/* Copyright 2020-2021 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'getParameterEx', { value: function (name, defaultValue) { var i, ret; for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { if (this[i] == name) { return (null); } if (this[i].startsWith(name + '=')) { ret = this[i].substring(name.length + 1); if (ret.startsWith('"')) { ret = ret.substring(1, ret.length - 1); } return (ret); } } return (defaultValue); } }); Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'getParameter', { value: function (name, defaultValue) { return (this.getParameterEx('-' + name, defaultValue)); } }); // The following line just below with 'msh=' needs to stay exactly like this since MeshCentral will replace it with the correct settings. var msh = {}; var translation = JSON.parse(msh.translation); var lang = require('util-language').current; if (lang == null) { lang = 'en'; } if (lang == "C"){ lang = 'en'; console.log("Langauge envronment variable was not set (process.env.LANG). Defaulting to English ('en').\nSee the agent-translations.json file for a list of current languages that are implemented\nUsage: meshcentral -lang=en\n"); } if (process.argv.getParameter('lang', lang) == null) { console.log('\nCurrent Language: ' + lang + '\n'); process.exit(); } else { lang = process.argv.getParameter('lang', lang).toLowerCase(); lang = lang.split('_').join('-'); if (translation[lang] == null) { if (translation[lang.split('-')[0]] == null) { console.log('Language: ' + lang + ' is not translated.'); console.log("try: './"+ process.execPath.split('/').pop() + " -lang=en' for English"); console.log("See the agent-translations.json file for a list of current languages that are implemented.") process.exit(); } else { lang = lang.split('-')[0]; } } } if (lang != 'en') { for (var i in translation['en']) { // If translated entries are missing, substitute the english translation if (translation[lang][i] == null) { translation[lang][i] = translation['en'][i]; } } } var displayName = msh.displayName ? msh.displayName : 'MeshCentral Agent'; var s = null, buttons = [translation[lang].cancel], skip = false; var serviceName = msh.meshServiceName ? msh.meshServiceName : 'meshagent'; try { s = require('service-manager').manager.getService(serviceName); } catch (e) { } var connectArgs = [process.execPath.split('/').pop(), '--no-embedded=1', '--disableUpdate=1']; connectArgs.push('--MeshName="' + msh.MeshName + '"'); connectArgs.push('--MeshType="' + msh.MeshType + '"'); connectArgs.push('--MeshID="' + msh.MeshID + '"'); connectArgs.push('--ServerID="' + msh.ServerID + '"'); connectArgs.push('--MeshServer="' + msh.MeshServer + '"'); connectArgs.push('--AgentCapabilities="0x00000020"'); if (msh.displayName) { connectArgs.push('--displayName="' + msh.displayName + '"'); } if (msh.agentName) { connectArgs.push('--agentName="' + msh.agentName + '"'); } function _install(parms) { var i; var mstr = require('fs').createWriteStream(process.execPath + '.msh', { flags: 'wb' }); for (i in msh) { mstr.write(i + '=' + msh[i] + '\n'); } mstr.end(); if (parms == null) { parms = []; } if (msh.companyName) { parms.unshift('--companyName="' + msh.companyName + '"'); } if (msh.displayName) { parms.unshift('--displayName="' + msh.displayName + '"'); } if (msh.meshServiceName) { parms.unshift('--meshServiceName="' + msh.meshServiceName + '"'); } parms.unshift('--copy-msh=1'); parms.unshift('--no-embedded=1'); parms.unshift('-fullinstall'); parms.unshift(process.execPath.split('/').pop()); global._child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, parms); global._child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { process.stdout.write(c.toString()); }); global._child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { process.stdout.write(c.toString()); }); global._child.waitExit(); } function _uninstall() { global._child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.execPath.split('/').pop(), '-fulluninstall', '--no-embedded=1', '--meshServiceName="' + serviceName + '"']); global._child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { process.stdout.write(c.toString()); }); global._child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { process.stdout.write(c.toString()); }); global._child.waitExit(); } if (msh.InstallFlags == null) { msh.InstallFlags = 3; } else { msh.InstallFlags = parseInt(msh.InstallFlags.toString()); } if (process.argv.includes('-mesh')) { console.log(JSON.stringify(msh, null, 2)); process.exit(); } if (process.argv.includes('-translations')) { console.log(JSON.stringify(translation)); process.exit(); } if (process.argv.includes('-help') || (process.platform == 'linux' && process.env['XAUTHORITY'] == null && process.env['DISPLAY'] == null && process.argv.length == 1)) { console.log("\n" + translation[lang].commands + ": "); if ((msh.InstallFlags & 1) == 1) { console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -connect'); } if ((msh.InstallFlags & 2) == 2) { if (s) { console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -update'); console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -uninstall'); } else { console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -install'); console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -install --installPath="/alternate/path"'); } } console.log(''); process.exit(); } if ((msh.InstallFlags & 1) == 1) { buttons.unshift(translation[lang].connect); if (process.argv.includes('-connect')) { global._child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, connectArgs); global._child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { }); global._child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { }); global._child.on('exit', function (code) { process.exit(code); }); console.log("\n" + translation[lang].url + ": " + msh.MeshServer); console.log(translation[lang].group + ": " + msh.MeshName); console.log('\n' + translation[lang].ctrlc + '\n'); skip = true; } } if ((!skip) && ((msh.InstallFlags & 2) == 2)) { if (!require('user-sessions').isRoot()) { console.log('\n' + translation[lang].elevation); console.log(translation[lang].sudo); process.exit(); } if (s) { if ((process.platform == 'darwin') || require('message-box').kdialog) { buttons.unshift(translation[lang].setup); } else { buttons.unshift(translation[lang].uninstall); buttons.unshift(translation[lang].update); } } else { buttons.unshift(translation[lang].install); } } if (!skip) { if (process.platform != 'darwin') { if (process.argv.includes('-install') || process.argv.includes('-update')) { var p = []; for (var i = 0; i < process.argv.length; ++i) { if (process.argv[i].startsWith('--installPath=')) { p.push('--installPath="' + process.argv[i].split('=').pop() + '"'); } else if(process.argv[i].startsWith('--')) { p.push(process.argv[i]); } } _install(p); process.exit(); } else if (process.argv.includes('-uninstall')) { _uninstall(); process.exit(); } else { if (!require('message-box').kdialog && ((require('message-box').zenity == null) || (!require('message-box').zenity.extra))) { console.log('\n' + translation[lang].graphicalerror + '.'); console.log(translation[lang].zenity + ".\n"); console.log(translation[lang].commands + ": "); if ((msh.InstallFlags & 1) == 1) { console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -connect'); } if ((msh.InstallFlags & 2) == 2) { if (s) { console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -update'); console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -uninstall'); } else { console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -install'); console.log('./' + process.execPath.split('/').pop() + ' -install --installPath="/alternate/path"'); } } console.log(''); process.exit(); } } } else { if (!require('user-sessions').isRoot()) { console.log('\n' + translation[lang].elevation); process.exit(); } } } if (!skip) { if (!s) { msg = translation[lang].agent + ": " + translation[lang].status[0] + '\n'; } else { msg = translation[lang].agent + ": " + (s.isRunning() ? translation[lang].status[1] : translation[lang].status[2]) + '\n'; } msg += (translation[lang].group + ": " + msh.MeshName + '\n'); msg += (translation[lang].url + ": " + msh.MeshServer + '\n'); var p = require('message-box').create(displayName + " " + translation[lang].setup, msg, 99999, buttons); p.then(function (v) { switch (v) { case translation[lang].cancel: process.exit(); break; case translation[lang].setup: var d = require('message-box').create(displayName, msg, 99999, [translation[lang].update, translation[lang].uninstall, translation[lang].cancel]); d.then(function (v) { switch (v) { case translation[lang].update: case translation[lang].install: _install(); break; case translation[lang].uninstall: _uninstall(); break; default: break; } process.exit(); }).catch(function (v) { process.exit(); }); break; case translation[lang].connect: global._child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, connectArgs); global._child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { }); global._child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { }); global._child.on('exit', function (code) { process.exit(code); }); msg = (translation[lang].group + ": " + msh.MeshName + '\n'); msg += (translation[lang].url + ": " + msh.MeshServer + '\n'); if (process.platform != 'darwin') { if (!require('message-box').zenity && require('message-box').kdialog) { msg += ('\n' + translation[lang].pressok); } } var d = require('message-box').create(displayName, msg, 99999, [translation[lang].disconnect]); d.then(function (v) { process.exit(); }).catch(function (v) { process.exit(); }); break; case translation[lang].uninstall: _uninstall(); process.exit(); break; case translation[lang].install: case translation[lang].update: _install(); process.exit(); break; default: console.log(v); process.exit(); break; } }).catch(function (e) { console.log(e); process.exit(); }); }