Stuart Wyatt 64bef74317
Align and specify NPM module versions ()
The Dockerfile specifies NPM modules to be installed.  However, some do not specify a version, so the latest is installed.  Later in meshcentral.js mainStart() specific versions are required.  If they don't match the latest version, all modules will be reinstalled to get the specific versions.

 Soft version conflict on NPM modules causes NPM modules to be installed on startup in Docker
 Docker on Debian 11 fails on version 1.1.15 and 1.1.16 giving NPM errors
 InstallModules() installs all modules, not just missing modules (regression)
2024-01-11 17:49:12 -08:00

334 lines
16 KiB

* @description MeshCentral MeshAgent
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @copyright Intel Corporation 2019-2022
* @license Apache-2.0
* @version v0.0.1
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var worker = null;
const NodeJSVer = Number(process.version.match(/^v(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]);
var directRun = (require.main === module);
function log() { if (directRun) { console.log(...arguments); } /*else { if (worker != null) { worker.parentPort.postMessage({ msg: arguments[0] }); } } */ }
function log2() { if (directRun) { console.log(...arguments); } else { process.send(...arguments); } /*else { if (worker != null) { worker.parentPort.postMessage({ msg: arguments[0] }); } } */ }
if (directRun && (NodeJSVer >= 12)) { const xworker = require('worker_threads'); try { if (xworker.isMainThread == false) { worker = xworker; } } catch (ex) { log(ex); } }
function indexFile(infile) {
var state = { recFileName: null, recFile: null, recFileSize: 0, recFilePtr: 0 };
if (fs.existsSync(infile) == false) { log2("Missing file: " + infile); return; }
state.recFileName = infile;
state.recFileSize = fs.statSync(infile).size;
if (state.recFileSize < 32) { log2("Invalid file size: " + infile); return; }
log("Processing file: " + infile + ", " + state.recFileSize + " bytes.");
state.recFile = fs.openSync(infile, 'r+');
state.indexTime = 10; // Interval between indexes in seconds
state.lastIndex = 0; // Last time an index was writen in seconds
state.indexes = [];
state.width = 0;
state.height = 0;
state.basePtr = null;
readLastBlock(state, function (state, result, time, extras) {
if (result == false) { log2("Invalid file: " + infile); return; }
if (extras != null) { log2("File already indexed: " + infile); return; }
state.lastTimeStamp = time;
readNextBlock(state, processBlock);
function createIndex(state, ptr) {
var index = [];
for (var i in state.screen) { if (index.indexOf(state.screen[i]) == -1) { index.push(state.screen[i]); } }
index.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b });
index.unshift(ptr - state.basePtr);
state.indexes.push(index); // Index = [ Ptr, Width, Height, Block Pointers... ]
//log('Index', state.lastIndex, index.length);
//log('Index', index);
state.lastIndex += 10;
function processBlock(state, block, err) {
if (err != null) {
// Error reading the next block, exit now.
fs.close(state.recFile, function () {
for (var i in state) { delete state[i]; } // Clear the state.
if (block == null) {
// We are done, close this file.
writeIndex(state, function () {
fs.close(state.recFile, function () {
for (var i in state) { delete state[i]; } // Clear the state.
var elapseMilliSeconds = 0;
if (state.startTime != null) { elapseMilliSeconds = (block.time - state.startTime); }
var flagBinary = (block.flags & 1) != 0;
var flagUser = (block.flags & 2) != 0;
// Start indexing at the first type 2 block
if ((state.basePtr == null) && (block.type == 2)) { state.basePtr = block.ptr; state.startTime = block.time; }
// Check if we need to create one or more indexes
while (((state.lastIndex + state.indexTime) * 1000) < elapseMilliSeconds) { createIndex(state, block.ptr); }
if (block.type == 1) {
// Metadata
state.metadata = JSON.parse(;
if (state.metadata.indexInterval != null) { log2("This file is already indexed."); return; }
if (state.metadata.protocol != 2) { log2("Only remote desktop sessions can currently be indexed."); return; }
state.metadataFlags = block.flags;
state.metadataTime = block.time;
state.recFileProtocol = state.metadata.protocol;
state.dataStartPtr = state.recFilePtr;
if (typeof state.recFileProtocol == 'string') { state.recFileProtocol = parseInt(state.recFileProtocol); }
} else if ((block.type == 2) && flagBinary && !flagUser) {
// Device --> User data
if (state.recFileProtocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral Terminal
} else if (state.recFileProtocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral Remote Desktop
if ( >= 4) {
var command =;
var cmdsize =;
if ((command == 27) && (cmdsize == 8)) {
// Jumbo packet
if ( >= 12) {
command =;
cmdsize =;
if ( == (cmdsize + 8)) { =,;
} else {
console.log('TODO-PARTIAL-JUMBO', command, cmdsize,;
return; // TODO
switch (command) {
case 3: // Tile
var x =;
var y =;
var dimensions = require('image-size')(;
//log("Tile", x, y, dimensions.width, dimensions.height, block.ptr);
// Update the screen with the correct pointers.
