/** * @description MeshCentral plugin module * @author Ryan Blenis * @copyright * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ /*xjslint node: true */ /*xjslint plusplus: true */ /*xjslint maxlen: 256 */ /*jshint node: true */ /*jshint strict: false */ /*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; module.exports.pluginHandler = function (parent) { var obj = {}; obj.fs = require('fs'); obj.path = require('path'); obj.parent = parent; obj.pluginPath = obj.parent.path.join(obj.parent.datapath, 'plugins'); obj.enabled = obj.parent.config.settings.plugins.enabled; obj.loadList = obj.parent.config.settings.plugins.list; obj.plugins = {}; obj.exports = {}; if (obj.enabled) { obj.loadList.forEach(function(plugin, index) { if (obj.fs.existsSync(obj.pluginPath + '/' + plugin)) { try { obj.plugins[plugin] = require(obj.pluginPath + '/' + plugin + '/' + plugin + '.js')[plugin](obj); obj.exports[plugin] = obj.plugins[plugin].exports; } catch (e) { console.log("Error loading plugin: " + plugin + " (" + e + "). It has been disabled.", e.stack); } } }); } obj.prepExports = function() { var str = 'function() {\r\n'; str += ' var obj = {};\r\n'; for (const p of Object.keys(obj.plugins)) { str += ' obj.'+ p +' = {};\r\n'; for (const l of Object.values(obj.exports[p])) { str += ' obj.'+ p +'.'+ l + ' = '+ obj.plugins[p][l].toString()+'\r\n'; } } str += 'obj.enabled = '+ obj.enabled +';\r\n'; str += `obj.onDeviceRefeshEnd = function(nodeid, panel, refresh, event) { for (const p of Object.keys(obj)) { if (typeof obj[p].onDeviceRefreshEnd == 'function') { obj[p].onDeviceRefreshEnd(nodeid, panel, refresh, event); } } }; obj.registerPluginTab = function(pluginRegInfo) { var d = pluginRegInfo(); QA('p19headers', ''+d.tabTitle+''); }; obj.callPluginPage = function(id) { var pages = Q('p19pages').querySelectorAll("#p19pages>div"); for (const i of pages) { i.style.display = 'none'; } QV(id, true); }; return obj; };`; return str; } obj.callHook = function(hookName, ...args) { for (var p in obj.plugins) { if (typeof obj.plugins[p][hookName] == 'function') { try { obj.plugins[p][hookName](args); } catch (e) { console.log('Error ocurred while running plugin hook' + p + ':' + hookName + ' (' + e + ')'); } } } }; obj.addMeshCoreModules = function(modulesAdd) { if (obj.enabled !== true) return; for (var plugin in obj.plugins) { var moduleDirPath = null; var modulesDir = null; //if (obj.args.minifycore !== false) { try { moduleDirPath = obj.path.join(obj.pluginPath, 'modules_meshcore_min'); modulesDir = obj.fs.readdirSync(moduleDirPath); } catch (e) { } } // Favor minified modules if present. if (modulesDir == null) { try { moduleDirPath = obj.path.join(obj.pluginPath, plugin + '/modules_meshcore'); modulesDir = obj.fs.readdirSync(moduleDirPath); } catch (e) { } } // Use non-minified mofules. if (modulesDir != null) { for (var i in modulesDir) { if (modulesDir[i].toLowerCase().endsWith('.js')) { var moduleName = modulesDir[i].substring(0, modulesDir[i].length - 3); if (moduleName.endsWith('.min')) { moduleName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length - 4); } // Remove the ".min" for ".min.js" files. var moduleData = [ 'try { addModule("', moduleName, '", "', obj.parent.escapeCodeString(obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(moduleDirPath, modulesDir[i])).toString('binary')), '"); addedModules.push("', moduleName, '"); } catch (e) { }\r\n' ]; // Merge this module // NOTE: "smbios" module makes some non-AI Linux segfault, only include for IA platforms. if (moduleName.startsWith('amt-') || (moduleName == 'smbios')) { // Add to IA / Intel AMT cores only modulesAdd['windows-amt'].push(...moduleData); modulesAdd['linux-amt'].push(...moduleData); } else if (moduleName.startsWith('win-')) { // Add to Windows cores only modulesAdd['windows-amt'].push(...moduleData); } else if (moduleName.startsWith('linux-')) { // Add to Linux cores only modulesAdd['linux-amt'].push(...moduleData); modulesAdd['linux-noamt'].push(...moduleData); } else { // Add to all cores modulesAdd['windows-amt'].push(...moduleData); modulesAdd['linux-amt'].push(...moduleData); modulesAdd['linux-noamt'].push(...moduleData); } // Merge this module to recovery modules if needed if (modulesAdd['windows-recovery'] != null) { if ((moduleName == 'win-console') || (moduleName == 'win-message-pump') || (moduleName == 'win-terminal')) { modulesAdd['windows-recovery'].push(...moduleData); } } // Merge this module to agent recovery modules if needed if (modulesAdd['windows-agentrecovery'] != null) { if ((moduleName == 'win-console') || (moduleName == 'win-message-pump') || (moduleName == 'win-terminal')) { modulesAdd['windows-agentrecovery'].push(...moduleData); } } } } } } }; obj.deviceViewPanel = function() { var panel = {}; for (var p in obj.plugins) { if (typeof obj.plugins[p][hookName] == 'function') { try { panel[p].header = obj.plugins[p].on_device_header(); panel[p].content = obj.plugins[p].on_device_page(); } catch (e) { console.log('Error ocurred while getting plugin views ' + p + ':' + ' (' + e + ')'); } } } return panel; } return obj; };