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<body style="overflow:hidden;background-color:black">
    <div id="p11" class="noselect" style="overflow:hidden">
        <div id="deskarea0">
            <div id="deskarea1" class="areaHead">
                <div class="toright2">
                    <div class="deskareaicon" title="Toggle View Mode" onclick="toggleAspectRatio(1)">⇲</div>
                    <input id="OpenFileButton" type="button" value="Open File..." onclick="openfile()">
                    <span id="deskstatus"></span>
            <div id="deskarea2" style="">
                <div class="areaProgress"><div id="progressbar" style=""></div></div>
            <div id="deskarea3x" style="max-height:calc(100vh - 54px);height:calc(100vh - 54px);" onclick="togglePause()">
                <div id="bigok" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✓</b></div>
                <div id="bigfail" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✗</b></div>
                <div id="metadatadiv" style="padding:20px;color:lightgrey;text-align:left;display:none"></div>
                <div id="DeskParent">
                    <canvas id="Desk" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
                <div id="TermParent" style="display:none">
                    <pre id="Term"></pre>
                <div id="p11DeskConsoleMsg" style="display:none;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;left:30px;top:17px;color:yellow;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);padding:10px;border-radius:5px" onclick="clearConsoleMsg()"></div>
            <div id="deskarea4" class="areaFoot">
                <div class="toright2">
                    <div id="timespan" style="padding-top:4px;padding-right:4px">00:00:00</div>
                    <input id="PlayButton" type="button" value="Jouer" disabled="disabled" onclick="play()">
                    <input id="PauseButton" type="button" value="Pause" disabled="disabled" onclick="pause()">
                    <input id="RestartButton" type="button" value="Redémarrer" disabled="disabled" onclick="restart()">
                    <select id="PlaySpeed" onchange="this.blur();">
                        <option value="4">1/4 vitesse</option>
                        <option value="2">1/2 vitesse</option>
                        <option value="1" selected="">Vitesse normale</option>
                        <option value="0.5">2x vitesse</option>
                        <option value="0.25">4x vitesse</option>
                        <option value="0.1">10x vitesse</option>
        <div id="dialog" class="noselect" style="display:none">
            <div id="dialogHeader">
                <div tabindex="0" id="id_dialogclose" onclick="setDialogMode()" onkeypress="if (event.key == 'Enter') setDialogMode()">✖</div>
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                    <div id="id_dialogMessage" style=""></div>
                <div id="dialog2" style="">
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            <div id="idx_dlgButtonBar">
                <input id="idx_dlgCancelButton" type="button" value="Annuler" style="" onclick="dialogclose(0)">
                <input id="idx_dlgOkButton" type="button" value="OK" style="" onclick="dialogclose(1)">
                <div><input id="idx_dlgDeleteButton" type="button" value="Delete" style="display:none" onclick="dialogclose(2)"></div>
        var recFile = null;
        var recFilePtr = 0;
        var recFileStartTime = 0;
        var recFileLastTime = 0;
        var recFileEndTime = 0;
        var recFileMetadata = null;
        var recFileProtocol = 0;
        var agentDesktop = null;
        var amtDesktop = null;
        var playing = false;
        var readState = 0;
        var waitTimer = null;
        var waitTimerArgs = null;
        var deskAspectRatio = 0;
        var currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;

        function start() {
            window.onresize = deskAdjust;
            document.ondrop = ondrop;
            document.ondragover = ondragover;
            document.ondragleave = ondragleave;
            document.onkeypress = onkeypress;
            Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1;

        function readNextBlock(func) {
            if ((recFilePtr + 16) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
                var fr = new FileReader();
                fr.onload = function () {
                    var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
                    var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
                    var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
                    var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
                    if ((recFilePtr + 16 + size) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
                        var fr2 = new FileReader();
                        fr2.onload = function () {
                            recFilePtr += (16 + size);
                            if (recFileEndTime == 0) {
                                // File pointer progress bar
                                QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(100 * (recFilePtr / recFile.size)) + '%';
                            } else {
                                // Time progress bar
                                QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(((recFileLastTime - recFileStartTime) / (recFileEndTime - recFileStartTime)) * 100) + '%';
                            func(type, flags, time, this.result);
                        fr2.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr + 16, recFilePtr + 16 + size));
                fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr, recFilePtr + 16));

