/* * noVNC: HTML5 VNC client * Copyright (C) 2021 The noVNC Authors * Licensed under MPL 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt) * * See README.md for usage and integration instructions. * */ import Inflate from "../inflator.js"; const ZRLE_TILE_WIDTH = 64; const ZRLE_TILE_HEIGHT = 64; export default class ZRLEDecoder { constructor() { this._length = 0; this._inflator = new Inflate(); this._pixelBuffer = new Uint8Array(ZRLE_TILE_WIDTH * ZRLE_TILE_HEIGHT * 4); this._tileBuffer = new Uint8Array(ZRLE_TILE_WIDTH * ZRLE_TILE_HEIGHT * 4); } decodeRect(x, y, width, height, sock, display, depth) { if (this._length === 0) { if (sock.rQwait("ZLib data length", 4)) { return false; } this._length = sock.rQshift32(); } if (sock.rQwait("Zlib data", this._length)) { return false; } const data = sock.rQshiftBytes(this._length); this._inflator.setInput(data); for (let ty = y; ty < y + height; ty += ZRLE_TILE_HEIGHT) { let th = Math.min(ZRLE_TILE_HEIGHT, y + height - ty); for (let tx = x; tx < x + width; tx += ZRLE_TILE_WIDTH) { let tw = Math.min(ZRLE_TILE_WIDTH, x + width - tx); const tileSize = tw * th; const subencoding = this._inflator.inflate(1)[0]; if (subencoding === 0) { // raw data const data = this._readPixels(tileSize); display.blitImage(tx, ty, tw, th, data, 0, false); } else if (subencoding === 1) { // solid const background = this._readPixels(1); display.fillRect(tx, ty, tw, th, [background[0], background[1], background[2]]); } else if (subencoding >= 2 && subencoding <= 16) { const data = this._decodePaletteTile(subencoding, tileSize, tw, th); display.blitImage(tx, ty, tw, th, data, 0, false); } else if (subencoding === 128) { const data = this._decodeRLETile(tileSize); display.blitImage(tx, ty, tw, th, data, 0, false); } else if (subencoding >= 130 && subencoding <= 255) { const data = this._decodeRLEPaletteTile(subencoding - 128, tileSize); display.blitImage(tx, ty, tw, th, data, 0, false); } else { throw new Error('Unknown subencoding: ' + subencoding); } } } this._length = 0; return true; } _getBitsPerPixelInPalette(paletteSize) { if (paletteSize <= 2) { return 1; } else if (paletteSize <= 4) { return 2; } else if (paletteSize <= 16) { return 4; } } _readPixels(pixels) { let data = this._pixelBuffer; const buffer = this._inflator.inflate(3*pixels); for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < pixels*4; i += 4, j += 3) { data[i] = buffer[j]; data[i + 1] = buffer[j + 1]; data[i + 2] = buffer[j + 2]; data[i + 3] = 255; // Add the Alpha } return data; } _decodePaletteTile(paletteSize, tileSize, tilew, tileh) { const data = this._tileBuffer; const palette = this._readPixels(paletteSize); const bitsPerPixel = this._getBitsPerPixelInPalette(paletteSize); const mask = (1 << bitsPerPixel) - 1; let offset = 0; let encoded = this._inflator.inflate(1)[0]; for (let y=0; y<tileh; y++) { let shift = 8-bitsPerPixel; for (let x=0; x<tilew; x++) { if (shift<0) { shift=8-bitsPerPixel; encoded = this._inflator.inflate(1)[0]; } let indexInPalette = (encoded>>shift) & mask; data[offset] = palette[indexInPalette * 4]; data[offset + 1] = palette[indexInPalette * 4 + 1]; data[offset + 2] = palette[indexInPalette * 4 + 2]; data[offset + 3] = palette[indexInPalette * 4 + 3]; offset += 4; shift-=bitsPerPixel; } if (shift<8-bitsPerPixel && y<tileh-1) { encoded = this._inflator.inflate(1)[0]; } } return data; } _decodeRLETile(tileSize) { const data = this._tileBuffer; let i = 0; while (i < tileSize) { const pixel = this._readPixels(1); const length = this._readRLELength(); for (let j = 0; j < length; j++) { data[i * 4] = pixel[0]; data[i * 4 + 1] = pixel[1]; data[i * 4 + 2] = pixel[2]; data[i * 4 + 3] = pixel[3]; i++; } } return data; } _decodeRLEPaletteTile(paletteSize, tileSize) { const data = this._tileBuffer; // palette const palette = this._readPixels(paletteSize); let offset = 0; while (offset < tileSize) { let indexInPalette = this._inflator.inflate(1)[0]; let length = 1; if (indexInPalette >= 128) { indexInPalette -= 128; length = this._readRLELength(); } if (indexInPalette > paletteSize) { throw new Error('Too big index in palette: ' + indexInPalette + ', palette size: ' + paletteSize); } if (offset + length > tileSize) { throw new Error('Too big rle length in palette mode: ' + length + ', allowed length is: ' + (tileSize - offset)); } for (let j = 0; j < length; j++) { data[offset * 4] = palette[indexInPalette * 4]; data[offset * 4 + 1] = palette[indexInPalette * 4 + 1]; data[offset * 4 + 2] = palette[indexInPalette * 4 + 2]; data[offset * 4 + 3] = palette[indexInPalette * 4 + 3]; offset++; } } return data; } _readRLELength() { let length = 0; let current = 0; do { current = this._inflator.inflate(1)[0]; length += current; } while (current === 255); return length + 1; } }