mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 19:20:06 -04:00
Buffer.from when used on arrays of integers returns `null` when running with meshagent (at least on linux, not sure if this happens elsewhere). This allows for meshcmd amtider to actually start, since otherwise the connection is just left hanging
310 lines
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310 lines
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* @description Intel AMT Redirection Transport Module - using Node
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @version v0.0.1f
// Construct a MeshServer object
module.exports = function CreateAmtRedirect(module) {
var obj = {};
obj.m = module; // This is the inner module (Terminal or Desktop)
module.parent = obj;
obj.State = 0;
obj.net = require('net');
obj.tls = require('tls');
obj.socket = null;
obj.host = null;
obj.port = 0;
obj.user = null;
obj.pass = null;
obj.connectstate = 0;
obj.protocol = module.protocol; // 1 = SOL, 2 = KVM, 3 = IDER
obj.xtlsoptions = null;
obj.amtaccumulator = null;
obj.amtsequence = 1;
obj.amtkeepalivetimer = null;
obj.authuri = "/RedirectionService";
obj.digestRealmMatch = null;
obj.onStateChanged = null;
// Private method
obj.Debug = function (msg) { console.log(msg); }
var urlvars = null;
obj.Start = function (host, port, user, pass, tls, tlsFingerprint, tlsoptions) {
obj.host = host;
obj.port = port;
obj.user = user;
obj.pass = pass;
obj.xtls = tls;
obj.xtlsoptions = tlsoptions;
obj.xtlsFingerprint = tlsFingerprint;
obj.connectstate = 0;
if (tls == true) {
obj.socket = obj.tls.connect({ host: host, port: port, rejectUnauthorized: false, checkServerIdentity: obj.onCheckServerIdentity }, obj.xxOnSocketConnected);
} else {
obj.socket = obj.net.createConnection({ host: host, port: port }, obj.xxOnSocketConnected);
obj.socket.on('data', obj.xxOnSocketData);
obj.socket.on('close', obj.xxOnSocketClosed);
obj.socket.on('error', obj.xxOnSocketClosed);
// Get the certificate of Intel AMT
//obj.getPeerCertificate = function () { if (obj.xtls == true) { return obj.socket.getPeerCertificate(); } return null; }
obj.onCheckServerIdentity = function (cert) {
var f = cert[0].fingerprint.split(':').join('').toLowerCase();
if ((obj.xtlsFingerprint != null) && (obj.xtlsFingerprint != f)) {
console.log('Invalid TLS Cert, SHA384: ' + f);
} else {
if (obj.xtlsFingerprint == null) {
obj.xtlsFingerprint = f;
console.log('TLS Cert SHA384: ' + f);
obj.xxOnSocketConnected = function () {
if (obj.socket == null) return;
if (obj.xtls == true) {
obj.xtlsCertificate = obj.socket.getPeerCertificate();
if ((obj.xtlsFingerprint != 0) && (obj.xtlsCertificate.fingerprint.split(':').join('').toLowerCase() != obj.xtlsFingerprint)) { obj.Stop(); return; }
if (urlvars && urlvars['redirtrace']) { console.log("REDIR-CONNECTED"); }
//obj.Debug("Socket Connected");
if (obj.protocol == 1) obj.xxSend(obj.RedirectStartSol); // TODO: Put these strings in higher level module to tighten code
else if (obj.protocol == 2) obj.xxSend(obj.RedirectStartKvm); // Don't need these is the feature if not compiled-in.
else if (obj.protocol == 3) obj.xxSend(obj.RedirectStartIder);
obj.xxOnSocketData = function (data) {
//console.log('xxOnSocketData: ' + data.toString('hex'), data.length);
if (!data || obj.connectstate == -1) return;
if (urlvars && urlvars['redirtrace']) { console.log("REDIR-RECV(" + data.length + "): " + data.toString('hex')); }
//obj.Debug("Recv(" + data.length + "): " + rstr2hex(data));
if ((obj.protocol == 2 || obj.protocol == 3) && obj.connectstate == 1) { return obj.m.ProcessData(data); } // KVM or IDER traffic, forward it directly.
