//Copyright 2014-2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

//Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
//license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

 * @fileoverview The U2F api.
'use strict';
if (!window.u2f) {
 * Namespace for the U2F api.
 * @type {Object}
var u2f = u2f || {};
 * FIDO U2F Javascript API Version
 * @number
var js_api_version;
 * The U2F extension id
 * @const {string}
// The Chrome packaged app extension ID.
// Uncomment this if you want to deploy a server instance that uses
// the package Chrome app and does not require installing the U2F Chrome extension.
 u2f.EXTENSION_ID = 'kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd';
    // The U2F Chrome extension ID.
    // Uncomment this if you want to deploy a server instance that uses
    // the U2F Chrome extension to authenticate.
    // u2f.EXTENSION_ID = 'pfboblefjcgdjicmnffhdgionmgcdmne';
 * Message types for messsages to/from the extension
 * @const
 * @enum {string}
u2f.MessageTypes = {
        'U2F_REGISTER_REQUEST': 'u2f_register_request',
        'U2F_REGISTER_RESPONSE': 'u2f_register_response',
        'U2F_SIGN_REQUEST': 'u2f_sign_request',
        'U2F_SIGN_RESPONSE': 'u2f_sign_response',
        'U2F_GET_API_VERSION_REQUEST': 'u2f_get_api_version_request',
        'U2F_GET_API_VERSION_RESPONSE': 'u2f_get_api_version_response'
 * Response status codes
 * @const
 * @enum {number}
u2f.ErrorCodes = {
        'OK': 0,
        'OTHER_ERROR': 1,
        'BAD_REQUEST': 2,
        'TIMEOUT': 5
 * A message for registration requests
 * @typedef {{
 *   type: u2f.MessageTypes,
 *   appId: ?string,
 *   timeoutSeconds: ?number,
 *   requestId: ?number
 * }}
 * A message for registration responses
 * @typedef {{
 *   type: u2f.MessageTypes,
 *   responseData: (u2f.Error | u2f.RegisterResponse | u2f.SignResponse),
 *   requestId: ?number
 * }}
 * An error object for responses
 * @typedef {{
 *   errorCode: u2f.ErrorCodes,
 *   errorMessage: ?string
 * }}
 * Data object for a single sign request.
 * Data object for a single sign request.
 * @typedef {Array<u2f.Transport>}
 * Data object for a single sign request.
 * @typedef {{
 *   version: string,
 *   challenge: string,
 *   keyHandle: string,
 *   appId: string
 * }}
 * Data object for a sign response.
 * @typedef {{
 *   keyHandle: string,
 *   signatureData: string,
 *   clientData: string
 * }}
 * Data object for a registration request.
 * @typedef {{
 *   version: string,
 *   challenge: string
 * }}
 * Data object for a registration response.
 * @typedef {{
 *   version: string,
 *   keyHandle: string,
 *   transports: Transports,
 *   appId: string
 * }}
 * Data object for a registered key.
 * @typedef {{
 *   version: string,
 *   keyHandle: string,
 *   transports: ?Transports,
 *   appId: ?string
 * }}
 * Data object for a get API register response.
 * @typedef {{
 *   js_api_version: number
 * }}
    //Low level MessagePort API support
 * Sets up a MessagePort to the U2F extension using the
 * available mechanisms.
 * @param {function((MessagePort|u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_))} callback
u2f.getMessagePort = function (callback) {
        if (typeof chrome != 'undefined' && chrome.runtime) {
            // The actual message here does not matter, but we need to get a reply
            // for the callback to run. Thus, send an empty signature request
            // in order to get a failure response.
            var msg = {
                type: u2f.MessageTypes.U2F_SIGN_REQUEST,
                signRequests: []
            chrome.runtime.sendMessage(u2f.EXTENSION_ID, msg, function () {
                if (!chrome.runtime.lastError) {
                    // We are on a whitelisted origin and can talk directly
                    // with the extension.
