/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Peyrefitte * * This file is part of node-rdpjs. * * node-rdpjs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ var inherits = require('util').inherits; var events = require('events'); var type = require('../../core').type; var log = require('../../core').log; var error = require('../../core').error; var gcc = require('./gcc'); var per = require('./per'); var asn1 = require('../../asn1'); var cliprdr = require('../pdu/cliprdr'); var Message = { MCS_TYPE_CONNECT_INITIAL : 0x65, MCS_TYPE_CONNECT_RESPONSE : 0x66 }; var DomainMCSPDU = { ERECT_DOMAIN_REQUEST : 1, DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_ULTIMATUM : 8, ATTACH_USER_REQUEST : 10, ATTACH_USER_CONFIRM : 11, CHANNEL_JOIN_REQUEST : 14, CHANNEL_JOIN_CONFIRM : 15, SEND_DATA_REQUEST : 25, SEND_DATA_INDICATION : 26 }; var Channel = { MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL: 1003, MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE: 1001, MCS_CLIPRDR_CHANNEL: 1005 }; /** * Channel Definde */ const RdpdrChannelDef = new type.Component({ name: new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('rdpdr' + '\x00\x00\x00', 'binary'), { readLength: new type.CallableValue(8) }), options: new type.UInt32Le(0x80800000) }); const RdpsndChannelDef = new type.Component({ name: new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('rdpsnd' + '\x00\x00', 'binary'), { readLength: new type.CallableValue(8) }), options: new type.UInt32Le(0xc0000000) }); const CliprdrChannelDef = new type.Component({ name: new type.BinaryString(Buffer.from('cliprdr' + '\x00', 'binary'), { readLength: new type.CallableValue(8) }), // CHANNEL_OPTION_INITIALIZED | // CHANNEL_OPTION_ENCRYPT_RDP | // CHANNEL_OPTION_COMPRESS_RDP | // CHANNEL_OPTION_SHOW_PROTOCOL options: new type.UInt32Le(0xc0a00000) }); /** * @see http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.125-199802-I/en page 25 * @returns {asn1.univ.Sequence} */ function DomainParameters(maxChannelIds, maxUserIds, maxTokenIds, numPriorities, minThoughput, maxHeight, maxMCSPDUsize, protocolVersion) { return new asn1.univ.Sequence({ maxChannelIds : new asn1.univ.Integer(maxChannelIds), maxUserIds : new asn1.univ.Integer(maxUserIds), maxTokenIds : new asn1.univ.Integer(maxTokenIds), numPriorities : new asn1.univ.Integer(numPriorities), minThoughput : new asn1.univ.Integer(minThoughput), maxHeight : new asn1.univ.Integer(maxHeight), maxMCSPDUsize : new asn1.univ.Integer(maxMCSPDUsize), protocolVersion : new asn1.univ.Integer(protocolVersion) }); } /** * @see http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.125-199802-I/en page 25 * @param userData {Buffer} * @returns {asn1.univ.Sequence} */ function ConnectInitial (userData) { return new asn1.univ.Sequence({ callingDomainSelector : new asn1.univ.OctetString(Buffer.from('\x01', 'binary')), calledDomainSelector : new asn1.univ.OctetString(Buffer.from('\x01', 'binary')), upwardFlag : new asn1.univ.Boolean(true), targetParameters : DomainParameters(34, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0xffff, 2), minimumParameters : DomainParameters(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0x420, 2), maximumParameters : DomainParameters(0xffff, 0xfc17, 0xffff, 1, 0, 1, 0xffff, 2), userData : new asn1.univ.OctetString(userData) }).implicitTag(new asn1.spec.Asn1Tag(asn1.spec.TagClass.Application, asn1.spec.TagFormat.Constructed, 101)); } /** * @see http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.125-199802-I/en page 25 * @returns {asn1.univ.Sequence} */ function ConnectResponse (userData) { return new asn1.univ.Sequence({ result : new asn1.univ.Enumerate(0), calledConnectId : new asn1.univ.Integer(0), domainParameters : DomainParameters(22, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1,0xfff8, 2), userData : new asn1.univ.OctetString(userData) }).implicitTag(new asn1.spec.Asn1Tag(asn1.spec.TagClass.Application, asn1.spec.TagFormat.Constructed, 102)); } /** * Format MCS PDU header packet * @param mcsPdu {integer} * @param options {integer} * @returns {type.UInt8} headers */ function writeMCSPDUHeader(mcsPdu, options) { options = options || 0; return new type.UInt8((mcsPdu << 2) | options); } /** * Read MCS PDU header * @param opcode * @param mcsPdu * @returns {Boolean} */ function readMCSPDUHeader(opcode, mcsPdu) { return (opcode >> 2) === mcsPdu; } /** * Multi-Channel Services * @param transport {events.EventEmitter} transport layer listen (connect, data) events * @param recvOpCode {DomainMCSPDU} opcode use in receive automata * @param sendOpCode {DomainMCSPDU} opcode use to send message */ function MCS(transport, recvOpCode, sendOpCode) { this.transport = transport; this.recvOpCode = recvOpCode; this.sendOpCode = sendOpCode; this.channels = [ { id: Channel.MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL, name: 'global' }, { id: Channel.MCS_CLIPRDR_CHANNEL, name: 'cliprdr' } ]; this.channels.find = function(callback) { for(var i in this) { if(callback(this[i])) return this[i]; }; }; // bind events var self = this; this.transport.on('close', function () { self.emit('close'); }).on('error', function (err) { self.emit('error', err); }); } //inherit from Layer inherits(MCS, events.EventEmitter); /** * Send message to a specific channel * @param channelName {string} name of channel * @param data {type.