        function readLastBlock(func) {
            if (recFile.size < 32) { func(-1); } else {
                var fr = new FileReader();
                fr.onload = function () {
                    var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
                    var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
                    var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
                    var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
                    if ((type == 3) && (size == 16) && (this.result.substring(16, 32) == 'MeshCentralMCREC')) { func(type, flags, time); } else { func(-1); }
                fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFile.size - 32, recFile.size));

        function addInfo(name, value) { if (value == null) return ''; return addInfoNoEsc(name, EscapeHtml(value)); }

        function addInfoNoEsc(name, value) {
            if (value == null) return '';
            return '<span style=color:gray>' + EscapeHtml(name) + '</span>:&nbsp;<span style=font-size:20px>' + value + '</span><br/>';

        function processFirstBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
            recFileProtocol = 0;
            if ((type != 1) || (flags != 0)) { cleanup(); return; }
            try { recFileMetadata = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { cleanup(); return; }
            if ((recFileMetadata == null) || (recFileMetadata.magic != 'MeshCentralRelaySession') || (recFileMetadata.ver != 1)) { cleanup(); return; }
            var x = '';
            x += addInfo("Temps", recFileMetadata.time);
            if (recFileEndTime != 0) { var secs = Math.floor((recFileEndTime - time) / 1000); x += addInfo("Duration", format("{0} second{1}", secs, (secs > 1) ? 's' : '')); }
            x += addInfo("Nom d'utilisateur", recFileMetadata.username);
            x += addInfo("Identifiant d'utilisateur", recFileMetadata.userid);
            x += addInfo("ID de session", recFileMetadata.sessionid);
            if (recFileMetadata.ipaddr1 && recFileMetadata.ipaddr2) { x += addInfo("Addresses", format("{0} to {1}", recFileMetadata.ipaddr1, recFileMetadata.ipaddr2)); }
            if (recFileMetadata.devicename) { x += addInfo("Device Name", recFileMetadata.devicename); }
            x += addInfo("NodeID", recFileMetadata.nodeid);
            if (recFileMetadata.protocol) {
                var p = recFileMetadata.protocol;
                if (p == 1) { p = "MeshCentral Terminal"; }
                else if (p == 2) { p = "MeshCentral Desktop"; }
                else if (p == 100) { p = "Intel&reg; AMT WSMAN"; }
                else if (p == 101) { p = "Intel&reg; AMT Redirection"; }
                x += addInfoNoEsc("Protocole", p);
            QV('DeskParent', true);
            QV('TermParent', false);
            if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 1) {
                // MeshCentral remote terminal
                recFileProtocol = 1;
                x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Appuyez sur [espace] pour jouer/mettre en pause." + '</span>';
                QE('PlayButton', true);
                QE('PauseButton', false);
                QE('RestartButton', false);
                recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
            else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 2) {
                // MeshCentral remote desktop
                recFileProtocol = 2;
                x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Appuyez sur [espace] pour jouer/mettre en pause." + '</span>';
                QE('PlayButton', true);
                QE('PauseButton', false);
                QE('RestartButton', false);
                recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
                agentDesktop = CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk');
                agentDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
                agentDesktop.State = 3;
            else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 101) {
                // Intel AMT Redirection
                recFileProtocol = 101;
                x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>Press [space] to play/pause.</span>';
                QE('PlayButton', true);
                QE('PauseButton', false);
                QE('RestartButton', false);
                recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
                amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
                amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
                amtDesktop.State = 3;
            QV('metadatadiv', true);
            QH('metadatadiv', x);
            QH('deskstatus', recFile.name);

        function processBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
            if (type < 0) { pause(); return; }
            var waitTime = Math.round((time - recFileLastTime) * parseFloat(Q('PlaySpeed').value));
            if (waitTime < 5) {
                processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data);
            } else {
                waitTimerArgs = [type, flags, time, data]
                waitTimer = setTimeout(function () { waitTimer = null; processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]); }, waitTime);

        function processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data) {
            if (playing == false) return;
            var flagBinary = (flags & 1) != 0, flagUser = (flags & 2) != 0;

