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synced 2025-03-28 08:21:01 -04:00
Ventoy2Disk.exe update.
1. Add exFAT/NTFS/FAT32 option when install Ventoy 2. Display Ventoy partition file system in physical disk 3. String "Status x%" is missing for translations (#1667)
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"توقفت عملية تثبيت Ventoy بدون تهيئة لعدم استيفاء بعض الشروط. تفقد ملف log.txt للتفاصيل.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"تحذير: سيتم فقدان البيانات!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"يرجى إدخال YES في مربع النص في الأسفل للتأكيد بأنك تريد عمل تثبيت جديد بدلاً من التحديث.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"ZƏrərsiz Ventoy quraşdırması dayandırıldı, belə ki, bəzi şərtlər yerinə yetirilə bilməd. Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün.txt jurnal faylına baxın.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -173,7 +175,8 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"일부 조건을 충족할 수 없기 때문에 Ventoy 비파괴 설치가 중지되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 log.txt를 확인하십시오.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"경고: 데이터가 손실됩니다!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"업그레이드 대신 새로 설치할지 확인하려면 아래 입력란에 YES를 입력하십시오.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -232,7 +235,8 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"条件不满足,无法进行无损安装。详细信息请查阅 log.txt 文件。",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"警告: 所有数据将会丢失!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"请在下面文本框中输入 YES 以确认你是要进行安装而不是升级。",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"Ventoy 分区文件系统类型",
@ -291,6 +295,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -349,6 +354,8 @@
"STR_VTSI_CREATE_FAILED": "გაფრთხილება: მონაცემები დაიკარგება!",
"STR_MENU_PART_RESIZE": "გთხოვთ, შეიყვანოთ YES ქვემოთ მოცემულ ტექსტურ ველში, რათა დაადასტუროთ... გსურთ განახლების ნაცვლად განახორციელოთ ახალი ინსტალაცია.",
"STR_PART_RESIZE_TIP": "Ventoy ჩეეცდება დააყენოს არა-დესტრუქციული რამდენადაც შეეცდება. გსურს გაგრძელება?",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
"STRXXX": ""
@ -407,6 +414,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -466,6 +474,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Nieniszcząca instalacja Ventoy została zatrzymana, ponieważ niektóre wymagania nie zostały spełnione. Sprawdź log.txt po szczegóły.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Ostrzeżenie: Dane zostaną utracone!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Wpisz YES w poniższym polu tekstowym, aby potwierdzić, że naprawdę chcesz przeprowadzić nową instalację zamiast aktualizacji.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -525,6 +534,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Instalação não destrutiva do Ventoy interrompida devido fato desconhecido. Cheque o arquivo log.txt para detalhes.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Aviso: Os dados serão perdidos!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Por favor, digite YES na caixa de texto abaixo para confirmar que você realmente quer fazer uma nova instalação em vez de atualização.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -584,6 +594,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy Tahribatsız Kurulum, bazı koşullar sağlanmadığı için durduruldu. Ayrıntılı bilgi için log.txt dosyasını kontrol edin.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Uyarı: Tüm verileriniz kaybolacak!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Güncelleme yapmak yerine,yeni bir kurulum yapmak istediğinizi doğrulamak için lütfen aşağıdaki metin kutusuna YES yazın.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -643,6 +654,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Installation ohne vorherige Formatierung wurde auf Grund einiger nicht erfüllbarer Bedingungen gestoppt. Für Details die log.txt prüfen.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warnung: Die Daten gehen verloren!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Bitte bestätigen Sie in der unteren Textbox mit YES, dass Sie anstelle eines Upgrades eine frische Installation durchführen möchten.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -702,6 +714,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -761,6 +774,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"L'installation non destructive de Ventoy s'est arrêtée car certaines conditions ne peuvent pas être remplies. Consultez log.txt pour plus de détails.