                } else {
                    // chrome.runtime was available, but we couldn't message
                    // the extension directly, use iframe
        } else if (u2f.isAndroidChrome_()) {
        } else if (u2f.isIosChrome_()) {
        } else {
            // chrome.runtime was not available at all, which is normal
            // when this origin doesn't have access to any extensions.
 * Detect chrome running on android based on the browser's useragent.
 * @private
u2f.isAndroidChrome_ = function () {
        var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
        return userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') != -1 &&
  userAgent.indexOf('Android') != -1;
 * Detect chrome running on iOS based on the browser's platform.
 * @private
u2f.isIosChrome_ = function () {
        var r = ["iPhone", "iPad", "iPod"];
        for (var i in r) { if (navigator.platform == r[i]) { return true; } }
        return false;
        //return $.inArray(navigator.platform, ["iPhone", "iPad", "iPod"]) > -1;
 * Connects directly to the extension via chrome.runtime.connect.
 * @param {function(u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_)} callback
 * @private
u2f.getChromeRuntimePort_ = function (callback) {
        var port = chrome.runtime.connect(u2f.EXTENSION_ID,
      { 'includeTlsChannelId': true });
        setTimeout(function () {
            callback(new u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_(port));
        }, 0);
 * Return a 'port' abstraction to the Authenticator app.
 * @param {function(u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_)} callback
 * @private
u2f.getAuthenticatorPort_ = function (callback) {
        setTimeout(function () {
            callback(new u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_());
        }, 0);
 * Return a 'port' abstraction to the iOS client app.
 * @param {function(u2f.WrappedIosPort_)} callback
 * @private
u2f.getIosPort_ = function (callback) {
        setTimeout(function () {
            callback(new u2f.WrappedIosPort_());
        }, 0);
 * A wrapper for chrome.runtime.Port that is compatible with MessagePort.
 * @param {Port} port
 * @constructor
 * @private
u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_ = function (port) {
        this.port_ = port;
 * Format and return a sign request compliant with the JS API version supported by the extension.
 * @param {Array<u2f.SignRequest>} signRequests
 * @param {number} timeoutSeconds
 * @param {number} reqId
 * @return {Object}
u2f.formatSignRequest_ =
  function (appId, challenge, registeredKeys, timeoutSeconds, reqId) {
        if (js_api_version === undefined || js_api_version < 1.1) {
            // Adapt request to the 1.0 JS API
            var signRequests = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < registeredKeys.length; i++) {
                signRequests[i] = {
                    version: registeredKeys[i].version,
                    challenge: challenge,
                    keyHandle: registeredKeys[i].keyHandle,
                    appId: appId
            return {
                type: u2f.MessageTypes.U2F_SIGN_REQUEST,
                signRequests: signRequests,
                timeoutSeconds: timeoutSeconds,
                requestId: reqId
        // JS 1.1 API
        return {
            type: u2f.MessageTypes.U2F_SIGN_REQUEST,
            appId: appId,
            challenge: challenge,
            registeredKeys: registeredKeys,
            timeoutSeconds: timeoutSeconds,
            requestId: reqId
 * Format and return a register request compliant with the JS API version supported by the extension..
 * @param {Array<u2f.SignRequest>} signRequests
 * @param {Array<u2f.RegisterRequest>} signRequests
 * @param {number} timeoutSeconds
 * @param {number} reqId
 * @return {Object}
u2f.formatRegisterRequest_ =
  function (appId, registeredKeys, registerRequests, timeoutSeconds, reqId) {
        if (js_api_version === undefined || js_api_version < 1.1) {
            // Adapt request to the 1.0 JS API
            for (var i = 0; i < registerRequests.length; i++) {
                registerRequests[i].appId = appId;
            var signRequests = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < registeredKeys.length; i++) {
                signRequests[i] = {
                    version: registeredKeys[i].version,
                    challenge: registerRequests[0],
                    keyHandle: registeredKeys[i].keyHandle,
                    appId: appId
            return {
                type: u2f.MessageTypes.U2F_REGISTER_REQUEST,
                signRequests: signRequests,
                registerRequests: registerRequests,
                timeoutSeconds: timeoutSeconds,
                requestId: reqId
        // JS 1.1 API
        return {
            type: u2f.MessageTypes.U2F_REGISTER_REQUEST,
            appId: appId,
            registerRequests: registerRequests,
            registeredKeys: registeredKeys,
            timeoutSeconds: timeoutSeconds,
            requestId: reqId
 * Posts a message on the underlying channel.