*} message to send */ MCS.prototype.send = function(channelName, data) { var channelId = this.channels.find(function(element) { if (element.name === channelName) return true; }).id; this.transport.send(new type.Component([ writeMCSPDUHeader(this.sendOpCode), per.writeInteger16(this.userId, Channel.MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE), per.writeInteger16(channelId), new type.UInt8(0x70), per.writeLength(data.size()), data ])); }; /** * Main receive function * @param s {type.Stream} */ MCS.prototype.recv = function(s) { opcode = new type.UInt8().read(s).value; if (readMCSPDUHeader(opcode, DomainMCSPDU.DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_ULTIMATUM)) { log.info("MCS DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_ULTIMATUM"); this.transport.close(); return } else if(!readMCSPDUHeader(opcode, this.recvOpCode)) { throw new error.UnexpectedFatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_T125_MCS_BAD_RECEIVE_OPCODE'); } per.readInteger16(s, Channel.MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE); var channelId = per.readInteger16(s); per.readEnumerates(s); per.readLength(s); var channelName = this.channels.find(function(e) { if (e.id === channelId) return true; }).name; this.emit(channelName, s); }; /** * Only main channels handle actually * @param transport {event.EventEmitter} bind connect and data events * @returns */ function Client(transport) { MCS.call(this, transport, DomainMCSPDU.SEND_DATA_INDICATION, DomainMCSPDU.SEND_DATA_REQUEST); // channel context automata this.channelsConnected = 0; // init gcc information this.clientCoreData = gcc.clientCoreData(); // cliprdr channel this.clientNetworkData = gcc.clientNetworkData(new type.Component([RdpdrChannelDef, CliprdrChannelDef, RdpsndChannelDef])); this.clientSecurityData = gcc.clientSecurityData(); // must be readed from protocol this.serverCoreData = null; this.serverSecurityData = null; this.serverNetworkData = null; var self = this; this.transport.on('connect', function(s) { self.connect(s); }); } inherits(Client, MCS); /** * Connect event layer */ Client.prototype.connect = function(selectedProtocol) { this.clientCoreData.obj.serverSelectedProtocol.value = selectedProtocol; this.sendConnectInitial(); }; /** * close stack */ Client.prototype.close = function() { this.transport.close(); }; /** * MCS connect response (server->client) * @param s {type.Stream} */ Client.prototype.recvConnectResponse = function(s) { var userData = new type.Stream(ConnectResponse().decode(s, asn1.ber).value.userData.value); var serverSettings = gcc.readConferenceCreateResponse(userData); // record server gcc block for(var i in serverSettings) { if(!serverSettings[i].obj) { continue; } switch(serverSettings[i].obj.__TYPE__) { case gcc.MessageType.SC_CORE: this.serverCoreData = serverSettings[i]; break; case gcc.MessageType.SC_SECURITY: this.serverSecurityData = serverSettings[i]; break; case gcc.MessageType.SC_NET: this.serverNetworkData = serverSettings[i]; break; default: log.warn('unhandle server gcc block : ' + serverSettings[i].obj.__TYPE__); } } // send domain request this.sendErectDomainRequest(); // send attach user request this.sendAttachUserRequest(); // now wait user confirm from server var self = this; this.transport.once('data', function(s) { self.recvAttachUserConfirm(s); }); }; /** * MCS connection automata step * @param s {type.Stream} */ Client.prototype.recvAttachUserConfirm = function(s) { if (!readMCSPDUHeader(new type.UInt8().read(s).value, DomainMCSPDU.ATTACH_USER_CONFIRM)) { throw new error.UnexpectedFatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_T125_MCS_BAD_HEADER'); } if (per.readEnumerates(s) !== 0) { throw new error.UnexpectedFatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_T125_MCS_SERVER_REJECT_USER'); } this.userId = per.readInteger16(s, Channel.MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE); //ask channel for specific user this.channels.push({ id : this.userId, name : 'user' }); // channel connect automata this.connectChannels(); }; /** * Last state in channel connection automata * @param s {type.Stream} */ Client.prototype.recvChannelJoinConfirm = function(s) { var opcode = new type.UInt8().read(s).value; if (!readMCSPDUHeader(opcode, DomainMCSPDU.CHANNEL_JOIN_CONFIRM)) { throw new error.UnexpectedFatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_T125_MCS_WAIT_CHANNEL_JOIN_CONFIRM'); } var confirm = per.readEnumerates(s); var userId = per.readInteger16(s, Channel.MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE); if (this.userId !