/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Peyrefitte * * This file is part of node-rdpjs. * * node-rdpjs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ var net = require('net'); var inherits = require('util').inherits; var events = require('events'); var layer = require('../core').layer; var error = require('../core').error; var rle = require('../core').rle; var log = require('../core').log; var TPKT = require('./tpkt'); var x224 = require('./x224'); var t125 = require('./t125'); var pdu = require('./pdu'); /** * decompress bitmap from RLE algorithm * @param bitmap {object} bitmap object of bitmap event of node-rdpjs */ function decompress(bitmap) { var fName = null; switch (bitmap.bitsPerPixel.value) { case 15: fName = 'bitmap_decompress_15'; break; case 16: fName = 'bitmap_decompress_16'; break; case 24: fName = 'bitmap_decompress_24'; break; case 32: fName = 'bitmap_decompress_32'; break; default: throw 'invalid bitmap data format'; } var input = new Uint8Array(bitmap.bitmapDataStream.value); var inputPtr = rle._malloc(input.length); var inputHeap = new Uint8Array(rle.HEAPU8.buffer, inputPtr, input.length); inputHeap.set(input); var ouputSize = bitmap.width.value * bitmap.height.value * 4; var outputPtr = rle._malloc(ouputSize); var outputHeap = new Uint8Array(rle.HEAPU8.buffer, outputPtr, ouputSize); var res = rle.ccall(fName, 'number', ['number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number'], [outputHeap.byteOffset, bitmap.width.value, bitmap.height.value, bitmap.width.value, bitmap.height.value, inputHeap.byteOffset, input.length] ); var output = new Uint8ClampedArray(outputHeap.buffer, outputHeap.byteOffset, ouputSize); rle._free(inputPtr); rle._free(outputPtr); return output; } /** * Main RDP module */ function RdpClient(config) { config = config || {}; this.connected = false; this.bufferLayer = new layer.BufferLayer(new net.Socket()); this.tpkt = new TPKT(this.bufferLayer); this.x224 = new x224.Client(this.tpkt, config); this.mcs = new t125.mcs.Client(this.x224); this.sec = new pdu.sec.Client(this.mcs, this.tpkt); this.cliprdr = new pdu.cliprdr.Client(this.mcs); this.global = new pdu.global.Client(this.sec, this.sec); // config log level log.level = log.Levels[config.logLevel || 'INFO'] || log.Levels.INFO; // credentials if (config.domain) { this.sec.infos.obj.domain.value = Buffer.from(config.domain + '\x00', 'ucs2'); } if (config.userName) { this.sec.infos.obj.userName.value = Buffer.from(config.userName + '\x00', 'ucs2'); } if (config.password) { this.sec.infos.obj.password.value = Buffer.from(config.password + '\x00', 'ucs2'); } if (config.workingDir) { this.sec.infos.obj.workingDir.value = Buffer.from(config.workingDir + '\x00', 'ucs2'); } if (config.alternateShell) { this.sec.infos.obj.alternateShell.value = Buffer.from(config.alternateShell + '\x00', 'ucs2'); } if (config.perfFlags != null) { this.sec.infos.obj.extendedInfo.obj.performanceFlags.value = config.perfFlags; } else { if (config.enablePerf) { this.sec.infos.obj.extendedInfo.obj.performanceFlags.value = pdu.sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_WALLPAPER | pdu.sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_MENUANIMATIONS | pdu.sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_CURSOR_SHADOW | pdu.sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_THEMING | pdu.sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_FULLWINDOWDRAG; } } if (config.autoLogin) { this.sec.infos.obj.flag.value |= pdu.sec.InfoFlag.INFO_AUTOLOGON; } if (config.screen && config.screen.width && config.screen.height) { this.mcs.clientCoreData.obj.desktopWidth.value = config.screen.width; this.mcs.clientCoreData.obj.desktopHeight.value = config.screen.height; } log.debug('screen ' + this.mcs.clientCoreData.obj.desktopWidth.value + 'x' + this.mcs.clientCoreData.obj.desktopHeight.value); // config keyboard layout switch (config.locale) { case 'fr': log.debug('french keyboard layout'); this.mcs.clientCoreData.obj.kbdLayout.value = t125.gcc.KeyboardLayout.FRENCH; break; case 'en': default: log.debug('english keyboard layout'); this.mcs.clientCoreData.obj.kbdLayout.value = t125.gcc.KeyboardLayout.US; } this.cliprdr.on('clipboard', (content) => { this.emit('clipboard', content) }); //bind all events var self = this; this.global.on('connect', function () { self.connected = true; self.emit('connect'); }).on('session', function () { self.emit('session'); }).on('close', function () { self.connected = false; self.emit('close'); }).on('pointer', function (cursorId, cursorStr) { self.emit('pointer', cursorId, cursorStr); }).on('bitmap', function (bitmaps) { for (var bitmap in bitmaps) { var bitmapData = bitmaps[bitmap].obj.bitmapDataStream.value; var isCompress = bitmaps[bitmap].obj.flags.value & pdu.data.BitmapFlag.BITMAP_COMPRESSION; if (isCompress && config.decompress) { bitmapData = decompress(bitmaps[bitmap].obj); isCompress = false; } self.emit('bitmap', { destTop: bitmaps[bitmap].obj.destTop.value, destLeft: bitmaps[bitmap].obj.destLeft.value, destBottom: bitmaps[bitmap].obj.destBottom.value, destRight: bitmaps[bitmap].obj.destRight.value, width: bitmaps[bitmap].obj.width.value, height: bitmaps[bitmap].obj.height.value, bitsPerPixel: bitmaps[bitmap].obj.bitsPerPixel.value, isCompress: isCompress, data: bitmapData }); } }).on('error', function (err) { log.warn(err.code + '(' + err.message + ')\n' + err.stack); if (err instanceof error.FatalError) { throw err; } else { self.emit('error', err); } }); } inherits(RdpClient, events.EventEmitter); /** * Connect RDP client * @param host {string} destination host * @param port {integer} destination port */ RdpClient.prototype.connect = function (host, port) { log.debug('connect to ' + host + ':' + port); var self = this; this.bufferLayer.socket.connect(port, host, function () { // in client mode connection start from x224 layer self.x224.connect(); }); return this; }; /** * Close RDP client */ RdpClient.prototype.close = function () { if (this.connected) { this.global.close(); } this.connected = false; return this; }; /** * Send pointer event to server * @param x {integer} mouse x position * @param y {integer} mouse y position * @param button {integer} button number of mouse * @param isPressed {boolean} state of button */ RdpClient.prototype.sendPointerEvent = function (x, y, button, isPressed) { if (!this.connected) return; var event = pdu.data.pointerEvent(); if (isPressed) { event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_DOWN; } switch (button) { case 1: event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON1; break; case 2: event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON2; break; case 3: event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON3 break; default: event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_MOVE; } event.obj.xPos.value = x; event.obj.yPos.value = y; this.global.sendInputEvents([event]); }; /** * send scancode event * @param code {integer} * @param isPressed {boolean} * @param extended {boolenan} extended keys */ RdpClient.prototype.sendKeyEventScancode = function (code, isPressed, extended) { if (!this.connected) return; extended = extended || false; var event = pdu.data.scancodeKeyEvent(); event.obj.keyCode.value = code; if (!isPressed) { event.obj.keyboardFlags.value |= pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_RELEASE; } if (extended) { event.obj.keyboardFlags.value |= pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_EXTENDED; } this.global.sendInputEvents([event]); }; /** * Send key event as unicode * @param code {integer} * @param isPressed {boolean} */ RdpClient.prototype.sendKeyEventUnicode = function (code, isPressed) { if (!this.connected) return; var event = pdu.data.unicodeKeyEvent(); event.obj.unicode.value = code; if (!isPressed) { event.obj.keyboardFlags.value |= pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_RELEASE; } this.global.sendInputEvents([event]); } /** * Wheel mouse event * @param x {integer} mouse x position * @param y {integer} mouse y position * @param step {integer} wheel step * @param isNegative {boolean} * @param isHorizontal {boolean} */ RdpClient.prototype.sendWheelEvent = function (x, y, step, isNegative, isHorizontal) { if (!this.connected) return; var event = pdu.data.pointerEvent(); if (isHorizontal) { event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_HWHEEL; } else { event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_WHEEL; } if (isNegative) { event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_WHEEL_NEGATIVE; } event.obj.pointerFlags.value |= (step & pdu.data.PointerFlag.WheelRotationMask) event.obj.xPos.value = x; event.obj.yPos.value = y; this.global.sendInputEvents([event]); } /** * Clipboard event * @param data {String} content for clipboard */ RdpClient.prototype.setClipboardData = function (content) { this.cliprdr.setClipboardData(content); } function createClient(config) { return new RdpClient(config); }; /** * RDP server side protocol * @param config {object} configuration * @param socket {net.Socket} */ function RdpServer(config, socket) { if (!(config.key && config.cert)) { throw new error.FatalError('NODE_RDP_PROTOCOL_RDP_SERVER_CONFIG_MISSING', 'missing cryptographic tools') } this.connected = false; this.bufferLayer = new layer.BufferLayer(socket); this.tpkt = new TPKT(this.bufferLayer); this.x224 = new x224.Server(this.tpkt, config.key, config.cert); this.mcs = new t125.mcs.Server(this.x224); }; inherits(RdpServer, events.EventEmitter); function createServer(config, next) { return net.createServer(function (socket) { next(new RdpServer(config, socket)); }); }; /** * Module exports */ module.exports = { createClient: createClient, createServer: createServer };