/* Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ function UserSessions() { this._ObjectID = 'user-sessions'; require('events').EventEmitter.call(this, true).createEvent('changed'); this.enumerateUsers = function enumerateUsers() { var promise = require('promise'); var p = new promise(function (res, rej) { this.__resolver = res; this.__rejector = rej; }); p.__handler = function __handler(users) { p.__resolver(users); }; this.Current(p.__handler); return (p); } if (process.platform == 'win32') { this._marshal = require('_GenericMarshal'); this._kernel32 = this._marshal.CreateNativeProxy('Kernel32.dll'); this._kernel32.CreateMethod('GetLastError'); this._wts = this._marshal.CreateNativeProxy('Wtsapi32.dll'); this._wts.CreateMethod('WTSEnumerateSessionsA'); this._wts.CreateMethod('WTSQuerySessionInformationA'); this._wts.CreateMethod('WTSFreeMemory'); this.SessionStates = ['Active', 'Connected', 'ConnectQuery', 'Shadow', 'Disconnected', 'Idle', 'Listening', 'Reset', 'Down', 'Init']; this.InfoClass = { 'WTSInitialProgram': 0, 'WTSApplicationName': 1, 'WTSWorkingDirectory': 2, 'WTSOEMId': 3, 'WTSSessionId': 4, 'WTSUserName': 5, 'WTSWinStationName': 6, 'WTSDomainName': 7, 'WTSConnectState': 8, 'WTSClientBuildNumber': 9, 'WTSClientName': 10, 'WTSClientDirectory': 11, 'WTSClientProductId': 12, 'WTSClientHardwareId': 13, 'WTSClientAddress': 14, 'WTSClientDisplay': 15, 'WTSClientProtocolType': 16, 'WTSIdleTime': 17, 'WTSLogonTime': 18, 'WTSIncomingBytes': 19, 'WTSOutgoingBytes': 20, 'WTSIncomingFrames': 21, 'WTSOutgoingFrames': 22, 'WTSClientInfo': 23, 'WTSSessionInfo': 24, 'WTSSessionInfoEx': 25, 'WTSConfigInfo': 26, 'WTSValidationInfo': 27, 'WTSSessionAddressV4': 28, 'WTSIsRemoteSession': 29 }; this.getSessionAttribute = function getSessionAttribute(sessionId, attr) { var buffer = this._marshal.CreatePointer(); var bytesReturned = this._marshal.CreateVariable(4); if (this._wts.WTSQuerySessionInformationA(0, sessionId, attr, buffer, bytesReturned).Val == 0) { throw ('Error calling WTSQuerySessionInformation: ' + this._kernel32.GetLastError.Val); } var retVal = buffer.Deref().String; this._wts.WTSFreeMemory(buffer.Deref()); return (retVal); }; this.Current = function Current(cb) { var retVal = {}; var pinfo = this._marshal.CreatePointer(); var count = this._marshal.CreateVariable(4); if (this._wts.WTSEnumerateSessionsA(0, 0, 1, pinfo, count).Val == 0) { throw ('Error calling WTSEnumerateSessionsA: ' + this._kernel32.GetLastError().Val); } for (var i = 0; i < count.toBuffer().readUInt32LE() ; ++i) { var info = pinfo.Deref().Deref(i * (this._marshal.PointerSize == 4 ? 12 : 24), this._marshal.PointerSize == 4 ? 12 : 24); var j = { SessionId: info.toBuffer().readUInt32LE() }; j.StationName = info.Deref(this._marshal.PointerSize == 4 ? 4 : 8, this._marshal.PointerSize).Deref().String; j.State = this.SessionStates[info.Deref(this._marshal.PointerSize == 4 ? 8 : 16, 4).toBuffer().readUInt32LE()]; if (j.State == 'Active') { j.Username = this.getSessionAttribute(j.SessionId, this.InfoClass.WTSUserName); j.Domain = this.getSessionAttribute(j.SessionId, this.InfoClass.WTSDomainName); } retVal[j.SessionId] = j; } this._wts.WTSFreeMemory(pinfo.Deref()); Object.defineProperty(retVal, 'Active', { value: showActiveOnly(retVal) }); if (cb) { cb(retVal); } return (retVal); }; } else { this.Self = function Self() { var promise = require('promise'); var p = new promise(function (res, rej) { this.__resolver = res; this.__rejector = rej; this.__child = require('child_process').execFile('/usr/bin/id', ['id', '-u']); this.