 * @param {Object} message
u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_.prototype.postMessage = function (message) {
 * Emulates the HTML 5 addEventListener interface. Works only for the
 * onmessage event, which is hooked up to the chrome.runtime.Port.onMessage.
 * @param {string} eventName
 * @param {function({data: Object})} handler
u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_.prototype.addEventListener =
    function (eventName, handler) {
        var name = eventName.toLowerCase();
        if (name == 'message' || name == 'onmessage') {
            this.port_.onMessage.addListener(function (message) {
                // Emulate a minimal MessageEvent object
                handler({ 'data': message });
        } else {
            console.error('WrappedChromeRuntimePort only supports onMessage');
 * Wrap the Authenticator app with a MessagePort interface.
 * @constructor
 * @private
u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_ = function () {
        this.requestId_ = -1;
        this.requestObject_ = null;
 * Launch the Authenticator intent.
 * @param {Object} message
u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_.prototype.postMessage = function (message) {
        var intentUrl =
 u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_.INTENT_URL_BASE_ +
    ';S.request=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(message)) +
        document.location = intentUrl;
 * Tells what type of port this is.
 * @return {String} port type
u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_.prototype.getPortType = function () {
        return "WrappedAuthenticatorPort_";
 * Emulates the HTML 5 addEventListener interface.
 * @param {string} eventName
 * @param {function({data: Object})} handler
u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_.prototype.addEventListener = function (eventName, handler) {
        var name = eventName.toLowerCase();
        if (name == 'message') {
            var self = this;
            /* Register a callback to that executes when
     * chrome injects the response. */
                'message', self.onRequestUpdate_.bind(self, handler), false);
        } else {
            console.error('WrappedAuthenticatorPort only supports message');
 * Callback invoked  when a response is received from the Authenticator.
 * @param function({data: Object}) callback
 * @param {Object} message message Object
u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_.prototype.onRequestUpdate_ =
    function (callback, message) {
        var messageObject = JSON.parse(message.data);
        var intentUrl = messageObject['intentURL'];
        var errorCode = messageObject['errorCode'];
        var responseObject = null;
        if (messageObject.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
            responseObject = /** @type {Object} */ (
        callback({ 'data': responseObject });
 * Base URL for intents to Authenticator.
 * @const
 * @private
u2f.WrappedAuthenticatorPort_.INTENT_URL_BASE_ =
 * Wrap the iOS client app with a MessagePort interface.
 * @constructor
 * @private
u2f.WrappedIosPort_ = function () { };
 * Launch the iOS client app request
 * @param {Object} message
u2f.WrappedIosPort_.prototype.postMessage = function (message) {
        var str = JSON.stringify(message);
        var url = "u2f://auth?" + encodeURI(str);
 * Tells what type of port this is.
 * @return {String} port type
u2f.WrappedIosPort_.prototype.getPortType = function () {
        return "WrappedIosPort_";
 * Emulates the HTML 5 addEventListener interface.
 * @param {string} eventName
 * @param {function({data: Object})} handler
u2f.WrappedIosPort_.prototype.addEventListener = function (eventName, handler) {
        var name = eventName.toLowerCase();
        if (name !== 'message') {
            console.error('WrappedIosPort only supports message');
 * Sets up an embedded trampoline iframe, sourced from the extension.
