L - Language Select F1 - Display this help information F2 - Browse and boot files in local disk F3 - Switch menu mode between Treeview <-> ListView F4 - Boot Windows/Linux in local disk F5 - Utilities F6 - Load Custom Grub2 Menu F7 - Switch between GUI Mode <-> TEXT Mode m/Ctrl+m - Checksum image files (md5/sha1/sha256/sha512) d/Ctrl+d - Memdisk Mode (Only for small WinPE/LiveCD ISO/IMG) w/Ctrl+w - WIMBOOT Mode (Only for standard Windows ISO) r/Ctrl+r - Grub2 Mode (Only for some Linux distros) i/Ctrl+i - Compatible Mode (Just only for debug) u/Ctrl+u - Load ISO efi driver (Just only for debug, can not be used officially) Press ESC to return ......