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* @description Set of short commonly used methods for handling HTML elements
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @version v0.0.1b
// Add startsWith for IE browser
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) { return this.lastIndexOf(str, 0) === 0; }; }
if (!String.prototype.endsWith) { String.prototype.endsWith = function (str) { return this.indexOf(str, this.length - str.length) !== -1; }; }
// Quick UI functions, a bit of a replacement for jQuery
//function Q(x) { if (document.getElementById(x) == null) { console.log('Invalid element: ' + x); } return document.getElementById(x); } // "Q"
function Q(x) { return document.getElementById(x); } // "Q"
function QS(x) { try { return Q(x).style; } catch (x) { } } // "Q" style
function QE(x, y) { try { Q(x).disabled = !y; } catch (x) { } } // "Q" enable
function QV(x, y) { try { QS(x).display = (y ? '' : 'none'); } catch (x) { } } // "Q" visible
function QA(x, y) { Q(x).innerHTML += y; } // "Q" append
function QH(x, y) { Q(x).innerHTML = y; } // "Q" html
function QC(x) { try { return Q(x).classList; } catch (x) { } } // "Q" class
// Move cursor to end of input box
function inputBoxFocus(x) { Q(x).focus(); var v = Q(x).value; Q(x).value = ''; Q(x).value = v; }
// Binary encoding and decoding functions
function ReadShort(v, p) { return (v.charCodeAt(p) << 8) + v.charCodeAt(p + 1); }
function ReadShortX(v, p) { return (v.charCodeAt(p + 1) << 8) + v.charCodeAt(p); }
function ReadInt(v, p) { return (v.charCodeAt(p) * 0x1000000) + (v.charCodeAt(p + 1) << 16) + (v.charCodeAt(p + 2) << 8) + v.charCodeAt(p + 3); } // We use "*0x1000000" instead of "<<24" because the shift converts the number to signed int32.
function ReadSInt(v, p) { return (v.charCodeAt(p) << 24) + (v.charCodeAt(p + 1) << 16) + (v.charCodeAt(p + 2) << 8) + v.charCodeAt(p + 3); }
function ReadIntX(v, p) { return (v.charCodeAt(p + 3) * 0x1000000) + (v.charCodeAt(p + 2) << 16) + (v.charCodeAt(p + 1) << 8) + v.charCodeAt(p); }
function ShortToStr(v) { return String.fromCharCode((v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF); }
function ShortToStrX(v) { return String.fromCharCode(v & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF); }
function IntToStr(v) { return String.fromCharCode((v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF); }
function IntToStrX(v) { return String.fromCharCode(v & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 24) & 0xFF); }
function MakeToArray(v) { if (!v || v == null || typeof v == 'object') return v; return [v]; }
function SplitArray(v) { return v.split(','); }
function Clone(v) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(v)); }
function EscapeHtml(x) { if (typeof x == 'string') return x.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, '''); if (typeof x == 'boolean') return x; if (typeof x == 'number') return x; }
function EscapeHtmlBreaks(x) { if (typeof x == 'string') return x.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/\r/g, '<br />').replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\t/g, ' '); if (typeof x == 'boolean') return x; if (typeof x == 'number') return x; }
// Move an element from one position in an array to a new position
function ArrayElementMove(arr, from, to) { arr.splice(to, 0, arr.splice(from, 1)[0]); };
// Print object for HTML
function ObjectToStringEx(x, c) {
var r = "";
if (x != 0 && (!x || x == null)) return "(Null)";
if (x instanceof Array) { for (var i in x) { r += '<br />' + gap(c) + "Item #" + i + ": " + ObjectToStringEx(x[i], c + 1); } }
else if (x instanceof Object) { for (var i in x) { r += '<br />' + gap(c) + i + " = " + ObjectToStringEx(x[i], c + 1); } }
else { r += EscapeHtml(x); }
return r;
// Print object for console
function ObjectToStringEx2(x, c) {
var r = "";
if (x != 0 && (!x || x == null)) return "(Null)";
if (x instanceof Array) { for (var i in x) { r += '\r\n' + gap2(c) + "Item #" + i + ": " + ObjectToStringEx2(x[i], c + 1); } }
else if (x instanceof Object) { for (var i in x) { r += '\r\n' + gap2(c) + i + " = " + ObjectToStringEx2(x[i], c + 1); } }
else { r += EscapeHtml(x); }
return r;
// Create an ident gap
function gap(c) { var x = ''; for (var i = 0; i < (c * 4) ; i++) { x += ' '; } return x; }
function gap2(c) { var x = ''; for (var i = 0; i < (c * 4) ; i++) { x += ' '; } return x; }
// Print an object in html
function ObjectToString(x) { return ObjectToStringEx(x, 0); }
function ObjectToString2(x) { return ObjectToStringEx2(x, 0); }
// Convert a hex string to a raw string
function hex2rstr(d) {
if (typeof d != "string" || d.length == 0) return '';
var r = '', m = ('' + d).match(/../g), t;
while (t = m.shift()) r += String.fromCharCode('0x' + t);
return r
// Convert decimal to hex
function char2hex(i) { return (i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(-2).toUpperCase(); }
// Convert a raw string to a hex string
function rstr2hex(input) { var r = '', i; for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { r += char2hex(input.charCodeAt(i)); } return r; }
// UTF-8 encoding & decoding functions
function encode_utf8(s) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s)); }
function decode_utf8(s) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(s)); }
// Convert a string into a blob
function data2blob(data) {
var bytes = new Array(data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) bytes[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(bytes)]);
// Convert a UTF8 string into a blob
function utf2blob(str) {
var bytes = [], utf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
for (var i = 0; i < utf8.length; i++) { bytes.push(utf8.charCodeAt(i)); }
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(bytes)]);
// Generate random numbers
function random(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); }
// Trademarks
function trademarks(x) { return x.replace(/\(R\)/g, '®').replace(/\(TM\)/g, '™'); }
// Pad a number with zeros on the left
function zeroPad(num, c) { if (c == null) { c = 2; } var s = "00000000" + num; return s.substr(s.length - c); }
// String validation
function isAlphaNumeric(str) { if (typeof str == 'number') { return true; } return (str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != null); };
function isSafeString(str) { return ((typeof str == 'string') && (str.indexOf('<') == -1) && (str.indexOf('>') == -1) && (str.indexOf('&') == -1) && (str.indexOf('"') == -1) && (str.indexOf('\'') == -1) && (str.indexOf('+') == -1) && (str.indexOf('(') == -1) && (str.indexOf(')') == -1) && (str.indexOf('#') == -1) && (str.indexOf('%') == -1) && (str.indexOf(':') == -1)) };
function isSafeString2(str) { return ((typeof str == 'string') && (str.indexOf('<') == -1) && (str.indexOf('>') == -1) && (str.indexOf('&') == -1) && (str.indexOf('"') == -1) && (str.indexOf('\'') == -1) && (str.indexOf('+') == -1) && (str.indexOf('(') == -1) && (str.indexOf(')') == -1) && (str.indexOf('#') == -1) && (str.indexOf('%') == -1)) };
// Parse URL arguments, only keep safe values
function parseUriArgs() {
var href = window.document.location.href;
if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); }
var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/);
parsedUri.splice(0, 1);
for (x in parsedUri) {
switch (x % 2) {
case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; }
case 1: {
r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]);
if (!isSafeString2(r[name])) { delete r[name]; } else { var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } }
} default: { break; }
return r;
} |