 * @param {function(MessagePort)} callback
 * @private
u2f.getIframePort_ = function (callback) {
        // Create the iframe
        var iframeOrigin = 'chrome-extension://' + u2f.EXTENSION_ID;
        var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
        iframe.src = iframeOrigin + '/u2f-comms.html';
        iframe.setAttribute('style', 'display:none');
        var channel = new MessageChannel();
        var ready = function (message) {
            if (message.data == 'ready') {
                channel.port1.removeEventListener('message', ready);
            } else {
                console.error('First event on iframe port was not "ready"');
        channel.port1.addEventListener('message', ready);
        iframe.addEventListener('load', function () {
            // Deliver the port to the iframe and initialize
            iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('init', iframeOrigin, [channel.port2]);
    //High-level JS API
 * Default extension response timeout in seconds.
 * @const
 * A singleton instance for a MessagePort to the extension.
 * @type {MessagePort|u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_}
 * @private
u2f.port_ = null;
 * Callbacks waiting for a port
 * @type {Array<function((MessagePort|u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_))>}
 * @private
u2f.waitingForPort_ = [];
 * A counter for requestIds.
 * @type {number}
 * @private
u2f.reqCounter_ = 0;
 * A map from requestIds to client callbacks
 * @type {Object.<number,(function((u2f.Error|u2f.RegisterResponse))
 *                       |function((u2f.Error|u2f.SignResponse)))>}
 * @private
u2f.callbackMap_ = {};
 * Creates or retrieves the MessagePort singleton to use.
 * @param {function((MessagePort|u2f.WrappedChromeRuntimePort_))} callback
 * @private
u2f.getPortSingleton_ = function (callback) {
        if (u2f.port_) {
        } else {
            if (u2f.waitingForPort_.length == 0) {
                u2f.getMessagePort(function (port) {
                    u2f.port_ = port;
            /** @type {function(Event)} */ (u2f.responseHandler_));
                    // Careful, here be async callbacks. Maybe.
                    while (u2f.waitingForPort_.length)
 * Handles response messages from the extension.
 * @param {MessageEvent.<u2f.Response>} message
 * @private
u2f.responseHandler_ = function (message) {
        var response = message.data;
        var reqId = response['requestId'];
        if (!reqId || !u2f.callbackMap_[reqId]) {
            console.error('Unknown or missing requestId in response.');
        var cb = u2f.callbackMap_[reqId];
        delete u2f.callbackMap_[reqId];
 * Dispatches an array of sign requests to available U2F tokens.
 * If the JS API version supported by the extension is unknown, it first sends a
 * message to the extension to find out the supported API version and then it sends
 * the sign request.
 * @param {string=} appId
 * @param {string=} challenge
 * @param {Array<u2f.RegisteredKey>} registeredKeys
 * @param {function((u2f.Error|u2f.SignResponse))} callback
 * @param {number=} opt_timeoutSeconds
u2f.sign = function (appId, challenge, registeredKeys, callback, opt_timeoutSeconds) {
        if (js_api_version === undefined) {
            // Send a message to get the extension to JS API version, then send the actual sign request.
                function (response) {
                    js_api_version = response['js_api_version'] === undefined ? 0 : response['js_api_version'];
                    //console.log("Extension JS API Version: ", js_api_version);
                    u2f.sendSignRequest(appId, challenge, registeredKeys, callback, opt_timeoutSeconds);
        } else {
            // We know the JS API version. Send the actual sign request in the supported API version.
            u2f.sendSignRequest(appId, challenge, registeredKeys, callback, opt_timeoutSeconds);
 * Dispatches an array of sign requests to available U2F tokens.
