/** * @description MeshCentral remote desktop multiplexor * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2020 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ /*jslint node: true */ /*jshint node: true */ /*jshint strict:false */ /*jshint -W097 */ /*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) { var obj = {}; obj.parent = parent; obj.amtDevices = {}; // Nodeid --> dev obj.activeLocalConnections = {}; // Host --> dev obj.amtAdminAccounts = []; // WSMAN stack const CreateWsmanComm = require('./amt/amt-wsman-comm'); const WsmanStackCreateService = require('./amt/amt-wsman'); const AmtStackCreateService = require('./amt/amt'); // Load the Intel AMT admin accounts if ((typeof parent.args.amtmanager == 'object') && (Array.isArray(parent.args.amtmanager.amtadminaccount) == true)) { for (var i in parent.args.amtmanager.amtadminaccount) { var c = parent.args.amtmanager.amtadminaccount[i], c2 = { user: "admin" }; if (typeof c.user == 'string') { c2.user = c.user; } if (typeof c.pass == 'string') { c2.pass = c.pass; obj.amtAdminAccounts.push(c2); } } } // Subscribe to server events parent.AddEventDispatch(['*'], obj); // Handle server events obj.HandleEvent = function (source, event, ids, id) { if (event.action != 'nodeconnect') return; if ((event.conn & 14) != 0) { // connectType: Bitmask, 1 = MeshAgent, 2 = Intel AMT CIRA, 4 = Intel AMT local, 8 = Intel AMT Relay, 16 = MQTT // We have an OOB connection to Intel AMT, update our information var dev = obj.amtDevices[event.nodeid]; if (dev == null) { obj.amtDevices[event.nodeid] = dev = { conn: event.conn }; fetchIntelAmtInformation(event.nodeid); } else { dev.conn = event.conn; } } else if (((event.conn & 1) != 0) && (parent.webserver != null)) { // We have an agent connection without OOB, check if this agent supports Intel AMT var agent = parent.webserver.wsagents[event.nodeid]; if ((agent == null) || (agent.agentInfo == null) || (parent.meshAgentsArchitectureNumbers[agent.agentInfo.agentId].amt == false)) { removeDevice(event.nodeid); return; } var dev = obj.amtDevices[event.nodeid]; if (dev == null) { obj.amtDevices[event.nodeid] = dev = { conn: event.conn }; fetchIntelAmtInformation(event.nodeid); } else { dev.conn = event.conn; } } else { removeDevice(event.nodeid); } } // Remove a device function removeDevice(nodeid) { const dev = obj.amtDevices[nodeid]; if (dev == null) return; if (dev.amtstack != null) { dev.amtstack.wsman.comm.FailAllError = 999; delete dev.amtstack; } // Disconnect any active connections. delete obj.amtDevices[nodeid]; } // Update information about a device function fetchIntelAmtInformation(nodeid) { parent.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) { removeDevice(nodeid); return; } const node = nodes[0]; if ((node.intelamt == null) || (node.meshid == null)) { removeDevice(nodeid); return; } const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh == null) { removeDevice(nodeid); return; } const dev = obj.amtDevices[nodeid]; if (dev == null) { return; } dev.name = node.name; dev.nodeid = node._id; if (node.host) { dev.host = node.host.toLowerCase(); } dev.meshid = node.meshid; dev.intelamt = node.intelamt; attemptInitialContact(nodeid, dev); }); } // Attempt to perform initial contact with Intel AMT function attemptInitialContact(nodeid, dev) { if (dev == null) { dev = obj.amtDevices[nodeid]; } if (dev == null) return; //if (dev.host != '') return; if ((dev.acctry == null) && ((typeof dev.intelamt.user != 'string') || (typeof dev.intelamt.pass != 'string'))) { if (obj.amtAdminAccounts.length > 0) { dev.acctry = 0; } else { return; } } if (((dev.conn & 4) != 0) && (typeof dev.host == 'string')) { // Since we don't allow two or more connections to the same host, check if a pending connection is active. if (obj.activeLocalConnections[dev.host] != null) { // Active connection, hold and try later. setTimeout(function () { attemptInitialContact(nodeid); }, 5000); } else { // No active connections, see what user/pass to try. var user = null, pass = null; if (dev.acctry == null) { user = dev.intelamt.user; pass = dev.intelamt.pass; } else { user = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.acctry].user; pass = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.acctry].pass; } // Connect now //console.log('Connect', dev.name, dev.host, user, pass); var comm; if (dev.tlsfail !