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Attention : les données seront perdues !",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Veuillez saisir YES dans la zone de texte ci-dessous pour confirmer que vous souhaitez bien effectuer une nouvelle installation au lieu d'une mise à niveau.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -820,6 +834,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Nedestruktivní instalace Ventoy selhala, protože některé podmínky pro ni nemohly být splněny. Pro podrobnosti se podívejte do souboru log.txt.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Varování: Data budou ztracena!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Do níže uvedeného textového pole zadejte YES a potvrďte, že skutečně chcete provést novou instalaci namísto aktualizace.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -878,7 +893,8 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Nedeštruktívna inštalácia Ventoy zlyhala, lebo niektoré podmienky nemohli byť splnené. Podrobnosti nájdete v súbore log.txt.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Varovanie: Dôjde k strate údajov!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Prosím, zadajte YES v textovom poli nižšie, čím potvrdíte, že naozaj chcete vykonať novú inštaláciu miesto aktualizácie.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -937,6 +953,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Instalación no destructiva de Ventoy detenida porque algunas condiciones no se pueden cumplir. Comprueba log.txt para detalles.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Advertencia: ¡Los datos se perderán!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Por favor ingresa YES en el cuadro de texto a continuación para confirmar que realmente quieres realizar una instalación nueva en vez de actualizar.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -996,6 +1013,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"La instalación no destructiva de Ventoy se ha detenido porque no se han cumplido todos los prerrequisitos.#@Compruebe el archivo log.txt para más información.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Advertencia: ¡Los datos se perderán!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Por favor, escriba YES en el cuadro de texto a continuación para confirmar que realmente quiere realizar una nueva instalación de Ventoy en vez de actualizarlo.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1055,6 +1073,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Неразрушающая установка Ventoy остановлена, поскольку некоторые условия не могут быть выполнены. Проверьте файл log.txt для получения подробной информации.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1114,6 +1133,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy অ-ধ্বংসাত্মক ইনস্টলেশন বন্ধ করা হয়েছে কারণ কিছু শর্ত পূরণ করা যাবে না। বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য log.txt দেখুন।",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"সতর্কতা: ডেটা হারিয়ে যাবে!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"আপনি আপগ্রেড করার পরিবর্তে একটি নতুন ইনস্টল করতে চান তা নিশ্চিত করতে দয়া করে নীচের পাঠ্য বাক্সে Yes লিখুন৷।",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1173,6 +1193,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"वेंटोय गैर-विनाशकारी स्थापना रोक दी गई, कुछ शर्तों को पूरा नहीं किया जा सकता है। विवरण के लिए log.txt की जाँच करें।",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"चेतावनी: डेटा खो जाएगा!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"यह पुष्टि करने के लिए कि आप वास्तव में अपग्रेड के बजाय एक नया इंस्टॉल करना चाहते हैं, कृपया नीचे दिए टेक्स्ट बॉक्स में Yes दर्ज करें।",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1232,6 +1253,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"De niet-destructieve installatie van Ventoy is gestopt omdat aan sommige voorwaarden niet kan worden voldaan. Controleer log.txt voor details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1291,6 +1313,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1350,6 +1373,7 @@
