/** * @description MeshCentral database module * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2020 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.2 */ /*xjslint node: true */ /*xjslint plusplus: true */ /*xjslint maxlen: 256 */ /*jshint node: true */ /*jshint strict: false */ /*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; // // Construct Meshcentral database object // // The default database is NeDB // https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb // // Alternativety, MongoDB can be used // https://www.mongodb.com/ // Just run with --mongodb [connectionstring], where the connection string is documented here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/ // The default collection is "meshcentral", but you can override it using --mongodbcol [collection] // module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) { var obj = {}; var Datastore = null; var expireEventsSeconds = (60 * 60 * 24 * 20); // By default, expire events after 20 days. (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days) var expirePowerEventsSeconds = (60 * 60 * 24 * 10); // By default, expire power events after 10 days. (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days) var expireServerStatsSeconds = (60 * 60 * 24 * 30); // By default, expire power events after 30 days. (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days) const common = require('./common.js'); obj.identifier = null; obj.dbKey = null; obj.dbRecordsEncryptKey = null; obj.dbRecordsDecryptKey = null; obj.changeStream = false; obj.SetupDatabase = function (func) { // Check if the database unique identifier is present // This is used to check that in server peering mode, everyone is using the same database. obj.Get('DatabaseIdentifier', function (err, docs) { if ((docs.length == 1) && (docs[0].value != null)) { obj.identifier = docs[0].value; } else { obj.identifier = Buffer.from(require('crypto').randomBytes(48), 'binary').toString('hex'); obj.Set({ _id: 'DatabaseIdentifier', value: obj.identifier }); } }); // Load database schema version and check if we need to update obj.Get('SchemaVersion', function (err, docs) { var ver = 0; if (docs && docs.length == 1) { ver = docs[0].value; } if (ver == 1) { console.log('This is an unsupported beta 1 database, delete it to create a new one.'); process.exit(0); } // TODO: Any schema upgrades here... obj.Set({ _id: 'SchemaVersion', value: 2 }); func(ver); }); }; obj.cleanup = function (func) { // TODO: Remove all mesh links to invalid users // TODO: Remove all meshes that dont have any links // Remove all events, power events and SMBIOS data from the main collection. They are all in seperate collections now. if (obj.databaseType == 4) { // MariaDB obj.RemoveAllOfType('event', function () { }); obj.RemoveAllOfType('power', function () { }); obj.RemoveAllOfType('smbios', function () { }); } else if (obj.databaseType == 3) { // MongoDB obj.file.deleteMany({ type: 'event' }, { multi: true }); obj.file.deleteMany({ type: 'power' }, { multi: true }); obj.file.deleteMany({ type: 'smbios' }, { multi: true }); } else { // NeDB or MongoJS obj.file.remove({ type: 'event' }, { multi: true }); obj.file.remove({ type: 'power' }, { multi: true }); obj.file.remove({ type: 'smbios' }, { multi: true }); } // Remove all objects that have a "meshid" that no longer points to a valid mesh. obj.GetAllType('mesh', function (err, docs) { var meshlist = []; if ((err == null) && (docs.length > 0)) { for (var i in docs) { meshlist.push(docs[i]._id); } } if (obj.databaseType == 4) { // MariaDB mariaDbQuery('DELETE FROM MeshCentral.Main WHERE (extra LIKE ("mesh/%") AND (extra NOT IN ?)', [meshlist], func); } else if (obj.databaseType == 3) { // MongoDB obj.file.deleteMany({ meshid: { $exists: true, $nin: meshlist } }, { multi: true }); } else { // NeDB or MongoJS obj.file.remove({ meshid: { $exists: true, $nin: meshlist } }, { multi: true }); } // Fix all of the creating & login to ticks by seconds, not milliseconds. obj.GetAllType('user', function (err, docs) { if (err == null && docs.length > 0) { for (var i in docs) { var fixed = false; // Fix email address capitalization if (docs[i].email && (docs[i].email != docs[i].email.toLowerCase())) { docs[i].email = docs[i].email.toLowerCase(); fixed = true; } // Fix account creation if (docs[i].creation) { if (docs[i].creation > 1300000000000) { docs[i].creation = Math.floor(docs[i].creation / 1000); fixed = true; } if ((docs[i].creation % 1) != 0) { docs[i].creation = Math.floor(docs[i].creation); fixed = true; } } // Fix last account login if (docs[i].login) { if (docs[i].login > 1300000000000) { docs[i].login = Math.floor(docs[i].login / 1000); fixed = true; } if ((docs[i].login % 1) != 0) { docs[i].login = Math.floor(docs[i].login); fixed = true; } } // Fix last password change if (docs[i].passchange) { if (docs[i].passchange > 1300000000000) { docs[i].passchange = Math.floor(docs[i].passchange / 1000); fixed = true; } if ((docs[i].passchange % 1) != 0) { docs[i].passchange = Math.floor(docs[i].passchange); fixed = true; } } // Fix subscriptions if (docs[i].subscriptions != null) { delete docs[i].subscriptions; fixed = true; } // Save the user if needed if (fixed) { obj.Set(docs[i]); } // We are done if (func) { func(); } } } }); }); }; // Get encryption key obj.getEncryptDataKey = function (password) { if (typeof password != 'string') return null; return parent.crypto.createHash('sha384').update(password).digest("raw").slice(0, 32); } // Encrypt data obj.encryptData = function (password, plaintext) { var key = obj.getEncryptDataKey(password); if (key == null) return null; const iv = parent.crypto.randomBytes(16); const aes = parent.crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv); var ciphertext = aes.update(plaintext); ciphertext = Buffer.concat([iv, ciphertext, aes.final()]); return ciphertext.toString('base64'); } // Decrypt data obj.decryptData = function (password, ciphertext) { try { var key = obj.getEncryptDataKey(password); if (key == null) return null; const ciphertextBytes = Buffer.from(ciphertext, 'base64'); const iv = ciphertextBytes.slice(0, 16); const data = ciphertextBytes.slice(16); const aes = parent.crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv); var plaintextBytes = Buffer.from(aes.update(data)); plaintextBytes = Buffer.concat([plaintextBytes, aes.final()]); return plaintextBytes; } catch (ex) { return null; } } // Get the number of records in the database for various types, this is the slow NeDB way. // WARNING: This is a terrible query for database performance. Only do this when needed. This query will look at almost every document in the database. obj.getStats = function (func) { if (obj.databaseType == 3) { // MongoDB obj.file.aggregate([{ "$group": { _id: "$type", count: { $sum: 1 } } }]).toArray(function (err, docs) { var counters = {}, totalCount = 0; for (var i in docs) { if (docs[i]._id != null) { counters[docs[i]._id] = docs[i].count; totalCount += docs[i].count; } } func(counters); }); } else if (obj.databaseType == 2) { // MongoJS obj.file.aggregate([{ "$group": { _id: "$type", count: { $sum: 1 } } }], function (err, docs) { var counters = {}, totalCount = 0; for (var i in docs) { if (docs[i]._id != null) { counters[docs[i]._id] = docs[i].count; totalCount += docs[i].count; } } func(counters); }); } else if (obj.databaseType == 1) { // NeDB version obj.file.count({ type: 'node' }, function (err, nodeCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'mesh' }, function (err, meshCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'user' }, function (err, userCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'sysinfo' }, function (err, sysinfoCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'note' }, function (err, noteCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'iploc' }, function (err, iplocCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'ifinfo' }, function (err, ifinfoCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'cfile' }, function (err, cfileCount) { obj.file.count({ type: 'lastconnect' }, function (err, lastconnectCount) { obj.file.count({}, function (err, totalCount) { func({ node: nodeCount, mesh: meshCount, user: userCount, sysinfo: sysinfoCount, iploc: iplocCount, note: noteCount, ifinfo: ifinfoCount, cfile: cfileCount, lastconnect: lastconnectCount, total: totalCount }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); } } // This is used to rate limit a number of operation per day. Returns a startValue each new days, but you can substract it and save the value in the db. obj.getValueOfTheDay = function (id, startValue, func) { obj.Get(id, function (err, docs) { var date = new Date(), t = date.toLocaleDateString(); if (docs.length == 1) { var r = docs[0]; if (r.day == t) { func({ _id: id, value: r.value, day: t }); return; } } func({ _id: id, value: startValue, day: t }); }); }; obj.escapeBase64 = function escapeBase64(val) { return (val.replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$')); } // Encrypt an database object obj.performRecordEncryptionRecode = function (func) { var count = 0; obj.GetAllType('user', function (err, docs) { if (err == null) { for (var i in docs) { count++; obj.Set(docs[i]); } } obj.GetAllType('node', function (err, docs) { if (err == null) { for (var i in docs) { count++; obj.Set(docs[i]); } } func(count); }); }); } // Encrypt an database object function performTypedRecordDecrypt(data) { if ((obj.dbRecordsDecryptKey == null) || (typeof data != 'object')) return data; for (var i in data) { if (data[i].type == 'user') { data[i] = performPartialRecordDecrypt(data[i]); } else if ((data[i].type == 'node') && (data[i].intelamt != null)) { data[i].intelamt = performPartialRecordDecrypt(data[i].intelamt); } } return data; } // Encrypt an database object function performTypedRecordEncrypt(data) { if (obj.dbRecordsEncryptKey == null) return data; if (data.type == 'user') { return performPartialRecordEncrypt(Clone(data), ['otpkeys', 'otphkeys', 'otpsecret', 'salt', 'hash']); } else if ((data.type == 'node') && (data.intelamt != null)) { var xdata = Clone(data); xdata.intelamt = performPartialRecordEncrypt(xdata.intelamt, ['user', 'pass']); return xdata; } return data; } // Encrypt an object and return a buffer. function performPartialRecordEncrypt(plainobj, encryptNames) { if (typeof plainobj != 'object') return plainobj; var enc = {}, enclen = 0; for (var i in encryptNames) { if (plainobj[encryptNames[i]] != null) { enclen++; enc[encryptNames[i]] = plainobj[encryptNames[i]]; delete plainobj[encryptNames[i]]; } } if (enclen > 0) { plainobj._CRYPT = performRecordEncrypt(enc); } else { delete plainobj._CRYPT; } return plainobj; } // Encrypt an object and return a buffer. function performPartialRecordDecrypt(plainobj) { if ((typeof plainobj != 'object') || (plainobj._CRYPT == null)) return plainobj; var enc = performRecordDecrypt(plainobj._CRYPT); if (enc != null) { for (var i in enc) { plainobj[i] = enc[i]; } } delete plainobj._CRYPT; return plainobj; } // Encrypt an object and return a base64. function performRecordEncrypt(plainobj) { if (obj.dbRecordsEncryptKey == null) return null; const iv = parent.crypto.randomBytes(12); const aes = parent.crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', obj.dbRecordsEncryptKey, iv); var ciphertext = aes.update(JSON.stringify(plainobj)); var cipherfinal = aes.final(); ciphertext = Buffer.concat([iv, aes.getAuthTag(), ciphertext, cipherfinal]); return ciphertext.toString('base64'); } // Takes a base64 and return an object. function performRecordDecrypt(ciphertext) { if (obj.dbRecordsDecryptKey == null) return null; const ciphertextBytes = Buffer.from(ciphertext, 'base64'); const iv = ciphertextBytes.slice(0, 12); const data = ciphertextBytes.slice(28); const aes = parent.crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-gcm', obj.dbRecordsDecryptKey, iv); aes.setAuthTag(ciphertextBytes.slice(12, 16)); var plaintextBytes, r; try { plaintextBytes = Buffer.from(aes.update(data)); plaintextBytes = Buffer.concat([plaintextBytes, aes.final()]); r = JSON.parse(plaintextBytes.toString()); } catch (e) { throw "Incorrect DbRecordsDecryptKey/DbRecordsEncryptKey or invalid database _CRYPT data: " + e; } return r; } // Clone an object (TODO: Make this more efficient) function Clone(v) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(v)); } // Read expiration time from configuration file if (typeof parent.args.dbexpire == 'object') { if (typeof parent.args.dbexpire.events == 'number') { expireEventsSeconds = parent.args.dbexpire.events; } if (typeof parent.args.dbexpire.powerevents == 'number') { expirePowerEventsSeconds = parent.args.dbexpire.powerevents; } if (typeof parent.args.dbexpire.statsevents == 'number') { expireServerStatsSeconds = parent.args.dbexpire.statsevents; } } // If a DB record encryption key is provided, perform database record encryption if ((typeof parent.args.dbrecordsencryptkey == 'string') && (parent.args.dbrecordsencryptkey.length != 0)) { // Hash the database password into a AES256 key and setup encryption and decryption. obj.dbRecordsEncryptKey = obj.dbRecordsDecryptKey = parent.crypto.createHash('sha384').update(parent.args.dbrecordsencryptkey).digest("raw").slice(0, 32); } // If a DB record decryption key is provided, perform database record decryption if ((typeof parent.args.dbrecordsdecryptkey == 'string') && (parent.args.dbrecordsdecryptkey.length != 0)) { // Hash the database password into a AES256 key and setup encryption and decryption. obj.dbRecordsDecryptKey = parent.crypto.createHash('sha384').update(parent.args.dbrecordsdecryptkey).digest("raw").slice(0, 32); } if (parent.args.mariadb) { // Use MariaDB obj.databaseType = 4; Datastore = require('mariadb').createPool(parent.args.mariadb); //mariaDbQuery('DROP DATABASE MeshCentral', null, function (err, docs) { console.log('DROP'); }); return; mariaDbQuery('USE meshcentral', null, function (err, docs) { if (err == null) { setupFunctions(func); } else mariaDbBatchExec([ 'CREATE DATABASE meshcentral', 'CREATE TABLE meshcentral.main (id VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, type CHAR(32), domain CHAR(64), extra CHAR(255), extraex CHAR(255), doc JSON, PRIMARY KEY(id), CHECK (json_valid(doc)))', 'CREATE INDEX ndxtypedomainextra ON meshcentral.main (type, domain, extra)', 'CREATE INDEX ndxextra ON meshcentral.main (extra)', 'CREATE INDEX ndxextraex ON meshcentral.main (extraex)', 'CREATE TABLE meshcentral.serverstats (time DATETIME, expire DATETIME, doc JSON, PRIMARY KEY(time), CHECK (json_valid(doc)))', 'CREATE INDEX ndxserverstattime ON meshcentral.serverstats (time)', 'CREATE INDEX ndxserverstatexpire ON meshcentral.serverstats (expire)' ], function (err) { if (err != null) { console.log(err); } setupFunctions(func); }); }); } else if (parent.args.mongodb) { // Use MongoDB obj.databaseType = 3; require('mongodb').MongoClient.connect(parent.args.mongodb, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }, function (err, client) { if (err != null) { console.log("Unable to connect to database: " + err); process.exit(); return; } Datastore = client; // Get the database name and setup the database client var dbname = 'meshcentral'; if (parent.args.mongodbname) { dbname = parent.args.mongodbname; } const dbcollectionname = (parent.args.mongodbcol) ? (parent.args.mongodbcol) : 'meshcentral'; const db = client.db(dbname); // Setup MongoDB main collection and indexes obj.file = db.collection(dbcollectionname); obj.file.indexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 4) || (indexesByName['TypeDomainMesh1'] == null) || (indexesByName['Email1'] == null) || (indexesByName['Mesh1'] == null)) { console.log('Resetting main indexes...'); obj.file.dropIndexes(function (err) { obj.file.createIndex({ type: 1, domain: 1, meshid: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'TypeDomainMesh1' }); // Speeds up GetAllTypeNoTypeField() and GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered() obj.file.createIndex({ email: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'Email1' }); // Speeds up GetUserWithEmail() and GetUserWithVerifiedEmail() obj.file.createIndex({ meshid: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'Mesh1' }); // Speeds up RemoveMesh() }); } }); // Setup the changeStream on the MongoDB main collection if possible if (parent.args.mongodbchangestream == true) { if (typeof obj.file.watch != 'function') { console.log('WARNING: watch() is not a function, MongoDB ChangeStream not supported.'); } else { obj.fileChangeStream = obj.file.watch([{ $match: { $or: [{ 'fullDocument.type': { $in: ['node', 'mesh', 'user', 'ugrp'] } }, { 'operationType': 'delete' }] } }], { fullDocument: 'updateLookup' }); obj.fileChangeStream.on('change', function (change) { if (change.operationType == 'update') { switch (change.fullDocument.type) { case 'node': { dbNodeChange(change, false); break; } // A node has changed case 'mesh': { dbMeshChange(change, false); break; } // A device group has changed case 'user': { dbUserChange(change, false); break; } // A user account has changed case 'ugrp': { dbUGrpChange(change, false); break; } // A user account has changed } } else if (change.operationType == 'insert') { switch (change.fullDocument.type) { case 'node': { dbNodeChange(change, true); break; } // A node has added case 'mesh': { dbMeshChange(change, true); break; } // A device group has created case 'user': { dbUserChange(change, true); break; } // A user account has created case 'ugrp': { dbUGrpChange(change, true); break; } // A user account has created } } else if (change.operationType == 'delete') { var splitId = change.documentKey._id.split('/'); switch (splitId[0]) { case 'node': { //Not Good: Problem here is that we don't know what meshid the node belonged to before the delete. //parent.DispatchEvent(['*', node.