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#welcomeimage img {
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#logincell {
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#passwordPolicyCallout, #rpasswordPolicyCallout {
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#passWarning {

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.dialogTextLog {

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#id_dialogMessage {

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#idx_dlgOkButton {
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#idx_dlgDeleteButton {
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#ua_fileaccessquota {
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#broadcastMessage {
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#idx_deskFullBtn2 {
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#p0message {
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#devListToolbarViewIcons {

#devListToolbarSpan {
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#SearchInput {

#devListToolbarView, #devListToolbarSort, #devListToolbarSize {
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#refreshmap {

/* Example if <table> is relplaced with <div><p> then image can be defined in css 
#NoMeshesPanel {
    background: url(../images/info.png) no-repeat 23px 20px;
    height: 48px;
    width: 47px;
    width: 100%;
    border: none;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 20px;
    #NoMeshesPanel p {
        display: inline-block;
        vertical-align: middle;
        margin-left: 60px;
    } */

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        padding: 20px
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#xdevicesmap {
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#xmapSearchResultsDlg {
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.xmapItemSel1 {
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.xmapItemSel1 {
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#xmap-info-window {
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#p2 a, #p6 a, #p10 a {
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#p2AccountImage {
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.p2AccountActions {
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.p2AccountActions span {
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.newMeshBtn  {
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#p2noMeshFound, #p2ServerActionsBackup, #p2ServerActionsRestore, #p2ServerActionsVersion, #p2ServerActionsErrors, #serverStats {

.pTable {
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.p3usersTable {
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.p3usersTable th {
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.p3eventsTable {
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#p5filesubhead {
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#bigfail {
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.chartViewCanvas {
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.chartViewText {
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#serverCpuChart, #serverMemoryChart {
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#p10BackButton, #p11BackButton {

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#d2groupop {
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#MainMeshImage {
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