 * @param {string=} appId
 * @param {string=} challenge
 * @param {Array<u2f.RegisteredKey>} registeredKeys
 * @param {function((u2f.Error|u2f.SignResponse))} callback
 * @param {number=} opt_timeoutSeconds
u2f.sendSignRequest = function (appId, challenge, registeredKeys, callback, opt_timeoutSeconds) {
        u2f.getPortSingleton_(function (port) {
            var reqId = ++u2f.reqCounter_;
            u2f.callbackMap_[reqId] = callback;
            var timeoutSeconds = (typeof opt_timeoutSeconds !== 'undefined' ?
        opt_timeoutSeconds : u2f.EXTENSION_TIMEOUT_SEC);
            var req = u2f.formatSignRequest_(appId, challenge, registeredKeys, timeoutSeconds, reqId);
 * Dispatches register requests to available U2F tokens. An array of sign
 * requests identifies already registered tokens.
 * If the JS API version supported by the extension is unknown, it first sends a
 * message to the extension to find out the supported API version and then it sends
 * the register request.
 * @param {string=} appId
 * @param {Array<u2f.RegisterRequest>} registerRequests
 * @param {Array<u2f.RegisteredKey>} registeredKeys
 * @param {function((u2f.Error|u2f.RegisterResponse))} callback
 * @param {number=} opt_timeoutSeconds
u2f.register = function (appId, registerRequests, registeredKeys, callback, opt_timeoutSeconds) {
        if (js_api_version === undefined) {
            // Send a message to get the extension to JS API version, then send the actual register request.
                function (response) {
                    js_api_version = response['js_api_version'] === undefined ? 0: response['js_api_version'];
                    //console.log("Extension JS API Version: ", js_api_version);
                    u2f.sendRegisterRequest(appId, registerRequests, registeredKeys,
              callback, opt_timeoutSeconds);
        } else {
            // We know the JS API version. Send the actual register request in the supported API version.
            u2f.sendRegisterRequest(appId, registerRequests, registeredKeys,
        callback, opt_timeoutSeconds);
 * Dispatches register requests to available U2F tokens. An array of sign
 * requests identifies already registered tokens.
 * @param {string=} appId
 * @param {Array<u2f.RegisterRequest>} registerRequests
 * @param {Array<u2f.RegisteredKey>} registeredKeys
 * @param {function((u2f.Error|u2f.RegisterResponse))} callback
 * @param {number=} opt_timeoutSeconds
u2f.sendRegisterRequest = function (appId, registerRequests, registeredKeys, callback, opt_timeoutSeconds) {
        u2f.getPortSingleton_(function (port) {
            var reqId = ++u2f.reqCounter_;
            u2f.callbackMap_[reqId] = callback;
            var timeoutSeconds = (typeof opt_timeoutSeconds !== 'undefined' ?
        opt_timeoutSeconds : u2f.EXTENSION_TIMEOUT_SEC);
            var req = u2f.formatRegisterRequest_(
                appId, registeredKeys, registerRequests, timeoutSeconds, reqId);
 * Dispatches a message to the extension to find out the supported
 * JS API version.
 * If the user is on a mobile phone and is thus using Google Authenticator instead
 * of the Chrome extension, don't send the request and simply return 0.
 * @param {function((u2f.Error|u2f.GetJsApiVersionResponse))} callback
 * @param {number=} opt_timeoutSeconds
u2f.getApiVersion = function (callback, opt_timeoutSeconds) {
        u2f.getPortSingleton_(function (port) {
            // If we are using Android Google Authenticator or iOS client app,
            // do not fire an intent to ask which JS API version to use.
            if (port.getPortType) {
                var apiVersion;
                switch (port.getPortType()) {
                    case 'WrappedIosPort_':
                    case 'WrappedAuthenticatorPort_':
                        apiVersion = 1.1;

                        apiVersion = 0;
                callback({ 'js_api_version': apiVersion });
            var reqId = ++u2f.reqCounter_;
            u2f.callbackMap_[reqId] = callback;
            var req = {
                type: u2f.MessageTypes.U2F_GET_API_VERSION_REQUEST,
                timeoutSeconds: (typeof opt_timeoutSeconds !== 'undefined' ?
          opt_timeoutSeconds : u2f.EXTENSION_TIMEOUT_SEC),
                requestId: reqId