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', action: 'removenode', nodeid: change.documentKey._id, domain: splitId[1] }); break; } case 'mesh': { parent.DispatchEvent(['*', change.documentKey._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', action: 'deletemesh', meshid: change.documentKey._id, domain: splitId[1] }); break; } case 'user': { //Not Good: This is not a perfect user removal because we don't know what groups the user was in. //parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', action: 'accountremove', userid: change.documentKey._id, domain: splitId[1], username: splitId[2] }); break; } case 'ugrp': { parent.DispatchEvent(['*', change.documentKey._id], obj, { etype: 'ugrp', action: 'deleteusergroup', ugrpid: change.documentKey._id, domain: splitId[1] }); break; } } } }); obj.changeStream = true; } } // Setup MongoDB events collection and indexes obj.eventsfile = db.collection('events'); // Collection containing all events obj.eventsfile.indexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 5) || (indexesByName['Username1'] == null) || (indexesByName['DomainNodeTime1'] == null) || (indexesByName['IdsAndTime1'] == null) || (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'] == null)) { // Reset all indexes console.log("Resetting events indexes..."); obj.eventsfile.dropIndexes(function (err) { obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ username: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'Username1' }); obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ domain: 1, nodeid: 1, time: -1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'DomainNodeTime1' }); obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ ids: 1, time: -1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'IdsAndTime1' }); obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } else if (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'].expireAfterSeconds != expireEventsSeconds) { // Reset the timeout index console.log("Resetting events expire index..."); obj.eventsfile.dropIndex('ExpireTime1', function (err) { obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } }); // Setup MongoDB power events collection and indexes obj.powerfile = db.collection('power'); // Collection containing all power events obj.powerfile.indexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 3) || (indexesByName['NodeIdAndTime1'] == null) || (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'] == null)) { // Reset all indexes console.log("Resetting power events indexes..."); obj.powerfile.dropIndexes(function (err) { // Create all indexes obj.powerfile.createIndex({ nodeid: 1, time: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'NodeIdAndTime1' }); obj.powerfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expirePowerEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } else if (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'].expireAfterSeconds != expirePowerEventsSeconds) { // Reset the timeout index console.log("Resetting power events expire index..."); obj.powerfile.dropIndex('ExpireTime1', function (err) { // Reset the expire power events index obj.powerfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expirePowerEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } }); // Setup MongoDB smbios collection, no indexes needed obj.smbiosfile = db.collection('smbios'); // Collection containing all smbios information // Setup MongoDB server stats collection obj.serverstatsfile = db.collection('serverstats'); // Collection of server stats obj.serverstatsfile.indexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 3) || (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'] == null)) { // Reset all indexes console.log("Resetting server stats indexes..."); obj.serverstatsfile.dropIndexes(function (err) { // Create all indexes obj.serverstatsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireServerStatsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); obj.serverstatsfile.createIndex({ 'expire': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0, name: 'ExpireTime2' }); // Auto-expire events }); } else if (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'].expireAfterSeconds != expireServerStatsSeconds) { // Reset the timeout index console.log("Resetting server stats expire index..."); obj.serverstatsfile.dropIndex('ExpireTime1', function (err) { // Reset the expire server stats index obj.serverstatsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireServerStatsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } }); // Setup plugin info collection if (parent.config.settings != null) { obj.pluginsfile = db.collection('plugins'); } setupFunctions(func); // Completed setup of MongoDB }); } else if (parent.args.xmongodb) { // Use MongoJS, this is the old system. obj.databaseType = 2; Datastore = require('mongojs'); var db = Datastore(parent.args.xmongodb); var dbcollection = 'meshcentral'; if (parent.args.mongodbcol) { dbcollection = parent.args.mongodbcol; } // Setup MongoDB main collection and indexes obj.file = db.collection(dbcollection); obj.file.getIndexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 4) || (indexesByName['TypeDomainMesh1'] == null) || (indexesByName['Email1'] == null) || (indexesByName['Mesh1'] == null)) { console.log("Resetting main indexes..."); obj.file.dropIndexes(function (err) { obj.file.createIndex({ type: 1, domain: 1, meshid: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'TypeDomainMesh1' }); // Speeds up GetAllTypeNoTypeField() and GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered() obj.file.createIndex({ email: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'Email1' }); // Speeds up GetUserWithEmail() and GetUserWithVerifiedEmail() obj.file.createIndex({ meshid: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'Mesh1' }); // Speeds up RemoveMesh() }); } }); // Setup MongoDB events collection and indexes obj.eventsfile = db.collection('events'); // Collection containing all events obj.eventsfile.getIndexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 5) || (indexesByName['Username1'] == null) || (indexesByName['DomainNodeTime1'] == null) || (indexesByName['IdsAndTime1'] == null) || (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'] == null)) { // Reset all indexes console.log("Resetting events indexes..."); obj.eventsfile.dropIndexes(function (err) { obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ username: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'Username1' }); obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ domain: 1, nodeid: 1, time: -1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'DomainNodeTime1' }); obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ ids: 1, time: -1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'IdsAndTime1' }); obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } else if (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'].expireAfterSeconds != expireEventsSeconds) { // Reset the timeout index console.log("Resetting events expire index..."); obj.eventsfile.dropIndex('ExpireTime1', function (err) { obj.eventsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } }); // Setup MongoDB power events collection and indexes obj.powerfile = db.collection('power'); // Collection containing all power events obj.powerfile.getIndexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 3) || (indexesByName['NodeIdAndTime1'] == null) || (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'] == null)) { // Reset all indexes console.log("Resetting power events indexes..."); obj.powerfile.dropIndexes(function (err) { // Create all indexes obj.powerfile.createIndex({ nodeid: 1, time: 1 }, { sparse: 1, name: 'NodeIdAndTime1' }); obj.powerfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expirePowerEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } else if (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'].expireAfterSeconds != expirePowerEventsSeconds) { // Reset the timeout index console.log("Resetting power events expire index..."); obj.powerfile.dropIndex('ExpireTime1', function (err) { // Reset the expire power events index obj.powerfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expirePowerEventsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } }); // Setup MongoDB smbios collection, no indexes needed obj.smbiosfile = db.collection('smbios'); // Collection containing all smbios information // Setup MongoDB server stats collection obj.serverstatsfile = db.collection('serverstats'); // Collection of server stats obj.serverstatsfile.getIndexes(function (err, indexes) { // Check if we need to reset indexes var indexesByName = {}, indexCount = 0; for (var i in indexes) { indexesByName[indexes[i].name] = indexes[i]; indexCount++; } if ((indexCount != 3) || (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'] == null)) { // Reset all indexes console.log("Resetting server stats indexes..."); obj.serverstatsfile.dropIndexes(function (err) { // Create all indexes obj.serverstatsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireServerStatsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); obj.serverstatsfile.createIndex({ 'expire': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0, name: 'ExpireTime2' }); // Auto-expire events }); } else if (indexesByName['ExpireTime1'].expireAfterSeconds != expireServerStatsSeconds) { // Reset the timeout index console.log("Resetting server stats expire index..."); obj.serverstatsfile.dropIndex('ExpireTime1', function (err) { // Reset the expire server stats index obj.serverstatsfile.createIndex({ 'time': 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: expireServerStatsSeconds, name: 'ExpireTime1' }); }); } }); // Setup plugin info collection if (parent.config.settings != null) { obj.pluginsfile = db.collection('plugins'); } setupFunctions(func); // Completed setup of MongoJS } else { // Use NeDB (The default) obj.databaseType = 1; Datastore = require('nedb'); var datastoreOptions = { filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral.db'), autoload: true }; // If a DB encryption key is provided, perform database encryption if ((typeof parent.args.dbencryptkey == 'string') && (parent.args.dbencryptkey.length != 0)) { // Hash the database password into a AES256 key and setup encryption and decryption. obj.dbKey = parent.crypto.createHash('sha384').update(parent.args.dbencryptkey).digest("raw").slice(0, 32); datastoreOptions.afterSerialization = function (plaintext) { const iv = parent.crypto.randomBytes(16); const aes = parent.crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', obj.dbKey, iv); var ciphertext = aes.update(plaintext); ciphertext = Buffer.concat([iv, ciphertext, aes.final()]); return ciphertext.toString('base64'); } datastoreOptions.beforeDeserialization = function (ciphertext) { const ciphertextBytes = Buffer.from(ciphertext, 'base64'); const iv = ciphertextBytes.slice(0, 16); const data = ciphertextBytes.slice(16); const aes = parent.crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', obj.dbKey, iv); var plaintextBytes = Buffer.from(aes.update(data)); plaintextBytes = Buffer.concat([plaintextBytes, aes.final()]); return plaintextBytes.toString(); } } // Start NeDB main collection and setup indexes obj.file = new Datastore(datastoreOptions); obj.file.