/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Peyrefitte * * This file is part of node-rdpjs. * * node-rdpjs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ var inherits = require('util').inherits; var crypto = require('crypto'); var events = require('events'); var type = require('../../core').type; var error = require('../../core').error; var log = require('../../core').log; var gcc = require('../t125/gcc'); var lic = require('./lic'); var cert = require('../cert'); var rsa = require('../../security').rsa; /** * @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc240579.aspx */ var SecurityFlag = { SEC_EXCHANGE_PKT : 0x0001, SEC_TRANSPORT_REQ : 0x0002, RDP_SEC_TRANSPORT_RSP : 0x0004, SEC_ENCRYPT : 0x0008, SEC_RESET_SEQNO : 0x0010, SEC_IGNORE_SEQNO : 0x0020, SEC_INFO_PKT : 0x0040, SEC_LICENSE_PKT : 0x0080, SEC_LICENSE_ENCRYPT_CS : 0x0200, SEC_LICENSE_ENCRYPT_SC : 0x0200, SEC_REDIRECTION_PKT : 0x0400, SEC_SECURE_CHECKSUM : 0x0800, SEC_AUTODETECT_REQ : 0x1000, SEC_AUTODETECT_RSP : 0x2000, SEC_HEARTBEAT : 0x4000, SEC_FLAGSHI_VALID : 0x8000 }; /** * @see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc240475.aspx */ var InfoFlag = { INFO_MOUSE : 0x00000001, INFO_DISABLECTRLALTDEL : 0x00000002, INFO_AUTOLOGON : 0x00000008, INFO_UNICODE : 0x00000010, INFO_MAXIMIZESHELL : 0x00000020, INFO_LOGONNOTIFY : 0x00000040, INFO_COMPRESSION : 0x00000080, INFO_ENABLEWINDOWSKEY : 0x00000100, INFO_REMOTECONSOLEAUDIO : 0x00002000, INFO_FORCE_ENCRYPTED_CS_PDU : 0x00004000, INFO_RAIL : 0x00008000, INFO_LOGONERRORS : 0x00010000, INFO_MOUSE_HAS_WHEEL : 0x00020000, INFO_PASSWORD_IS_SC_PIN : 0x00040000, INFO_NOAUDIOPLAYBACK : 0x00080000, INFO_USING_SAVED_CREDS : 0x00100000, INFO_AUDIOCAPTURE : 0x00200000, INFO_VIDEO_DISABLE : 0x00400000, INFO_CompressionTypeMask : 0x00001E00 }; /** * @see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc240476.aspx */ var AfInet = { AfInet : 0x00002, AF_INET6 : 0x0017 }; /** * @see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc240476.aspx */ var PerfFlag = { PERF_DISABLE_WALLPAPER : 0x00000001, PERF_DISABLE_FULLWINDOWDRAG : 0x00000002, PERF_DISABLE_MENUANIMATIONS : 0x00000004, PERF_DISABLE_THEMING : 0x00000008, PERF_DISABLE_CURSOR_SHADOW : 0x00000020, PERF_DISABLE_CURSORSETTINGS : 0x00000040, PERF_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING : 0x00000080, PERF_ENABLE_DESKTOP_COMPOSITION : 0x00000100 }; /** * @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc241992.aspx * @param input {Buffer} Binary data * @param salt {Buffer} salt for context call * @param salt1 {Buffer} another salt (ex : client random) * @param salt2 {Buffer} another salt (ex : server random) * @return {Buffer} */ function saltedHash(input, salt, salt1, salt2) { var sha1Digest = crypto.createHash('sha1'); sha1Digest.update(input); sha1Digest.update(salt.slice(0, 48)); sha1Digest.update(salt1); sha1Digest.update(salt2); var sha1Sig = sha1Digest.digest(); var md5Digest = crypto.createHash('md5'); md5Digest.update(salt.slice(0, 48)); md5Digest.update(sha1Sig); return md5Digest.digest(); } /** * @param key {Buffer} secret * @param random1 {Buffer} client random * @param random2 {Buffer} server random * @returns {Buffer} */ function finalHash (key, random1, random2) { var md5Digest = crypto.createHash('md5'); md5Digest.update(key); md5Digest.update(random1); md5Digest.update(random2); return md5Digest.digest(); } /** * @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc241992.aspx * @param secret {Buffer} secret * @param random1 {Buffer} client random * @param random2 {Buffer} server random * @returns {Buffer} */ function masterSecret (secret, random1, random2) { var sh1 = saltedHash(Buffer.from('A'), secret, random1, random2); var sh2 = saltedHash(Buffer.from('BB'), secret, random1, random2); var sh3 = saltedHash(Buffer.from('CCC'), secret, random1, random2); var ms = Buffer.alloc(sh1.length + sh2.length + sh3.length); sh1.copy(ms); sh2.copy(ms, sh1.length); sh3.copy(ms, sh1.length + sh2.length); return ms; } /** * @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc241995.aspx * @param macSaltKey {Buffer} key * @param data {Buffer} data * @returns {Buffer} */ function macData(macSaltKey, data) { var salt1 = Buffer.alloc(40); salt1.fill(0x36); var salt2 = Buffer.alloc(48); salt2.fill(0x5c); var dataLength = new type.UInt32Le(data.length).toStream().buffer; var sha1 = crypto.createHash('sha1'); sha1.update(macSaltKey); sha1.update(salt1); sha1.update(dataLength); sha1.update(data); var sha1Digest = sha1.digest(); var md5 = crypto.createHash('md5'); md5.update(macSaltKey); md5.update(salt2); md5.update(sha1Digest); return md5.digest(); } /** * RDP client informations * @param extendedInfoConditional {boolean} true if RDP5+ * @returns {type.Component} */ function rdpInfos(extendedInfoConditional) { var self = { codePage : new type.UInt32Le(), flag : new type.UInt32Le(InfoFlag.INFO_MOUSE | InfoFlag.INFO_UNICODE | InfoFlag.INFO_LOGONNOTIFY | InfoFlag.INFO_LOGONERRORS | InfoFlag.INFO_DISABLECTRLALTDEL | InfoFlag.INFO_ENABLEWINDOWSKEY), cbDomain : new type.UInt16Le(function() { return self.domain.size() - 2; }), cbUserName : new type.UInt16Le(function() { return self.userName.size() - 2; }), cbPassword : new type.UInt16Le(function() { return self.password.size() - 2; }), cbAlternateShell : new type.UInt16Le(function() { return self.alternateShell.size() - 2; }), cbWorkingDir : new type.UInt16Le(function() { return self.workingDir.size() - 2; }), domain : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('\x00', 'ucs2'),{ readLength : new type.CallableValue(function() { return self.cbDomain.value + 2; })}), userName : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('\x00', 'ucs2'), { readLength : new type.CallableValue(function() { return self.cbUserName.value + 2; })}), password : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('\x00', 'ucs2'), { readLength : new type.CallableValue(function () { return self.cbPassword.value + 2; })}), alternateShell : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('\x00', 'ucs2'), { readLength : new type.CallableValue(function() { return self.cbAlternateShell.value + 2; })}), workingDir : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('\x00', 'ucs2'), { readLength : new type.CallableValue(function() { return self.cbWorkingDir.value + 2; })}), extendedInfo : rdpExtendedInfos({ conditional : extendedInfoConditional }) }; return new type.Component(self); } /** * RDP client extended informations present in RDP5+ * @param opt * @returns {type.Component} */ function rdpExtendedInfos(opt) { var self = { clientAddressFamily : new type.UInt16Le(AfInet.AfInet), cbClientAddress : new type.UInt16Le(function() { return self.clientAddress.size(); }), clientAddress : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('\x00', 'ucs2'),{ readLength : new type.CallableValue(function() { return self.cbClientAddress; }) }), cbClientDir : new type.UInt16Le(function() { return self.clientDir.size(); }), clientDir : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('\x00', 'ucs2'), { readLength : new type.CallableValue(function() { return self.cbClientDir; }) }), clientTimeZone : new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from(Array(172 + 1).join("\x00"))), clientSessionId : new type.UInt32Le(), performanceFlags : new type.UInt32Le() }; return new type.Component(self, opt); } /** * Header of security header * @returns {type.Component} */ function securityHeader() { var self = { securityFlag : new type.UInt16Le(), securityFlagHi : new type.UInt16Le() }; return new type.Component(self); } /** * Security