/** * @description MeshCentral v1 legacy Swarm Server, used to update agents and get them on MeshCentral2 * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @copyright Intel Corporation 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ /*jslint node: true */ /*jshint node: true */ /*jshint strict:false */ /*jshint -W097 */ /*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; // Construct a legacy Swarm Server server object module.exports.CreateSwarmServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) { var obj = {}; obj.parent = parent; obj.db = db; obj.args = args; obj.certificates = certificates; obj.legacyAgentConnections = {}; obj.migrationAgents = {}; const common = require('./common.js'); //const net = require('net'); const tls = require('tls'); const forge = require('node-forge'); const LegacyMeshProtocol = { NODEPUSH: 1, // Used to send a node block to another peer. NODEPULL: 2, // Used to send a pull block to another peer. NODENOTIFY: 3, // Used to indicate the node ID to other peers. NODECHALLENGE: 4, // Used to challenge a node identity. NODECRESPONSE: 5, // Used to respond to a node challenge. TARGETSTATUS: 6, // Used to send the peer connection status list. LOCALEVENT: 7, // Used to send local events to subscribers. AESCRYPTO: 8, // Used to send an encrypted block of data. SESSIONKEY: 9, // Used to send a session key to a remote node. SYNCSTART: 10, // Used to send kick off the SYNC request, send the start NodeID. SYNCMETADATA: 11, // Used to send a sequence of NodeID & serial numbers. SYNCREQUEST: 12, // Used to send a sequence of NodeID's to request. NODEID: 13, // Used to send the NodeID in the clear. Used for multicast. AGENTID: 14, // Used to send the AgentID & version to the other node. PING: 15, // Used to query a target for the presence of the mesh agent (PB_NODEID response expected). SETUPADMIN: 16, // Used to set the trusted mesh identifier, this code can only be used from local settings file. POLICY: 17, // Used to send a policy block to another peer. POLICYSECRET: 18, // Used to encode the PKCS12 private key of a policy block. EVENTMASK: 19, // Used by the mesh service to change the event mask. RECONNECT: 20, // Used by the mesh service to indicate disconnect & reconnection after n seconds. GETSTATE: 21, // Used by the mesh service to obtain agent state. CERTENCRYPTED: 22, // Used to send a certificate encrypted message to a node. GETCOOKIE: 23, // Used to request a certificate encryption anti-replay cookie. COOKIE: 24, // Used to carry an anti-replay cookie to a requestor. SESSIONCKEY: 25, // Used to send a session key to a remote console. INTERFACE: 26, // Used to send a local interface blob to a management console. MULTICAST: 27, // Used by the mesh service to cause the agent to send a multicast. SELFEXE: 28, // Used to transfer our own agent executable. LEADERBADGE: 29, // User to send a leadership badge. NODEINFO: 30, // Used to indicate a block information update to the web service. TARGETEVENT: 31, // Used to send a single target update event. DEBUG: 33, // Used to send debug information to web service. TCPRELAY: 34, // Used to operate mesh leader TCP relay sockets CERTSIGNED: 35, // Used to send a certificate signed message to a node. ERRORCODE: 36, // Used to notify of an error. MESSAGE: 37, // Used to route messages between nodes. CMESSAGE: 38, // Used to embed a interface identifier along with a PB_MESSAGE. EMESSAGE: 39, // Used to embed a target encryption certificate along with a MESSAGE or CMESSAGE. SEARCH: 40, // Used to send a custom search to one or more remote nodes. MESSAGERELAY: 41, // Used by no-certificate consoles to send hopping messages to nodes. USERINPUT: 42, // Used to send user keyboard input to a target computer APPID: 43, // Used to send a block of data to a specific application identifier. APPSUBSCRIBE: 44, // Used to perform local app subscription to an agent. APPDIRECT: 45, // Used to send message directly to remote applications. APPREQACK: 46, // Used to request an ack message. APPACK: 47, // Used to ack a received message. SERVERECHO: 48, // Server will echo this message, used for testing. KVMINFO: 49, // Used to send local KVM slave process information to mesh agent. REMOTEWAKE: 50, // Used to send remote wake information to server. NEWCONNECTTOKEN: 51, // Used to send a new connection token to the Swarm Server. WIFISCAN: 52, // Used to send visible WIFI AP's to the server. AMTPROVISIONING: 53, // Used by the agent to send Intel AMT provisioning information to the server. ANDROIDCOMMAND: 54, // Send a Android OS specific command (Android only). NODEAPPDATA: 55, // Used to send application specific data block to the server for storage. PROXY: 56, // Used to indicate the currently used proxy setting string. FILEOPERATION: 57, // Used to perform short file operations. APPSUBSCRIBERS: 58, // Used request and send to the mesh server the list of subscribed applications CUSTOM: 100, // Message containing application