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"警告: データが消去されます",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1409,6 +1433,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"L'installazione non distruttiva di Ventoy è stata interrotta perché alcune condizioni non possono essere soddisfatte.#@Per i dettagli controlla il file log.txt.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Attenzione: i dati verranno persi!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Digita YES nella casella di testo qui sotto per confermare che vuoi davvero eseguire un'installazione pulita anziché un aggiornamento.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1468,6 +1493,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1527,6 +1553,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"A Ventoy rombolásmentes telepítése leállt, mert bizonyos feltételek nem teljesíthetők. A részleteket lásd a log.txt fájlban.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Figyelmeztetés: Az adatok elvesznek!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Írja a YES szót az alábbi szövegmezőbe, hogy megerősítse, valóban új telepítést szeretne végrehajtani a frissítés helyett.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1586,6 +1613,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy 無損安裝已中止因為未滿足部分條件。詳細訊息請檢視 log.txt 檔案。",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"請在下方的文字輸入框輸入 YES 來證實您想要進行全新安裝取代升級。",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"Ventoy 分割區文件系統",
@ -1645,6 +1673,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1704,6 +1733,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1763,6 +1793,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1822,6 +1853,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1881,6 +1913,8 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Cài Ventoy theo cách cài đặt không phá hủy đã bị dừng lại vì chưa đúng điều kiện. Xem chi tiết ở tệp log.txt.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1939,6 +1973,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -1998,6 +2033,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Недеструктивната инсталација на Ventoy е запрена бидејќи некои услови не се исполнети. Проверете го log.txt за детали.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2057,6 +2093,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2116,6 +2153,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2175,6 +2213,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Pemasangan tanpa merusakkan Ventoy terhenti karena beberapa kondisi yang tidak mendukung. Periksa berkas log.txt untuk detil.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Peringatan: Data akan hilang!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Silakan ketik YES pada kotak tulis di bawah untuk meyakinkan bahwa anda memang untuk melakukan pemasangan baru ketimbang memperbaruinya",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2234,6 +2273,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2293,6 +2333,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Неруйнівна установка Ventoy зупинена через неможливість виконання деяких умов. Перевірте log.txt для отримання детальної інформації.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2352,6 +2393,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2411,6 +2453,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Icke-förstörande installation stoppades eftersom vissa villkor inte kunde uppfyllas. Mer information finns i log.txt.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Varning: Data kommer att gå förlorade!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Skriv YES i textrutan nedan för att bekräfta att du verkligen vill göra en nyinstallation i stället för att uppgradera.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2470,6 +2513,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy je ustavil inštalacijo ker nekateri pogoji niso zadostni. Preveri log.txt a podrobnosti.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Pozor: Podatki bodo izbrisani!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Prosim vtipkajte YES v spodnje okno da potrdite čisto inštalacijo in ne zgolj nadgradnje.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2529,6 +2573,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Неразрушителното инсталиране на Ventoy е спряна, защото някои от условията не могат да бъдат изпълнени. Проверете log.txt за подробности.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Внимание: Ще има загуба на данни!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Въведете „YES“ в полето отдолу, за да потвърдите, че искате да извършите нова инсталация вместо обновяване.