/****************************************************************************** * biso_9660.c * * Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "biso.h" #include "biso_list.h" #include "biso_util.h" #include "biso_plat.h" #include "biso_9660.h" #include "biso_eltorito.h" #include "biso_rockridge.h" #include "biso_dump.h" STATIC ULONG BISO_9660_ReadPathTable(IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, OUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser) { UINT64 ui64Seek = 0; UINT uiReadLen = 0; UCHAR *pucBuf = NULL; BISO_PVD_S *pstPVD = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParser); pstPVD = pstParser->pstPVD; ui64Seek = BISO_PATHTBL_LOCATION(pstPVD); ui64Seek = ui64Seek * BISO_BLOCK_SIZE; /* * 申请内存用于保存Path Table * 由于Path Table是连续保存的,所以这里一次性读出保存,使用时再做解析 * Path Table保存时是连续的,一条Path Table可以跨block, 最后一个扇区的剩余空间填0 */ pucBuf = (UCHAR *)BISO_MALLOC(pstPVD->uiPathTblSize); if (NULL == pucBuf) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } BISO_PLAT_SeekFile(pstFile, ui64Seek, SEEK_SET); /* 读出Path Table */ uiReadLen = (UINT)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, pstPVD->uiPathTblSize, pucBuf); if (uiReadLen != pstPVD->uiPathTblSize) { BISO_FREE(pucBuf); BISO_DIAG("Read Len %u, data len %u.", uiReadLen, pstPVD->uiPathTblSize); return BISO_ERR_READ_FILE; } pstParser->pucPathTable = pucBuf; return BISO_SUCCESS; } /* 深度优先文件树目录节点入栈 注意这里只是针对目录节点入栈, 文件节点没有处理 */ VOID BISO_9660_FillDfsStack ( IN BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstTop, INOUT BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue ) { BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstTop); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstQueue); /* TOP入栈 */ BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstTop); pstCurDir = pstTop->pstChild; if (NULL == pstCurDir) { return; } for ( ; ; ) { /* * 按照以下顺序依次入栈: * 1. 自己入栈 * 2. 子节点入栈 * 3. Next节点入栈 * 4. Parent的Next节点入栈 */ BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstCurDir); if (NULL != pstCurDir->pstChild) { pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstChild; } else if (NULL != pstCurDir->pstNext) { pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstNext; } else { /* 往上回溯, 一直找到需要入栈的节点 */ while ((pstTop != pstCurDir->pstParent) && (NULL == pstCurDir->pstParent->pstNext)) { pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstParent; } if (pstTop == pstCurDir->pstParent) { break; } pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstParent->pstNext; } } } /* 根据Extent的值查找子目录节点 */ STATIC BISO_DIR_TREE_S *BISO_9660_FindChild ( IN BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstParent, IN UINT uiChildExtent ) { BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurNode = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParent); pstCurNode = pstParent->pstChild; while (NULL != pstCurNode) { if (pstCurNode->uiExtent == uiChildExtent) { return pstCurNode; } pstCurNode = pstCurNode->pstNext; } return NULL; } STATIC ULONG BISO_9660_ReadVD(IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, OUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser) { UINT uiReadLen = 0; BISO_VD_S stVolDesc; BISO_VD_NODE_S *pstVdNode = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParser); /* 标准规定前16个逻辑扇区用来保存系统数据,VD信息从第17个扇区开始 */ BISO_PLAT_SeekFile(pstFile, BISO_SYSTEM_AREA_SIZE, SEEK_SET); do { /* 每次读取1个VD结构 */ uiReadLen = (UINT)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, sizeof(stVolDesc), &stVolDesc); if (uiReadLen != sizeof(stVolDesc)) { BISO_DIAG("Read Len %u, struct len %u.", uiReadLen, (UINT)sizeof(stVolDesc)); return BISO_ERR_READ_FILE; } /* 根据ID检验是否是合法的ISO-9660格式 */ if (0 != strncmp(stVolDesc.szId, BISO_VD_ID, strlen(BISO_VD_ID))) { BISO_DIAG("Invalid cdid: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", (UCHAR)stVolDesc.szId[0], (UCHAR)stVolDesc.szId[1], (UCHAR)stVolDesc.szId[2], (UCHAR)stVolDesc.szId[3], (UCHAR)stVolDesc.szId[4]); return BISO_ERR_INVALID_ISO9660; } /* 申请内存保存VD信息 */ pstVdNode = (BISO_VD_NODE_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_VD_NODE_S)); if (NULL == pstVdNode) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* 链表节点挂接 */ memcpy(&(pstVdNode->stVD), &stVolDesc, sizeof(BISO_VD_S)); BISO_DLL_AddTail(&(pstParser->stVDList), (BISO_DLL_NODE_S *)pstVdNode); switch (stVolDesc.ucType) { case BISO_VD_TYPE_BOOT: { pstParser->pstBVD = (BISO_BVD_S *)&(pstVdNode->stVD); pstParser->pstBVD->uiBootCatlogStart = BISO_LTOH_UINT(pstParser->pstBVD->uiBootCatlogStart); break; } case BISO_VD_TYPE_PVD: { pstParser->pstPVD = (BISO_PVD_S *)&(pstVdNode->stVD); break; } case BISO_VD_TYPE_SVD: { pstParser->pstSVD = (BISO_SVD_S *)&(pstVdNode->stVD); break; } case BISO_VD_TYPE_PART: case BISO_VD_TYPE_END: { break; } default : { BISO_DIAG("Invalid VD type: %u\n", stVolDesc.ucType); return BISO_ERR_INVALID_ISO9660; } } } while (BISO_VD_TYPE_END != stVolDesc.ucType); /* 标准规定必须有1个主卷描述符 */ if (NULL == pstParser->pstPVD) { BISO_DIAG("No PVD found."); return BISO_ERR_INVALID_ISO9660; } /* 目前只支持逻辑块大小为2048 */ if (BISO_BLOCK_SIZE != pstParser->pstPVD->usBlockSize) { BISO_DIAG("Unsupported block size %u.", pstParser->pstPVD->usBlockSize); return BISO_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_BLKSIZE; } return BISO_SUCCESS; } STATIC UCHAR * BISO_9660_ReadDirRecord ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN UINT uiExtent, OUT UINT *puiSize ) { UINT64 ui64Seek = 0; UINT uiReadLen = 0; UCHAR *pucBuf = NULL; BISO_DIR_RECORD_S stCurrent; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != puiSize); /* 第一条Dir Record是Current, 先读出自己,得到总的缓冲区长度 */ ui64Seek = BISO_BLOCK_SIZE * (UINT64)uiExtent; BISO_PLAT_SeekFile(pstFile, ui64Seek, SEEK_SET); uiReadLen = (UINT)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, sizeof(stCurrent), &stCurrent); if (uiReadLen != sizeof(stCurrent)) { BISO_DIAG("Read len %u, buf len %u.", uiReadLen, (UINT)sizeof(stCurrent)); return NULL; } /* 申请内存, 一次性把当前目录的Directory信息全部读出 */ pucBuf = (UCHAR *)BISO_MALLOC(stCurrent.uiSize); if (NULL == pucBuf) { return NULL; } BISO_PLAT_SeekFile(pstFile, ui64Seek, SEEK_SET); uiReadLen = (UINT)BISO_PLAT_ReadFile(pstFile, 1, stCurrent.uiSize, pucBuf); if (uiReadLen != stCurrent.uiSize) { BISO_DIAG("Read len %u, buf len %u.", uiReadLen, stCurrent.uiSize); BISO_FREE(pucBuf); return NULL; } *puiSize = stCurrent.uiSize; return pucBuf; } STATIC BISO_DIR_TREE_S * BISO_9660_CreateDirNode ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser, IN BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *pstRecord, INOUT BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre, INOUT BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstParent ) { BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstRecord); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstPre); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParent); /* 申请内存用于保存目录节点 */ pstNew = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_DIR_TREE_S)); if (NULL == pstNew) { return NULL; } /* 目录节点属性赋值 */ BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstRecord->szName, pstRecord->ucNameLen, pstNew->szName); pstNew->uiExtent = pstRecord->uiExtent; pstNew->usNameLen = (USHORT)strlen(pstNew->szName); /* 申请统计信息的节点 */ pstNew->pstDirStat = (BISO_DIR_STAT_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_DIR_STAT_S)); if (NULL == pstNew->pstDirStat) { BISO_FREE(pstNew); return NULL; } /* 挂接到父目录下 */ if (NULL == pstPre) { pstParent->pstChild = pstNew; } else { pstPre->pstNext = pstNew; } pstNew->pstParent = pstParent; /* 更新父目录统计 */ pstParent->pstDirStat->uiCurDirNum++; /* 更新目录的Rock Ridge扩展信息 */ (VOID)BISO_RRIP_ReadExtInfo(pstFile, pstParser, pstRecord, pstNew); return pstNew; } STATIC BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S * BISO_9660_CreateSVDDirNode ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser, IN BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *pstRecord, INOUT BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre, INOUT BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstParent ) { BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstRecord); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstPre); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParent); /* 申请内存用于保存目录节点 */ pstNew = (BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S)); if (NULL == pstNew) { return NULL; } /* 目录节点属性赋值 */ pstNew->uiExtent = pstRecord->uiExtent; /* 挂接到父目录下 */ if (NULL == pstPre) { pstParent->pstChild = pstNew; } else { pstPre->pstNext = pstNew; } pstNew->pstParent = pstParent; return pstNew; } /* ISO原始文件格式处理 */ STATIC ULONG BISO_9660_ProcRawFileNameFmt(INOUT CHAR *szFileName, INOUT USHORT *pusLen) { UINT i; UINT uiSepNum = 0; UINT uiSepIndex = 0; UINT uiDotNum = 0; UINT uiLen = *pusLen; for (i = 0; i < uiLen; i++) { if (szFileName[i] == ';') { if (uiSepNum > 0) { return BISO_SUCCESS; } uiSepNum++; uiSepIndex = i; } else if (szFileName[i] == '.') { if (uiDotNum > 0) { return BISO_SUCCESS; } uiDotNum++; } else if (szFileName[i] >= 'a' && szFileName[i] <= 'z') { return BISO_SUCCESS; } } /* 必须只包含1个分号和1个点号 */ if (uiSepNum != 1 || uiSepIndex == 0 || uiDotNum != 1) { return BISO_SUCCESS; } /* 分号后面是文件版本号, 纯数字 */ for (i = uiSepIndex + 1; i < uiLen; i++) { if (szFileName[i] < '0' || szFileName[i] > '9') { return BISO_SUCCESS; } } /* 把分号后面剔除 */ szFileName[uiSepIndex] = 0; uiLen = uiSepIndex; /* 如果只有文件名没有扩展名则把最后的点号去掉 */ if (uiLen > 1 && szFileName[uiLen - 1] == '.') { szFileName[uiLen - 1] = 0; uiLen--; } *pusLen = (USHORT)uiLen; /* 转换为小写 */ for (i = 0; i < uiLen; i++) { if (szFileName[i] >= 'A' && szFileName[i] <= 'Z') { szFileName[i] = 'a' + (szFileName[i] - 'A'); } } return BISO_SUCCESS; } STATIC BISO_DIR_TREE_S * BISO_9660_CreateFileNode ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser, IN BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *pstRecord, INOUT BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre, INOUT BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstParent ) { UINT uiSecNum = 0; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstRecord); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstPre); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParent); /* 申请内存用于保存文件节点 */ pstNew = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_DIR_TREE_S)); if (NULL == pstNew) { return NULL; } /* 目录节点属性赋值 */ BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstRecord->szName, pstRecord->ucNameLen, pstNew->szName); pstNew->uiExtent = pstRecord->uiExtent; pstNew->usNameLen = (USHORT)strlen(pstNew->szName); pstNew->uiSize = pstRecord->uiSize; /* 读取文件的Rock Ridge扩展信息 */ (VOID)BISO_RRIP_ReadExtInfo(pstFile, pstParser, pstRecord, pstNew); /* 更新文件所在目录的记录 */ if (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_TREE_IS_SYMLINK(pstNew)) { pstParent->pstDirStat->uiCurLinkNum++; } else { uiSecNum = BISO_USED_SECTOR_NUM(pstNew->uiSize); pstParent->pstDirStat->uiCurFileNum++; pstParent->pstDirStat->uiCurUsedSec += uiSecNum; pstParent->pstDirStat->ui64CurSpace += pstNew->uiSize; } /* 节点挂接到当前目录的FileList上 */ if (NULL == pstPre) { pstParent->pstFileList = pstNew; } else { pstPre->pstNext = pstNew; } pstNew->pstParent = pstParent; if (NULL == pstNew->pstPosixInfo && pstNew->usNameLen > 2) { BISO_9660_ProcRawFileNameFmt(pstNew->szName, &pstNew->usNameLen); } return pstNew; } STATIC BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S * BISO_9660_CreateSVDFileNode ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser, IN BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *pstRecord, INOUT BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre, INOUT BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstParent ) { BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstRecord); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstPre); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParent); /* 申请内存用于保存文件节点 */ pstNew = (BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S)); if (NULL == pstNew) { return NULL; } /* 目录节点属性赋值 */ pstNew->uiExtent = pstRecord->uiExtent; pstNew->uiSize = pstRecord->uiSize; /* 节点挂接到当前目录的FileList上 */ if (NULL == pstPre) { pstParent->pstFileList = pstNew; } else { pstPre->pstNext = pstNew; } pstNew->pstParent = pstParent; return pstNew; } STATIC ULONG BISO_9660_BuildFileList ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, IN BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser, OUT BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree ) { UINT uiTail = 0; UINT uiBufSize = 0; UINT uiTotSize = 0; UCHAR *pucBuf = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstChild = NULL; BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *pstCurrent = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstDirTree); /* 读取Directory Record记录 */ pucBuf = BISO_9660_ReadDirRecord(pstFile, pstDirTree->uiExtent, &uiBufSize); if (NULL == pucBuf) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)pucBuf; pstChild = pstDirTree->pstChild; while (uiTotSize < uiBufSize) { if (BOOL_TRUE != BISO_DIR_RECORD_IS_PATH(pstCurrent)) /* 只处理文件 */ { /* 创建文件节点 */ pstNew = BISO_9660_CreateFileNode(pstFile, pstParser, pstCurrent, pstPre, pstDirTree); if (NULL == pstNew) { BISO_FREE(pucBuf); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstNew->ui64FileRecordOffset = (UINT64)((UINT64)pstDirTree->uiExtent * BISO_SECTOR_SIZE) + ((ULONG)pstCurrent - (ULONG)pucBuf); pstPre = pstNew; } else { /* 对于子目录在这里更新目录的Rock Ridge扩展信息 */ if ((BOOL_TRUE != BISO_9660_IS_CURRENT(pstCurrent)) && (BOOL_TRUE != BISO_9660_IS_PARENT(pstCurrent))) { /* * 这里首先按照Path Table里记录的子目录顺序来判断, 如果是就不用搜索了 * 如果不是则再从子目录列表中查询. * 这里实际上取决于: * Path Table里的子目录记录和Directory Record里面的子目录记录顺序是否一致!!!! * 绝大多数情况下都是按照字母顺序,两者是一致的, 所以BISO_9660_FindChild一般情况下 * 是不会调用的 */ if (pstChild->uiExtent == pstCurrent->uiExtent) { pstNew = pstChild; pstChild = pstChild->pstNext; } else { pstNew = BISO_9660_FindChild(pstDirTree, pstCurrent->uiExtent); } if (NULL != pstNew) { (VOID)BISO_RRIP_ReadExtInfo(pstFile, pstParser, pstCurrent, pstNew); } } } uiTotSize += pstCurrent->ucLength; pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)(pucBuf + uiTotSize); /* * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ISO-9660规定Directory Record记录不能跨逻辑块,所以如果一个逻辑块的最后 * 一段区域不够保存一个Directory Record的话这段区域就会废弃(填0) */ if (0 == pstCurrent->ucLength) { uiTail = BISO_BLOCK_SIZE - (uiTotSize % BISO_BLOCK_SIZE); uiTotSize += uiTail; pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)((UCHAR *)pstCurrent + uiTail); } } BISO_FREE(pucBuf); return BISO_SUCCESS; } /* 通过PathTable构建目录树(只包含目录) 这里利用Path Table,因此超过65535个文件夹的ISO文件只能读取前 65535个目录里的内容 */ STATIC ULONG BISO_9660_BuildPathTree ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, INOUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser, OUT UINT *puiTotDirNum ) { UINT uiTotDirNum = 0; UINT uiPathTblId = 1; BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = NULL; BISO_PATH_TABLE_S *pstPathTable = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParser); DBGASSERT(NULL != puiTotDirNum); /* * ISO-9660规定的Path Table的顺序实际上是文件树的一个广度优先遍历的形式 * 而处理广度优先遍历时一般需要一个先进先出的队列结构,这里创建一个使用 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); if (NULL == pstQueue) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* ROOT根目录 */ pstPathTable = (BISO_PATH_TABLE_S *)(pstParser->pucPathTable); pstDirTree = &(pstParser->stDirTree); pstDirTree->uiPathTblId = 1; pstDirTree->uiExtent = pstPathTable->uiExtent; /* 申请统计信息的节点 */ pstDirTree->pstDirStat = (BISO_DIR_STAT_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_DIR_STAT_S)); if (NULL == pstDirTree->pstDirStat) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* 先把ROOT入队列 */ BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstDirTree); pstPathTable = (BISO_PATH_TABLE_S *)((UCHAR *)pstPathTable + BISO_9660_PATH_LEN(pstPathTable)); /* 依次处理队列中的每一项直到队列读空 */ while (NULL != (pstDirTree = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue))) { /* 把该目录下的所有一级子目录读出来入队列 */ while ((USHORT)pstDirTree->uiPathTblId == pstPathTable->usParentDirNum) { /* 申请内存用于保存目录节点 */ pstNew = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_DIR_TREE_S)); if (NULL == pstNew) { BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* 目录节点属性赋值 */ BISO_UTIL_CopyStr(pstPathTable->szDirName, pstPathTable->ucDirNameLen, pstNew->szName); pstNew->uiExtent = pstPathTable->uiExtent; pstNew->usNameLen = (USHORT)strlen(pstNew->szName); pstNew->uiPathTblId = (++uiPathTblId); /* 申请统计信息的节点 */ pstNew->pstDirStat = (BISO_DIR_STAT_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_DIR_STAT_S)); if (NULL == pstNew->pstDirStat) { BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* 挂接到父目录下 */ if (NULL == pstDirTree->pstChild) { pstDirTree->pstChild = pstNew; } else { pstPre->pstNext = pstNew; } pstNew->pstParent = pstDirTree; pstPre = pstNew; pstDirTree->pstDirStat->uiCurDirNum++; uiTotDirNum++; BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstNew); pstPathTable = (BISO_PATH_TABLE_S *)((UCHAR *)pstPathTable + BISO_9660_PATH_LEN(pstPathTable)); } } *puiTotDirNum = uiTotDirNum; BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_SUCCESS; } /* 更新整个目录树的目录结构中文件总数、目录总数、总空间大小等信息 */ ULONG BISO_9660_UpdateTreeStat(INOUT BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstRoot) { VOID *pData = NULL; BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_STAT_S *pstDirStat = NULL; BISO_DIR_STAT_S *pstPreDirStat = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstRoot); pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); if (NULL == pstQueue) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* 构建DFS栈 */ BISO_9660_FillDfsStack(pstRoot, pstQueue); /* 依次弹栈处理 */ while (NULL != (pData = BISO_QUEUE_PopTail(pstQueue))) { pstCurDir = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)pData; pstDirStat = pstCurDir->pstDirStat; /* 更新自己和父节点 */ pstDirStat->uiTotDirNum += pstDirStat->uiCurDirNum; pstDirStat->uiTotFileNum += pstDirStat->uiCurFileNum; pstDirStat->uiTotLinkNum += pstDirStat->uiCurLinkNum; pstDirStat->ui64TotSpace += pstDirStat->ui64CurSpace; pstDirStat->uiTotUsedSec += pstDirStat->uiCurUsedSec; if (NULL != pstCurDir->pstParent) /* ROOT节点没有父节点 */ { pstPreDirStat = pstCurDir->pstParent->pstDirStat; pstPreDirStat->uiTotDirNum += pstDirStat->uiTotDirNum; pstPreDirStat->uiTotFileNum += pstDirStat->uiTotFileNum; pstPreDirStat->uiTotLinkNum += pstDirStat->uiCurLinkNum; pstPreDirStat->ui64TotSpace += pstDirStat->ui64TotSpace; pstPreDirStat->uiTotUsedSec += pstDirStat->uiTotUsedSec; } } /* 销毁堆栈 */ BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_9660_UpdateNodeStat ( IN BOOL_T bAdd, IN CONST BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurNode, INOUT BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstParent ) { UINT uiSecNum = 0; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_STAT_S *pstCurStat = NULL; BISO_DIR_STAT_S *pstPreStat = NULL; BISO_DIR_STAT_S stExDirStat; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstCurNode); memset(&stExDirStat, 0, sizeof(stExDirStat)); pstPreStat = pstParent->pstDirStat; if (NULL == pstCurNode->pstDirStat) /* 非目录 */ { if (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_TREE_IS_SYMLINK(pstCurNode)) /* 符号链接 */ { /* 更新当前目录链接数统计, 大小为0不用更新 */ BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiCurLinkNum, 1); stExDirStat.uiTotLinkNum = 1; } else { /* 更新当前目录的文件数,大小等 */ uiSecNum = BISO_USED_SECTOR_NUM(pstCurNode->uiSize); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiCurFileNum, 1); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiCurUsedSec, uiSecNum); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->ui64CurSpace, pstCurNode->uiSize); stExDirStat.uiTotFileNum = 1; stExDirStat.ui64TotSpace = pstCurNode->uiSize; stExDirStat.uiTotUsedSec = uiSecNum; } } else { pstCurStat = pstCurNode->pstDirStat; BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiCurDirNum, 1); /* Current只需更新目录数 */ BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiTotDirNum, pstCurStat->uiTotDirNum); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiTotFileNum, pstCurStat->uiTotFileNum); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiTotLinkNum, pstCurStat->uiTotLinkNum); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->ui64TotSpace, pstCurStat->ui64TotSpace); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstPreStat->uiTotUsedSec, pstCurStat->uiTotUsedSec); memcpy(&stExDirStat, pstCurStat, sizeof(stExDirStat)); /* 只会用到Total部分,不用Current部分 */ } /* 依次更新上层目录的Total部分 */ pstCurDir = pstParent->pstParent; while (NULL != pstCurDir) { pstCurStat = pstCurDir->pstDirStat; BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstCurStat->uiTotDirNum, stExDirStat.uiTotDirNum); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstCurStat->uiTotFileNum, stExDirStat.uiTotFileNum); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstCurStat->uiTotLinkNum, stExDirStat.uiTotLinkNum); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstCurStat->ui64TotSpace, stExDirStat.ui64TotSpace); BISO_STAT_UPDATE(bAdd, pstCurStat->uiTotUsedSec, stExDirStat.uiTotUsedSec); pstCurDir = pstCurDir->pstParent; } return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_9660_BuildFileTreeByTable ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, OUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser ) { ULONG ulRet; UINT uiTotDirNum = 0; BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParser); /* 先通过Path Table构建目录树(不包含文件) */ ulRet = BISO_9660_BuildPathTree(pstFile, pstParser, &uiTotDirNum); if (BISO_SUCCESS != ulRet) { return ulRet; } /* 构建每一个目录下的文件列表 */ /* 创建队列用于递归遍历 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); if (NULL == pstQueue) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* ROOT目录入队列 */ BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, &(pstParser->stDirTree)); /* 循环依次构建 */ while (NULL != (pstDirTree = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue))) { /* 构建文件列表 */ ulRet = BISO_9660_BuildFileList(pstFile, pstParser, pstDirTree); if (BISO_SUCCESS != ulRet) { BISO_DIAG("Failed to build file list for dir %s.", pstDirTree->szName); BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return ulRet; } /* 子目录入队列 */ if (NULL != pstDirTree->pstChild) { BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstDirTree->pstChild); } /* 下一个相邻目录入队列 */ if (NULL != pstDirTree->pstNext) { BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstDirTree->pstNext); } } BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_9660_BuildFileTreeRecursively ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, OUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser ) { UINT uiTail = 0; UINT uiTotSize = 0; UINT uiBufSize = 0; UCHAR *pucBuf = NULL; BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstPreDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstPreFile = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = NULL; BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *pstCurrent = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParser); /* 先对ROOT进行处理 */ pstDirTree = &(pstParser->stDirTree); pstDirTree->uiPathTblId = 1; pstDirTree->uiExtent = pstParser->pstPVD->stRootDirRecord.uiExtent; /* 申请统计信息的内存 */ pstDirTree->pstDirStat = (BISO_DIR_STAT_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_DIR_STAT_S)); if (NULL == pstDirTree->pstDirStat) { return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } /* 创建堆栈,同时ROOT入栈 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstDirTree); while (NULL != (pstDirTree = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue))) { uiTotSize = 0; pstPreDir = NULL; pstPreFile = NULL; pstDirTree->uiPathTblId = BISO_UINT_MAX; /* 读取Directory Record记录 */ pucBuf = BISO_9660_ReadDirRecord(pstFile, pstDirTree->uiExtent, &uiBufSize); if (NULL == pucBuf) { BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)pucBuf; while (uiTotSize < uiBufSize) { if (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_RECORD_IS_PATH(pstCurrent)) { if ((BOOL_TRUE != BISO_9660_IS_CURRENT(pstCurrent)) && (BOOL_TRUE != BISO_9660_IS_PARENT(pstCurrent))) { /* 创建新目录节点 */ pstNew = BISO_9660_CreateDirNode(pstFile, pstParser, pstCurrent, pstPreDir, pstDirTree); if (NULL == pstNew) { BISO_FREE(pucBuf); BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstPreDir = pstNew; /* 新目录入栈 */ BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstNew); } } else { pstNew = BISO_9660_CreateFileNode(pstFile, pstParser, pstCurrent, pstPreFile, pstDirTree); if (NULL == pstNew) { BISO_FREE(pucBuf); BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstNew->ui64FileRecordOffset = (UINT64)((UINT64)pstDirTree->uiExtent * BISO_SECTOR_SIZE) + ((ULONG)pstCurrent - (ULONG)pucBuf); pstPreFile = pstNew; } uiTotSize += pstCurrent->ucLength; pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)(pucBuf + uiTotSize); /* * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ISO-9660规定Directory Record记录不能跨逻辑块,所以如果一个逻辑块的最后 * 一段区域不够保存一个Directory Record的话这段区域就会废弃(填0) */ if (0 == pstCurrent->ucLength) { uiTail = BISO_BLOCK_SIZE - (uiTotSize % BISO_BLOCK_SIZE); uiTotSize += uiTail; pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)((UCHAR *)pstCurrent + uiTail); } } BISO_FREE(pucBuf); } BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_9660_BuildSVDFileTreeRecursively ( IN BISO_FILE_S *pstFile, OUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser ) { UINT uiTail = 0; UINT uiTotSize = 0; UINT uiBufSize = 0; UCHAR *pucBuf = NULL; BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstNew = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstPreDir = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstPreFile = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstDirTree = NULL; BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *pstCurrent = NULL; DBGASSERT(NULL != pstFile); DBGASSERT(NULL != pstParser); /* 先对ROOT进行处理 */ pstDirTree = &(pstParser->stSVDDirTree); pstDirTree->uiExtent = pstParser->pstSVD->stRootDirRecord.uiExtent; /* 