/** * @description MeshCentral remote desktop multiplexor * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2020 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ /*jslint node: true */ /*jshint node: true */ /*jshint strict:false */ /*jshint -W097 */ /*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; /* --- KVM Commands --- MNG_KVM_NOP = 0, MNG_KVM_KEY = 1, MNG_KVM_MOUSE = 2, MNG_KVM_MOUSE_CURSOR = 88, MNG_KVM_MOUSE_MOVE = 89, MNG_KVM_PICTURE = 3, MNG_KVM_COPY = 4, MNG_KVM_COMPRESSION = 5, MNG_KVM_REFRESH = 6, MNG_KVM_SCREEN = 7, MNG_KVM_PAUSE = 8, MNG_TERMTEXT = 9, MNG_CTRLALTDEL = 10, MNG_KVM_GET_DISPLAYS = 11, MNG_KVM_SET_DISPLAY = 12, MNG_KVM_FRAME_RATE_TIMER = 13, MNG_KVM_INIT_TOUCH = 14, MNG_KVM_TOUCH = 15, MNG_KVM_CONNECTCOUNT = 16, MNG_KVM_MESSAGE = 17, MNG_ECHO = 21, MNG_JUMBO = 27, MNG_GETDIR = 50, MNG_FILEMOVE = 51, MNG_FILEDELETE = 52, MNG_FILECOPY = 53, MNG_FILECREATEDIR = 54, MNG_FILETRANSFER = 55, MNG_FILEUPLOAD = 56, MNG_FILESEARCH = 57, MNG_FILETRANSFER2 = 58, MNG_KVM_DISCONNECT = 59, MNG_GETDIR2 = 60, // Same as MNG_GETDIR but with date/time. MNG_FILEUPLOAD2 = 61, // Used for slot based fast upload. MNG_FILEDELETEREC = 62, // Same as MNG_FILEDELETE but recursive MNG_USERCONSENT = 63, // Used to notify management console of user consent state MNG_DEBUG = 64, // Debug/Logging Message for ILibRemoteLogging MNG_ERROR = 65, MNG_ENCAPSULATE_AGENT_COMMAND = 70 */ function CreateDesktopMultiplexor(parent, domain, nodeid, func) { var obj = {}; obj.nodeid = nodeid; obj.parent = parent; obj.agent = null; // Reference to the connection object that is the agent. obj.viewers = []; // Array of references to all viewers. obj.viewersOverflowCount = 0; // Number of viewers currently in overflow state. obj.width = 0; // Current width of the display in pixels. obj.height = 0; // Current height of the display in pixels. obj.swidth = 0; // Current width of the display in tiles. obj.sheight = 0; // Current height of the display in tiles. obj.screen = null; // The main screen, (x * y) --> tile index. Indicates this image is covering each tile on the screen. obj.counter = 1; // The main counter, used as index for the obj.images table when now images come in. obj.imagesCount = 0; // Total number of images in the obj.images table. obj.imagesCounters = {}; // Main table of indexes --> tile count, the number of tiles still using this image. obj.images = {}; // Main table of indexes --> image data object. obj.lastScreenSizeCmd = null; // Pointer to the last screen size command from the agent. obj.lastScreenSizeCounter = 0; // Index into the image table of the screen size command, this is generally also the first command. obj.lastConsoleMessage = null; // Last agent console message. obj.firstData = null; // Index in the image table of the first image in the table, generally this points to the display resolution command. obj.lastData = null; // Index in the images table of the last image in the table. obj.lastDisplayInfoData = null; // Pointer to the last display information command from the agent (Number of displays). obj.desktopPaused = true; // Current desktop pause state, it's true if all viewers are paused. obj.imageCompression = 50; // Current image compression, this is the highest value of all viewers. obj.imageScaling = 1024; // Current image scaling, this is the highest value of all viewers. obj.imageFrameRate = 50; // Current framerate setting, this is the lowest values of all viewers. obj.protocolOptions = null; // Set to the protocol options of the first viewer that connected. obj.viewerConnected = false; // Set to true if one viewer attempted to connect to the agent. obj.recordingFile = null; // Present if we are recording to file. obj.recordingFileSize = 0; // Current size of the recording file. obj.recordingFileWriting = false; // Set to true is we are in the process if writing to the recording file. obj.startTime = null; // Starting time of the multiplex session. obj.userIds = []; // List of userid's that have intertracted with this session. // Add an agent or viewer obj.addPeer = function (peer) { if (obj.viewers == null) return; if (peer.req.query.browser) { //console.log('addPeer-viewer', obj.nodeid); // Setup the viewer if (obj.viewers.indexOf(peer) >= 0) return true; obj.viewers.push(peer); peer.desktopPaused = true; peer.imageCompression = 30; peer.imageScaling = 1024; peer.imageFrameRate = 100; peer.lastImageNumberSent = null; peer.dataPtr = obj.firstData; peer.sending = false; peer.overflow = false; peer.sendQueue = []; peer.paused = false; // Add the user to the userids list if needed if ((peer.user != null) && (obj.userIds.indexOf(peer.user._id) == -1)) { obj.userIds.push(peer.user._id); } // Setup slow relay is requested. This will show down sending any data to this viewer. if ((peer.req.query.slowrelay != null)) { var sr = null; try { sr = parseInt(peer.req.query.slowrelay); } catch (ex) { } if ((typeof sr == 'number') && (sr > 0) && (sr < 1000)) { peer.slowRelay = sr; } } // Indicated we are connected obj.sendToViewer(peer, obj.recordingFile ? 