[[[SERVERNAME]]] - Invitation ~<area-name> Hello [[[NAME]]], ~</area-name> User [[[USERNAME]]] on server [[[SERVERNAME]]] ([[[SERVERURL]]]/) is requesting you install software to start the remote control session. ~<area-msg> ~ Message: [[[MSG]]] ~ ~</area-msg> ~<area-windows> For Windows, nagivate to the following link to complete the process: ~ ~[[[SERVERURL]]]/meshagents?id=4&meshid=[[[MESHIDHEX]]]&tag=mailto:[[[EMAIL]]]&installflags=[[[INSTALLFLAGS]]] ~ ~</area-windows> ~<area-osx> For Apple OSX, nagivate to the following link to complete the process: ~ ~[[[SERVERURL]]]/meshosxagent?id=16&meshid=[[[MESHIDHEX]]]&tag=mailto:[[[EMAIL]]]&installflags=[[[INSTALLFLAGS]]] ~ ~</area-osx> ~<area-linux> For Linux, cut & paste the following in a terminal to install the agent: ~ ~wget -q "[[[SERVERURL]]]/meshagents?script=1" --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh [[[SERVERURL]]] '[[[MESHIDHEX]]]' ~ ~</area-linux> ~<area-link> To install the software, navigate to [[[SERVERURL]]][[[LINKURL]]] and follow the instructions. ~</area-link> If you did not initiate this request, please ignore this mail. ~ Best regards, ~[[[USERNAME]]]