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                <strong><font style="font-size:46px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000">{{{title1}}}</font></strong>
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                <p id="mainMessage"></p>
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                            <a href=terms>Terms &amp; Privacy</a>
        var titleid = parseInt('{{{titleid}}}');
        var msgid = parseInt('{{{msgid}}}');
        var domainurl = decodeURIComponent('{{{domainurl}}}');
        var arg1 = decodeURIComponent('{{{arg1}}}');
        var arg2 = decodeURIComponent('{{{arg2}}}');
        var urlargs = parseUriArgs();

        var title = '';
        if (titleid == 1) { title = "Account Verification"; }
        if (titleid == 2) { title = "Desktop Sharing"; }
        if (titleid == 3) { title = "Server Under Maintenance"; }
        if (titleid == 4) { title = "Terminal Sharing"; }
        QH('topTitle', Q('topTitle').innerText + ' - ' + title);
        QH('mainTitle', title);

        var msg = '';
        switch (msgid) {
            case 1: { msg = "ERROR: Invalid domain."; break; }
            case 2: { msg = format("ERROR: Invalid username \"{0}\".", arg1); break; }
            case 3: { msg = format("ERROR: Invalid e-mail \"{0}\" for user \"{1}\".", arg1, arg2); break; }
            case 4: { msg = format("E-mail \"{0}\" for user \"{1}\" already verified.", arg1, arg2); break; }
            case 5: { msg = format("E-mail \"{0}\" already in use on a different account. Change the email address and try again.", arg1); break; }
            case 6: { msg = format("Verified email {0} for user account {1}.", '<b>' + arg1 + '</b>', '<b>' + arg2 + '</b>'); break; }
            case 7: { msg = format("E-mail \"{0}\" for user \"{1}\" not verified.", arg1, arg2); break; }
            case 8: {
                msg = '<div>' + format("Password for account {0} has been reset to:", '<b>' + arg1 + '</b>') + '</div><div style=padding:14px;font-size:18px><b>' + arg2 + '</b></div>';
                msg += "Login and go to the \"My Account\" tab to update your password.";
            case 9: { msg = "ERROR: Invalid account check."; break; }
            case 10: { msg = "ERROR: Invalid account check, verification url is only valid for 30 minutes."; break; }
            case 11: { msg = "Sharing link not valid yet."; break; }
            case 12: { msg = "Sharing link is expired."; break; }
            case 13: { msg = "If you are an administrator, [login here].".replace('[', '<a href=login?admin=1>').replace(']', '</a>'); break; }
            case 14: { msg = '<a href=' + window.location.href + '&confirm=1>' + "Click here to reset your account password." + '</a>'; break; }

        // Add login page link
        if ((msgid != 11) && (msgid != 12) && (msgid != 13) && (msgid != 14)) { msg += ' <a href="' + domainurl + (urlargs.key ? ('?key=' + urlargs.key) : '') + '">' + "Go to login page" + '</a>.' }
        QH('mainMessage', msg);

        function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };

        // Parse URL arguments, only keep safe values
        function parseUriArgs() {
            var href = window.document.location.href;
            if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); }
            var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|]/);
            parsedUri.splice(0, 1);
            for (var j in parsedUri) {
                var arg = parsedUri[j], i = arg.indexOf('=');
                name = arg.substring(0, i);
                r[name] = arg.substring(i + 1);
                if (!isSafeString(r[name])) { delete r[name]; } else { var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } }
            return r;
