var http = require('http'); var childProcess = require('child_process'); var meshCoreObj = { action: 'coreinfo', value: "MeshCore Recovery", caps: 14 }; // Capability bitmask: 1 = Desktop, 2 = Terminal, 4 = Files, 8 = Console, 16 = JavaScript var nextTunnelIndex = 1; var tunnels = {}; var fs = require('fs'); if (require('MeshAgent').ARCHID == null) { var id = null; switch (process.platform) { case 'win32': id = require('_GenericMarshal').PointerSize == 4 ? 3 : 4; break; case 'freebsd': id = require('_GenericMarshal').PointerSize == 4 ? 31 : 30; break; case 'darwin': id = require('os').arch() == 'x64' ? 16 : 29; break; } if (id != null) { Object.defineProperty(require('MeshAgent'), 'ARCHID', { value: id }); } } //attachDebugger({ webport: 9994, wait: 1 }).then(function (p) { console.log('Debug on port: ' + p); }); function sendConsoleText(msg, sessionid) { if (sessionid != null) { require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: msg, sessionid: sessionid }); } else { require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: msg }); } } function sendAgentMessage(msg, icon) { if (sendAgentMessage.messages == null) { sendAgentMessage.messages = {}; sendAgentMessage.nextid = 1; } sendAgentMessage.messages[sendAgentMessage.nextid++] = { msg: msg, icon: icon }; require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'msg', value: sendAgentMessage.messages }); } // Start a JavaScript based Agent Self-Update function agentUpdate_Start(updateurl, updateoptions) { // If this value is null var sessionid = updateoptions != null ? updateoptions.session : null; // If this is null, messages will be broadcast. Otherwise they will be unicasted if (this._selfupdate != null) { // We were already called, so we will ignore this duplicate request if (sessionid != null) { sendConsoleText('Self update already in progress...', sessionid); } } else { if (require('MeshAgent').ARCHID == null && updateurl == null) { // This agent doesn't have the ability to tell us which ARCHID it is, so we don't know which agent to pull sendConsoleText('Unable to initiate update, agent ARCHID is not defined', sessionid); } else { var agentfilename = process.execPath.split(process.platform == 'win32' ? '\\' : '/').pop(); // Local File Name, ie: MeshAgent.exe var name = require('MeshAgent').serviceName; if (name == null) { name = process.platform == 'win32' ? 'Mesh Agent' : 'meshagent'; } // This is an older agent that doesn't expose the service name, so use the default try { var s = require('service-manager').manager.getService(name); if (!s.isMe()) { if (process.platform == 'win32') { s.close(); } sendConsoleText('Self Update cannot continue, this agent is not an instance of (' + name + ')', sessionid); return; } if (process.platform == 'win32') { s.close(); } } catch (zz) { sendConsoleText('Self Update Failed because this agent is not an instance of (' + name + ')', sessionid); sendAgentMessage('Self Update Failed because this agent is not an instance of (' + name + ')', 3); return; } sendConsoleText('Downloading update...', sessionid); var options = require('http').parseUri(updateurl != null ? updateurl : require('MeshAgent').ServerUrl); options.protocol = 'https:'; if (updateurl == null) { options.path = ('/meshagents?id=' + require('MeshAgent').ARCHID); } options.rejectUnauthorized = false; options.checkServerIdentity = function checkServerIdentity(certs) { // If the tunnel certificate matches the control channel certificate, accept the connection try { if (require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ControlChannelCertificate.digest == certs[0].digest) return; } catch (ex) { } try { if (require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ControlChannelCertificate.fingerprint == certs[0].fingerprint) return; } catch (ex) { } // Check that the certificate is the one expected by the server, fail if not. if (checkServerIdentity.servertlshash == null) { sendConsoleText('Self Update failed, because the url cannot be verified', sessionid); sendAgentMessage('Self Update failed, because the url cannot be verified', 3); throw new Error('BadCert'); } if ((checkServerIdentity.servertlshash != null) && (checkServerIdentity.servertlshash.toLowerCase() != certs[0].digest.split(':').join('').toLowerCase())) { sendConsoleText('Self Update failed, because the supplied certificate does not match', sessionid); sendAgentMessage('Self Update failed, because the supplied