/* Copyright 2019-2020 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ var promise = require('promise'); function qfe() { try { var tokens = require('win-wmi').query('ROOT\\CIMV2', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_QuickFixEngineering'); if (tokens[0]){ for (var index = 0; index < tokens.length; index++) { for (var key in tokens[index]) { if (key.startsWith('__')) delete tokens[index][key]; } } return (tokens); } else { return ([]); } } catch (ex) { return ([]); } } function av() { var child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe', ['powershell', '-noprofile', '-nologo', '-command', '-'], {}); if (child == null) { return ([]); } child.descriptorMetadata = 'process-manager'; child.stdout.str = ''; child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); child.stderr.str = ''; child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); child.stdin.write('[reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("system.core")\r\n'); child.stdin.write('Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root/SecurityCenter2" -Class AntiVirusProduct | '); child.stdin.write('ForEach-Object -Process { '); child.stdin.write('$matches = [regex]::Matches($_.pathToSignedProductExe, "%(.*?)%"); '); child.stdin.write('$modifiedPath = $_.pathToSignedProductExe; '); child.stdin.write('foreach ($match in $matches) { '); child.stdin.write('$modifiedPath = $modifiedPath -replace [regex]::Escape($match.Value), [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($match.Groups[1].Value, "Process") '); child.stdin.write('} '); child.stdin.write('$flag = $true; '); child.stdin.write('if ($modifiedPath -ne "windowsdefender://"){ '); child.stdin.write('if (-not (Test-Path -Path $modifiedPath -PathType Leaf)) { '); child.stdin.write('$flag = $false; '); child.stdin.write('} '); child.stdin.write('} '); child.stdin.write('if ($flag -eq $true) { ') child.stdin.write('$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($_.displayName); '); child.stdin.write('$EncodedText =[Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes); '); child.stdin.write('Write-Output ("{0},{1}" -f $_.productState,$EncodedText); '); child.stdin.write('} '); child.stdin.write('}\r\n '); child.stdin.write('exit\r\n'); child.waitExit(); if (child.stdout.str == '') { return ([]); } var lines = child.stdout.str.trim().split('\r\n'); var result = []; for (i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var keys = lines[i].split(','); if(keys.length == 2) { var status = {}; status.product = Buffer.from(keys[1], 'base64').toString(); status.updated = (parseInt(keys[0]) & 0x10) == 0; status.enabled = (parseInt(keys[0]) & 0x1000) == 0x1000; result.push(status); } } return (result); } function defrag(options) { var ret = new promise(function (res, rej) { this._res = res; this._rej = rej; }); var path = ''; switch(require('os').arch()) { case 'x64': if (require('_GenericMarshal').PointerSize == 4) { // 32 Bit App on 64 Bit Windows ret._rej('Cannot defrag volume on 64 bit Windows from 32 bit application'); return (ret); } else { // 64 Bit App path = process.env['windir'] + '\\System32\\defrag.exe'; } break; case 'ia32': // 32 Bit App on 32 Bit Windows path = process.env['windir'] + '\\System32\\defrag.exe'; break; default: ret._rej(require('os').arch() + ' not supported'); return (ret); break; } ret.child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\System32\\defrag.exe', ['defrag', options.volume + ' /A']); ret.child.promise = ret; ret.child.promise.options = options; ret.child.stdout.str = ''; ret.child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); ret.child.stderr.str = ''; ret.child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); ret.child.on('exit', function (code) { var lines = this.stdout.str.trim().split('\r\n'); var obj = { volume: this.promise.options.volume }; for (var i in lines) { var token = lines[i].split('='); if(token.length == 2) { switch(token[0].trim().toLowerCase()) { case 'volume size': obj['size'] = token[1]; break; case 'free space': obj['free'] = token[1]; break; case 'total fragmented space': obj['fragmented'] = token[1]; break; case 'largest free space size': obj['largestFragment'] = token[1]; break; } } } this.promise._res(obj); }); return (ret); } function regQuery(H, Path, Key) { try { return(require('win-registry').QueryKey(H, Path, Key)); } catch(e) { return (null); } } function pendingReboot() { var tmp = null; var ret = null; var HKEY = require('win-registry').HKEY; if(regQuery(HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Component Based Servicing', 'RebootPending') !=null) { ret = 'Component Based Servicing'; } else if(regQuery(HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate', 'RebootRequired')) { ret = 'Windows Update'; } else if ((tmp=regQuery(HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager', 'PendingFileRenameOperations'))!=null && tmp != 0 && tmp != '') { ret = 'File Rename'; } else if (regQuery(HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ActiveComputerName', 'ComputerName') != regQuery(HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName', 'ComputerName')) { ret = 'System Rename'; } return (ret); } function installedApps() { var promise = require('promise'); var ret = new promise(function (a, r) { this._resolve = a; this._reject = r; }); var code = "\ var reg = require('win-registry');\ var result = [];\ var val, tmp;\ var items = reg.QueryKey(reg.HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Uninstall');\ for (var key in items.subkeys)\ {\ val = {};\ try\ {\ val.name = reg.QueryKey(reg.HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Uninstall\\\\' + items.subkeys[key], 'DisplayName');\ }\ catch(e)\ {\ continue;\ }\ try\ {\ val.version = reg.QueryKey(reg.HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Uninstall\\\\' + items.subkeys[key], 'DisplayVersion');\ if (val.version == '') { delete val.version; }\ }\ catch(e)\ {\ }\ try\ {\ val.location = reg.QueryKey(reg.HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Uninstall\\\\' + items.subkeys[key], 'InstallLocation');\ if (val.location == '') { delete val.location; }\ }\ catch(e)\ {\ }\ try\ {\ val.installdate = reg.QueryKey(reg.HKEY.LocalMachine, 'SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Uninstall\\\\' + items.subkeys[key], 'InstallDate');\ if (val.installdate == '') { delete val.installdate; }\ }\ catch(e)\ {\ }\ result.push(val);\ }\ console.log(JSON.stringify(result,'', 1));process.exit();"; ret.child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.execPath.split('\\').pop().split('.exe')[0], '-exec "' + code + '"']); ret.child.promise = ret; ret.child.stdout.str = ''; ret.child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); ret.child.on('exit', function (c) { this.promise._resolve(JSON.parse(this.stdout.str.trim())); }); return (ret); } function defender(){ var promise = require('promise'); var ret = new promise(function (a, r) { this._resolve = a; this._reject = r; }); ret.child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe', ['powershell', '-noprofile', '-nologo', '-command', '-'], {}); ret.child.promise = ret; ret.child.stdout.str = ''; ret.child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); ret.child.stderr.str = ''; ret.child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); }); ret.child.stdin.write('Get-MpComputerStatus | Select-Object RealTimeProtectionEnabled,IsTamperProtected | ConvertTo-JSON\r\n'); ret.child.stdin.write('exit\r\n'); ret.child.on('exit', function (c) { if (this.stdout.str == '') { this.promise._resolve({}); return; } try { var abc = JSON.parse(this.stdout.str.trim()); this.promise._resolve({ RealTimeProtection: abc.RealTimeProtectionEnabled, TamperProtected: abc.IsTamperProtected }); } catch (ex) { this.promise._resolve({}); return; } }); return (ret); } if (process.platform == 'win32') { module.exports = { qfe: qfe, av: av, defrag: defrag, pendingReboot: pendingReboot, installedApps: installedApps, defender: defender }; } else { var not_supported = function () { throw (process.platform + ' not supported'); }; module.exports = { qfe: not_supported, av: not_supported, defrag: not_supported, pendingReboot: not_supported, installedApps: not_supported, defender: not_supported }; }