__child.promise = this; this.__child.stdout._txt = ''; this.__child.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { this._txt += chunk.toString(); }); this.__child.on('exit', function (code) { try { parseInt(this.stdout._txt); } catch (e) { this.promise.__rejector('invalid uid'); return; } var id = parseInt(this.stdout._txt); this.promise.__resolver(id); }); }); return (p); }; this.Current = function Current(cb) { var retVal = {}; retVal._ObjectID = 'UserSession' Object.defineProperty(retVal, '_callback', { value: cb }); Object.defineProperty(retVal, '_child', { value: require('child_process').execFile('/usr/bin/last', ['last', '-f', '/var/run/utmp']) }); retVal._child.Parent = retVal; retVal._child._txt = ''; retVal._child.on('exit', function (code) { var lines = this._txt.split('\n'); var sessions = []; var users = {}; for(var i in lines) { if (lines[i]) { var tokens = getTokens(lines[i]); var s = { Username: tokens[0], SessionId: tokens[1] } if (tokens[3].includes('still logged in')) { s.State = 'Active'; } else { s.LastActive = tokens[3]; } sessions.push(s); } } sessions.pop(); var usernames = {}; var promises = []; for (var i in sessions) { if (sessions[i].Username != 'reboot') { users[sessions[i].SessionId] = sessions[i]; if(usernames[sessions[i].Username] == null) { usernames[sessions[i].Username] = -1; } } } try { require('promise'); } catch(e) { Object.defineProperty(users, 'Active', { value: showActiveOnly(users) }); if (this.Parent._callback) { this.Parent._callback.call(this.Parent, users); } return; } var promise = require('promise'); for (var n in usernames) { var p = new promise(function (res, rej) { this.__username = n; this.__resolver = res; this.__rejector = rej; this.__child = require('child_process').execFile('/usr/bin/id', ['id', '-u', n]); this.__child.promise = this; this.__child.stdout._txt = ''; this.__child.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { this._txt += chunk.toString(); }); this.__child.on('exit', function (code) { try { parseInt(this.stdout._txt); } catch(e) { this.promise.__rejector('invalid uid'); return; } var id = parseInt(this.stdout._txt); this.promise.__resolver(id); }); }); promises.push(p); } promise.all(promises).then(function (plist) { // Done var table = {}; for(var i in plist) { table[plist[i].__username] = plist[i]._internal.completedArgs[0]; } for(var i in users) { users[i].uid = table[users[i].Username]; } Object.defineProperty(users, 'Active', { value: showActiveOnly(users) }); if (retVal._callback) { retVal._callback.call(retVal, users); } }, function (reason) { // Failed Object.defineProperty(users, 'Active', { value: showActiveOnly(users) }); if (retVal._callback) { retVal._callback.call(retVal, users); } }); }); retVal._child.stdout.Parent = retVal._child; retVal._child.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { this.Parent._txt += chunk.toString(); }); return (retVal); } } } function showActiveOnly(source) { var retVal = []; for (var i in source) { if (source[i].State == 'Active') { retVal.push(source[i]); } } return (retVal); } function getTokens(str) { var columns = []; var i; columns.push(str.substring(0, (i=str.indexOf(' ')))); while (str[++i] == ' '); columns.push(str.substring(i, (i=str.substring(i).indexOf(' ') + i))); while (str[++i] == ' '); columns.push(str.substring(i, (i=str.substring(i).indexOf(' ') + i))); while (str[++i] == ' '); var status = str.substring(i).trim(); columns.push(status); return (columns); } module.exports = new UserSessions();