certificate does not match', 3); throw new Error('BadCert') } } options.checkServerIdentity.servertlshash = (updateoptions != null ? updateoptions.tlshash : null); this._selfupdate = require('https').get(options); this._selfupdate.on('error', function (e) { sendConsoleText('Self Update failed, because there was a problem trying to download the update', sessionid); sendAgentMessage('Self Update failed, because there was a problem trying to download the update', 3); }); this._selfupdate.on('response', function (img) { this._file = require('fs').createWriteStream(agentfilename + '.update', { flags: 'wb' }); this._filehash = require('SHA384Stream').create(); this._filehash.on('hash', function (h) { if (updateoptions != null && updateoptions.hash != null) { if (updateoptions.hash.toLowerCase() == h.toString('hex').toLowerCase()) { sendConsoleText('Download complete. HASH verified.', sessionid); } else { sendConsoleText('Self Update FAILED because the downloaded agent FAILED hash check', sessionid); sendAgentMessage('Self Update FAILED because the downloaded agent FAILED hash check', 3); return; } } else { sendConsoleText('Download complete. HASH=' + h.toString('hex'), sessionid); } sendConsoleText('Updating and restarting agent...', sessionid); if (process.platform == 'win32') { // Use _wexecve() equivalent to perform the update this.child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['/C wmic service "' + name + '" call stopservice && copy "' + process.cwd() + agentfilename + '.update" "' + process.execPath + '" && wmic service "' + name + '" call startservice && erase "' + process.cwd() + agentfilename + '.update"'], { type: 4 | 0x8000 }); } else { // remove binary require('fs').unlinkSync(process.execPath); // copy update require('fs').copyFileSync(process.cwd() + agentfilename + '.update', process.execPath); // erase update require('fs').unlinkSync(process.cwd() + agentfilename + '.update'); // add execute permissions var m = require('fs').statSync(process.execPath).mode; m |= (require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXUSR | require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXGRP | require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXOTH); require('fs').chmodSync(process.execPath, m); sendConsoleText('Restarting service...', sessionid); try { // restart service var s = require('service-manager').manager.getService(name); s.restart(); } catch (zz) { sendConsoleText('Self Update encountered an error trying to restart service', sessionid); sendAgentMessage('Self Update encountered an error trying to restart service', 3); } } }); img.pipe(this._file); img.pipe(this._filehash); }); } } } // Return p number of spaces function addPad(p, ret) { var r = ''; for (var i = 0; i < p; i++) { r += ret; } return r; } setInterval(function () { sendConsoleText('Timer!'); }, 2000); var path = { join: function () { var x = []; for (var i in arguments) { var w = arguments[i]; if (w != null) { while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); } if (i != 0) { while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); } } x.push(w); } } if (x.length == 0) return '/'; return x.join('/'); } }; // Convert an object to string with all functions function objToString(x, p, pad, ret) { if (ret == undefined) ret = ''; if (p == undefined) p = 0; if (x == null) { return '[null]'; } if (p > 8) { return '[...]'; } if (x == undefined) { return '[undefined]'; } if (typeof x == 'string') { if (p == 0) return x; return '"' + x + '"'; } if (typeof x == 'buffer') { return '[buffer]'; } if (typeof x != 'object') { return x; } var r = '{' + (ret ? '\r\n' : ' '); for (var i in x) { if (i != '_ObjectID') { r += (addPad(p + 2, pad) + i + ': ' + objToString(x[i], p + 2, pad, ret) + (ret ? '\r\n' : ' ')); } } return r + addPad(p, pad) + '}'; } // Split a string taking into account the quoats. Used for command line parsing function splitArgs(str) { var myArray = [], myRegexp = /[^\s"]+|"([^"]*)"/gi; do { var match = myRegexp.exec(str); if (match != null) { myArray.push(match[1] ? match[1] : match[0]); } } while (match != null); return myArray; } // Parse arguments string array into an object function parseArgs(argv) { var results = { '_': [] }, current = null; for (var i = 1, len = argv.length; i < len; i++) { var x = argv[i]; if (x.length > 2 && x[0] == '-' && x[1] == '-') { if (current != null) { results[current] = true; } current = x.substring(2); } else { if (current != null) { results[current] = toNumberIfNumber(x); current = null; } else { results['_'].push(toNumberIfNumber(x)); } } } if (current != null) { results[current] = true; } return results; } // Get server target url with a custom path function getServerTargetUrl(path) { var x = require('MeshAgent').ServerUrl; //sendConsoleText("mesh.ServerUrl: " + mesh.ServerUrl); if (x == null) { return null; } if (path == null) { path = ''; } x = http.parseUri(x); if (x == null) return null; return x.protocol + '//' + + ':' + x.port + '/' + path; } // Get server url. If the url starts with "*/..." change it, it not use the url as is. function getServerTargetUrlEx(url) { if (url.substring(0, 2) == '*/') { return getServerTargetUrl(url.substring(2)); } return url; } require('MeshAgent').on('Connected', function () { require('os').name().then(function (v) { //sendConsoleText("Mesh Agent Recovery Console, OS: " + v); require('MeshAgent').SendCommand(meshCoreObj); }); }); // Tunnel callback operations function onTunnelUpgrade(response, s, head) { this.s = s; s.httprequest = this; s.end = onTunnelClosed; s.tunnel = this; //sendConsoleText('onTunnelUpgrade'); if (this.tcpport != null) { // This is a TCP relay connection, pause now and try to connect to the target. s.pause(); = onTcpRelayServerTunnelData; var connectionOptions = { port: parseInt(this.tcpport) }; if (this.tcpaddr != null) { = this.tcpaddr; } else { = ''; } s.tcprelay = net.createConnection(connectionOptions, onTcpRelayTargetTunnelConnect); s.tcprelay.peerindex = this.index; } else { // This is a normal connect for KVM/Terminal/Files = onTunnelData; } } // Called when receiving control data on websocket function onTunnelControlData(data, ws) { var obj; if (ws == null) { ws = this; } if (typeof data == 'string') { try { obj = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { sendConsoleText('Invalid control JSON: ' + data); return; } } else if (typeof data == 'object') { obj = data; } else { return; } //sendConsoleText('onTunnelControlData(' + ws.httprequest.protocol + '): ' + JSON.stringify(data)); //console.log('onTunnelControlData: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); if (obj.action) { switch (obj.action) { case 'lock': { // Lock the current user out of the desktop try { if (process.platform == 'win32') { MeshServerLog("Locking remote user out of desktop", ws.httprequest); var child = require('child_process'); child.execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['/c', 'RunDll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation'], { type: 1 }); } } catch (e) { } break; } default: // Unknown action, ignore it. break; } return; } switch (obj.type) { case 'options': { // These are additional connection options passed in the control channel. //sendConsoleText('options: ' + JSON.stringify(obj)); delete obj.type; ws.httprequest.xoptions = obj; // Set additional user consent options if present if ((obj != null) && (typeof obj.consent == 'number')) { ws.httprequest.consent |= obj.consent; } break; } case 'close': { // We received the close on the websocket //sendConsoleText('Tunnel #' + ws.tunnel.index + ' WebSocket control close'); try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } break; } case 'termsize': { // Indicates a change in terminal size if (process.platform == 'win32') { if (ws.httprequest._dispatcher == null) return; if (ws.httprequest._dispatcher.invoke) { ws.httprequest._dispatcher.invoke('resizeTerminal', [obj.cols, obj.rows]); } } else { if (ws.httprequest.process == null || ws.httprequest.process.pty == 0) return; if (ws.httprequest.process.tcsetsize) { ws.httprequest.process.tcsetsize(obj.rows, obj.cols); } } break; } } } require('MeshAgent').AddCommandHandler(function (data) { if (typeof data == 'object') { // If this is a console command, parse it and call the console handler switch (data.action) { case 'agentupdate': agentUpdate_Start(data.url, { hash: data.hash, tlshash: data.servertlshash }); break; case 'msg': { switch (data.type) { case 'console': { // Process a console command if (data.value && data.sessionid) { var args = splitArgs(data.value); processConsoleCommand(args[0].toLowerCase(), parseArgs(args), data.rights, data.sessionid); } break; } case 'tunnel': { if (data.value != null) { // Process a new tunnel connection request // Create a new tunnel object var xurl = getServerTargetUrlEx(data.value); if (xurl != null) { var woptions = http.parseUri(xurl); woptions.rejectUnauthorized = 0; //sendConsoleText(JSON.stringify(woptions)); var tunnel = http.request(woptions); tunnel.on('upgrade', function (response, s, head) { this.s = s; s.httprequest = this; s.tunnel = this; s.on('end', function () { if (tunnels[this.httprequest.index] == null) return; // Stop duplicate calls. // If there is a upload or download active on this connection, close the file if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile); this.httprequest.uploadFile = undefined; } if (this.httprequest.downloadFile) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.downloadFile); this.httprequest.downloadFile = undefined; } //sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " closed.", this.httprequest.sessionid); delete tunnels[this.httprequest.index]; // Clean up WebSocket this.removeAllListeners('data'); }); s.on('data', function (data) { // If this is upload data, save it to file if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) { try { fs.writeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile, data); } catch (e) { this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaderror' }))); return; } // Write to the file, if there is a problem, error out. this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploadack', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid }))); // Ask for more data return; } if (this.httprequest.state == 0) { // Check if this is a relay connection if ((data == 'c') || (data == 'cr')) { this.httprequest.state = 1; sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " now active", this.httprequest.sessionid); } } else { // Handle tunnel data if (this.httprequest.protocol == 0) { if ((data.length > 3) && (data[0] == '{')) { onTunnelControlData(data, this); return; } // Take a look at the protocol this.httprequest.protocol = parseInt(data); if (typeof this.httprequest.protocol != 'number') { this.httprequest.protocol = 0; } if ((this.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 6) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 8) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 9)) { // Remote terminal using native pipes if (process.platform == "win32") { var cols = 80, rows = 25; if (this.httprequest.xoptions) { if (this.httprequest.xoptions.rows) { rows = this.httprequest.xoptions.rows; } if (this.httprequest.xoptions.cols) { cols = this.httprequest.xoptions.cols; } } // Admin Terminal if (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported) { // ConPTY PseudoTerminal // this.httprequest._term = require('win-virtual-terminal')[this.httprequest.protocol == 6 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'](80, 25); // The above line is commented out, because there is a bug with ClosePseudoConsole() API, so this is the workaround this.httprequest._dispatcher = require('win-dispatcher').dispatch({ modules: [{ name: 'win-virtual-terminal', script: getJSModule('win-virtual-terminal') }], launch: { module: 'win-virtual-terminal', method: 'Start', args: [cols, rows] } }); = this; this.httprequest._dispatcher.on('connection', function (c) { = c; c.pipe(, { dataTypeSkip: 1 });, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); }); } else { // Legacy Terminal this.httprequest._term = require('win-terminal').Start(80, 25); this.httprequest._term.pipe(this, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); this.pipe(this.httprequest._term, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); this.prependListener('end', function () { this.httprequest._term.end(function () { sendConsoleText('Terminal was closed'); }); }); } } else { var env = { HISTCONTROL: 'ignoreboth' }; if (this.httprequest.xoptions) { if (this.httprequest.xoptions.rows) { env.LINES = ('' + this.httprequest.xoptions.rows); } if (this.httprequest.xoptions.cols) { env.COLUMNS = ('' + this.httprequest.xoptions.cols); } } var options = { type: childProcess.SpawnTypes.TERM, env: env }; if (require('fs').existsSync('/bin/bash')) { this.httprequest.process = childProcess.execFile('/bin/bash', ['bash'], options); // Start bash } else { this.httprequest.process = childProcess.execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], options); // Start sh } // Spaces at the beginning of lines are needed to hide commands from the command history if (process.platform == 'linux') { this.httprequest.process.stdin.write(' alias ls=\'ls --color=auto\';clear\n'); } this.httprequest.process.tunnel = this; this.httprequest.process.on('exit', function (ecode, sig) { this.tunnel.end(); }); this.httprequest.process.stderr.on('data', function (chunk) { this.parent.tunnel.write(chunk); }); this.httprequest.process.stdout.pipe(this, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text. this.pipe(this.httprequest.process.stdin, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text. this.prependListener('end', function () { this.httprequest.process.kill(); }); } } } else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 5) { // Process files commands var cmd = null; try { cmd = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { }; if (cmd == null) { return; } if ((cmd.ctrlChannel == '102938') || ((cmd.type == 'offer') && (cmd.sdp != null))) { return; } // If this is control data, handle it now. if (cmd.action == undefined) { return; } console.log('action: ', cmd.action); //sendConsoleText('CMD: ' + JSON.stringify(cmd)); if ((cmd.path != null) && (process.platform != 'win32') && (cmd.path[0] != '/')) { cmd.path = '/' + cmd.path; } // Add '/' to paths on non-windows //console.log(objToString(cmd, 0, ' ')); switch (cmd.action) { case 'ls': // Send the folder content to the browser var response = getDirectoryInfo(cmd.path); if (cmd.reqid != undefined) { response.reqid = cmd.reqid; } this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(response))); break; case 'mkdir': { // Create a new empty folder fs.mkdirSync(cmd.path); break; } case 'rm': { // Delete, possibly recursive delete for (var i in cmd.delfiles) { try { deleteFolderRecursive(path.join(cmd.path, cmd.delfiles[i]), cmd.rec); } catch (e) { } } break; } case 'rename': { // Rename a file or folder var oldfullpath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.oldname); var newfullpath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.newname); try { fs.renameSync(oldfullpath, newfullpath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } break; } case 'upload': { // Upload a file, browser to agent if (this.httprequest.uploadFile != undefined) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile); this.httprequest.uploadFile = undefined; } if (cmd.path == undefined) break; var filepath = ? path.join(cmd.path, : cmd.path; try { this.httprequest.uploadFile = fs.openSync(filepath, 'wbN'); } catch (e) { this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaderror', reqid: cmd.reqid }))); break; } this.httprequest.uploadFileid = cmd.reqid; if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) { this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploadstart', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid }))); } break; } case 'copy': { // Copy a bunch of files from scpath to dspath for (var i in cmd.names) { var sc = path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]); if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); } catch (e) { } } } break; } case 'move': { // Move a bunch of files from scpath to dspath for (var i in cmd.names) { var sc = path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]); if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); fs.unlinkSync(sc); } catch (e) { } } } break; } } } } }); }); tunnel.onerror = function (e) { sendConsoleText("ERROR: " + JSON.stringify(e)); } tunnel.sessionid = data.sessionid; tunnel.rights = data.rights; tunnel.state = 0; tunnel.url = xurl; tunnel.protocol = 0; tunnel.tcpaddr = data.tcpaddr; tunnel.tcpport = data.tcpport; tunnel.end(); // Put the tunnel in the tunnels list var index = nextTunnelIndex++; tunnel.index = index; tunnels[index] = tunnel; //sendConsoleText('New tunnel connection #' + index + ': ' + tunnel.url + ', rights: ' + tunnel.rights, data.sessionid); } } break; } default: // Unknown action, ignore it. break; } break; } default: // Unknown action, ignore it. break; } } }); function processConsoleCommand(cmd, args, rights, sessionid) { try { var response = null; switch (cmd) { case 'help': response = "Available commands are: agentupdate, dbkeys, dbget, dbset, dbcompact, netinfo, osinfo, versions."; break; case 'versions': response = JSON.stringify(process.versions, null, ' '); break; case 'agentupdate': // Request that the server send a agent update command require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'agentupdate' }); break; case 'agentupdateex': // Perform an direct agent update without requesting