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(36000); obj.file.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'type' }); obj.file.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'domain' }); obj.file.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'meshid', sparse: true }); obj.file.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'nodeid', sparse: true }); obj.file.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'email', sparse: true }); // Setup the events collection and setup indexes obj.eventsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-events.db'), autoload: true }); obj.eventsfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(36000); obj.eventsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'ids' }); // TODO: Not sure if this is a good index, this is a array field. obj.eventsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'nodeid', sparse: true }); obj.eventsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'time', expireAfterSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 20 }); // Limit the power event log to 20 days (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days) // Setup the power collection and setup indexes obj.powerfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-power.db'), autoload: true }); obj.powerfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(36000); obj.powerfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'nodeid' }); obj.powerfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'time', expireAfterSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 10 }); // Limit the power event log to 10 days (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days) // Setup the SMBIOS collection obj.smbiosfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-smbios.db'), autoload: true }); // Setup the server stats collection and setup indexes obj.serverstatsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-stats.db'), autoload: true }); obj.serverstatsfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(36000); obj.serverstatsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'time', expireAfterSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 }); // Limit the server stats log to 30 days (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days) obj.serverstatsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'expire', expireAfterSeconds: 0 }); // Auto-expire events // Setup plugin info collection if (parent.config.settings != null) { obj.pluginsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-plugins.db'), autoload: true }); obj.pluginsfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(36000); } setupFunctions(func); // Completed setup of NeDB } // Check the object names for a "." function checkObjectNames(r, tag) { if (typeof r != 'object') return; for (var i in r) { if (i.indexOf('.') >= 0) { throw ('BadDbName (' + tag + '): ' + JSON.stringify(r)); } checkObjectNames(r[i], tag); } } // Query the database function mariaDbQuery(query, args, func) { Datastore.getConnection() .then(function (conn) { conn.query(query, args) .then(function (rows) { conn.release(); const docs = []; for (var i in rows) { if (rows[i].doc) { docs.push(performTypedRecordDecrypt(JSON.parse(rows[i].doc))); } } if (func) try { func(null, docs); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }) .catch(function (err) { conn.release(); if (func) try { func(err); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }); }).catch(function (err) { if (func) { try { func(err); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } } }); } // Exec on the database function mariaDbExec(query, args, func) { Datastore.getConnection() .then(function (conn) { conn.query(query, args) .then(function (rows) { conn.release(); if (func) try { func(null, rows[0]); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }) .catch(function (err) { conn.release(); if (func) try { func(err); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }); }).catch(function (err) { if (func) { try { func(err); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } } }); } // Execute a batch of commands on the database function mariaDbBatchExec(queries, func) { Datastore.getConnection() .then(function (conn) { var Promises = []; for (var i in queries) { Promises.push(conn.query(queries[i])); } Promise.all(Promises) .then(function (rows) { conn.release(); if (func) { try { func(null); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } } }) .catch(function (err) { conn.release(); if (func) { try { func(err); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } } }); }) .catch(function (err) { if (func) { try { func(err); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } } }); } function setupFunctions(func) { if (obj.databaseType == 4) { // Database actions on the main collection (MariaDB) obj.Set = function (value, func) { var extra = null, extraex = null; if (value.meshid) { extra = value.meshid; } else if (value.email) { extra = 'email/' + value.email; } if ((value.type == 'node') && (value.intelamt != null) && (value.intelamt.uuid != null)) { extraex = 'uuid/' + value.intelamt.uuid; } mariaDbQuery('REPLACE INTO meshcentral.main VALUE (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [value._id, (value.type ? value.type : null), ((value.domain != null) ? value.domain : null), extra, extraex, JSON.stringify(performTypedRecordEncrypt(value))], func); } obj.Get = function (_id, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE id = ?', [_id], func); } obj.GetAll = function (func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT domain, doc FROM meshcentral.main', null, func); } obj.GetHash = function (id, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE id = ?', [id], func); } obj.GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function (type, domain, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE type = ? AND domain = ?', [type, domain], function (err, docs) { for (var i in docs) { delete docs[i].type } func(err, docs); }); }; obj.GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function (meshes, domain, type, id, func) { if (id && (id != '')) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE id = ? AND type = ? AND domain = ? AND extra IN ?', [id, type, domain, meshes], function (err, docs) { for (var i in docs) { delete docs[i].type } func(err, docs); }); } else { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE type = ? AND domain = ? AND extra IN ?', [type, domain, meshes], function (err, docs) { for (var i in docs) { delete docs[i].type } func(err, docs); }); } }; obj.GetAllType = function (type, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE type = ?', [type], func); } obj.GetAllIdsOfType = function (ids, domain, type, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE id IN ? AND domain = ? AND type = ?', [ids, domain, type], func); } obj.GetUserWithEmail = function (domain, email, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE domain = ? AND extra = ?', [domain, 'email/' + email], func); } obj.GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function (domain, email, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE domain = ? AND extra = ?', [domain, 'email/' + email], func); } obj.Remove = function (id, func) { mariaDbQuery('DELETE FROM meshcentral.main WHERE id = ?', [id], func); }; obj.RemoveAll = function (func) { mariaDbQuery('DELETE FROM meshcentral.main', null, func); }; obj.RemoveAllOfType = function (type, func) { mariaDbQuery('DELETE FROM meshcentral.main WHERE type = ?', [type], func); }; obj.InsertMany = function (data, func) { var pendingOps = 0; for (var i in data) { pendingOps++; obj.Set(data[i], function () { if (--pendingOps == 0) { func(); } }); } }; obj.RemoveMeshDocuments = function (id) { mariaDbQuery('DELETE FROM meshcentral.main WHERE extra = ?', [id], function () { mariaDbQuery('DELETE