var sx = x/16, sy = y/16, sw = dimensions.width/16, sh = dimensions.height/16;
for (var i = 0; i < sw; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < sh; j++) {
var k = ((state.swidth * (j + sy)) + (i + sx));
state.screen[k] = (block.ptr - state.basePtr);
case 4: // Tile copy
var x =;
var y =;
//log("TileCopy", x, y);
case 7: // Screen Size, clear the screen state and computer the tile count
state.width =;
state.height =;
state.swidth = state.width / 16;
state.sheight = state.height / 16;
if (Math.floor(state.swidth) != state.swidth) { state.swidth = Math.floor(state.swidth) + 1; }
if (Math.floor(state.sheight) != state.sheight) { state.sheight = Math.floor(state.sheight) + 1; }
state.screen = {};
//log("ScreenSize", state.width, state.height, state.swidth, state.sheight, state.swidth * state.sheight);
//log('Desktop', command, cmdsize);
} else if (state.recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
} else if ((block.type == 2) && flagBinary && flagUser) {
// User --> Device data
if (state.recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
//if (rstr2hex(data) == '0000000008080001000700070003050200000000') { amtDesktop.bpp = 1; } // Switch to 1 byte per pixel.
readNextBlock(state, processBlock);
function writeIndex(state, func) {
// Add the new indexes in extra metadata at the end of the file.
var extraMetadata = {};
extraMetadata.indexInterval = state.indexTime;
extraMetadata.indexStartTime = state.startTime;
extraMetadata.indexes = state.indexes;
recordingEntry(state.recFile, 4, 0, state.lastTimeStamp, JSON.stringify(extraMetadata), function (state, len) {
recordingEntry(state.recFile, 3, 0, state.recFileSize - 32, 'MeshCentralMCNDX', function (state) {
}, state, state.recFileSize - 32 + len);
}, state, state.recFileSize - 32);
// Record a new entry in a recording log
function recordingEntry(fd, type, flags, time, data, func, tag, position) {
try {
if (typeof data == 'string') {
// String write
var blockData = Buffer.from(data), header = Buffer.alloc(16); // Header: Type (2) + Flags (2) + Size(4) + Time(8)
header.writeInt16BE(type, 0); // Type (1 = Header, 2 = Network Data, 3 = End, 4 = Extra Metadata)
header.writeInt16BE(flags, 2); // Flags (1 = Binary, 2 = User)
header.writeInt32BE(blockData.length, 4); // Size
header.writeIntBE(time, 10, 6); // Time
var block = Buffer.concat([header, blockData]);
if (typeof position == 'number') {
fs.write(fd, block, 0, block.length, position, function () { func(tag, block.length); });
} else {
fs.write(fd, block, 0, block.length, function () { func(tag, block.length); });
} else {
// Binary write
var header = Buffer.alloc(16); // Header: Type (2) + Flags (2) + Size(4) + Time(8)
header.writeInt16BE(type, 0); // Type (1 = Header, 2 = Network Data, 3 = End, 4 = Extra Metadata)
header.writeInt16BE(flags | 1, 2); // Flags (1 = Binary, 2 = User)
header.writeInt32BE(data.length, 4); // Size
header.writeIntBE(time, 10, 6); // Time
var block = Buffer.concat([header, data]);
if (typeof position == 'number') {
fs.write(fd, block, 0, block.length, position, function () { func(tag, block.length); });
} else {
fs.write(fd, block, 0, block.length, function () { func(tag, block.length); });
} catch (ex) { console.log(ex); func(tag); }
function readLastBlock(state, func) {
var buf = Buffer.alloc(32);, buf, 0, 32, state.recFileSize - 32, function (err, bytesRead, buf) {
var type = buf.readUInt16BE(0); // Type (1 = Header, 2 = Network Data)
var flags = buf.readUInt16BE(2); // Flags (1 = Binary, 2 = User)
var size = buf.readUInt32BE(4); // Size
var time = buf.readUIntBE(10, 6); // Time
var magic = buf.toString('utf8', 16, 32);
if ((type == 3) && (size == 16) && (magic == 'MeshCentralMCNDX')) {
// Extra metadata present, lets read it.