'cr' : 'c'); // If the agent sent display information or console message, send it to the viewer if (obj.lastDisplayInfoData != null) { obj.sendToViewer(peer, obj.lastDisplayInfoData); } if (obj.lastConsoleMessage != null) { obj.sendToViewer(peer, obj.lastConsoleMessage); } // Log joining the multiplex session if (obj.startTime != null) { var event = { etype: 'relay', action: 'relaylog', domain: domain.id, nodeid: obj.nodeid, userid: peer.user._id, username: peer.user.name, msg: "Joined desktop multiplex session", protocol: 2 }; parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', obj.nodeid, peer.user._id, obj.meshid], obj, event); } // Send an updated list of all peers to all viewers obj.sendSessionMetadata(); } else { //console.log('addPeer-agent', obj.nodeid); if (obj.agent != null) return false; // Setup the agent obj.agent = peer; peer.sending = false; peer.overflow = false; peer.sendQueue = []; peer.paused = false; // Indicated we are connected and send connection options and protocol if needed obj.sendToAgent(obj.recordingFile?'cr':'c'); if (obj.viewerConnected == true) { if (obj.protocolOptions != null) { obj.sendToAgent(JSON.stringify(obj.protocolOptions)); } // Send connection options obj.sendToAgent('2'); // Send remote desktop connect } } // Log multiplex session start if ((obj.agent != null) && (obj.viewers.length > 0) && (obj.startTime == null)) { var event = { etype: 'relay', action: 'relaylog', domain: domain.id, nodeid: obj.nodeid, userid: obj.viewers[0].user._id, username: obj.viewers[0].user.name, msg: "Started desktop multiplex session", protocol: 2 }; parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', obj.nodeid, obj.viewers[0].user._id, obj.meshid], obj, event); obj.startTime = Date.now(); } return true; } // Remove an agent or viewer // Return true if this multiplexor is no longer needed. obj.removePeer = function (peer) { if (obj.viewers == null) return; if (peer == obj.agent) { //console.log('removePeer-agent', obj.nodeid); // Clean up the agent obj.agent = null; // Agent has disconnected, disconnect everyone. if (obj.viewers != null) { for (var i in obj.viewers) { obj.viewers[i].close(); } } dispose(); return true; } else { //console.log('removePeer-viewer', obj.nodeid); // Remove a viewer if (obj.viewers != null) { var i = obj.viewers.indexOf(peer); if (i == -1) return false; obj.viewers.splice(i, 1); } // Resume flow control if this was the peer that was limiting traffic (because it was the fastest one). if (peer.overflow == true) { obj.viewersOverflowCount--; peer.overflow = false; if ((obj.viewersOverflowCount < obj.viewers.length) && (obj.recordingFileWriting == false) && obj.agent && (obj.agent.paused == true)) { obj.agent.paused = false; obj.agent.ws._socket.resume(); } } // Aggressive clean up of the viewer delete peer.desktopPaused; delete peer.imageCompression; delete peer.imageScaling; delete peer.imageFrameRate; delete peer.lastImageNumberSent; delete peer.dataPtr; delete peer.sending; delete peer.overflow; delete peer.sendQueue; // Log leaving the multiplex session if (obj.startTime != null) { var event = { etype: 'relay', action: 'relaylog', domain: domain.id, nodeid: obj.nodeid, userid: peer.user._id, username: peer.user.name, msg: "Left the desktop multiplex session", protocol: 2 }; parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', obj.nodeid, peer.user._id, obj.meshid], obj, event); } // If this is the last viewer, disconnect the agent if ((obj.viewers != null) && (obj.viewers.length == 0) && (obj.agent != null)) { obj.agent.close(); dispose(); return true; } // Send an updated list of all peers to all viewers obj.sendSessionMetadata(); } return false; } // Clean up ourselves function dispose() { if (obj.viewers == null) return; //console.log('dispose', obj.nodeid); delete obj.viewers; delete obj.imagesCounters; delete obj.images; // Close the recording file if needed if (obj.recordingFile != null) { // Compute session length if (obj.startTime != null) { obj.sessionStart = obj.startTime; obj.sessionLength = Math.round((Date.now() - obj.startTime) / 1000); } // Write the last record of the recording file var rf = obj.recordingFile; delete obj.recordingFile; recordingEntry(rf.fd, 3, 0, 'MeshCentralMCREC', function (fd, filename) { parent.parent.fs.close(fd); // Now that the recording file is closed, check if we need to index this file. if (domain.sessionrecording.index !== false) { parent.parent.certificateOperations.acceleratorPerformOperation('indexMcRec', filename); } // Add a event entry about this recording var basefile = parent.parent.path.basename(filename); var event = { etype: 'relay', action: 'recording', domain: domain.id, nodeid: obj.nodeid, msg: "Finished recording session" + (obj.sessionLength ? (', ' + obj.sessionLength + ' second(s)') : ''), filename: basefile, size: obj.recordingFileSize, protocol: 2, icon: obj.icon, name: obj.name, meshid: obj.meshid, userids: obj.userIds, multiplex: true }; var mesh = parent.meshes[obj.meshid]; if (mesh != null) { event.meshname = mesh.name; } if (obj.sessionStart) { event.startTime = obj.sessionStart; event.lengthTime = obj.sessionLength; } parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'recording', obj.nodeid, obj.meshid], obj, event); cleanUpRecordings(); }, rf.filename); } // Log end of multiplex session if (obj.startTime != null) { var event = { etype: 'relay', action: 'relaylog', domain: domain.id, nodeid: obj.nodeid, msg: "Closed desktop multiplex session" + ', ' + Math.floor((Date.now() - obj.startTime) / 1000) + ' second(s)', protocol: 2 }; parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', obj.nodeid, obj.meshid], obj, event); obj.startTime = null; } // Send an updated list of all peers to all viewers obj.sendSessionMetadata(); parent.parent.debug('relay', 'DesktopRelay: Disposing desktop multiplexor'); } // Send data to the agent or queue it up for sending obj.sendToAgent = function (data) { if ((obj.viewers == null) || (obj.agent == null)) return; //console.log('SendToAgent', data.length); if (obj.agent.sending) { obj.agent.sendQueue.push(data); // Flow control, pause all viewers is the queue is backing up if (obj.agent.sendQueue > 10) { obj.agent.overflow = true; for (var i in obj.viewers) { var v = obj.viewers[i]; if (v.paused == false) { v.paused = true; v.ws._socket.pause(); } } } } else { obj.agent.ws.send(data, sendAgentNext); } } // Send more data to the agent function sendAgentNext() { if ((obj.viewers == null) || (obj.agent == null)) return; if (obj.agent.sendQueue.length > 0) { // Send