/* Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * @description WSMAN communication using duktape http * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @version v0.2.0c */ // Construct a WSMAN communication object function CreateWsmanComm(host, port, user, pass, tls, extra) { var obj = {}; obj.PendingAjax = []; // List of pending AJAX calls. When one frees up, another will start. obj.ActiveAjaxCount = 0; // Number of currently active AJAX calls obj.MaxActiveAjaxCount = 1; // Maximum number of activate AJAX calls at the same time. obj.FailAllError = 0; // Set this to non-zero to fail all AJAX calls with that error status, 999 causes responses to be silent. obj.host = host; obj.port = port; obj.user = user; obj.pass = pass; obj.tls = tls; obj.digest = null; obj.RequestCount = 0; // Private method // pri = priority, if set to 1, the call is high priority and put on top of the stack. obj.PerformAjax = function (postdata, callback, tag, pri, url, action) { if ((obj.ActiveAjaxCount == 0 || ((obj.ActiveAjaxCount < obj.MaxActiveAjaxCount) && (obj.challengeParams != null))) && obj.PendingAjax.length == 0) { // There are no pending AJAX calls, perform the call now. obj.PerformAjaxEx(postdata, callback, tag, url, action); } else { // If this is a high priority call, put this call in front of the array, otherwise put it in the back. if (pri == 1) { obj.PendingAjax.unshift([postdata, callback, tag, url, action]); } else { obj.PendingAjax.push([postdata, callback, tag, url, action]); } } } // Private method obj.PerformNextAjax = function () { if (obj.ActiveAjaxCount >= obj.MaxActiveAjaxCount || obj.PendingAjax.length == 0) return; var x = obj.PendingAjax.shift(); obj.PerformAjaxEx(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]); obj.PerformNextAjax(); } // Private method obj.PerformAjaxEx = function (postdata, callback, tag, url, action) { if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { if (obj.FailAllError != 999) { obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: obj.FailAllError }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]); } return; } if (!postdata) postdata = ""; //console.log("SEND: " + postdata); // DEBUG // We are in a DukTape environement if (obj.digest == null) { obj.digest = require('http-digest').create(obj.user, obj.pass); obj.digest.http = require('http'); } var request = { protocol: (obj.tls == 1 ? 'https:' : 'http:'), method: 'POST', host: obj.host, path: '/wsman', port: obj.port, rejectUnauthorized: false, checkServerIdentity: function (cert) { console.log('checkServerIdentity', JSON.stringify(cert)); } }; var req = obj.digest.request(request); //console.log('Request ' + (obj.RequestCount++)); req.on('error', function (e) { obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: 600 }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]); }); req.on('response', function (response) { //console.log('Response: ' + response.statusCode); if (response.statusCode != 200) { console.log('ERR:' + JSON.stringify(response)); obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: response.statusCode }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]); } else { response.acc = ''; response.on('data', function (data2) { this.acc += data2; }); response.on('end', function () { obj.gotNextMessages(response.acc, 'success', { status: response.statusCode }, [postdata, callback, tag]); }); } }); // Send POST body, this work with binary. req.write(postdata); req.end(); obj.ActiveAjaxCount++; return req; } // AJAX specific private method obj.pendingAjaxCall = []; // Private method obj.gotNextMessages = function (data, status, request, callArgs) { obj.ActiveAjaxCount--; if (obj.FailAllError == 999) return; //console.log("RECV: " + data); // DEBUG if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { callArgs[1](null, obj.FailAllError, callArgs[2]); return; } if (request.status != 200) { callArgs[1](null, request.status, callArgs[2]); return; } callArgs[1](data, 200, callArgs[2]); obj.PerformNextAjax(); } // Private method obj.gotNextMessagesError = function (request, status, errorThrown, callArgs) { obj.ActiveAjaxCount--; if (obj.FailAllError == 999) return; if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { callArgs[1](null, obj.FailAllError, callArgs[2]); return; } //if (status != 200) { console.log("ERROR, status=" + status + "\r\n\r\nreq=" + callArgs[0]); } // Debug: Display the request & response if something did not work. if (obj.FailAllError != 999) { callArgs[1]({ Header: { HttpError: request.status } }, request.status, callArgs[2]); } obj.PerformNextAjax(); } // Cancel all pending queries with given status obj.CancelAllQueries = function (s) { while (obj.PendingAjax.length > 0) { var x = obj.PendingAjax.shift(); x[1](null, s, x[2]); } } return obj; } module.exports = CreateWsmanComm;