RSSpaper logo

👉 DEMO 👈 (My own feed generated daily with Github Actions)

## Run 1) Create a file `config.yaml` with the following content. You can also use `config.yaml.example` as a base config and change it to fit your needs. ``` yaml # Change the title, it's for you. Maybe you see "My newspaper"? title: RSSPAPER # Options: light or dark theme: light # Options: daily, weekly or all edition: weekly feeds: - - ``` 2) Download the latest version of RSSpaper (`rsspaper-{version}-standalone.jar`). 3) Now you can execute. ```sh java -jar rsspaper-{version}-standalone.jar ``` Great 🎉. You already have your 📰 own Static RSS Newspaper 📰. That's it, now you just have to open `dist/index.html`.