from the pending send queue obj.agent.ws.send(obj.agent.sendQueue.shift(), sendAgentNext); } else { // Nothing to send obj.agent.sending = false; // Flow control, resume all viewers if (obj.agent.overflow == true) { obj.agent.overflow = false; for (var i in obj.viewers) { var v = obj.viewers[i]; if (v.paused == true) { v.paused = false; v.ws._socket.resume(); } } } } } // Send the list of all users currently vieweing this session to all viewers and servers obj.sendSessionMetadata = function () { var allUsers = {}; if (obj.viewers != null) { for (var i in obj.viewers) { var v = obj.viewers[i]; if ((v.user != null) && (v.user._id != null)) { if (allUsers[v.user._id] == null) { allUsers[v.user._id] = 1; } else { allUsers[v.user._id]++; } } } obj.sendToAllViewers(JSON.stringify({ type: 'metadata', 'ctrlChannel': '102938', users: allUsers, startTime: obj.startTime })); } // Update the sessions attached the to agent if (obj.nodeid != null) { const xagent = parent.wsagents[obj.nodeid]; if (xagent != null) { if (xagent.sessions == null) { xagent.sessions = {}; } xagent.sessions.multidesk = allUsers; xagent.updateSessions(); } } } // Send this command to all viewers obj.sendToAllViewers = function (data) { if (obj.viewers == null) return; for (var i in obj.viewers) { obj.sendToViewer(obj.viewers[i], data); } } // Send data to the viewer or queue it up for sending obj.sendToViewer = function (viewer, data) { if ((viewer == null) || (obj.viewers == null)) return; //console.log('SendToViewer', data.length); if (viewer.sending) { viewer.sendQueue.push(data); } else { viewer.sending = true; if (viewer.slowRelay) { setTimeout(function () { try { viewer.ws.send(data, function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); }); } catch (ex) { } }, viewer.slowRelay); } else { try { viewer.ws.send(data, function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); }); } catch (ex) { } } // Flow control, pause the agent if needed checkViewerOverflow(viewer); } } // Check if a viewer is in overflow situation function checkViewerOverflow(viewer) { if ((viewer.overflow == true) || (obj.viewers == null)) return; if ((viewer.sendQueue.length > 5) || ((viewer.dataPtr != null) && (viewer.dataPtr != obj.lastData))) { viewer.overflow = true; obj.viewersOverflowCount++; if ((obj.viewersOverflowCount >= obj.viewers.length) && obj.agent && (obj.agent.paused == false)) { obj.agent.paused = true; obj.agent.ws._socket.pause(); } } } // Check if a viewer is in underflow situation function checkViewerUnderflow(viewer) { if ((viewer.overflow == false) || (obj.viewers == null)) return; if ((viewer.sendQueue.length <= 5) && ((viewer.dataPtr == null) || (viewer.dataPtr == obj.lastData))) { viewer.overflow = false; obj.viewersOverflowCount--; if ((obj.viewersOverflowCount < obj.viewers.length) && (obj.recordingFileWriting == false) && obj.agent && (obj.agent.paused == true)) { obj.agent.paused = false; obj.agent.ws._socket.resume(); } } } // Send more data to the viewer function sendViewerNext(viewer) { if ((viewer.sendQueue == null) || (obj.viewers == null)) return; if (viewer.sendQueue.length > 0) { // Send from the pending send queue if (viewer.sending == false) { viewer.sending = true; } if (viewer.slowRelay) { setTimeout(function () { try { viewer.ws.send(viewer.sendQueue.shift(), function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); }); } catch (ex) { } }, viewer.slowRelay); } else { try { viewer.ws.send(viewer.sendQueue.shift(), function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); }); } catch (ex) { } } checkViewerOverflow(viewer); } else { if (viewer.dataPtr != null) { // Send the next image //if ((viewer.lastImageNumberSent != null) && ((viewer.lastImageNumberSent + 1) != (viewer.dataPtr))) { console.log('SVIEW-S1', viewer.lastImageNumberSent, viewer.dataPtr); } // DEBUG var image = obj.images[viewer.dataPtr]; viewer.lastImageNumberSent = viewer.dataPtr; //if ((image.next != null) && ((viewer.dataPtr + 1) != image.next)) { console.log('SVIEW-S2', viewer.dataPtr, image.next); } // DEBUG viewer.dataPtr = image.next; if (viewer.slowRelay) { setTimeout(function () { try { viewer.ws.send(image.data, function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); }); } catch (ex) { } }, viewer.slowRelay); } else { try { viewer.ws.send(image.data, function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); }); } catch (ex) { } } // Flow control, pause the agent if needed if (viewer.sending == false) { viewer.sending = true; } checkViewerOverflow(viewer); } else { // Nothing to send viewer.sending = false; // Flow control, resume agent if needed checkViewerUnderflow(viewer); } } } // Process data coming from the agent or any viewers obj.processData = function (peer, data) { if (obj.viewers == null) return; if (peer == obj.agent) { obj.recordingFileWriting = true; recordData(true, data, function () { if (obj.viewers == null) return; obj.recordingFileWriting = false; if ((obj.viewersOverflowCount < obj.viewers.length) && obj.agent && (obj.agent.paused == true)) { obj.agent.paused = false; obj.agent.ws._socket.resume(); } obj.processAgentData(data); }); } else { obj.processViewerData(peer, data); } } // Process incoming viewer data obj.processViewerData = function (viewer, data) { if (typeof data == 'string') { if (data == '2') { if (obj.viewerConnected == false) { if (obj.agent != null) { if (obj.protocolOptions != null) { obj.sendToAgent(JSON.stringify(obj.protocolOptions)); } // Send connection options obj.sendToAgent('2'); // Send remote desktop connect } obj.viewerConnected = true; } return; } var json = null; try { json = JSON.parse(data); } catch (ex) { } if (json == null) return; if ((json.type == 'options') && (obj.protocolOptions == null)) { obj.protocolOptions = json; } return; } //console.log('ViewerData', data.length, typeof