== true) { comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.host, 16993, user, pass, 1); // Always try with TLS first comm.xtlsFingerprint = 0; // Perform no certificate checking } else { comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.host, 16992, user, pass, 0); // Try without TLS } var wsstack = WsmanStackCreateService(comm); dev.amtstack = AmtStackCreateService(wsstack); dev.amtstack.dev = dev; obj.activeLocalConnections[dev.host] = dev; dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService'], attemptLocalConectResponse); } } } function attemptLocalConectResponse(stack, name, responses, status) { // Release active connection to this host. delete obj.activeLocalConnections[stack.wsman.comm.host]; // Check if the device still exists const dev = stack.dev; if (obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] == null) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this response. // Check the response if ((status == 200) && (responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'] != null) && (responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'] != null) && (responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response != null) && (responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response != null) && (stack.wsman.comm.digestRealm == responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response.DigestRealm)) { // Everything looks good if (dev.aquired == null) { dev.aquired = {}; } dev.aquired.controlMode = responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response.CurrentControlMode; // 1 = CCM, 2 = ACM var verSplit = stack.wsman.comm.amtVersion.split('.'); if (verSplit.length >= 3) { dev.aquired.version = verSplit[0] + '.' + verSplit[1] + '.' + verSplit[2]; } dev.aquired.realm = stack.wsman.comm.digestRealm; dev.aquired.user = stack.wsman.comm.user; dev.aquired.pass = stack.wsman.comm.pass; dev.aquired.lastContact = Date.now(); dev.aquired.tls = stack.wsman.comm.xtls; if (stack.wsman.comm.xtls == 1) { dev.aquired.tlshash = stack.wsman.comm.xtlsCertificate.fingerprint.split(':').join('').toLowerCase(); } else { delete dev.aquired.tlshash; } //console.log(dev.nodeid, dev.name, dev.host, dev.aquired); UpdateDevice(dev); //attemptFetchHardwareInventory(dev); // See if we need to get hardware inventory } else { // We got a bad response if ((dev.tlsfail !== true) && (status == 408)) { // TLS error, try again without TLS dev.tlsfail = true; attemptInitialContact(dev.nodeid, dev); return; } else if (status == 401) { // Authentication error, see if we can use alternative credentials if ((dev.acctry == null) && (obj.amtAdminAccounts.length > 0)) { dev.acctry = 0; attemptInitialContact(dev.nodeid, dev); return; } if ((dev.acctry != null) && (obj.amtAdminAccounts.length > (dev.acctry + 1))) { dev.acctry++; attemptInitialContact(dev.nodeid, dev); return; } } //console.log(dev.nodeid, dev.name, dev.host, status, 'Bad response'); removeDevice(dev.nodeid); } } // Change the current core information string and event it function UpdateDevice(dev) { if (obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] == null) return false; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request. // Check that the mesh exists const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[dev.meshid]; if (mesh == null) { removeDevice(dev.nodeid); return false; } // Get the node and change it if needed parent.db.Get(dev.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) { return false; } const device = nodes[0]; var changes = [], change = 0, log = 0; var domain = parent.config.domains[device.domain]; if (domain == null) { return false; } // Check if anything changes if (device.intelamt == null) { device.intelamt = {}; } if (dev.aquired.version && (typeof dev.aquired.version == 'string') && (dev.aquired.version != device.intelamt.ver)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.ver = dev.aquired.version; changes.push('AMT version'); } if (dev.aquired.user && (typeof dev.aquired.user == 'string') && (dev.aquired.user != device.intelamt.user)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.user = dev.aquired.user; changes.push('AMT user'); } if (dev.aquired.pass && (typeof dev.aquired.pass == 'string') && (dev.aquired.pass != device.intelamt.pass)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.pass = dev.aquired.pass; changes.push('AMT pass'); } if (dev.aquired.realm && (typeof dev.aquired.realm == 'string') && (dev.aquired.realm != device.intelamt.realm)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.realm = dev.aquired.realm; changes.push('AMT realm'); } if (device.intelamt.state != 2) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.state = 2; changes.push('AMT state'); } // Update Intel AMT flags if needed // dev.aquired.controlMode // 1 = CCM, 2 = ACM // (node.intelamt.flags & 2) == CCM, (node.intelamt.flags & 4) == ACM var flags = 0; if (typeof device.intelamt.flags == 'number') { flags = device.intelamt.flags; } if (dev.aquired.controlMode == 1) { if ((flags & 4) != 0) { flags -= 4; } if ((flags & 2) == 0) { flags += 2; } } // CCM if (dev.aquired.controlMode == 2) { if ((flags & 4) == 0) { flags += 4; } if ((flags & 2) != 0) { flags -= 2; } } // ACM if (device.intelamt.flags != flags) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.flags = flags; changes.push('AMT flags'); } // If there are changes, event the new device if (change == 1) { // Save to the database parent.db.Set(device); // Event the node change var event = { etype: 'node', action: 'changenode', nodeid: device._id, domain: domain.id, node: parent.webserver.CloneSafeNode(device) }; if (changes.length > 0) { event.msg = 'Changed device ' + device.name + ' from group ' + mesh.name + ': ' + changes.join(', '); } if ((log == 0) || ((obj.agentInfo) && (obj.agentInfo.capabilities) && (obj.agentInfo.capabilities & 0x20)) || (changes.length == 0)) { event.nolog = 1; } // If this is a temporary device, don't log changes if (parent.db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the node. Another event will come. parent.DispatchEvent(parent.webserver.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(device.meshid, [device._id]), obj, event); } }); } function attemptFetchHardwareInventory(dev) { if (obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] == null) return false; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request. const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[dev.meshid]; if (mesh == null) { removeDevice(dev.nodeid); return false; } if (mesh.mtype == 1) { // If this is a Intel AMT only device group, pull the hardware inventory for this device dev.amtstack.BatchEnum('', ['*CIM_ComputerSystemPackage', 'CIM_SystemPackaging', '*CIM_Chassis', 'CIM_Chip', '*CIM_Card', '*CIM_BIOSElement', 'CIM_Processor', 'CIM_PhysicalMemory', 'CIM_MediaAccessDevice', 'CIM_PhysicalPackage'], attemptFetchHardwareInventoryResponse); return true; } return false; } // http://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_2.7.1.pdf const DMTFCPUStatus = ["Unknown", "Enabled", "Disabled by User", "Disabled By BIOS (POST Error)", "Idle", "Other"]; const DMTFMemType = ["Unknown", "Other", "DRAM", "Synchronous DRAM", "Cache DRAM", "EDO", "EDRAM", "VRAM", "SRAM", "RAM", "ROM", "Flash", "EEPROM", "FEPROM", "EPROM", "CDRAM", "3DRAM", "SDRAM", "SGRAM", "RDRAM", "DDR", "DDR-2", "BRAM", "FB-DIMM", "DDR3", "FBD2", "DDR4", "LPDDR", "LPDDR2", "LPDDR3", "LPDDR4"]; const DMTFMemFormFactor = ['', "Other", "Unknown", "SIMM", "SIP", "Chip", "DIP", "ZIP", "Proprietary Card", "DIMM", "TSOP", "Row of chips", "RIMM", "SODIMM", "SRIMM", "FB-DIM"]; const DMTFProcFamilly = { // Page 46 of DMTF document 191: "Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor", 192: "Intel® Core™ 2 Solo processor", 193: "Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme processor", 194: "Intel® Core™ 2 Quad processor", 195: "Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme mobile processor", 196: "Intel® Core™ 2 Duo mobile processor", 197: "Intel® Core™ 2 Solo mobile processor", 198: "Intel® Core™ i7 processor", 199: "Dual-Core Intel® Celeron® processor" }; function attemptFetchHardwareInventoryResponse(stack, name, responses, status) { const dev = stack.dev; if (obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] == null) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this response. //console.log(JSON.stringify(responses, null, 2)); var hw = {} hw.PlatformGUID = responses['CIM_ComputerSystemPackage'].response.PlatformGUID; hw.Chassis = responses['CIM_Chassis'].response; hw.Chips = responses['CIM_Chip'].responses; hw.Card = responses['CIM_Card'].response; hw.Bios = responses['CIM_BIOSElement'].response; hw.Processors = responses['CIM_Processor'].responses; hw.PhysicalMemory = responses['CIM_PhysicalMemory'].responses; hw.MediaAccessDevice = responses['CIM_MediaAccessDevice'].responses; hw.PhysicalPackage = responses['CIM_PhysicalPackage'].responses; console.log(JSON.stringify(hw, null, 2)); } return obj; };