extraMetadata = null;
var buf2 = Buffer.alloc(16);, buf2, 0, 16, time, function (err, bytesRead, buf2) {
var xtype = buf2.readUInt16BE(0); // Type (1 = Header, 2 = Network Data, 3 = End, 4 = Extra Metadata)
var xflags = buf2.readUInt16BE(2); // Flags (1 = Binary, 2 = User)
var xsize = buf2.readUInt32BE(4); // Size
var xtime = buf.readUIntBE(10, 6); // Time
var buf3 = Buffer.alloc(xsize);, buf3, 0, xsize, time + 16, function (err, bytesRead, buf3) {
func(state, true, xtime, JSON.parse(buf3.toString()));
} else {
// No extra metadata or fail
func(state, (type == 3) && (size == 16) && (magic == 'MeshCentralMCREC'), time, null);
function readNextBlock(state, func) {
if ((state.recFilePtr + 16) > state.recFileSize) { func(state, null); return; }
var r = {}, buf = Buffer.alloc(16);, buf, 0, 16, state.recFilePtr, function (err, bytesRead, buf) {
if (bytesRead != 16) { func(state, null, true); return; } // Error
try {
r.type = buf.readUInt16BE(0); // Type (1 = Header, 2 = Network Data, 3 = End, 4 = Extra Metadata)
r.flags = buf.readUInt16BE(2); // Flags (1 = Binary, 2 = User)
r.size = buf.readUInt32BE(4); // Size
r.time = buf.readUIntBE(10, 6); // Time = new Date(r.time);
r.ptr = state.recFilePtr;
if ((state.recFilePtr + 16 + r.size) > state.recFileSize) { func(state, null, true); return; } // Error
if (r.size == 0) { = null;
func(state, r);
} else { = Buffer.alloc(r.size);,, 0, r.size, state.recFilePtr + 16, function (err, bytesRead, buf) {
state.recFilePtr += (16 + r.size);
func(state, r);
} catch (ex) { func(state, null, true); return; } // Error
function isNumber(x) { return (('' + parseInt(x)) === x) || (('' + parseFloat(x)) === x); }
function format(format) { var args =, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
// Check if a list of modules are present and install any missing ones
var InstallModuleChildProcess = null;
var previouslyInstalledModules = {};
function InstallModules(modules, func) {
var missingModules = [];
if (previouslyInstalledModules == null) { previouslyInstalledModules = {}; }
if (modules.length > 0) {
for (var i in modules) {
try {
var xxmodule = require(modules[i]);
} catch (e) {
if (previouslyInstalledModules[modules[i]] !== true) { missingModules.push(modules[i]); }
if (missingModules.length > 0) { InstallModule(missingModules.shift(), InstallModules, modules, func); } else { func(); }
// Check if a module is present and install it if missing
function InstallModule(modulename, func, tag1, tag2) {
log('Installing ' + modulename + '...');
var child_process = require('child_process');
var parentpath = __dirname;
// Get the working directory
if ((__dirname.endsWith('/node_modules/meshcentral')) || (__dirname.endsWith('\\node_modules\\meshcentral')) || (__dirname.endsWith('/node_modules/meshcentral/')) || (__dirname.endsWith('\\node_modules\\meshcentral\\'))) { parentpath = require('path').join(__dirname, '../..'); }
// Looks like we need to keep a global reference to the child process object for this to work correctly.
InstallModuleChildProcess = child_process.exec('npm install --no-optional --save ' + modulename, { maxBuffer: 512000, timeout: 300000, cwd: parentpath }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
InstallModuleChildProcess = null;
if ((error != null) && (error != '')) {
log('ERROR: Unable to install required module "' + modulename + '". May not have access to npm, or npm may not have suffisent rights to load the new module. Try "npm install ' + modulename + '" to manualy install this module.\r\n');
previouslyInstalledModules[modulename] = true;
func(tag1, tag2);
function setup() { InstallModules(['image-size'], start); }
function start() { startEx(process.argv); }
function startEx(argv) {
if (argv.length > 2) { indexFile(argv[2]); } else {
log("MeshCentral Session Recodings Processor");
log("This tool will index a .mcrec file so that the player can seek thru the file.");
log(" Usage: node mcrec [file]");
if (directRun) { setup(); }
// Export table
module.exports.startEx = startEx;
module.exports.indexFile = indexFile;