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2588,6 +2633,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2647,6 +2693,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoyn ei-tuhoisa asennus pysähtyi koska jotkut ehdot eivät täyttyneet. Tarkista log.txt nähdäksesi yksityiskohdat.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2706,6 +2753,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Instalación non destructiva do Ventoy interrompida porque non se poden cumprir algunhas condicións. Revisa o arquivo log.txt para mais detalles.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2765,6 +2813,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"La instal·lació no destructiva de Ventoy no ha estat possible perquè els requeriments no es compleixen. Comproveu el fitxer log.txt per a més detalls.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2825,7 +2874,8 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"Ventoy non-destructive installation stopped because some conditions cannot be met. Check log.txt for details.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"Warning: Data will be lost!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"Please enter YES in the text box below to confirm that you indeed want to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -2884,6 +2934,7 @@
"STR_PART_RESIZE_UNSUPPORTED":"சில நிபந்தனைகளை பூர்த்தி செய்ய முடியாததால், வென்டோய் அழிவில்லாத நிறுவல் நிறுத்தப்பட்டது. விவரங்களுக்கு log.txt ஐப் பார்க்கவும்.",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP1":"எச்சரிக்கை: தரவு தொலைந்து போகும்!",
"STR_INSTALL_YES_TIP2":"மேம்படுத்துவதற்குப் பதிலாக புதிதாக நிறுவ விரும்புகிறீர்கள் என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்த, கீழே உள்ள உரைப் பெட்டியில் ஆம் என உள்ளிடவும்.",
"STR_PART_VENTOY_FS":"File System For Ventoy Partition",
@ -109,3 +109,19 @@ BOOL DISK_ShrinkVolume(int DriveIndex, const char* VolumeGuid, CHAR DriveLetter,
return ret;
BOOL DISK_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs)
//ret = VDS_FormatVolume(DriveLetter, fs);
if (!ret)
//ret = DSPT_FormatVolume(DriveLetter, fs);
if (!ret)
ret = PSHELL_FormatVolume(DriveLetter, fs);
return ret;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ BOOL DISK_ChangeVtoyEFIAttr(int DriveIndex, UINT64 Offset, UINT64 Attr);
BOOL DISK_ChangeVtoyEFI2ESP(int DriveIndex, UINT64 Offset);
BOOL DISK_ChangeVtoyEFI2Basic(int DriveIndex, UINT64 Offset);
BOOL DISK_ShrinkVolume(int DriveIndex, const char* VolumeGuid, CHAR DriveLetter, UINT64 OldBytes, UINT64 ReduceBytes);
BOOL DISK_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs);
//VDS com
@ -51,10 +51,11 @@ BOOL VDS_ChangeVtoyEFI2ESP(int DriveIndex, UINT64 Offset);
BOOL VDS_ChangeVtoyEFI2Basic(int DriveIndex, UINT64 Offset);
BOOL VDS_ShrinkVolume(int DriveIndex, const char* VolumeGuid, CHAR DriveLetter, UINT64 OldBytes, UINT64 ReduceBytes);
BOOL VDS_IsLastAvaliable(void);
BOOL VDS_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs);
BOOL DSPT_CleanDisk(int DriveIndex);
BOOL DSPT_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs);
BOOL PSHELL_CleanDisk(int DriveIndex);
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ BOOL PSHELL_DeleteVtoyEFIPartition(int DriveIndex, UINT64 EfiPartOffset);
BOOL PSHELL_ChangeVtoyEFI2ESP(int DriveIndex, UINT64 Offset);
BOOL PSHELL_ChangeVtoyEFI2Basic(int DriveIndex, UINT64 Offset);
BOOL PSHELL_ShrinkVolume(int DriveIndex, const char* VolumeGuid, CHAR DriveLetter, UINT64 OldBytes, UINT64 ReduceBytes);
BOOL PSHELL_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs);
// Internel define
@ -85,3 +85,28 @@ BOOL DSPT_CleanDisk(int DriveIndex)
sprintf_s(CmdBuf, sizeof(CmdBuf), "select disk %d\r\nclean\r\n", DriveIndex);
return DSPT_CommProc(CmdBuf);
BOOL DSPT_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs)
const char* fsname = NULL;
CHAR CmdBuf[256];
Log("FormatVolumeByDiskpart <%C:>", DriveLetter);
if (!IsDiskpartExist())
return FALSE;
if (fs == 1)
fsname = "NTFS";
fsname = "FAT32";
sprintf_s(CmdBuf, sizeof(CmdBuf), "select volume %C:\r\nformat FS=%s LABEL=Ventoy QUICK OVERRIDE\r\n", DriveLetter, fsname);
return DSPT_CommProc(CmdBuf);
@ -590,6 +590,7 @@ const char *WindowsErrorString(DWORD error_code)
#define IVdsVolume_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject)
#define IVdsVolume_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This)
#define IVdsVolumeMF3_QueryVolumeGuidPathnames(This, pwszPathArray, pulNumberOfPaths) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryVolumeGuidPathnames(This,pwszPathArray,pulNumberOfPaths)
