/* Copyright 2022 Intel Corporation @author Bryan Roe Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ function trimObject(j) { var i; for(i in j) { if (j[i] == null || (typeof(j[i])=='string' && j[i]=='') || i.startsWith('__')) { delete j[i];} } if (j['SerialNumber'] < 0) { var tmp = Buffer.alloc(4); tmp.writeInt32LE(j['SerialNumber']); j['SerialNumber'] = tmp.readUInt32LE(); } return (j); } function getVolumes() { var v = require('win-wmi').query('ROOT\\CIMV2', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_Volume'); var i; var ret = {}; for (i in v) { ret[v[i].DeviceID] = trimObject(v[i]); } try { v = require('win-wmi').query('ROOT\\CIMV2\\Security\\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume'); for (i in v) { var tmp = trimObject(v[i]); for (var k in tmp) { ret[tmp.DeviceID][k] = tmp[k]; } } } catch (ex) { } return (ret); } function windows_volumes() { var promise = require('promise'); var p1 = new promise(function (res, rej) { this._res = res; this._rej = rej; }); var ret = {}; var values = require('win-wmi').query('ROOT\\CIMV2', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk', ['DeviceID', 'VolumeName', 'FileSystem', 'Size', 'FreeSpace', 'DriveType']); if(values[0]){ for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { var drive = values[i]['DeviceID'].slice(0,-1); ret[drive] = { name: (values[i]['VolumeName'] ? values[i]['VolumeName'] : ""), type: (values[i]['FileSystem'] ? values[i]['FileSystem'] : "Unknown"), size: (values[i]['Size'] ? values[i]['Size'] : 0), sizeremaining: (values[i]['FreeSpace'] ? values[i]['FreeSpace'] : 0), removable: (values[i]['DriveType'] == 2), cdrom: (values[i]['DriveType'] == 5) }; } } try { values = require('win-wmi').query('ROOT\\CIMV2\\Security\\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume', ['DriveLetter','ConversionStatus','ProtectionStatus']); if(values[0]){ for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { var drive = values[i]['DriveLetter'].slice(0,-1); var statuses = { 0: 'FullyDecrypted', 1: 'FullyEncrypted', 2: 'EncryptionInProgress', 3: 'DecryptionInProgress', 4: 'EncryptionPaused', 5: 'DecryptionPaused' }; ret[drive].volumeStatus = statuses.hasOwnProperty(values[i].ConversionStatus) ? statuses[values[i].ConversionStatus] : 'FullyDecrypted'; ret[drive].protectionStatus = (values[i].ProtectionStatus == 0 ? 'Off' : (values[i].ProtectionStatus == 1 ? 'On' : 'Unknown')); try { var foundIDMarkedLine = false, foundMarkedLine = false, identifier = '', password = ''; var keychild = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['/c', 'manage-bde -protectors -get ' + drive + ': -Type recoverypassword'], {}); keychild.stdout.str = ''; keychild.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); keychild.waitExit(); var lines = keychild.stdout.str.trim().split('\r\n'); for (var x = 0; x < lines.length; x++) { // Loop each line var abc = lines[x].trim(); var englishidpass = (abc !== '' && abc.includes('Numerical Password:')); // English ID var germanidpass = (abc !== '' && abc.includes('Numerisches Kennwort:')); // German ID var frenchidpass = (abc !== '' && abc.includes('Mot de passe num')); // French ID var englishpass = (abc !== '' && abc.includes('Password:') && !abc.includes('Numerical Password:')); // English Password var germanpass = (abc !== '' && abc.includes('Kennwort:') && !abc.includes('Numerisches Kennwort:')); // German Password var frenchpass = (abc !== '' && abc.includes('Mot de passe :') && !abc.includes('Mot de passe num')); // French Password if (englishidpass || germanidpass || frenchidpass|| englishpass || germanpass || frenchpass) { var nextline = lines[x + 1].trim(); if (x + 1 < lines.length && (nextline !== '' && (nextline.startsWith('ID:') || nextline.startsWith('ID :')) )) { identifier = nextline.replace('ID:','').replace('ID :', '').trim(); foundIDMarkedLine = true; }else if (x + 1 < lines.length && nextline !== '') { password = nextline; foundMarkedLine = true; } } } ret[drive].identifier = (foundIDMarkedLine ? identifier : ''); // Set Bitlocker Identifier ret[drive].recoveryPassword = (foundMarkedLine ? password : ''); // Set Bitlocker Password } catch(ex) { } // just carry on as we cant get bitlocker key } } p1._res(ret); } catch (ex) { p1._res(ret); } // just return volumes as cant get encryption/bitlocker return (p1); } module.exports = { getVolumes: function () { try { return (getVolumes()); } catch (x) { return ({}); } }, volumes_promise: windows_volumes };