== userId) { throw new error.UnexpectedFatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_T125_MCS_INVALID_USER_ID'); } var channelId = per.readInteger16(s); //if ((confirm !== 0) && (channelId === Channel.MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL || channelId === this.userId)) { if ((confirm !== 0) && (channelId === Channel.MCS_CLIPRDR_CHANNEL || channelId === Channel.MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL || channelId === this.userId)) { throw new error.UnexpectedFatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_T125_MCS_SERVER_MUST_CONFIRM_STATIC_CHANNEL'); } this.connectChannels(); }; /** * First MCS message */ Client.prototype.sendConnectInitial = function() { var ccReq = gcc.writeConferenceCreateRequest(new type.Component([ gcc.block(this.clientCoreData), gcc.block(this.clientNetworkData), gcc.block(this.clientSecurityData) ])).toStream().getValue(); this.transport.send(ConnectInitial(ccReq).encode(asn1.ber)); // next event is connect response var self = this; this.transport.once('data', function(s) { self.recvConnectResponse(s); }); }; /** * MCS connection automata step */ Client.prototype.sendErectDomainRequest = function() { this.transport.send(new type.Component([ writeMCSPDUHeader(DomainMCSPDU.ERECT_DOMAIN_REQUEST), per.writeInteger(0), per.writeInteger(0) ])); }; /** * MCS connection automata step */ Client.prototype.sendAttachUserRequest = function() { this.transport.send(writeMCSPDUHeader(DomainMCSPDU.ATTACH_USER_REQUEST)); }; /** * Send a channel join request * @param channelId {integer} channel id */ Client.prototype.sendChannelJoinRequest = function(channelId) { this.transport.send(new type.Component([ writeMCSPDUHeader(DomainMCSPDU.CHANNEL_JOIN_REQUEST), per.writeInteger16(this.userId, Channel.MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE), per.writeInteger16(channelId) ])); }; /** * Connect channels automata * @param s {type.Stream} */ Client.prototype.connectChannels = function(s) { if(this.channelsConnected == this.channels.length) { var self = this; this.transport.on('data', function(s) { self.recv(s); }); // send client and sever gcc informations this.emit('connect', { core : this.clientCoreData.obj, security : this.clientSecurityData.obj, net : this.clientNetworkData.obj }, { core : this.serverCoreData.obj, security : this.serverSecurityData.obj }, this.userId, this.channels); return; } this.sendChannelJoinRequest(this.channels[this.channelsConnected++].id); var self = this; this.transport.once('data', function(s) { self.recvChannelJoinConfirm(s); }); }; /** * Server side of MCS layer * @param transport */ function Server (transport) { MCS.call(this, transport, DomainMCSPDU.SEND_DATA_REQUEST, DomainMCSPDU.SEND_DATA_INDICATION); // must be readed from protocol this.clientCoreData = null; this.clientNetworkData = null; this.clientSecurityData = null; // init gcc information this.serverCoreData = gcc.serverCoreData(); this.serverSecurityData = gcc.serverSecurityData(); this.serverNetworkData = gcc.serverNetworkData(new type.Component([])); var self = this; this.transport.on('connect', function (selectedProtocol) { self.serverCoreData.obj.clientRequestedProtocol.value = selectedProtocol; }).once('data', function (s) { self.recvConnectInitial(s); }); } inherits(Server, MCS); /** * First state of server automata * @param s {type.Stream} */ Server.prototype.recvConnectInitial = function (s) { var userData = new type.Stream(ConnectInitial().decode(s, asn1.ber).value.userData.value); var clientSettings = gcc.readConferenceCreateRequest(userData); // record server gcc block for(var i in clientSettings) { if(!clientSettings[i].obj) { continue; } switch(clientSettings[i].obj.__TYPE__) { case gcc.MessageType.CS_CORE: this.clientCoreData = clientSettings[i]; break; case gcc.MessageType.CS_SECURITY: this.clientSecurityData = clientSettings[i]; break; case gcc.MessageType.CS_NET: this.clientNetworkData = clientSettings[i]; for (var i = 0; i < this.clientNetworkData.obj.channelCount.value; i++) { this.serverNetworkData.obj.channelIdArray.obj.push(new type.UInt16Le( i + 1 + Channel.MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL)); } break; default: log.debug('unhandle client gcc block : ' + clientSettings[i].obj.__TYPE__); } } this.sendConnectResponse(); }; /** * State 2 in mcs server connetion automata */ Server.prototype.sendConnectResponse = function () { var ccReq = gcc.writeConferenceCreateResponse(new type.Component([ gcc.block(this.serverCoreData), gcc.block(this.serverSecurityData), gcc.block(this.serverNetworkData), ])).toStream().getValue(); this.transport.send(ConnectResponse(ccReq).encode(asn1.ber)); }; /** * Module exports */ module.exports = { Client : Client, Server : Server };