#define IVdsVolumeMF_Format(This, type, pwsszLabel, dwUnitAllocationSize, bForce, bQuickFormat, bEnableCompression, ppAsync) (This)->lpVtbl->Format(This, type, pwsszLabel, dwUnitAllocationSize, bForce, bQuickFormat, bEnableCompression, ppAsync)
#define IVdsVolumeMF3_FormatEx2(This, pwszFileSystemTypeName, usFileSystemRevision, ulDesiredUnitAllocationSize, pwszLabel, Options, ppAsync) (This)->lpVtbl->FormatEx2(This, pwszFileSystemTypeName, usFileSystemRevision, ulDesiredUnitAllocationSize, pwszLabel, Options, ppAsync)
#define IVdsVolumeMF3_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This)
#define IVdsVolume_GetProperties(This, pVolumeProperties) (This)->lpVtbl->GetProperties(This,pVolumeProperties)
@ -1411,4 +1412,92 @@ BOOL VDS_ShrinkVolume(int DriveIndex, const char* VolumeGuid, CHAR DriveLetter,
ret = VDS_VolumeCommProc(INTF_VOLUME, wGuid, VDS_CallBack_ShrinkVolume, (UINT64)&Para);
Log("VDS_ShrinkVolume %C: ret:%d (%s)", DriveLetter, ret, ret ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL");
return ret;
STATIC BOOL VDS_CallBack_FormatVolume(void* pInterface, VDS_DISK_PROP* pDiskProp, UINT64 data)
HRESULT hr, hr2;
ULONG completed;
IVdsAsync* pAsync;
IVdsVolumeMF3* pVolume = (IVdsVolumeMF3*)pInterface;
WCHAR FsFAT32[32] = L"FAT32";
VDS_PARA* VdsPara = (VDS_PARA*)data;
pFs = (VdsPara->Attr == 1) ? FsNTFS : FsFAT32;
Log("VDS_CallBack_FormatVolume (%C:) (%llu) ...", VdsPara->DriveLetter, (ULONGLONG)VdsPara->Attr);
hr = IVdsVolumeMF3_FormatEx2(pVolume, pFs, 0, 0, L"Ventoy", VDS_FSOF_FORCE | VDS_FSOF_QUICK, &pAsync);
while (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = IVdsAsync_QueryStatus(pAsync, &hr2, &completed);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = hr2;
if (hr == S_OK)
Log("FormatVolume QueryStatus OK, %lu%%", completed);
Log("FormatVolume: %lu%%", completed);
hr = S_OK;
Log("FormatVolume invalid status:0x%lx", hr);
if (hr != S_OK)
Log("Could not FormatVolume, 0x%x err:0x%lx (%s)", hr, LASTERR, WindowsErrorString(hr));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL VDS_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs)
int i;
const char* guid = NULL;
CHAR Drive[32] = { 0 };
WCHAR wGuid[128] = { 0 };
CHAR VolumeGuid[128] = { 0 };
Drive[0] = DriveLetter;
Drive[1] = ':';
Drive[2] = '\\';
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(Drive, VolumeGuid, sizeof(VolumeGuid) / 2);
guid = strstr(VolumeGuid, "{");
if (!guid)
Log("Can not find volume GUID for %s:", Drive);
return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < 128 && guid[i]; i++)
wGuid[i] = guid[i];
Log("VDS_FormatVolume find GUID %C: <%s> ", DriveLetter, VolumeGuid);
Para.Attr = fs;
Para.DriveLetter = DriveLetter;
ret = VDS_VolumeCommProc(INTF_VOLUME_MF3, wGuid, VDS_CallBack_FormatVolume, (UINT64)&Para);
Log("VDS_FormatVolume %C: <%s> ret:%d (%s)", DriveLetter, VolumeGuid, ret, ret ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL");
return ret;
@ -255,3 +255,27 @@ BOOL PSHELL_ShrinkVolume(int DriveIndex, const char* VolumeGuid, CHAR DriveLette
Log("PSHELL_ShrinkVolume<%d> %C: ret:%d (%s)", DriveIndex, DriveLetter, ret, ret ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL");
return ret;
BOOL PSHELL_FormatVolume(char DriveLetter, int fs)
BOOL ret;
const char* fsname = NULL;
CHAR CmdBuf[512];
if (fs == 1)
fsname = "NTFS";
fsname = "FAT32";
sprintf_s(CmdBuf, sizeof(CmdBuf),
"format-volume -DriveLetter %C -FileSystem %s -Force -NewFileSystemLabel Ventoy",
DriveLetter, fsname);
ret = PSHELL_CommProc(CmdBuf);
Log("PSHELL_FormatVolume %C: ret:%d (%s)", DriveLetter, ret, ret ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL");
return ret;
@ -1,38 +1,45 @@
* Language.c
* Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <Windows.h>
#include "Ventoy2Disk.h"
#include "Language.h"
const TCHAR * GetString(enum STR_ID ID)
return g_cur_lang_data->MsgString[ID];
static const UINT16 g_unicode_icon[UNICODE_BUTT][3] =
{ 0xD83D, 0xDD12, 0x0000 },
const UINT16 * GetUnicodeIcon(icon)
return g_unicode_icon[icon];
* Language.c
* Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda <admin@ventoy.net>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <Windows.h>
#include "Ventoy2Disk.h"
#include "Language.h"
const TCHAR * GetString(enum STR_ID ID)
if (g_cur_lang_data)
return g_cur_lang_data->MsgString[ID];
return NULL;
static const UINT16 g_unicode_icon[UNICODE_BUTT][3] =
{ 0xD83D, 0xDD12, 0x0000 },
const UINT16 * GetUnicodeIcon(icon)
return g_unicode_icon[icon];
@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ typedef enum STR_ID
Binary file not shown.