data, data); if ((typeof data != 'object') || (data.length < 4)) return; // Ignore all control traffic for now (WebRTC) var command = data.readUInt16BE(0); var cmdsize = data.readUInt16BE(2); //console.log('ViewerData', data.length, command, cmdsize); switch (command) { case 1:// Key Events, forward to agent //console.log('Viewer-Keys'); obj.sendToAgent(data); break; case 2:// Mouse events, forward to agent //console.log('Viewer-Mouse'); obj.sendToAgent(data); break; case 5:// Compression if (data.length < 10) return; //viewer.imageType = data[4]; // Always 1=JPEG viewer.imageCompression = data[5]; viewer.imageScaling = data.readUInt16BE(6); viewer.imageFrameRate = data.readUInt16BE(8); //console.log('Viewer-Compression', viewer.imageCompression, viewer.imageScaling, viewer.imageFrameRate); // See if this changes anything var viewersimageCompression = null; var viewersimageScaling = null; var viewersimageFrameRate = null; for (var i in obj.viewers) { if ((viewersimageCompression == null) || (obj.viewers[i].imageCompression > viewersimageCompression)) { viewersimageCompression = obj.viewers[i].imageCompression; }; if ((viewersimageScaling == null) || (obj.viewers[i].imageScaling > viewersimageScaling)) { viewersimageScaling = obj.viewers[i].imageScaling; }; if ((viewersimageFrameRate == null) || (obj.viewers[i].imageFrameRate < viewersimageFrameRate)) { viewersimageFrameRate = obj.viewers[i].imageFrameRate; }; } if ((obj.imageCompression != viewersimageCompression) || (obj.imageScaling != viewersimageScaling) || (obj.imageFrameRate != viewersimageFrameRate)) { // Update and send to agent new compression settings obj.imageCompression = viewersimageCompression; obj.imageScaling = viewersimageScaling; obj.imageFrameRate = viewersimageFrameRate //console.log('Send-Agent-Compression', obj.imageCompression, obj.imageScaling, obj.imageFrameRate); var cmd = Buffer.alloc(10); cmd.writeUInt16BE(5, 0); // Command 5, compression cmd.writeUInt16BE(10, 2); // Command size, 10 bytes long cmd[4] = 1; // Image type, 1 = JPEN cmd[5] = obj.imageCompression; // Image compression level cmd.writeUInt16BE(obj.imageScaling, 6); // Scaling level cmd.writeUInt16BE(obj.imageFrameRate, 8); // Frame rate timer obj.sendToAgent(cmd); } break; case 6:// Refresh, handle this on the server //console.log('Viewer-Refresh'); viewer.dataPtr = obj.firstData; // Start over if (viewer.sending == false) { sendViewerNext(viewer); } break; case 8:// Pause and unpause if (data.length != 5) break; var pause = data[4]; // 0 = Unpause, 1 = Pause if (viewer.desktopPaused == (pause == 1)) break; viewer.desktopPaused = (pause == 1); //console.log('Viewer-' + ((pause == 1)?'Pause':'UnPause')); var viewersPaused = true; for (var i in obj.viewers) { if (obj.viewers[i].desktopPaused == false) { viewersPaused = false; }; } if (viewersPaused != obj.desktopPaused) { obj.desktopPaused = viewersPaused; //console.log('Send-Agent-' + ((viewersPaused == true) ? 'Pause' : 'UnPause')); data[4] = (viewersPaused == true) ? 1 : 0; obj.sendToAgent(data); } break; case 10:// CTRL-ALT-DEL, forward to agent obj.sendToAgent(data); break; case 12:// SET DISPLAY, forward to agent obj.sendToAgent(data); break; case 14:// Touch setup break; default: console.log('Un-handled viewer command: ' + command); break; } } // Process incoming agent data obj.processAgentData = function (data) { if ((typeof data != 'object') || (data.length < 4)) { if (typeof data == 'string') { var json = null; try { json = JSON.parse(data); } catch (ex) { } if (json == null) return; if (json.type == 'console') { // This is a console message, store it and forward this to all viewers if (json.msg != null) { obj.lastConsoleMessage = data; } else { obj.lastConsoleMessage = null; } obj.sendToAllViewers(data); } // All other control messages (notably WebRTC), are ignored for now. } return; // Ignore all other traffic } const jumboData = data; var command = data.readUInt16BE(0); var cmdsize = data.readUInt16BE(2); //console.log('AgentData', data.length, command, cmdsize); if ((command == 27) && (cmdsize == 8)) { // Jumbo packet if (data.length >= 12) { command = data.readUInt16BE(8); cmdsize = data.readUInt32BE(4); if (data.length == (cmdsize + 8)) { data = data.slice(8, data.length); } else { console.log('TODO-PARTIAL-JUMBO', command, cmdsize, data.length); return; // TODO } } } switch (command) { case 3: // Tile, check dimentions and store if (data.length < 10) break; var x = data.readUInt16BE(4), y = data.readUInt16BE(6); var dimensions = require('image-size')(data.slice(8)); var sx = (x / 16), sy = (y / 16), sw = (dimensions.width / 16), sh = (dimensions.height / 16); obj.counter++; //console.log("Tile", x, y, dimensions.width, dimensions.height); // Keep a reference to this image & how many tiles it covers obj.images[obj.counter] = { next: null, prev: obj.lastData, data: jumboData }; obj.images[obj.lastData].next = obj.counter; obj.lastData = obj.counter; obj.imagesCounters[obj.counter] = (sw * sh); obj.imagesCount++; if (obj.imagesCount == 2000000000) { obj.imagesCount = 1; } // Loop the counter if needed //console.log('Adding Image ' + obj.counter, x, y, dimensions.width, dimensions.height); // Update the screen with the correct pointers. for (var i = 0; i < sw; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < sh; j++) { var k = ((obj.swidth * (j + sy)) + (i + sx)); const oi = obj.screen[k]; obj.screen[k] = obj.counter; if ((oi != null) && (--obj.imagesCounters[oi] == 0)) { // Remove data from the link list obj.imagesCount--; var d = obj.images[oi]; //console.log('Removing Image', oi, obj.images[oi].prev, obj.images[oi].next); obj.images[d.prev].next = d.next; obj.images[d.next].prev = d.prev; delete obj.images[oi]; delete obj.imagesCounters[oi]; // If any viewers are currently on