            // Update the clock
            var deltaTimeTotalSec = Math.floor((time - recFileStartTime) / 1000);
            if (currentDeltaTimeTotalSec != deltaTimeTotalSec) {
                currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = deltaTimeTotalSec;
                var deltaTimeHours = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 3600);
                deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 3600)
                var deltaTimeMinutes = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 60);
                deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 60)
                var deltaTimeSeconds = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec);
                QH('timespan', pad2(deltaTimeHours) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeMinutes) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeSeconds))

            if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && !flagUser) {
                // Device --> User data
                if (recFileProtocol == 1) {
                    // MeshCentral Terminal
                } else if (recFileProtocol == 2) {
                    // MeshCentral Remote Desktop
                } else if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
                    // Intel AMT KVM
                    if ((readState == 0) && (rstr2hex(data) == '4100000000000000')) {
                        // We are not authenticated, KVM data starts here.
                        readState = 1;
                        if (data.length > 8) { amtDesktop.ProcessData(data.substring(8)); }
                    } else if (readState == 1) {
            } else if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && flagUser) {
                // User --> Device data
                if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
                    // Intel AMT KVM
                    if (rstr2hex(data) == '0000000008080001000700070003050200000000') { amtDesktop.bpp = 1; } // Switch to 1 byte per pixel.

            recFileLastTime = time;
            if (playing) { readNextBlock(processBlock); }

        function cleanup() {
            recFile = null;
            recFilePtr = 0;
            recFileMetadata = null;
            playing = false;
            if (agentDesktop != null) { agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height); agentDesktop = null; }
            if (amtDesktop != null) { amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height); amtDesktop = null; }
            readState = 0;
            waitTimerArgs = null;
            currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
            recFileEndTime = 0;
            agentTerminal = null;
            if (waitTimer != null) { clearTimeout(waitTimer); waitTimer = null; }
            QH('deskstatus', '');
            QE('PlayButton', false);
            QE('PauseButton', false);
            QE('RestartButton', false);
            QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
            QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
            QV('metadatadiv', true);
            QH('metadatadiv', '<span style=\"font-family:Arial,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:28px\">MeshCentral Session Player</span><br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Drag & drop a .mcrec file or click \"Open File...\"" + '</span>');
            QV('DeskParent', true);
            QV('TermParent', false);

        function ondrop(e) {
            QV('bigfail', false);
            QV('bigok', false);

            // Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
            if (e.dataTransfer == null) return;
            var files = [];
            for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) {
                if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].type != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) {
            if (files.length == 0) return;
            recFile = files[0];
            recFilePtr = 0;
            readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });

        var dragtimer = null;
        function ondragover(e) {
            if (dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragtimer = null; }
            var ac = true;
            QV('bigok', ac);
            QV('bigfail', !ac);

        function ondragleave(e) {
            dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail', false); QV('bigok', false); dragtimer = null; }, 10);

        function onkeypress(e) {
            if (xxdialogMode) return;
            if (e.key == ' ') { togglePause(); haltEvent(e); }
            if (e.key == '1') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 4; haltEvent(e); }
            if (e.key == '2') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 2; haltEvent(e); }
            if (e.key == '3') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1; haltEvent(e); }
            if (e.key == '4') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.5; haltEvent(e); }
            if (e.key == '5') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.25; haltEvent(e); }
            if (e.key == '6') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.1; haltEvent(e); }
            if (e.key == '0') { pause(); restart(); haltEvent(e); }

        function openfile() {
            var x = '<input type=file name=files id=p2fileinput style=width:100% accept=".mcrec" onchange="openfileChanged()" />';
            setDialogMode(2, "Open File...", 3, openfileEx, x);
            QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);

        function openfileEx() {
            var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
            if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
            if (files.length == 0) return;
            recFile = files[0];
            recFilePtr = 0;
            readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });

        function openfileChanged() {
            var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
            if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
            QE('idx_dlgOkButton', files.length == 1);

        function togglePause() {
            if (recFile != null) { if (playing == true) { pause(); } else { if (recFilePtr != recFile.size) { play(); } } } return false;