if (obj.amtaccumulator == null) { obj.amtaccumulator = data; } else { obj.amtaccumulator = Buffer.concat(obj.amtaccumulator, data); }
//obj.Debug("Recv(" + obj.amtaccumulator.length + "): " + rstr2hex(obj.amtaccumulator));
while (obj.amtaccumulator != null) {
var cmdsize = 0;
//console.log('CMD: ' + obj.amtaccumulator[0]);
switch (obj.amtaccumulator[0]) {
case 0x11: // StartRedirectionSessionReply (17)
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 4) return;
var statuscode = obj.amtaccumulator[1];
switch (statuscode) {
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 13) return;
var oemlen = obj.amtaccumulator[12];
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 13 + oemlen) return;
obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); // Query authentication support
cmdsize = (13 + oemlen);
case 0x14: // AuthenticateSessionReply (20)
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 9) return;
var authDataLen = obj.amtaccumulator.readInt32LE(5);
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 9 + authDataLen) return;
var status = obj.amtaccumulator[1];
var authType = obj.amtaccumulator[4];
var authData = [];
for (i = 0; i < authDataLen; i++) { authData.push(obj.amtaccumulator[9 + i]); }
var authDataBuf = obj.amtaccumulator.slice(9, 9 + authDataLen);
cmdsize = 9 + authDataLen;
if (authType == 0) {
// Query
if (authData.indexOf(4) >= 0) {
// Good Digest Auth (With cnonce and all)
obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04) + IntToStrX(obj.user.length + obj.authuri.length + 8) + String.fromCharCode(obj.user.length) + obj.user + String.fromCharCode(0x00, 0x00) + String.fromCharCode(obj.authuri.length) + obj.authuri + String.fromCharCode(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
else if (authData.indexOf(3) >= 0) {
// Bad Digest Auth (Not sure why this is supported, cnonce is not used!)
obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03) + IntToStrX(obj.user.length + obj.authuri.length + 7) + String.fromCharCode(obj.user.length) + obj.user + String.fromCharCode(0x00, 0x00) + String.fromCharCode(obj.authuri.length) + obj.authuri + String.fromCharCode(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
else if (authData.indexOf(1) >= 0) {
// Basic Auth (Probably a good idea to not support this unless this is an old version of Intel AMT)
obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01) + IntToStrX(obj.user.length + obj.pass.length + 2) + String.fromCharCode(obj.user.length) + obj.user + String.fromCharCode(obj.pass.length) + obj.pass);
else obj.Stop();
else if ((authType == 3 || authType == 4) && status == 1) {
var curptr = 0;
// Realm
var realmlen = authDataBuf[curptr];
var realm = authDataBuf.slice(curptr + 1, curptr + 1 + realmlen).toString();
curptr += (realmlen + 1);
// Check the digest realm. If it does not match, close the connection.
if (obj.digestRealmMatch && (obj.digestRealmMatch != realm)) { obj.Stop(); return; }
// Nonce
var noncelen = authDataBuf[curptr];
var nonce = authDataBuf.slice(curptr + 1, curptr + 1 + noncelen).toString();
curptr += (noncelen + 1);
// QOP
var qoplen = 0;
var qop = null;
var cnonce = obj.xxRandomValueHex(32);
var snc = '00000002';
var extra = '';
if (authType == 4) {
qoplen = authDataBuf[curptr];
qop = authDataBuf.slice(curptr + 1, curptr + 1 + qoplen).toString();
curptr += (qoplen + 1);
extra = snc + ":" + cnonce + ":" + qop + ":";
var digest = hex_md5(hex_md5(obj.user + ":" + realm + ":" + obj.pass) + ":" + nonce + ":" + extra + hex_md5("POST:" + obj.authuri));
var totallen = obj.user.length + realm.length + nonce.length + obj.authuri.length + cnonce.length + snc.length + digest.length + 7;
if (authType == 4) totallen += (qop.length + 1);
var buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, authType]), new Buffer([totallen & 0xFF, (totallen >> 8) & 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00]), new Buffer([obj.user.length]), new Buffer(obj.user), new Buffer([realm.length]), new Buffer(realm), new Buffer([nonce.length]), new Buffer(nonce), new Buffer([obj.authuri.length]), new Buffer(obj.authuri), new Buffer([cnonce.length]), new Buffer(cnonce), new Buffer([snc.length]), new Buffer(snc), new Buffer([digest.length]), new Buffer(digest)]);
if (authType == 4) buf = Buffer.concat([buf, new Buffer([qop.length]), new Buffer(qop) ]);
else if (status == 0) { // Success
if (obj.protocol == 1) {
// Serial-over-LAN: Send Intel AMT serial settings...
var MaxTxBuffer = 10000;
var TxTimeout = 100;
var TxOverflowTimeout = 0;
var RxTimeout = 10000;
var RxFlushTimeout = 100;
var Heartbeat = 0;//5000;
obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) + ToIntStr(obj.amtsequence++) + ToShortStr(MaxTxBuffer) + ToShortStr(TxTimeout) + ToShortStr(TxOverflowTimeout) + ToShortStr(RxTimeout) + ToShortStr(RxFlushTimeout) + ToShortStr(Heartbeat) + ToIntStr(0));
if (obj.protocol == 2) {
// Remote Desktop: Send traffic directly...