image "oi" must be moved to "d.next" for (var l in obj.viewers) { const v = obj.viewers[l]; if (v.dataPtr == oi) { v.dataPtr = d.next; } } } } } // Any viewer on dataPtr null, change to this image for (var i in obj.viewers) { const v = obj.viewers[i]; if (v.dataPtr == null) { v.dataPtr = obj.counter; if (v.sending == false) { sendViewerNext(v); } } } // Debug, display the link list //var xx = '', xptr = obj.firstData; //while (xptr != null) { xx += '>' + xptr; xptr = obj.images[xptr].next; } //console.log('list', xx); //console.log('images', obj.imagesCount); break; case 4: // Tile Copy, do nothing. break; case 7: // Screen Size, clear the screen state and compute the tile count if (data.length < 8) break; if ((obj.width === data.readUInt16BE(4)) && (obj.height === data.readUInt16BE(6))) break; // Same screen size as before, skip this. obj.counter++; obj.lastScreenSizeCmd = data; obj.lastScreenSizeCounter = obj.counter; obj.width = data.readUInt16BE(4); obj.height = data.readUInt16BE(6); obj.swidth = obj.width / 16; obj.sheight = obj.height / 16; if (Math.floor(obj.swidth) != obj.swidth) { obj.swidth = Math.floor(obj.swidth) + 1; } if (Math.floor(obj.sheight) != obj.sheight) { obj.sheight = Math.floor(obj.sheight) + 1; } // Reset the display obj.screen = new Array(obj.swidth * obj.sheight); obj.imagesCount = 0; obj.imagesCounters = {}; obj.images = {}; obj.images[obj.counter] = { next: null, prev: null, data: data }; obj.firstData = obj.counter; obj.lastData = obj.counter; // Add viewers must be set to start at "obj.counter" for (var i in obj.viewers) { const v = obj.viewers[i]; v.dataPtr = obj.counter; if (v.sending == false) { sendViewerNext(v); } } //console.log("ScreenSize", obj.width, obj.height, obj.swidth, obj.sheight, obj.swidth * obj.sheight); break; case 11: // GetDisplays // Store and send this to all viewers right away obj.lastDisplayInfoData = data; obj.sendToAllViewers(data); break; case 12: // SetDisplay obj.sendToAllViewers(data); break; case 14: // KVM_INIT_TOUCH break; case 15: // KVM_TOUCH break; case 16: // MNG_KVM_CONNECTCOUNT break; case 17: // MNG_KVM_MESSAGE // Send this to all viewers right away obj.sendToAllViewers(data); break; case 65: // Alert // Send this to all viewers right away obj.sendToAllViewers(data); break; case 88: // MNG_KVM_MOUSE_CURSOR // Send this to all viewers right away obj.sendToAllViewers(data); break; default: console.log('Un-handled agent command: ' + command); break; } } function recordingSetup(domain, func) { // Setup session recording if ((domain.sessionrecording == true || ((typeof domain.sessionrecording == 'object') && ((domain.sessionrecording.protocols == null) || (domain.sessionrecording.protocols.indexOf(2) >= 0))))) { var now = new Date(Date.now()); var recFilename = 'desktopSession' + ((domain.id == '') ? '' : '-') + domain.id + '-' + now.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + parent.common.zeroPad(now.getUTCMonth(), 2) + '-' + parent.common.zeroPad(now.getUTCDate(), 2) + '-' + parent.common.zeroPad(now.getUTCHours(), 2) + '-' + parent.common.zeroPad(now.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + '-' + parent.common.zeroPad(now.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + '-' + obj.nodeid.split('/')[2] + '.mcrec' var recFullFilename = null; if (domain.sessionrecording.filepath) { try { parent.parent.fs.mkdirSync(domain.sessionrecording.filepath); } catch (e) { } recFullFilename = parent.parent.path.join(domain.sessionrecording.filepath, recFilename); } else { try { parent.parent.fs.mkdirSync(parent.parent.recordpath); } catch (e) { } recFullFilename = parent.parent.path.join(parent.parent.recordpath, recFilename); } parent.parent.fs.open(recFullFilename, 'w', function (err, fd) { if (err != null) { parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Unable to record to file: ' + recFullFilename); func(false); return; } // Write the recording file header parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Started recoding to file: ' + recFullFilename); var metadata = { magic: 'MeshCentralRelaySession', ver: 1, nodeid: obj.nodeid, meshid: obj.meshid, time: new Date().toLocaleString(), protocol: 2, devicename: obj.name, devicegroup: obj.meshname }; var firstBlock = JSON.stringify(metadata); recordingEntry(fd, 1, 0, firstBlock, function () { obj.recordingFile = { fd: fd, filename: recFullFilename }; obj.recordingFileWriting = false; func(true); }); }); } else { func(false); } } // Record data to the recording file function recordData(isAgent, data, func) { try { if (obj.recordingFile != null) { // Write data to recording file recordingEntry(obj.recordingFile.fd, 2, (isAgent ? 0 : 2), data, function () { func(data); }); } else { func(data); } } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } } // Record a new entry in a recording log function recordingEntry(fd, type, flags, data, func, tag) { try { if (typeof data == 'string') { // String write var blockData = Buffer.from(data), header = Buffer.alloc(16); // Header: Type (2) + Flags (2) + Size(4) + Time(8) header.writeInt16BE(type, 0); // Type (1 = Header, 2 = Network Data) header.writeInt16BE(flags, 2); // Flags (1 = Binary, 2 = User) header.writeInt32BE(blockData.length, 4); // Size header.writeIntBE(new Date(), 10, 6); // Time var block = Buffer.concat([header, blockData]); parent.parent.fs.write(fd, block, 0, block.length, function () { func(fd, tag); }); obj.recordingFileSize += block.length; } else { // Binary write var header = Buffer.alloc(16); // Header: Type (2) + Flags (2) + Size(4) + Time(8) header.writeInt16BE(type, 0); // Type (1 = Header, 2 = Network Data) header.writeInt16BE(flags | 1, 2); // Flags (1 = Binary, 2 = User) header.writeInt32BE(data.length, 4); // Size header.writeIntBE(new Date(), 10, 6); // Time var block = Buffer.concat([header, data]); parent.parent.fs.write(fd, block, 0, block.length, function () { func(fd, tag); }); obj.recordingFileSize += block.length; } } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); func(fd, tag); } } // If there is a recording quota, remove any old recordings if needed function cleanUpRecordings() { if ((parent.cleanUpRecordingsActive !