any information from the server, this should not typically be used. agentUpdate_Start(null, { session: sessionid }); break; case 'osinfo': { // Return the operating system information var i = 1; if (args['_'].length > 0) { i = parseInt(args['_'][0]); if (i > 8) { i = 8; } response = 'Calling ' + i + ' times.'; } for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { var pr = require('os').name(); pr.sessionid = sessionid; pr.then(function (v) { sendConsoleText("OS: " + v + (process.platform == 'win32' ? (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported ? ' [ConPTY: YES]' : ' [ConPTY: NO]') : ''), this.sessionid); }); } break; } case 'dbkeys': { // Return all data store keys response = JSON.stringify(db.Keys); break; } case 'dbget': { // Return the data store value for a given key if (db == null) { response = "Database not accessible."; break; } if (args['_'].length != 1) { response = "Proper usage: dbget (key)"; // Display the value for a given database key } else { response = db.Get(args['_'][0]); } break; } case 'dbset': { // Set a data store key and value pair if (db == null) { response = "Database not accessible."; break; } if (args['_'].length != 2) { response = "Proper usage: dbset (key) (value)"; // Set a database key } else { var r = db.Put(args['_'][0], args['_'][1]); response = "Key set: " + r; } break; } case 'dbcompact': { // Compact the data store if (db == null) { response = "Database not accessible."; break; } var r = db.Compact(); response = "Database compacted: " + r; break; } case 'tunnels': { // Show the list of current tunnels response = ''; for (var i in tunnels) { response += "Tunnel #" + i + ", " + tunnels[i].url + '\r\n'; } if (response == '') { response = "No websocket sessions."; } break; } case 'netinfo': { // Show network interface information //response = objToString(mesh.NetInfo, 0, ' '); var interfaces = require('os').networkInterfaces(); response = objToString(interfaces, 0, ' ', true); break; } default: { // This is an unknown command, return an error message response = 'Unknown command \"' + cmd + '\", type \"help\" for list of available commands.'; break; } } } catch (e) { response = "Command returned an exception error: " + e; console.log(e); } if (response != null) { sendConsoleText(response, sessionid); } } // Get a formated response for a given directory path function getDirectoryInfo(reqpath) { var response = { path: reqpath, dir: [] }; if (((reqpath == undefined) || (reqpath == '')) && (process.platform == 'win32')) { // List all the drives in the root, or the root itself var results = null; try { results = fs.readDrivesSync(); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Anyway to get drive total size and free space? Could draw a progress bar. if (results != null) { for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { var drive = { n: results[i].name, t: 1 }; if (results[i].type == 'REMOVABLE') { drive.dt = 'removable'; } // TODO: See if this is USB/CDROM or something else, we can draw icons. response.dir.push(drive); } } } else { // List all the files and folders in this path if (reqpath == '') { reqpath = '/'; } var results = null, xpath = path.join(reqpath, '*'); //if (process.platform == "win32") { xpath = xpath.split('/').join('\\'); } try { results = fs.readdirSync(xpath); } catch (e) { } if (results != null) { for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { if ((results[i] != '.') && (results[i] != '..')) { var stat = null, p = path.join(reqpath, results[i]); //if (process.platform == "win32") { p = p.split('/').join('\\'); } try { stat = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Get file size/date if ((stat != null) && (stat != undefined)) { if (stat.isDirectory() == true) { response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 2, d: stat.mtime }); } else { response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 3, s: stat.size, d: stat.mtime }); } } } } } } return response; } // Delete a directory with a files and directories within it function deleteFolderRecursive(path, rec) { if (fs.existsSync(path)) { if (rec == true) { fs.readdirSync(path.join(path, '*')).forEach(function (file, index) { var curPath = path.join(path, file); if (fs.statSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse deleteFolderRecursive(curPath, true); } else { // delete file fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); } fs.unlinkSync(path); } };