创建堆栈,同时ROOT入栈 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstDirTree); while (NULL != (pstDirTree = (BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue))) { uiTotSize = 0; pstPreDir = NULL; pstPreFile = NULL; /* 读取Directory Record记录 */ pucBuf = BISO_9660_ReadDirRecord(pstFile, pstDirTree->uiExtent, &uiBufSize); if (NULL == pucBuf) { BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)pucBuf; while (uiTotSize < uiBufSize) { if (BOOL_TRUE == BISO_DIR_RECORD_IS_PATH(pstCurrent)) { if ((BOOL_TRUE != BISO_9660_IS_CURRENT(pstCurrent)) && (BOOL_TRUE != BISO_9660_IS_PARENT(pstCurrent))) { /* 创建新目录节点 */ pstNew = BISO_9660_CreateSVDDirNode(pstFile, pstParser, pstCurrent, pstPreDir, pstDirTree); if (NULL == pstNew) { BISO_FREE(pucBuf); BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstPreDir = pstNew; /* 新目录入栈 */ BISO_QUEUE_Push(pstQueue, pstNew); } } else { pstNew = BISO_9660_CreateSVDFileNode(pstFile, pstParser, pstCurrent, pstPreFile, pstDirTree); if (NULL == pstNew) { BISO_FREE(pucBuf); BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_ERR_ALLOC_MEM; } pstNew->ui64FileRecordOffset = (UINT64)((UINT64)pstDirTree->uiExtent * BISO_SECTOR_SIZE) + ((ULONG)pstCurrent - (ULONG)pucBuf); pstPreFile = pstNew; } uiTotSize += pstCurrent->ucLength; pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)(pucBuf + uiTotSize); /* * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ISO-9660规定Directory Record记录不能跨逻辑块,所以如果一个逻辑块的最后 * 一段区域不够保存一个Directory Record的话这段区域就会废弃(填0) */ if (0 == pstCurrent->ucLength) { uiTail = BISO_BLOCK_SIZE - (uiTotSize % BISO_BLOCK_SIZE); uiTotSize += uiTail; pstCurrent = (BISO_DIR_RECORD_S *)((UCHAR *)pstCurrent + uiTail); } } BISO_FREE(pucBuf); } BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); return BISO_SUCCESS; } VOID BISO_9660_FreeDirTree(IN BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser) { BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstRoot = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre = NULL; BISO_DIR_TREE_S *pstNext = NULL; if (NULL == pstParser) { return; } /* 创建队列 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); if (NULL == pstQueue) { return; } pstRoot = &pstParser->stDirTree; /* 构建文件树入栈 */ BISO_9660_FillDfsStack(pstRoot, pstQueue); /* 不需要释放ROOT,把它从队列头弹出来 */ BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue); /* 依次释放各个节点 */ while (NULL != (pstCurDir = (BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopTail(pstQueue))) { /* 释放当前目录的文件列表 */ for (pstPre = pstCurDir->pstFileList; NULL != pstPre; pstPre = pstNext) { pstNext = pstPre->pstNext; BISO_9600_FREE_DIRTREE(pstPre); } /* 释放自己 */ BISO_9600_FREE_DIRTREE(pstCurDir); } /* 释放ROOT目录的文件列表 */ for (pstPre = pstRoot->pstFileList; NULL != pstPre; pstPre = pstNext) { pstNext = pstPre->pstNext; BISO_9600_FREE_DIRTREE(pstPre); } /* 释放ROOT自己的扩展信息,但不释放自己本身 */ BISO_9600_FREE_STAT(pstRoot); BISO_9600_FREE_POSIX(pstRoot); /* 销毁队列 */ BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); } VOID BISO_9660_FreeSVDDirTree(IN BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser) { BISO_QUEUE_S *pstQueue = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstRoot = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstCurDir = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstPre = NULL; BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *pstNext = NULL; if (NULL == pstParser || 0 == pstParser->stSVDDirTree.uiExtent || 0 == pstParser->stSVDDirTree.uiSize) { return; } /* 创建队列 */ pstQueue = BISO_QUEUE_Create(); if (NULL == pstQueue) { return; } pstRoot = &pstParser->stSVDDirTree; /* 构建文件树入栈 */ BISO_9660_FillDfsStack((BISO_DIR_TREE_S *)pstRoot, pstQueue); /* 不需要释放ROOT,把它从队列头弹出来 */ BISO_QUEUE_PopHead(pstQueue); /* 依次释放各个节点 */ while (NULL != (pstCurDir = (BISO_SVD_DIR_TREE_S *)BISO_QUEUE_PopTail(pstQueue))) { /* 释放当前目录的文件列表 */ for (pstPre = pstCurDir->pstFileList; NULL != pstPre; pstPre = pstNext) { pstNext = pstPre->pstNext; BISO_FREE(pstPre); } /* 释放自己 */ BISO_FREE(pstCurDir); } /* 释放ROOT目录的文件列表 */ for (pstPre = pstRoot->pstFileList; NULL != pstPre; pstPre = pstNext) { pstNext = pstPre->pstNext; BISO_FREE(pstPre); } /* 销毁队列 */ BISO_QUEUE_Destroy(pstQueue); } BISO_PARSER_S * BISO_9660_CreateParser(VOID) { BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser = NULL; pstParser = (BISO_PARSER_S *)BISO_ZALLOC(sizeof(BISO_PARSER_S)); if (NULL == pstParser) { return NULL; } /* 初始化链表 */ BISO_DLL_Init(&(pstParser->stVDList)); return pstParser; } VOID BISO_9660_CleanParser(INOUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser) { if (NULL == pstParser) { return; } /* 释放Volume Descriptor链表 */ BISO_DLL_Free(&(pstParser->stVDList)); /* 释放Path Table */ if (NULL != pstParser->pucPathTable) { BISO_FREE(pstParser->pucPathTable); } /* 释放 El Torito数据 */ if (NULL != pstParser->pucElToritoEntry) { BISO_FREE(pstParser->pucElToritoEntry); } /* 释放文件树 */ BISO_9660_FreeDirTree(pstParser); BISO_9660_FreeSVDDirTree(pstParser); } VOID BISO_9660_DestroyParser(INOUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser) { if (NULL == pstParser) { return; } /* 清理解析器 */ BISO_9660_CleanParser(pstParser); /* 释放解析器自己 */ BISO_FREE(pstParser); } ULONG BISO_9660_OpenImage ( IN BOOL_T bParseSVDDirTree, IN CONST CHAR *pcFileName, OUT BISO_PARSER_S *pstParser ) { UINT64 ui64FileSize = 0; ULONG ulRet = BISO_SUCCESS; BISO_FILE_S *pstFile = NULL; if ((NULL == pcFileName) || (NULL == pstParser)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } /* 先看文件大小,过小的文件不可能是ISO文件 */ ui64FileSize = BISO_PLAT_GetFileSize(pcFileName); if (ui64FileSize < BISO_SYSTEM_AREA_SIZE + sizeof(BISO_PVD_S)) { BISO_DIAG("File len %llu is too small.", (ULONGLONG)ui64FileSize); return BISO_ERR_INVALID_ISO9660; } /* 如果已有数据则先清空 */ if (NULL != pstParser->pstPVD) { BISO_9660_CleanParser(pstParser); } /* 打开ISO文件 */ pstFile = BISO_PLAT_OpenExistFile(pcFileName); if (NULL == pstFile) { BISO_DIAG("Failed to open file %s.", pcFileName); return BISO_ERR_OPEN_FILE; } scnprintf(pstParser->szFileName, sizeof(pstParser->szFileName), "%s", pcFileName); /* 读取Volume Description信息 */ ulRet = BISO_9660_ReadVD(pstFile, pstParser); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); /* 读取Path Table */ ulRet = BISO_9660_ReadPathTable(pstFile, pstParser); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); /* 读取BOOT启动信息 */ ulRet = BISO_ELTORITO_ReadBootInfo(pstFile, pstParser); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); /* 读取Rock Ridge扩展标识 */ ulRet = BISO_RRIP_ReadIndicator(pstParser); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); /* 这里构建文件树有两种方法可供选择, 暂时选择从ROOT递归创建的方法 */ #if 0 /* 从ISO文件中读取整个文件树, 这里选择根据Path Table构建 */ ulRet += BISO_9660_BuildFileTreeByTable(pstFile, pstParser); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); #else /* 从ISO文件中读取整个文件树, 这里选择从ROOT开始递归构建 */ ulRet = BISO_9660_BuildFileTreeRecursively(pstFile, pstParser); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); #endif /* #if 0 */ if (bParseSVDDirTree && pstParser->pstSVD) { ulRet = BISO_9660_BuildSVDFileTreeRecursively(pstFile, pstParser); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); } /* 更新目录结构里的统计信息 */ ulRet = BISO_9660_UpdateTreeStat(&(pstParser->stDirTree)); BISO_9660_CHECK_RET(ulRet, pstFile); BISO_PLAT_CloseFile(pstFile); return BISO_SUCCESS; } ULONG BISO_9660_ParseDate84261 ( IN CONST CHAR *pcDate, OUT BISO_DATE_S *pstDate ) { INT aiBuf[7] = { 0 }; if ((NULL == pcDate) || (NULL == pstDate)) { return BISO_ERR_NULL_PTR; } /* * ECMA-119节定义的日期格式,共17个字节 * 前16个字节是字符,第17个字节是有符号整数 * 如果前16个字节是字符'0', 最后一个是'\0'则表示时间无效 * 形如 "2014122013000500*" */ if ((0 == pcDate[0]) || (' ' == pcDate[0]) || ('0' == pcDate[0])) { return BISO_ERR_NOT_RECORD; } sscanf(pcDate, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d", aiBuf + 0, aiBuf + 1, aiBuf + 2, aiBuf + 3, aiBuf + 4, aiBuf + 5, aiBuf + 6); pstDate->usYear = (USHORT)aiBuf[0]; pstDate->ucMonth = (UCHAR)aiBuf[1]; pstDate->ucDay = (UCHAR)aiBuf[2]; pstDate->ucHour = (UCHAR)aiBuf[3]; pstDate->ucMin = (UCHAR)aiBuf[4]; pstDate->ucSecond = (UCHAR)aiBuf[5]; pstDate->usMillSec = (UCHAR)(aiBuf[6] * 10); /* 表示百分之一秒 */ /* 第17字节表示时区信息, 15分钟为1个单位,4个单位就是1个时区 */ pstDate->cZone = pcDate[16] / 4; return BISO_SUCCESS; } VOID BISO_9660_FmtDate84261(IN time_t ulTime, IN UINT uiBufSize, OUT CHAR *pcDate) { INT iTimeZone = BISO_UTIL_GetTimeZone(); struct tm *pstTm = NULL; if (NULL != pcDate) { pstTm = localtime(&ulTime); scnprintf(pcDate, uiBufSize, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", pstTm->tm_year + 1900, pstTm->tm_mon + 1, pstTm->tm_mday, pstTm->tm_hour, pstTm->tm_min, pstTm->tm_sec, 0); /* 第17个字节记录当前时区 */ pcDate[16] = (CHAR)(4 * iTimeZone); } }