== true) && domain.sessionrecording && ((typeof domain.sessionrecording.maxrecordings == 'number') || (typeof domain.sessionrecording.maxrecordingsizemegabytes == 'number'))) { parent.cleanUpRecordingsActive = true; setTimeout(function () { var recPath = null, fs = require('fs'); if (domain.sessionrecording.filepath) { recPath = domain.sessionrecording.filepath; } else { recPath = parent.parent.recordpath; } fs.readdir(recPath, function (err, files) { if ((err != null) || (files == null)) { delete parent.cleanUpRecordingsActive; return; } var recfiles = []; for (var i in files) { if (files[i].endsWith('.mcrec')) { var j = files[i].indexOf('-'); if (j > 0) { recfiles.push({ n: files[i], r: files[i].substring(j + 1), s: fs.statSync(parent.parent.path.join(recPath, files[i])).size }); } } } recfiles.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.r < b.r) return 1; if (a.r > b.r) return -1; return 0; }); var totalFiles = 0, totalSize = 0; for (var i in recfiles) { var overQuota = false; if ((typeof domain.sessionrecording.maxrecordings == 'number') && (totalFiles >= domain.sessionrecording.maxrecordings)) { overQuota = true; } else if ((typeof domain.sessionrecording.maxrecordingsizemegabytes == 'number') && (totalSize >= (domain.sessionrecording.maxrecordingsizemegabytes * 1048576))) { overQuota = true; } if (overQuota) { fs.unlinkSync(parent.parent.path.join(recPath, recfiles[i].n)); } totalFiles++; totalSize += recfiles[i].s; } delete parent.cleanUpRecordingsActive; }); }); } } // Get node information parent.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if ((err != null) || (nodes.length != 1)) { func(null); } obj.meshid = nodes[0].meshid; obj.icon = nodes[0].icon; obj.name = nodes[0].name; recordingSetup(domain, function () { func(obj); }); }); return obj; } module.exports.CreateMeshRelay = function (parent, ws, req, domain, user, cookie) { if ((req.query.nodeid == null) || (req.query.p != '2') || (req.query.id == null) || (domain == null)) { try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } // Not is not a valid remote desktop connection. var obj = {}; obj.ws = ws; obj.ws.me = obj; obj.id = req.query.id; obj.nodeid = req.query.nodeid; obj.user = user; obj.ruserid = null; obj.req = req; // Used in multi-server.js // Check relay authentication if ((user == null) && (obj.req.query != null) && (obj.req.query.rauth != null)) { const rcookie = parent.parent.decodeCookie(obj.req.query.rauth, parent.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, 240); // Cookie with 4 hour timeout if (rcookie.ruserid != null) { obj.ruserid = rcookie.ruserid; } if (rcookie.nodeid != null) { obj.nodeid = rcookie.nodeid; } } // If there is no authentication, drop this connection if ((obj.id != null) && (obj.user == null) && (obj.ruserid == null)) { try { ws.close(); parent.parent.debug('relay', 'DesktopRelay: Connection with no authentication (' + obj.req.clientIp + ')'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } return; } // Relay session count (we may remove this in the future) obj.relaySessionCounted = true; parent.relaySessionCount++; // Mesh Rights const MESHRIGHT_EDITMESH = 1; const MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS = 2; const MESHRIGHT_MANAGECOMPUTERS = 4; const MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL = 8; const MESHRIGHT_AGENTCONSOLE = 16; const MESHRIGHT_SERVERFILES = 32; const MESHRIGHT_WAKEDEVICE = 64; const MESHRIGHT_SETNOTES = 128; const MESHRIGHT_REMOTEVIEW = 256; // Site rights const SITERIGHT_SERVERBACKUP = 1; const SITERIGHT_MANAGEUSERS = 2; const SITERIGHT_SERVERRESTORE = 4; const SITERIGHT_FILEACCESS = 8; const SITERIGHT_SERVERUPDATE = 16; const SITERIGHT_LOCKED = 32; // Clean a IPv6 address that encodes a IPv4 address function cleanRemoteAddr(addr) { if (addr.startsWith('::ffff:')) { return addr.substring(7); } else { return addr; } } // Disconnect this agent obj.close = function (arg) { if (obj.ws == null) return; // Already closed. // Close the connection if ((arg == 1) || (arg == null)) { try { ws.close(); parent.parent.debug('relay', 'DesktopRelay: Soft disconnect (' + obj.req.clientIp + ')'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Soft close, close the websocket if (arg == 2) { try { ws._socket._parent.end(); parent.parent.debug('relay', 'DesktopRelay: Hard disconnect (' + obj.req.clientIp + ')'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket if (obj.relaySessionCounted) { parent.relaySessionCount--; delete obj.relaySessionCounted; } if (obj.deskMultiplexor != null) { if (obj.deskMultiplexor.removePeer(obj) == true) { delete parent.desktoprelays[obj.nodeid]; } } // Aggressive cleanup delete obj.id; delete obj.ws; delete obj.req; delete obj.user; delete obj.nodeid; delete obj.ruserid; delete obj.deskMultiplexor; // Clear timers if present if (obj.pingtimer != null) { clearInterval(obj.pingtimer); delete obj.pingtimer; } if (obj.pongtimer != null) { clearInterval(obj.pongtimer); delete obj.pongtimer; } }; obj.sendAgentMessage = function (command, userid, domainid) { var rights, mesh; if (command.nodeid == null) return false; var user = parent.users[userid]; if (user == null) return false; var splitnodeid = command.nodeid.split('/'); // Check that we are in the same domain and the user has rights over this node. if ((splitnodeid[0] == 'node') && (splitnodeid[1] == domainid)) { // Get the user object // See if the node is connected var agent = parent.wsagents[command.nodeid]; if (agent != null) { // Check if we have permission to send a message to that node rights = parent.GetNodeRights(user, agent.dbMeshKey, agent.dbNodeKey); mesh = parent.meshes[agent.dbMeshKey]; if ((rights != null) && (mesh != null) || ((rights & 16) != 0)) { // TODO: 16 is console permission, may need more gradular permission checking if (ws.sessionId) { command.sessionid = ws.sessionId; } // Set the session id, required for responses. command.rights = rights.rights; // Add user rights flags to the message command.consent = mesh.consent; // Add user consent if (typeof domain.userconsentflags == 'number') { command.consent |= domain.userconsentflags; } // Add server required consent flags command.username = user.name; // Add user name if (typeof domain.desktopprivacybartext == 'string') { command.privacybartext = domain.desktopprivacybartext; } // Privacy bar text delete command.nodeid; // Remove the nodeid since it's implyed. agent.send(JSON.stringify(command)); return true; } } else { // Check if a peer server is connected to this agent var routing = parent.parent.GetRoutingServerId(command.nodeid, 1); // 1 = MeshAgent routing type if (routing != null) { // Check if we have permission to send a message to that node rights = parent.GetNodeRights(user, routing.meshid, command.nodeid); mesh = parent.meshes[routing.meshid]; if (rights != null || ((rights & 16) != 0)) { // TODO: 16 is console permission, may need more gradular permission checking if (ws.sessionId) { command.fromSessionid = ws.sessionId; } // Set the session id, required for responses. command.rights = rights.rights; // Add user rights flags to the message command.consent = mesh.consent; // Add user consent if (typeof domain.userconsentflags == 'number') { command.consent |= domain.userconsentflags; } // Add server required consent flags command.username = user.name; // Add user name if (typeof domain.desktopprivacybartext == 'string') { command.privacybartext = domain.desktopprivacybartext; } // Privacy bar text parent.parent.multiServer.DispatchMessageSingleServer(command, routing.serverid); return true; } } } } return false; }; // Send a PING/PONG message function sendPing() { try { obj.ws.send('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"ping"}'); } catch (ex) { } try { if (obj.peer != null) { obj.peer.ws.send('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"ping"}'); } } catch (ex) { } } function sendPong() { try { obj.ws.send('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"pong"}'); } catch (ex) { } try { if (obj.peer != null) { obj.peer.ws.send('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"pong"}'); } } catch (ex) { } } function performRelay(retryCount) { if ((obj.id == null) || (retryCount > 20)) { try { obj.close(); } catch (e) { } return null; } // Attempt to connect without id, drop this. if (retryCount == 0) { ws._socket.setKeepAlive(true, 240000); } // Set TCP keep alive /* // Validate that the id is valid, we only need to do this on non-authenticated sessions. // TODO: Figure out when this needs to be done. if ((user == null) && (!parent.args.notls)) { // Check the identifier, if running without TLS, skip this. var ids = obj.id.split(':'); if (ids.length != 3) { ws.close(); delete obj.id; return null; } // Invalid ID, drop this. if (parent.crypto.createHmac('SHA384', parent.relayRandom).update(ids[0] + ':' + ids[1]).digest('hex') != ids[2]) { ws.close(); delete obj.id; return null; } // Invalid HMAC, drop this. if ((Date.now() - parseInt(ids[1])) > 120000) { ws.close(); delete obj.id; return null; } // Expired time, drop this. obj.id = ids[0]; } */ if (retryCount == 0) { // Setup the agent PING/PONG timers if ((typeof parent.parent.args.agentping == 'number') && (obj.pingtimer == null)) { obj.pingtimer = setInterval(sendPing, parent.parent.args.agentping * 1000); } else if ((typeof parent.parent.args.agentpong == 'number') && (obj.pongtimer == null)) { obj.pongtimer = setInterval(sendPong, parent.parent.args.agentpong * 1000); } parent.parent.debug('relay', 'DesktopRelay: Connection (' + obj.req.clientIp + ')'); } // Create if needed and add this peer to the desktop multiplexor obj.deskMultiplexor = parent.desktoprelays[obj.nodeid]; if (obj.deskMultiplexor == null) { parent.desktoprelays[obj.nodeid] = 1; // Indicate that the creating of the desktop multiplexor is pending. parent.parent.debug('relay', 'DesktopRelay: Creating new desktop multiplexor'); CreateDesktopMultiplexor(parent, domain, obj.nodeid, function (deskMultiplexor) { if (deskMultiplexor != null) { // Desktop multiplexor was created, use it. obj.deskMultiplexor = deskMultiplexor; parent.desktoprelays[obj.nodeid] = obj.deskMultiplexor; obj.deskMultiplexor.addPeer(obj); ws._socket.resume(); // Release the traffic } else { // An error has occured, close this connection delete parent.desktoprelays[obj.nodeid]; ws.close(); } }); } else { if (obj.deskMultiplexor == 1) { // The multiplexor is being created, hold a little and try again. This is to prevent a possible race condition. setTimeout(function () { performRelay(++retryCount); }, 50); } else { // Hook up this peer to the multiplexor and release the traffic obj.deskMultiplexor.addPeer(obj); ws._socket.resume(); } } } // When data is received from the mesh relay web socket ws.on('message', function (data) { // If this data was received by the agent, decode it. if (this.me.deskMultiplexor != null) { this.me.deskMultiplexor.processData(this.me, data); } }); // If error, close both sides of the relay. ws.on('error', function (err) { //console.log('ws-error', err); parent.relaySessionErrorCount++; console.log('Relay error from ' + obj.req.clientIp + ', ' + err.toString().split('\r')[0] + '.'); obj.close(); }); // If the relay web socket is closed, close both sides. ws.on('close', function (req) { //console.log('ws-close', req); obj.close(); }); // Mark this relay session as authenticated if this is the user end. obj.authenticated = (user != null); if (obj.authenticated) { // Kick off the routing, if we have agent routing instructions, process them here. // Routing instructions can only be given by a authenticated user if ((cookie != null) && (cookie.nodeid != null) && (cookie.tcpport != null) && (cookie.domainid != null)) { // We have routing instructions in the cookie, but first, check user access for this node. parent.db.Get(cookie.nodeid, function (err, docs) { if (docs.length == 0) { console.log('ERR: Node not found'); try { obj.