specific data. USERAUTH: 1000, // Authenticate a user to the swarm server. USERMESH: 1001, // Request or return the mesh list for this console. USERMESHS: 1002, // Send mesh overview information to the console. USERNODES: 1003, // Send node overview information to the console. JUSERMESHS: 1004, // Send mesh overview information to the console in JSON format. JUSERNODES: 1005, // Send node overview information to the console in JSON format. USERPOWERSTATE: 1006, // Used to send a power command from the console to the server. JMESHPOWERTIMELINE: 1007, // Send the power timeline for all nodes in a mesh. JMESHPOWERSUMMARY: 1008, // Send the power summary for sum of all nodes in a mesh. USERCOMMAND: 1009, // Send a user admin text command to and from the server. POWERBLOCK: 1010, // Request/Response of block of power state information. MESHACCESSCHANGE: 1011, // Notify a console of a change in accessible meshes. COOKIEAUTH: 1012, // Authenticate a user using a crypto cookie. NODESTATECHANGE: 1013, // Indicates a node has changed power state. JUSERNODE: 1014, // Send node overview information to the console in JSON format. AMTWSMANEVENT: 1015, // Intel AMT WSMAN event sent to consoles. ROUTINGCOOKIE: 1016, // Used by a console to request a routing cookie. JCOLLABORATION: 1017, // Request/send back JSON collaboration state. JRELATIONS: 1018, // Request/send back JSON relations state. SETCOLLABSTATE: 1019, // Set the collaboration state for this session. ADDRELATION: 1020, // Request that a new relation be added. DELETERELATION: 1021, // Request a relation be deleted. ACCEPTRELATION: 1022, // Request relation invitation be accepted. RELATIONCHANGEEVENT: 1023, // Notify that a relation has changed. COLLBCHANGEEVENT: 1024, // Notify that a collaboration state has change. MULTICONSOLEMESSAGE: 1025, // Send a message to one or more console id's. CONSOLEID: 1026, // Notify a console of it's console id. CHANGERELATIONDATA: 1027, // Request that relation data be changed. SETUSERDATA: 1028, // Set user data GETUSERDATA: 1029, // Get user data SERVERAUTH: 1030, // Used to verify the certificate of the server USERAUTH2: 1031, // Authenticate a user to the swarm server (Uses SHA1 SALT) GUESTREMOTEDESKTOP: 2001, // Guest usage: Remote Desktop GUESTWEBRTCMESH: 2002 // Guest usage: WebRTC Mesh }; obj.server = tls.createServer({ key: certificates.swarmserver.key, cert: certificates.swarmserver.cert, requestCert: true }, onConnection); obj.server.listen(args.swarmport, function () { console.log('MeshCentral Legacy Swarm Server running on ' + certificates.CommonName + ':' + args.swarmport + '.'); obj.parent.updateServerState('swarm-port', args.swarmport); }).on('error', function (err) { console.error('ERROR: MeshCentral Swarm Server server port ' + args.swarmport + ' is not available.'); if (args.exactports) { process.exit(); } }); loadMigrationAgents(); // Load all migration agents along with full executable in memory function loadMigrationAgents() { var migrationAgentsDir = null, migrationAgentsPath = obj.parent.path.join(obj.parent.datapath, 'migrationagents'); try { migrationAgentsDir = obj.parent.fs.readdirSync(migrationAgentsPath); } catch (e) { } if (migrationAgentsDir != null) { for (var i in migrationAgentsDir) { if (migrationAgentsDir[i].toLowerCase().startsWith('meshagent-')) { var migrationAgentName = obj.parent.path.join(migrationAgentsPath, migrationAgentsDir[i]); var agentInfo = migrationAgentsDir[i].substring(10).split('.'); var agentVersion = parseInt(agentInfo[0]); var agentArch = parseInt(agentInfo[1]); var agentBinary = obj.parent.fs.readFileSync(migrationAgentName); if (obj.migrationAgents[agentArch] == null) { obj.migrationAgents[agentArch] = {}; } if (obj.migrationAgents[agentArch][agentVersion] == null) { obj.migrationAgents[agentArch][agentVersion] = { arch: agentArch, ver: agentVersion, path: migrationAgentName, binary: agentBinary }; } } } } } // Called when a legacy agent connects to this server function onConnection(socket) { socket.tag = { first: true, clientCert: socket.getPeerCertificate(true), accumulator: "", socket: socket }; socket.setEncoding('binary'); socket.pingTimer = setInterval(function () { obj.SendCommand(socket, LegacyMeshProtocol.PING); }, 20000); Debug(1, 'SWARM:New legacy agent connection'); socket.addListener("data", function (data) { if (args.swarmdebug) { var buf = Buffer.from(data, "binary"); console.log('SWARM <-- (' + buf.length + '):' + buf.toString('hex')); } // Print out received bytes socket.tag.accumulator += data; // Detect if this is an HTTPS request, if it is, return a simple answer and disconnect. This is useful for debugging access to the MPS port. if (socket.tag.first == true) { if (socket.tag.accumulator.length < 3) return; if (socket.tag.accumulator.substring(0, 3) == 'GET') { /*console.log("Swarm Connection, HTTP GET detected: " + socket.remoteAddress);*/ socket.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n
MeshCentral2 legacy swarm server.