{ "en": { "agent": "Agent", "agentVersion": "New Version", "group": "Device Group", "url": "Server URL", "meshName": "Mesh Name", "meshId": "Group Identifier", "serverId": "Server Identifier", "setup": "Setup", "update": "Update", "install": "Install", "uninstall": "Uninstall", "connect": "Connect", "disconnect": "Disconnect", "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close", "pressok": "Press OK to disconnect", "elevation": "Elevated permissions are required to install/uninstall this software.", "sudo": "Please try again with sudo.", "ctrlc": "Press Ctrl-C to exit.", "commands": "You can run the text version from the command line with the following command(s)", "graphicalerror": "The graphical version of this installer cannot run on this system", "zenity": "Try installing/updating Zenity, and run again", "status": [ "NOT INSTALLED", "RUNNING", "NOT RUNNING" ], "statusDescription": "Current Agent Status", "description": "Click the buttons below to install or uninstall this remote management software. When installed, this software runs in the background allowing this computer to be managed and controlled by a remote administrator." } }