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } // Disconnect websocket const node = docs[0]; // Check if this user has permission to manage this computer if ((parent.GetNodeRights(user, node.meshid, node._id) & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) == 0) { console.log('ERR: Access denied (1)'); try { obj.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } // Send connection request to agent const rcookie = parent.parent.encodeCookie({ ruserid: user._id, nodeid: node._id }, parent.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey); if (obj.id == undefined) { obj.id = ('' + Math.random()).substring(2); } // If there is no connection id, generate one. const command = { nodeid: cookie.nodeid, action: 'msg', type: 'tunnel', value: '*/meshrelay.ashx?id=' + obj.id + '&rauth=' + rcookie, tcpport: cookie.tcpport, tcpaddr: cookie.tcpaddr }; parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Sending agent tunnel command: ' + JSON.stringify(command)); if (obj.sendAgentMessage(command, user._id, cookie.domainid) == false) { delete obj.id; parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Unable to contact this agent (' + obj.req.clientIp + ')'); } performRelay(0); }); return obj; } else if ((obj.req.query.nodeid != null) && ((obj.req.query.tcpport != null) || (obj.req.query.udpport != null))) { // We have routing instructions in the URL arguments, but first, check user access for this node. parent.db.Get(obj.req.query.nodeid, function (err, docs) { if (docs.length == 0) { console.log('ERR: Node not found'); try { obj.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } // Disconnect websocket const node = docs[0]; // Check if this user has permission to manage this computer if ((parent.GetNodeRights(user, node.meshid, node._id) & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) == 0) { console.log('ERR: Access denied (2)'); try { obj.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } // Send connection request to agent if (obj.id == null) { obj.id = ('' + Math.random()).substring(2); } // If there is no connection id, generate one. const rcookie = parent.parent.encodeCookie({ ruserid: user._id, nodeid: node._id }, parent.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey); if (obj.req.query.tcpport != null) { const command = { nodeid: obj.req.query.nodeid, action: 'msg', type: 'tunnel', value: '*/meshrelay.ashx?id=' + obj.id + '&rauth=' + rcookie, tcpport: obj.req.query.tcpport, tcpaddr: ((obj.req.query.tcpaddr == null) ? '' : obj.req.query.tcpaddr) }; parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Sending agent TCP tunnel command: ' + JSON.stringify(command)); if (obj.sendAgentMessage(command, user._id, domain.id) == false) { delete obj.id; parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Unable to contact this agent (' + obj.req.clientIp + ')'); } } else if (obj.req.query.udpport != null) { const command = { nodeid: obj.req.query.nodeid, action: 'msg', type: 'tunnel', value: '*/meshrelay.ashx?id=' + obj.id + '&rauth=' + rcookie, udpport: obj.req.query.udpport, udpaddr: ((obj.req.query.udpaddr == null) ? '' : obj.req.query.udpaddr) }; parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Sending agent UDP tunnel command: ' + JSON.stringify(command)); if (obj.sendAgentMessage(command, user._id, domain.id) == false) { delete obj.id; parent.parent.debug('relay', 'Relay: Unable to contact this agent (' + obj.req.clientIp + ')'); } } performRelay(0); }); return obj; } } // If this is not an authenticated session, or the session does not have routing instructions, just go ahead an connect to existing session. performRelay(0); return obj; }; /* Relay session recording required that "SessionRecording":true be set in the domain section of the config.json. Once done, a folder "meshcentral-recordings" will be created next to "meshcentral-data" that will contain all of the recording files with the .mcrec extension. The recording files are binary and contain a set of: <HEADER><DATABLOCK><HEADER><DATABLOCK><HEADER><DATABLOCK><HEADER><DATABLOCK>... The header is always 16 bytes long and is encoded like this: TYPE 2 bytes, 1 = Header, 2 = Network Data, 3 = EndBlock FLAGS 2 bytes, 0x0001 = Binary, 0x0002 = User SIZE 4 bytes, Size of the data following this header. TIME 8 bytes, Time this record was written, number of milliseconds since 1 January, 1970 UTC. All values are BigEndian encoded. The first data block is of TYPE 1 and contains a JSON string with information about this recording. It looks something like this: { magic: 'MeshCentralRelaySession', ver: 1, userid: "user\domain\userid", username: "username", sessionid: "RandomValue", ipaddr1:, ipaddr2:, time: new Date().toLocaleString() } The rest of the data blocks are all network traffic that was relayed thru the server. They are of TYPE 2 and have a given size and timestamp. When looking at network traffic the flags are important: - If traffic has the first (0x0001) flag set, the data is binary otherwise it's a string. - If the traffic has the second (0x0002) flag set, traffic is coming from the user's browser, if not, it's coming from the MeshAgent. */