layer * @param transport {events.EventEmitter} */ function Sec(transport, fastPathTransport) { this.transport = transport; this.fastPathTransport = fastPathTransport; // init at connect event from transport layer this.gccClient = null; this.gccServer = null; var self = this; this.infos = rdpInfos(function() { return self.gccClient.core.rdpVersion.value === gcc.VERSION.RDP_VERSION_5_PLUS; }); this.machineName = ''; // basic encryption this.enableEncryption = false; if (this.fastPathTransport) { this.fastPathTransport.on('fastPathData', function (secFlag, s) { self.recvFastPath(secFlag, s); }); } }; //inherit from Layer inherits(Sec, events.EventEmitter); /** * Send message with security header * @param flag {integer} security flag * @param data {type.*} message */ Sec.prototype.sendFlagged = function(flag, data) { this.transport.send('global', new type.Component([ new type.UInt16Le(flag), new type.UInt16Le(), data ])); }; /** * Main send function * @param message {type.*} message to send */ Sec.prototype.send = function(message) { if (this.enableEncryption) { throw new error.FatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_PDU_SEC_ENCRYPT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED'); } this.transport.send('global', message); }; /** * Main receive function * @param s {type.Stream} */ Sec.prototype.recv = function(s) { if (this.enableEncryption) { throw new error.FatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_PDU_SEC_ENCRYPT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED'); } // not support yet basic RDP security layer this.emit('data', s); }; /** * Receive fast path data * @param secFlag {integer} security flag * @param s {type.Stream} */ Sec.prototype.recvFastPath = function (secFlag, s) { // transparent because basic RDP security layer not implemented this.emit('fastPathData', secFlag, s); }; /** * Client security layer * @param transport {events.EventEmitter} */ function Client(transport, fastPathTransport) { Sec.call(this, transport, fastPathTransport); // for basic RDP layer (in futur) this.enableSecureCheckSum = false; var self = this; this.transport.on('connect', function(gccClient, gccServer, userId, channels) { self.connect(gccClient, gccServer, userId, channels); }).on('close', function() { self.emit('close'); }).on('error', function (err) { self.emit('error', err); }); }; //inherit from Layer inherits(Client, Sec); /** * Connect event */ Client.prototype.connect = function(gccClient, gccServer, userId, channels) { //init gcc information this.gccClient = gccClient; this.gccServer = gccServer; this.userId = userId; this.channelId = channels.find(function(e) { if(e.name === 'global') return true; }).id; this.sendInfoPkt(); }; /** * close stack */ Client.prototype.close = function() { this.transport.close(); }; /** * Send main information packet * VIP (very important packet) because contain credentials */ Client.prototype.sendInfoPkt = function() { this.sendFlagged(SecurityFlag.SEC_INFO_PKT, this.infos); var self = this; this.transport.once('global', function(s) { self.recvLicense(s); }); }; function reverse(buffer) { var result = Buffer.alloc(buffer.length); for(var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { result.writeUInt8(buffer.readUInt8(buffer.length - 1 - i), i); } return result; } /** * Send a valid license request * @param licenseRequest {object(lic.serverLicenseRequest)} license requets infos */ Client.prototype.sendClientNewLicenseRequest = function(licenseRequest) { log.debug('new license request'); var serverRandom = licenseRequest.serverRandom.value; // read server certificate var s = new type.Stream(licenseRequest.serverCertificate.obj.blobData.value); var certificate = cert.certificate().read(s).obj; var publicKey = certificate.certData.obj.getPublicKey(); var