FROM meshcentral.main WHERE id = ?', ['nt' + id], func); } ); }; obj.MakeSiteAdmin = function (username, domain) { obj.Get('user/' + domain + '/' + username, function (err, docs) { if (docs.length == 1) { docs[0].siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; obj.Set(docs[0]); } }); }; obj.DeleteDomain = function (domain, func) { mariaDbQuery('DELETE FROM meshcentral.main WHERE domain = ?', [domain], func); }; obj.SetUser = function (user) { if (user.subscriptions != null) { var u = Clone(user); if (u.subscriptions) { delete u.subscriptions; } obj.Set(u); } else { obj.Set(user); } }; obj.dispose = function () { for (var x in obj) { if (obj[x].close) { obj[x].close(); } delete obj[x]; } }; obj.getLocalAmtNodes = function (func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE (type = "node") AND (extraex IS NOT NULL)', null, function (err, docs) { var r = []; for (var i in docs) { if (docs[i].host != null) { r.push(docs[i]); } } func(err, r); }); }; obj.getAmtUuidMeshNode = function (meshid, uuid, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE meshid = ? AND extraex = ?', [meshid, 'uuid/' + uuid], func); }; obj.getAmtUuidNode = function (uuid, func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE type = "node" AND extraex = ?', ['uuid/' + uuid], func); }; obj.isMaxType = function (max, type, domainid, func) { if (max == null) { func(false); } else { mariaDbExec('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM meshcentral.main WHERE domain = ? AND type = ?', [domainid, type], function (err, response) { func((response['COUNT(id)'] == null) || (response['COUNT(id)'] > max), response['COUNT(id)']) }); } } // Database actions on the events collection obj.GetAllEvents = function (func) { console.log('TODO:GetAllEvents'); }; obj.StoreEvent = function (event) { console.log('TODO:StoreEvent'); }; obj.GetEvents = function (ids, domain, func) { console.log('TODO:GetEvents'); }; obj.GetEventsWithLimit = function (ids, domain, limit, func) { console.log('TODO:GetEventsWithLimit'); }; obj.GetUserEvents = function (ids, domain, username, func) { console.log('TODO:GetUserEvents'); }; obj.GetUserEventsWithLimit = function (ids, domain, username, limit, func) { console.log('TODO:GetUserEventsWithLimit'); }; obj.GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function (nodeid, domain, limit, func) { console.log('TODO:GetNodeEventsWithLimit'); }; obj.GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function (nodeid, domain, userid, limit, func) { console.log('TODO:GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit'); }; obj.RemoveAllEvents = function (domain) { console.log('TODO:RemoveAllEvents'); }; obj.RemoveAllNodeEvents = function (domain, nodeid) { console.log('TODO:RemoveAllNodeEvents'); }; obj.RemoveAllUserEvents = function (domain, userid) { console.log('TODO:RemoveAllUserEvents'); }; obj.GetFailedLoginCount = function (username, domainid, lastlogin, func) { console.log('TODO:GetFailedLoginCount'); } // Database actions on the power collection obj.getAllPower = function (func) { console.log('TODO:getAllPower'); }; obj.storePowerEvent = function (event, multiServer, func) { console.log('TODO:storePowerEvent'); }; obj.getPowerTimeline = function (nodeid, func) { console.log('TODO:getPowerTimeline'); }; obj.removeAllPowerEvents = function () { console.log('TODO:removeAllPowerEvents'); }; obj.removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function (nodeid) { console.log('TODO:removeAllPowerEventsForNode'); }; // Database actions on the SMBIOS collection obj.GetAllSMBIOS = function (func) { console.log('TODO:GetAllSMBIOS'); }; obj.SetSMBIOS = function (smbios, func) { console.log('TODO:SetSMBIOS'); }; obj.RemoveSMBIOS = function (id) { console.log('TODO:RemoveSMBIOS'); }; obj.GetSMBIOS = function (id, func) { console.log('TODO:GetSMBIOS'); }; // Database actions on the Server Stats collection obj.SetServerStats = function (data, func) { mariaDbQuery('REPLACE INTO meshcentral.serverstats VALUE (?, ?, ?)', [data.time, data.expire, JSON.stringify(data)], func); }; obj.GetServerStats = function (hours, func) { var t = new Date(); t.setTime(t.getTime() - (60 * 60 * 1000 * hours)); mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE time < ?', [t], func); }; // TODO: Expire old entries // Read a configuration file from the database obj.getConfigFile = function (path, func) { obj.Get('cfile/' + path, func); } // Write a configuration file to the database obj.setConfigFile = function (path, data, func) { obj.Set({ _id: 'cfile/' + path, type: 'cfile', data: data.toString('base64') }, func); } // List all configuration files obj.listConfigFiles = function (func) { mariaDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.main WHERE type = "cfile" ORDER BY id', func); } // Get all configuration files obj.getAllConfigFiles = function (password, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'cfile' }).toArray(function (err, docs) { if (err != null) { func(null); return; } var r = null; for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { var name = docs[i]._id.split('/')[1]; var data = obj.decryptData(password, docs[i].data); if (data != null) { if (r == null) { r = {}; } r[name] = data; } } func(r); }); } // Get database information obj.getDbStats = function (func) { console.log('TODO:getDbStats'); } // Plugin operations //if (parent.config.settings.plugins != null) {} } else if (obj.databaseType == 3) { // Database actions on the main collection (MongoDB) obj.Set = function (data, func) { obj.file.replaceOne({ _id: data._id }, performTypedRecordEncrypt(data), { upsert: true }, func); }; obj.Get = function (id, func) { if (arguments.length > 2) { var parms = [func]; for (var parmx = 2; parmx < arguments.length; ++parmx) { parms.push(arguments[parmx]); } var func2 = function _func2(arg1, arg2) { var userCallback = _func2.userArgs.shift(); _func2.userArgs.unshift(arg2); _func2.userArgs.unshift(arg1); userCallback.apply(obj, _func2.userArgs); }; func2.userArgs = parms; obj.file.find({ _id: id }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func2(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); } else { obj.file.find({ _id: id }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); } }; obj.GetAll = function (func) { obj.file.find({}).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetHash = function (id, func) { obj.file.find({ _id: id }).project({ _id: 0, hash: 1 }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function (type, domain, func) { obj.file.find({ type: type, domain: domain }).project({ type: 0 }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function (meshes, domain, type, id, func) { var x = { type: type, domain: domain, meshid: { $in: meshes } }; if (id) { x._id = id; } obj.file.find(x, { type: 0 }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetAllType = function (type, func) { obj.file.find({ type: type }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetAllIdsOfType = function (ids, domain, type, func) { obj.file.find({ type: type, domain: domain, _id: { $in: ids } }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetUserWithEmail = function (domain, email, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'user', domain: domain, email: email }).project({ type: 0 }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function (domain, email, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'user', domain: domain, email: email, emailVerified: true }).project({ type: 0 }).toArray(function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.Remove = function (id) { obj.file.deleteOne({ _id: id }); }; obj.RemoveAll = function (func) { obj.file.deleteMany({}, { multi: true }, func); }; obj.RemoveAllOfType = function (type, func) { obj.file.deleteMany({ type: type }, { multi: true }, func); }; obj.InsertMany = function (data, func) { obj.file.insertMany(data, func); }; obj.RemoveMeshDocuments = function (id) { obj.file.deleteMany({ meshid: id }, { multi: true }); obj.file.deleteOne({ _id: 'nt' + id }); }; obj.MakeSiteAdmin = function (username, domain) { obj.Get('user/' + domain + '/' + username, function (err, docs) { if (docs.length == 1) { docs[0].siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; obj.Set(docs[0]); } }); }; obj.DeleteDomain = function (domain, func) { obj.file.deleteMany({ domain: domain }, { multi: true }, func); }; obj.SetUser = function (user) { if (user.subscriptions != null) { var u = Clone(user); if (u.subscriptions) { delete u.subscriptions; } obj.Set(u); } else { obj.Set(user); } }; obj.dispose = function () { for (var x in obj) { if (obj[x].close) { obj[x].close(); } delete obj[x]; } }; obj.getLocalAmtNodes = function (func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'node', host: { $exists: true, $ne: null }, intelamt: { $exists: true } }).toArray(func); }; obj.getAmtUuidMeshNode = function (meshid, uuid, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'node', meshid: meshid, 'intelamt.uuid': uuid }).toArray(func); }; obj.getAmtUuidNode = function (uuid, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'node', 'intelamt.uuid': uuid }).toArray(func); }; // TODO: Starting in MongoDB 4.0.3, you should use countDocuments() instead of count() that is deprecated. We should detect