@ -1337,6 +1337,7 @@ int ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive(HWND hWnd, PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, char *pDrvLett
if (pTmpBuf)
@ -1608,6 +1609,7 @@ int InstallVentoy2FileImage(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, int PartStyle)
Log("retcode:%d\n", rc);
@ -1839,6 +1841,7 @@ End:
Log("%s is ventoy part1, already mounted", DriveName);
MountDrive = DriveName[0];
state = 1;
@ -1852,12 +1855,35 @@ End:
DriveName[0] = MountDrive;
bRet = SetVolumeMountPointA(DriveName, DriveLetters);
Log("SetVolumeMountPoint <%s> <%s> bRet:%u code:%u", DriveName, DriveLetters, bRet, GetLastError());
if (bRet)
state = 1;
Log("Failed to find ventoy volume");
if (GetVentoyFsType() > 0)
if (state)
Log("Reformat %C:\\ to %s", MountDrive, GetVentoyFsName());
DISK_FormatVolume(MountDrive, GetVentoyFsType());
Log("Can not reformat %s to %s", DriveName, GetVentoyFsName());
Log("No need to reformat ventoy partition");
Binary file not shown.
@ -251,6 +251,64 @@ static BOOL IsVentoyPhyDrive(int PhyDrive, UINT64 SizeBytes, MBR_HEAD *pMBR, UIN
return TRUE;
static int GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO* CurDrive)
int i = 0;
UINT64 Offset;
CHAR Volume[128] = { 0 };
CHAR FsName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
while (CurDrive->DriveLetters[i])
if (GetPhyDriveByLogicalDrive(CurDrive->DriveLetters[i], &Offset) >= 0)
if (Offset == SIZE_1MB)
sprintf_s(Volume, sizeof(Volume), "%C:\\", CurDrive->DriveLetters[i]);
Log("Find the partition 1 logical drive is %s", Volume);
sprintf_s(CurDrive->VentoyFsType, sizeof(CurDrive->VentoyFsType), "??");
if (Volume[0])
if (GetVolumeInformationA(Volume, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, FsName, MAX_PATH))
if (_stricmp(FsName, "exFAT") == 0)
sprintf_s(CurDrive->VentoyFsType, sizeof(CurDrive->VentoyFsType), "exFAT");
else if (_stricmp(FsName, "NTFS") == 0)
sprintf_s(CurDrive->VentoyFsType, sizeof(CurDrive->VentoyFsType), "NTFS");
else if (_stricmp(FsName, "FAT") == 0 || _stricmp(FsName, "FAT32") == 0)
sprintf_s(CurDrive->VentoyFsType, sizeof(CurDrive->VentoyFsType), "FAT32");
sprintf_s(CurDrive->VentoyFsType, sizeof(CurDrive->VentoyFsType), "%s", FsName);
Log("GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive %d %s <%s> <%s>", CurDrive->PhyDrive, Volume, FsName, CurDrive->VentoyFsType);
Log("GetVolumeInformationA %s failed %u", Volume, LASTERR);
Log("GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive %s not found", Volume);
return 0;
static int FilterPhysicalDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveList, DWORD DriveCount)
@ -323,6 +381,8 @@ static int FilterPhysicalDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveList, DWORD DriveCount)
GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive(CurDrive, Part2StartSector, CurDrive->VentoyVersion, sizeof(CurDrive->VentoyVersion), &(CurDrive->SecureBootSupport));
Log("PhyDrive %d is Ventoy Disk ver:%s SecureBoot:%u", CurDrive->PhyDrive, CurDrive->VentoyVersion, CurDrive->SecureBootSupport);
if (CurDrive->VentoyVersion[0] == 0)
CurDrive->VentoyVersion[0] = '?';
@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ typedef struct PHY_DRIVE_INFO
CHAR DriveLetters[64];
CHAR VentoyFsType[16];
CHAR VentoyVersion[32];
BOOL SecureBootSupport;
@ -193,6 +194,9 @@ typedef enum PROGRESS_POINT
@ -253,6 +257,9 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK YesDialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lP
INT_PTR CALLBACK PartDialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
int GetReservedSpaceInMB(void);
int IsPartNeed4KBAlign(void);
int GetVentoyFsType(void);
void SetVentoyFsType(int fs);
const char* GetVentoyFsName(void);
int FindProcessOccupyDisk(HANDLE hDrive, PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive);
int VentoyFillMBRLocation(UINT64 DiskSizeInBytes, UINT32 StartSectorId, UINT32 SectorCount, PART_TABLE *Table);
int ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive(HWND hWnd, PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, char *pDrvLetter);
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user