(1, pstParser->stDirTree.pstFileList); } }