obj.xxSend(new Buffer([0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]));
if (obj.protocol == 3) {
// Remote IDER: Send traffic directly...
obj.connectstate = 1;
} else obj.Stop();
case 0x21: // Response to settings (33)
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 23) break;
cmdsize = 23;
obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x27, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) + ToIntStr(obj.amtsequence++) + String.fromCharCode(0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
if (obj.protocol == 1) { obj.amtkeepalivetimer = setInterval(obj.xxSendAmtKeepAlive, 2000); }
obj.connectstate = 1;
case 0x29: // Serial Settings (41)
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 10) break;
cmdsize = 10;
case 0x2A: // Incoming display data (42)
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 10) break;
var cs = (10 + ((obj.amtaccumulator[9] & 0xFF) << 8) + (obj.amtaccumulator[8] & 0xFF));
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < cs) break;
obj.m.ProcessData(obj.amtaccumulator.substring(10, cs));
cmdsize = cs;
case 0x2B: // Keep alive message (43)
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 8) break;
cmdsize = 8;
case 0x41:
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length < 8) break;
obj.connectstate = 1;
// KVM traffic, forward rest of accumulator directly.
if (obj.amtaccumulator.length > 8) { obj.m.ProcessData(obj.amtaccumulator.substring(8)); }
cmdsize = obj.amtaccumulator.length;
console.log("Unknown Intel AMT command: " + obj.amtaccumulator[0] + " acclen=" + obj.amtaccumulator.length);
if (cmdsize == 0) return;
if (cmdsize == obj.amtaccumulator.length) { obj.amtaccumulator = null; } else { obj.amtaccumulator = obj.amtaccumulator.slice(cmdsize); }
obj.xxSend = function (x) {
if (urlvars && urlvars['redirtrace']) { console.log("REDIR-SEND(" + x.length + "): " + rstr2hex(x)); }
//obj.Debug("Send(" + x.length + "): " + Buffer.from(x, "binary").toString('hex'));
if (typeof x == 'string') { obj.socket.write(Buffer.from(x, "binary")); } else { obj.socket.write(x); }
obj.Send = function (x) {
if (obj.socket == null || obj.connectstate != 1) return;
if (obj.protocol == 1) { obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) + ToIntStr(obj.amtsequence++) + ToShortStr(x.length) + x); } else { obj.xxSend(x); }
obj.xxSendAmtKeepAlive = function () {
if (obj.socket == null) return;
obj.xxSend(String.fromCharCode(0x2B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) + ToIntStr(obj.amtsequence++));
// Uses OpenSSL random to generate a hex string
obj.xxRandomValueHex = function (len) {
var t = [], l = Math.floor(len / 2);
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { t.push(obj.tls.generateRandomInteger("0", "255")); }
return new Buffer(t).toString('hex');
obj.xxOnSocketClosed = function () {
obj.socket = null;
if (urlvars && urlvars['redirtrace']) { console.log("REDIR-CLOSED"); }
//obj.Debug("Socket Closed");
obj.xxStateChange = function(newstate) {
if (obj.State == newstate) return;
obj.State = newstate;
if (obj.onStateChanged != null) obj.onStateChanged(obj, obj.State);
obj.Stop = function () {
if (urlvars && urlvars['redirtrace']) { console.log("REDIR-CLOSED"); }
//obj.Debug("Socket Stopped");
obj.connectstate = -1;
obj.amtaccumulator = "";
if (obj.socket != null) { obj.socket.destroy(); obj.socket = null; }
if (obj.amtkeepalivetimer != null) { clearInterval(obj.amtkeepalivetimer); obj.amtkeepalivetimer = null; }
obj.RedirectStartSol = new Buffer([0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0x4F, 0x4C, 0x20]);
obj.RedirectStartKvm = new Buffer([0x10, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4b, 0x56, 0x4d, 0x52]);
obj.RedirectStartIder = new Buffer([0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x44, 0x45, 0x52]);
return obj;
function ToIntStr(v) { return String.fromCharCode((v & 0xFF), ((v >> 8) & 0xFF), ((v >> 16) & 0xFF), ((v >> 24) & 0xFF)); }
function ToShortStr(v) { return String.fromCharCode((v & 0xFF), ((v >> 8) & 0xFF)); }
function ShortToStr(v) { return String.fromCharCode((v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF); }
function ShortToStrX(v) { return String.fromCharCode(v & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF); }
function IntToStr(v) { return String.fromCharCode((v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF); }
function IntToStrX(v) { return String.fromCharCode(v & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 24) & 0xFF); }
var md5hasher = require('MD5Stream').create();
function hex_md5(a) { return md5hasher.syncHash(a).toString('hex').toLowerCase(); } |