clientRandom = crypto.randomBytes(32); var preMasterSecret = crypto.randomBytes(48); var mSecret = masterSecret(preMasterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom); var sessionKeyBlob = masterSecret(mSecret, serverRandom, clientRandom); this.licenseMacSalt = sessionKeyBlob.slice(0, 16) this.licenseKey = finalHash(sessionKeyBlob.slice(16, 32), clientRandom, serverRandom); var request = lic.clientNewLicenseRequest(); request.obj.clientRandom.value = clientRandom; var preMasterSecretEncrypted = reverse(rsa.encrypt(reverse(preMasterSecret), publicKey)); var preMasterSecretEncryptedPadded = Buffer.alloc(preMasterSecretEncrypted.length + 8); preMasterSecretEncryptedPadded.fill(0); preMasterSecretEncrypted.copy(preMasterSecretEncryptedPadded); request.obj.encryptedPreMasterSecret.obj.blobData.value = preMasterSecretEncryptedPadded; request.obj.ClientMachineName.obj.blobData.value = this.infos.obj.userName.value; request.obj.ClientUserName.obj.blobData.value = Buffer.from(this.machineName + '\x00'); this.sendFlagged(SecurityFlag.SEC_LICENSE_PKT, lic.licensePacket(request)); }; /** * Send a valid license request * @param platformChallenge {object(lic.serverPlatformChallenge)} platform challenge */ Client.prototype.sendClientChallengeResponse = function(platformChallenge) { log.debug('challenge license'); var serverEncryptedChallenge = platformChallenge.encryptedPlatformChallenge.obj.blobData.value; var serverChallenge = crypto.createDecipheriv('rc4', this.licenseKey, '').update(serverEncryptedChallenge); if (serverChallenge.toString('ucs2') !== 'TEST\x00') { throw new error.ProtocolError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_PDU_SEC_INVALID_LICENSE_CHALLENGE'); } var hwid = new type.Component([new type.UInt32Le(2), new type.BinaryString(crypto.randomBytes(16))]).toStream().buffer; var response = lic.clientPLatformChallengeResponse(); response.obj.encryptedPlatformChallengeResponse.obj.blobData.value = serverEncryptedChallenge; response.obj.encryptedHWID.obj.blobData.value = crypto.createCipheriv('rc4', this.licenseKey, '').update(hwid); var sig = Buffer.alloc(serverChallenge.length + hwid.length); serverChallenge.copy(sig); hwid.copy(sig, serverChallenge.length); response.obj.MACData.value = macData(this.licenseMacSalt, sig); this.sendFlagged(SecurityFlag.SEC_LICENSE_PKT, lic.licensePacket(response)); }; /** * Receive license informations * @param s {type.Stream} */ Sec.prototype.recvLicense = function(s) { var header = securityHeader().read(s).obj; if (!(header.securityFlag.value & SecurityFlag.SEC_LICENSE_PKT)) { throw new error.ProtocolError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_PDU_SEC_BAD_LICENSE_HEADER'); } var message = lic.licensePacket().read(s).obj; // i'm accepted if (message.bMsgtype.value === lic.MessageType.NEW_LICENSE || (message.bMsgtype.value === lic.MessageType.ERROR_ALERT && message.licensingMessage.obj.dwErrorCode.value === lic.ErrorCode.STATUS_VALID_CLIENT && message.licensingMessage.obj.dwStateTransition.value === lic.StateTransition.ST_NO_TRANSITION)) { this.emit('connect', this.gccClient.core, this.userId, this.channelId); var self = this; this.transport.on('global', function(s) { self.recv(s); }); return; } // server ask license request if (message.bMsgtype.value === lic.MessageType.LICENSE_REQUEST) { this.sendClientNewLicenseRequest(message.licensingMessage.obj); } // server send challenge if (message.bMsgtype.value === lic.MessageType.PLATFORM_CHALLENGE) { this.sendClientChallengeResponse(message.licensingMessage.obj); } var self = this; this.emit('connect', this.gccClient.core); this.transport.once('global', function (s) { self.recvLicense(s); }); }; /** * Module exports */ module.exports = { PerfFlag : PerfFlag, InfoFlag : InfoFlag, Client : Client };