        function play() {
            if ((playing == true) || (recFileProtocol == 0)) return;
            playing = true;
            QV('metadatadiv', false);
            QE('PlayButton', false);
            QE('PauseButton', true);
            QE('RestartButton', false);
            if ((recFileProtocol == 1) && (agentTerminal == null)) {
                QV('DeskParent', false);
                QV('TermParent', true);
                agentTerminal = CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', {});
                agentTerminal.State = 3;

        function pause() {
            if (playing == false) return;
            playing = false;
            QE('PlayButton', recFilePtr != recFile.size);
            QE('PauseButton', false);
            QE('RestartButton', recFilePtr != 0);
            if (waitTimer != null) {
                waitTimer = null;
                processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]);
                waitTimerArgs = null;

        function restart() {
            if (playing == true) return;
            recFilePtr = 0;
            readState = 0;
            currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
            QV('metadatadiv', true);
            QE('PlayButton', true);
            QE('PauseButton', false);
            QE('RestartButton', false);
            QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
            QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
            QV('DeskParent', true);
            QV('TermParent', false);
            if (agentDesktop) {
                agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height);
            } else if (amtDesktop) {
                amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height);
                amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
                amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
                amtDesktop.State = 3;
            } else if (agentTerminal) {
                agentTerminal = null;

        function clearConsoleMsg() { QH('p11DeskConsoleMsg', ''); }

        // Toggle the web page to full screen
        function toggleAspectRatio(toggle) {
            if (toggle === 1) { deskAspectRatio = ((deskAspectRatio + 1) % 3); }

        function deskAdjust() {
            var parentH = Q('DeskParent').clientHeight, parentW = Q('DeskParent').clientWidth;
            var deskH = Q('Desk').height, deskW = Q('Desk').width;

            if (deskAspectRatio == 2) {
                // Scale mode
                QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
                QS('Desk').height = '100%';
                QS('Desk').width = '100%';
                QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
            } else if (deskAspectRatio == 1) {
                // Zoomed mode
                QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = '0px';
                //QS('Desk')['margin-left'] = '0px';
                QS('Desk').height = deskH + 'px';
                QS('Desk').width = deskW + 'px';
                QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'scroll';
            } else {
                // Fixed aspect ratio
                if ((parentH / parentW) > (deskH / deskW)) {
                    var hNew = ((deskH * parentW) / deskW) + 'px';
                    //if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
                    //QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
                    //} else {
                    // QS('deskarea3x').height = hNew;
                    //QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
                    QS('Desk').height = hNew;
                    QS('Desk').width = '100%';
                } else {
                    var wNew = ((deskW * parentH) / deskH) + 'px';
                    //if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
                    //QS('Desk').height = null;
                    //} else {
                    QS('Desk').height = '100%';
                    QS('Desk').width = wNew;
                QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
                QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';

        // POPUP DIALOG

        // null = Hidden, 1 = Generic Message
        var xxdialogMode;
        var xxdialogFunc;
        var xxdialogButtons;
        var xxdialogTag;
        var xxcurrentView = -1;

        // Display a dialog box
        // Parameters: Dialog Mode (0 = none), Dialog Title, Buttons (1 = OK, 2 = Cancel, 3 = OK & Cancel), Call back function(0 = Cancel, 1 = OK), Dialog Content (Mode 2 only)
        function setDialogMode(x, y, b, f, c, tag) {
            xxdialogMode = x;
            xxdialogFunc = f;
            xxdialogButtons = b;
            xxdialogTag = tag;
            QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
            QV('idx_dlgOkButton', b & 1);
            QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', b & 2);
            QV('id_dialogclose', (b & 2) || (b & 8));
            QV('idx_dlgDeleteButton', b & 4);
            QV('idx_dlgButtonBar', b & 7);
            if (y) QH('id_dialogtitle', y);
            for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { QV('dialog' + i, i == x); } // Edit this line when more dialogs are added
            QV('dialog', x);
            if (c) { if (x == 2) { QH('id_dialogOptions', c); } else { QH('id_dialogMessage', c); } }

        function dialogclose(x) {
            var f = xxdialogFunc, b = xxdialogButtons, t = xxdialogTag;
            if (((b & 8) || x) && f) f(x, t);

        function messagebox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t, 1); }
        function statusbox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t); }
        function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
        function pad2(num) { var s = '00' + num; return s.substr(s.length - 2); }
        function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };

