2021-10-25 18:38:01 +02:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
< html lang = "en" >
< head >
< meta charset = "utf-8" >
< title > {{ title }}< / title >
< meta name = "description" content = "My static news generator" >
< meta name = "generator" content = "RSSPAPER" >
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2021-10-28 09:58:34 +02:00
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2021-10-25 18:38:01 +02:00
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< body >
< div class = "container" >
< header class = "header" >
< h1 class = "title" > {{ title }}< / h1 >
< h2 class = "subtitle" > < span class = "subtitle__separator" > ~< / span > < span class = "subtitle__text" > Meta blog de artículos escritos por la comunidad< / span > < span class = "subtitle__separator" > ~< / span > < / h2 >
< hr class = "separator" >
< / header >
< main class = "main" >
{% for article in articles %}
< article class = "feed__article article" >
< header class = "article__header" >
< p class = "article__header-img" >
< a target = "_blank" href = "{{ article.link }}" >
{% if article.cover %}
< img loading = "lazy" src = "{{ article.cover }}" alt = "{{ article.title }}" >
{% else %}
< img loading = "lazy" src = "static/img/newsreader-not-cover.png" alt = "Not cover" >
{% endif %}
< / a >
< / p >
< div class = "article__titles" >
< h1 class = "article__title" >
< a target = "_blank" href = "{{ article.link }}" > {{ article.title }}< / a >
< / h1 >
< h2 class = "article__feed" > < a target = "_blank" href = "{{ article.feed.link }}" > {{ article.feed.title }}< / a > < span class = "article__date" > {{ article.published-date-formatter }}< / span > < / h2 >
< / div >
< / header >
< / article >
{% endfor %}
< / main >
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< footer class = "footer" >
< hr class = "separator" >
< p class = "footer__text" >
Generated with < a class = "footer__link" href = "https://github.com/tanrax/RSSpaper" > RSSpaper< / a > and a lot of < span class = "footer__heard" > ❤️< / span > ️
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