MongoDB version and switch. // https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.countDocuments/ //obj.isMaxType = function (max, type, domainid, func) { if (max == null) { func(false); } else { obj.file.countDocuments({ type: type, domain: domainid }, function (err, count) { func((err != null) || (count > max)); }); } } obj.isMaxType = function (max, type, domainid, func) { if (obj.file.countDocuments) { if (max == null) { func(false); } else { obj.file.countDocuments({ type: type, domain: domainid }, function (err, count) { func((err != null) || (count > max), count); }); } } else { if (max == null) { func(false); } else { obj.file.count({ type: type, domain: domainid }, function (err, count) { func((err != null) || (count > max), count); }); } } } // Database actions on the events collection obj.GetAllEvents = function (func) { obj.eventsfile.find({}).toArray(func); }; obj.StoreEvent = function (event) { obj.eventsfile.insertOne(event); }; obj.GetEvents = function (ids, domain, func) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, ids: { $in: ids } }).project({ type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).toArray(func); }; obj.GetEventsWithLimit = function (ids, domain, limit, func) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, ids: { $in: ids } }).project({ type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).toArray(func); }; obj.GetUserEvents = function (ids, domain, username, func) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, $or: [{ ids: { $in: ids } }, { username: username }] }).project({ type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).toArray(func); }; obj.GetUserEventsWithLimit = function (ids, domain, username, limit, func) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, $or: [{ ids: { $in: ids } }, { username: username }] }).project({ type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).toArray(func); }; obj.GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function (nodeid, domain, limit, func) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid }).project({ type: 0, etype: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0, nodeid: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).toArray(func); }; obj.GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function (nodeid, domain, userid, limit, func) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid, userid: { $in: [userid, null] } }).project({ type: 0, etype: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0, nodeid: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).toArray(func); }; obj.RemoveAllEvents = function (domain) { obj.eventsfile.deleteMany({ domain: domain }, { multi: true }); }; obj.RemoveAllNodeEvents = function (domain, nodeid) { obj.eventsfile.deleteMany({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid }, { multi: true }); }; obj.RemoveAllUserEvents = function (domain, userid) { obj.eventsfile.deleteMany({ domain: domain, userid: userid }, { multi: true }); }; obj.GetFailedLoginCount = function (username, domainid, lastlogin, func) { if (obj.eventsfile.countDocuments) { obj.eventsfile.countDocuments({ action: 'authfail', username: username, domain: domainid, time: { "$gte": lastlogin } }, function (err, count) { func((err == null) ? count : 0); }); } else { obj.eventsfile.count({ action: 'authfail', username: username, domain: domainid, time: { "$gte": lastlogin } }, function (err, count) { func((err == null) ? count : 0); }); } } // Database actions on the power collection obj.getAllPower = function (func) { obj.powerfile.find({}).toArray(func); }; obj.storePowerEvent = function (event, multiServer, func) { if (multiServer != null) { event.server = multiServer.serverid; } obj.powerfile.insertOne(event, func); }; obj.getPowerTimeline = function (nodeid, func) { obj.powerfile.find({ nodeid: { $in: ['*', nodeid] } }).project({ _id: 0, nodeid: 0, s: 0 }).sort({ time: 1 }).toArray(func); }; obj.removeAllPowerEvents = function () { obj.powerfile.deleteMany({}, { multi: true }); }; obj.removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function (nodeid) { obj.powerfile.deleteMany({ nodeid: nodeid }, { multi: true }); }; // Database actions on the SMBIOS collection obj.GetAllSMBIOS = function (func) { obj.smbiosfile.find({}).toArray(func); }; obj.SetSMBIOS = function (smbios, func) { obj.smbiosfile.updateOne({ _id: smbios._id }, { $set: smbios }, { upsert: true }, func); }; obj.RemoveSMBIOS = function (id) { obj.smbiosfile.deleteOne({ _id: id }); }; obj.GetSMBIOS = function (id, func) { obj.smbiosfile.find({ _id: id }).toArray(func); }; // Database actions on the Server Stats collection obj.SetServerStats = function (data, func) { obj.serverstatsfile.insertOne(data, func); }; obj.GetServerStats = function (hours, func) { var t = new Date(); t.setTime(t.getTime() - (60 * 60 * 1000 * hours)); obj.serverstatsfile.find({ time: { $gt: t } }, { _id: 0, cpu: 0 }).toArray(func); }; // Read a configuration file from the database obj.getConfigFile = function (path, func) { obj.Get('cfile/' + path, func); } // Write a configuration file to the database obj.setConfigFile = function (path, data, func) { obj.Set({ _id: 'cfile/' + path, type: 'cfile', data: data.toString('base64') }, func); } // List all configuration files obj.listConfigFiles = function (func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'cfile' }).sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray(func); } // Get all configuration files obj.getAllConfigFiles = function (password, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'cfile' }).toArray(function (err, docs) { if (err != null) { func(null); return; } var r = null; for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { var name = docs[i]._id.split('/')[1]; var data = obj.decryptData(password, docs[i].data); if (data != null) { if (r == null) { r = {}; } r[name] = data; } } func(r); }); } // Get database information obj.getDbStats = function (func) { obj.stats = { c: 6 }; obj.getStats(function (r) { obj.stats.recordTypes = r; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }) obj.file.stats().then(function (stats) { obj.stats[stats.ns] = { size: stats.size, count: stats.count, avgObjSize: stats.avgObjSize, capped: stats.capped }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }, function () { if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.eventsfile.stats().then(function (stats) { obj.stats[stats.ns] = { size: stats.size, count: stats.count, avgObjSize: stats.avgObjSize, capped: stats.capped }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }, function () { if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.powerfile.stats().then(function (stats) { obj.stats[stats.ns] = { size: stats.size, count: stats.count, avgObjSize: stats.avgObjSize, capped: stats.capped }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }, function () { if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.smbiosfile.stats().then(function (stats) { obj.stats[stats.ns] = { size: stats.size, count: stats.count, avgObjSize: stats.avgObjSize, capped: stats.capped }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }, function () { if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.serverstatsfile.stats().then(function (stats) { obj.stats[stats.ns] = { size: stats.size, count: stats.count, avgObjSize: stats.avgObjSize, capped: stats.capped }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }, function () { if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); } // Plugin operations if (parent.config.settings.plugins != null) { obj.addPlugin = function (plugin, func) { plugin.type = "plugin"; obj.pluginsfile.insertOne(plugin, func); }; // Add a plugin obj.getPlugins = function (func) { obj.pluginsfile.find({ "type": "plugin" }).project({ "type": 0 }).sort({ name: 1 }).toArray(func); }; // Get all plugins obj.getPlugin = function (id, func) { id = require('mongodb').ObjectID(id); obj.pluginsfile.find({ _id: id }).sort({ name: 1 }).toArray(func); }; // Get plugin obj.deletePlugin = function (id, func) { id = require('mongodb').ObjectID(id); obj.pluginsfile.deleteOne({ _id: id }, func); }; // Delete plugin obj.setPluginStatus = function (id, status, func) { id = require('mongodb').ObjectID(id); obj.pluginsfile.updateOne({ _id: id }, { $set: { status: status } }, func); }; obj.updatePlugin = function (id, args, func) { delete args._id; id = require('mongodb').ObjectID(id); obj.pluginsfile.updateOne({ _id: id }, { $set: args }, func); }; } } else { // Database actions on the main collection (NeDB and MongoJS) obj.Set = function (data, func) { var xdata = performTypedRecordEncrypt(data); obj.file.update({ _id: xdata._id }, xdata, { upsert: true }, func); }; obj.Get = function (id, func) { if (arguments.length > 2) { var parms = [func]; for (var parmx = 2; parmx < arguments.length; ++parmx) { parms.push(arguments[parmx]); } var func2 = function _func2(arg1, arg2) { var userCallback = _func2.userArgs.shift(); _func2.userArgs.unshift(arg2); _func2.userArgs.unshift(arg1); userCallback.apply(obj, _func2.userArgs); }; func2.userArgs = parms; obj.file.find({ _id: id }, function (err, docs) { func2(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); } else { obj.file.find({ _id: id }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); } }; obj.GetAll = function (func) { obj.file.find({}, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetHash = function (id, func) { obj.file.find({ _id: id }, { _id: 0, hash: 1 }, func); }; obj.GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function (type, domain, func) { obj.file.find({ type: type, domain: domain }, { type: 0 }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function (meshes, domain, type, id, func) { var x = { type: type, domain: domain, meshid: { $in: meshes } }; if (id) { x._id = id; } obj.file.find(x, { type: 0 }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetAllType = function (type, func) { obj.file.find({ type: type }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetAllIdsOfType = function (ids, domain, type, func) { obj.file.find({ type: type, domain: domain, _id: { $in: ids } }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetUserWithEmail = function (domain, email, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'user', domain: domain, email: email }, { type: 0 }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function (domain, email, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'user', domain: domain, email: email, emailVerified: true }, { type: 0 }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); }); }; obj.Remove = function (id) { obj.file.remove({ _id: id }); }; obj.RemoveAll = function (func) { obj.file.remove({}, { multi: true }, func); }; obj.RemoveAllOfType = function (type, func) { obj.file.remove({ type: type }, { multi: true }, func); }; obj.InsertMany = function (data, func) { obj.file.insert(data, func); }; obj.RemoveMeshDocuments = function (id) { obj.file.remove({ meshid: id }, { multi: true }); obj.file.remove({ _id: 'nt' + id }); }; obj.MakeSiteAdmin = function (username, domain) { obj.Get('user/' + domain + '/' + username, function (err, docs) { if (docs.length == 1) { docs[0].siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; obj.Set(docs[0]); } }); }; obj.DeleteDomain = function (domain, func) { obj.file.remove({ domain: domain }, { multi: true }, func); }; obj.SetUser = function (user) { if (user.subscriptions != null) { var u = Clone(user); if (u.subscriptions) { delete u.subscriptions; } obj.Set(u); } else { obj.Set(user); } }; obj.dispose = function () { for (var x in obj) { if (obj[x].close) { obj[x].close(); } delete obj[x]; } }; obj.getLocalAmtNodes = function (func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'node', host: { $exists: true, $ne: null }, intelamt: { $exists: true } }, func); }; obj.getAmtUuidMeshNode = function (meshid, uuid, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'node', meshid: meshid, 'intelamt.uuid': uuid }, func); }; obj.getAmtUuidNode = function (uuid, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'node', 'intelamt.uuid': uuid }, func); }; obj.isMaxType = function (max, type, domainid, func) { if (max == null) { func(false); } else { obj.file.count({ type: type, domain: domainid }, function (err, count) { func((err != null) || (count > max), count); }); } } // Database actions on the events collection obj.GetAllEvents = function (func) { obj.eventsfile.find({}, func); }; obj.StoreEvent = function (event) { obj.eventsfile.insert(event); }; obj.GetEvents = function (ids, domain, func) { if (obj.databaseType == 1) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, ids: { $in: ids } }, { _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).exec(func); } else { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, ids: { $in: ids } }, { type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }, func); } }; obj.GetEventsWithLimit = function (ids, domain, limit, func) { if (obj.databaseType == 1) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, ids: { $in: ids } }, { _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).exec(func); } else { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, ids: { $in: ids } }, { type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit, func); } }; obj.GetUserEvents = function (ids, domain, username, func) { if (obj.databaseType == 1) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, $or: [{ ids: { $in: ids } }, { username: username }] }, { type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).exec(func); } else { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, $or: [{ ids: { $in: ids } }, { username: username }] }, { type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }, func); } }; obj.GetUserEventsWithLimit = function (ids, domain, username, limit, func) { if (obj.databaseType == 1) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, $or: [{ ids: { $in: ids } }, { username: username }] }, { type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).exec(func); } else { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, $or: [{ ids: { $in: ids } }, { username: username }] }, { type: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit, func); } }; obj.GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function (nodeid, domain, limit, func) { if (obj.databaseType == 1) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid }, { type: 0, etype: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0, nodeid: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).exec(func); } else { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid }, { type: 0, etype: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0, nodeid: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit, func); } }; obj.GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function (nodeid, domain, userid, limit, func) { if (obj.databaseType == 1) { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid, userid: { $in: [userid, null] } }, { type: 0, etype: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0, nodeid: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit).exec(func); } else { obj.eventsfile.find({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid }, { type: 0, etype: 0, _id: 0, domain: 0, ids: 0, node: 0, nodeid: 0 }).sort({ time: -1 }).limit(limit, func); } }; obj.RemoveAllEvents = function (domain) { obj.eventsfile.remove({ domain: domain }, { multi: true }); }; obj.RemoveAllNodeEvents = function (domain, nodeid) { obj.eventsfile.remove({ domain: domain, nodeid: nodeid }, { multi: true }); }; obj.RemoveAllUserEvents = function (domain, userid) { obj.eventsfile.remove({ domain: domain, userid: userid }, { multi: true }); }; obj.GetFailedLoginCount = function (username, domainid, lastlogin, func) { obj.eventsfile.count({ action: 'authfail', username: username, domain: domainid, time: { "$gte": lastlogin } }, function (err, count) { func((err == null) ? count : 0); }); } // Database actions on the power collection obj.getAllPower = function (func) { obj.powerfile.find({}, func); }; obj.storePowerEvent = function (event, multiServer, func) { if (multiServer != null) { event.server = multiServer.serverid; } obj.powerfile.insert(event, func); }; obj.getPowerTimeline = function (nodeid, func) { if (obj.databaseType == 1) { obj.powerfile.find({ nodeid: { $in: ['*', nodeid] } }, { _id: 0, nodeid: 0, s: 0 }).sort({ time: 1 }).exec(func); } else { obj.powerfile.find({ nodeid: { $in: ['*', nodeid] } }, { _id: 0, nodeid: 0, s: 0 }).sort({ time: 1 }, func); } }; obj.removeAllPowerEvents = function () { obj.powerfile.remove({}, { multi: true }); }; obj.removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function (nodeid) { obj.powerfile.remove({ nodeid: nodeid }, { multi: true }); }; // Database actions on the SMBIOS collection obj.GetAllSMBIOS = function (func) { obj.smbiosfile.find({}, func); }; obj.SetSMBIOS = function (smbios, func) { obj.smbiosfile.update({ _id: smbios._id }, smbios, { upsert: true }, func); }; obj.RemoveSMBIOS = function (id) { obj.smbiosfile.remove({ _id: id }); }; obj.GetSMBIOS = function (id, func) { obj.smbiosfile.find({ _id: id }, func); }; // Database actions on the Server Stats collection obj.SetServerStats = function (data, func) { obj.serverstatsfile.insert(data, func); }; obj.GetServerStats = function (hours, func) { var t = new Date(); t.setTime(t.getTime() - (60 * 60 * 1000 * hours)); obj.serverstatsfile.find({ time: { $gt: t } }, { _id: 0, cpu: 0 }, func); }; // Read a configuration file from the database obj.getConfigFile = function (path, func) { obj.Get('cfile/' + path, func); } // Write a configuration file to the database obj.setConfigFile = function (path, data, func) { obj.Set({ _id: 'cfile/' + path, type: 'cfile', data: data.toString('base64') }, func); } // List all configuration files obj.listConfigFiles = function (func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'cfile' }).sort({ _id: 1 }).exec(func); } // Get all configuration files obj.getAllConfigFiles = function (password, func) { obj.file.find({ type: 'cfile' }, function (err, docs) { if (err != null) { func(null); return; } var r = null; for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { var name = docs[i]._id.split('/')[1]; var data = obj.decryptData(password, docs[i].data); if (data != null) { if (r == null) { r = {}; } r[name] = data; } } func(r); }); } // Get database information obj.getDbStats = function (func) { obj.stats = { c: 6 }; obj.getStats(function (r) { obj.stats.recordTypes = r; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }) obj.file.count({}, function (err, count) { obj.stats.meshcentral = { count: count }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.eventsfile.count({}, function (err, count) { obj.stats.events = { count: count }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.powerfile.count({}, function (err, count) { obj.stats.power = { count: count }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.smbiosfile.count({}, function (err, count) { obj.stats.smbios = { count: count }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); obj.serverstatsfile.count({}, function (err, count) { obj.stats.serverstats = { count: count }; if (--obj.stats.c == 0) { delete obj.stats.c; func(obj.stats); } }); } // Plugin operations if (parent.config.settings.plugins != null) { obj.addPlugin = function (plugin, func) { plugin.type = 'plugin'; obj.pluginsfile.insert(plugin, func); }; // Add a plugin obj.getPlugins = function (func) { obj.pluginsfile.find({ 'type': 'plugin' }, { 'type': 0 }).sort({ name: 1 }).exec(func); }; // Get all plugins obj.getPlugin = function (id, func) { obj.pluginsfile.find({ _id: id }).sort({ name: 1 }).exec(func); }; // Get plugin obj.deletePlugin = function (id, func) { obj.pluginsfile.remove({ _id: id }, func); }; // Delete plugin obj.setPluginStatus = function (id, status, func) { obj.pluginsfile.update({ _id: id }, { $set: { status: status } }, func); }; obj.updatePlugin = function (id, args, func) { delete args._id; obj.pluginsfile.update({ _id: id }, { $set: args }, func); }; } } func(obj); // Completed function setup } // Return a human readable string with current backup configuration obj.getBackupConfig = function () { var r = '', backupPath = parent.backuppath; if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && parent.config.settings.autobackup.backuppath) { backupPath = parent.config.settings.autobackup.backuppath; } const dbname = (parent.args.mongodbname) ? (parent.args.mongodbname) : 'meshcentral'; const currentDate = new Date(); const fileSuffix = currentDate.getFullYear() + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getDate(), 2) + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getHours(), 2) + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getMinutes(), 2); const newAutoBackupFile = 'meshcentral-autobackup-' + fileSuffix; const newAutoBackupPath = parent.path.join(backupPath, newAutoBackupFile); r += 'DB Name: ' + dbname + '\r\n'; r += 'DB Type: ' + ['None', 'NeDB', 'MongoJS', 'MongoDB'][obj.databaseType] + '\r\n'; r += 'BackupPath: ' + backupPath + '\r\n'; r += 'newAutoBackupFile: ' + newAutoBackupFile + '\r\n'; r += 'newAutoBackupPath: ' + newAutoBackupPath + '\r\n'; if (parent.config.settings.autobackup == null) { r += 'No Settings/AutoBackup\r\n'; } else { if (parent.config.settings.autobackup.backupintervalhours != null) { if (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.backupintervalhours != 'number') { r += 'Bad backupintervalhours type\r\n'; } else { r += 'Backup Interval (Hours): ' + parent.config.settings.autobackup.backupintervalhours + '\r\n'; } } if (parent.config.settings.autobackup.keeplastdaysbackup != null) { if (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.keeplastdaysbackup != 'number') { r += 'Bad keeplastdaysbackup type\r\n'; } else { r += 'Keep Last Backups (Days): ' + parent.config.settings.autobackup.keeplastdaysbackup + '\r\n'; } } if (parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword != null) { if (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword != 'string') { r += 'Bad zippassword type\r\n'; } else { r += 'ZIP Password Set\r\n'; } } if (parent.config.settings.autobackup.mongodumppath != null) { if (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.mongodumppath != 'string') { r += 'Bad mongodumppath type\r\n'; } else { r += 'MongoDump Path: ' + parent.config.settings.autobackup.mongodumppath + '\r\n'; } } } return r; } obj.performingBackup = false; obj.performBackup = function () { try { if (obj.performingBackup) return 1; obj.performingBackup = true; //console.log('Performing backup...'); var backupPath = parent.backuppath; if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && parent.config.settings.autobackup.backuppath) { backupPath = parent.config.settings.autobackup.backuppath; } try { parent.fs.mkdirSync(backupPath); } catch (e) { } const dbname = (parent.args.mongodbname) ? (parent.args.mongodbname) : 'meshcentral'; const dburl = parent.args.mongodb; const currentDate = new Date(); const fileSuffix = currentDate.getFullYear() + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getDate(), 2) + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getHours(), 2) + '-' + padNumber(currentDate.getMinutes(), 2); const newAutoBackupFile = 'meshcentral-autobackup-' + fileSuffix; const newAutoBackupPath = parent.path.join(backupPath, newAutoBackupFile); if ((obj.databaseType == 2) || (obj.databaseType == 3)) { // Perform a MongoDump backup const newBackupFile = 'mongodump-' + fileSuffix; var newBackupPath = parent.path.join(backupPath, newBackupFile); var mongoDumpPath = 'mongodump'; if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && parent.config.settings.autobackup.mongodumppath) { mongoDumpPath = parent.config.settings.autobackup.mongodumppath; } const child_process = require('child_process'); const cmd = '\"' + mongoDumpPath + '\" --db=\"' + dbname + '\" --archive=\"' + newBackupPath + '.archive\"'; if (dburl) { cmd = '\"' + mongoDumpPath + '\" --uri=\"' + dburl + '\" --archive=\"' + newBackupPath + '.archive\"'; } var backupProcess = child_process.exec(cmd, { cwd: backupPath }, function (error, stdout, stderr) { try { backupProcess = null; if ((error != null) && (error != '')) { console.log('ERROR: Unable to perform database backup: ' + error + '\r\n'); obj.performingBackup = false; return; } // Perform archive compression var archiver = require('archiver'); var output = parent.fs.createWriteStream(newAutoBackupPath + '.zip'); var archive = null; if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword == 'string')) { try { archiver.registerFormat('zip-encrypted', require("archiver-zip-encrypted")); } catch (ex) { } archive = archiver.create('zip-encrypted', { zlib: { level: 9 }, encryptionMethod: 'aes256', password: parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword }); } else { archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } }); } output.on('close', function () { obj.performingBackup = false; setTimeout(function () { try { parent.fs.unlink(newBackupPath + '.archive', function () { }); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }, 5000); }); output.on('end', function () { }); archive.on('warning', function (err) { console.log('Backup warning: ' + err); }); archive.on('error', function (err) { console.log('Backup error: ' + err); }); archive.pipe(output); archive.file(newBackupPath + '.archive', { name: newBackupFile + '.archive' }); archive.directory(parent.datapath, 'meshcentral-data'); archive.finalize(); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }); } else { // Perform a NeDB backup var archiver = require('archiver'); var output = parent.fs.createWriteStream(newAutoBackupPath + '.zip'); var archive = null; if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword == 'string')) { try { archiver.registerFormat('zip-encrypted', require("archiver-zip-encrypted")); } catch (ex) { } archive = archiver.create('zip-encrypted', { zlib: { level: 9 }, encryptionMethod: 'aes256', password: parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword }); } else { archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } }); } output.on('close', function () { obj.performingBackup = false; }); output.on('end', function () { }); archive.on('warning', function (err) { console.log('Backup warning: ' + err); }); archive.on('error', function (err) { console.log('Backup error: ' + err); }); archive.pipe(output); archive.directory(parent.datapath, 'meshcentral-data'); archive.finalize(); } // Remove old backups if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.keeplastdaysbackup == 'number')) { var cutoffDate = new Date(); cutoffDate.setDate(cutoffDate.getDate() - parent.config.settings.autobackup.keeplastdaysbackup); parent.fs.readdir(parent.backuppath, function (err, dir) { try { if ((err == null) && (dir.length > 0)) { for (var i in dir) { var name = dir[i]; if (name.startsWith('meshcentral-autobackup-') && name.endsWith('.zip')) { var timex = name.substring(23, name.length - 4).split('-'); if (timex.length == 5) { var fileDate = new Date(parseInt(timex[0]), parseInt(timex[1]) - 1, parseInt(timex[2]), parseInt(timex[3]), parseInt(timex[4])); if (fileDate && (cutoffDate > fileDate)) { try { parent.fs.unlink(parent.path.join(parent.backuppath, name), function () { }); } catch (ex) { } } } } } } } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }); } } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } return 0; } function padNumber(number, digits) { return Array(Math.max(digits - String(number).length + 1, 0)).join(0) + number; } // Called when a node has changed function dbNodeChange(nodeChange, added) { const node = nodeChange.fullDocument; if (node.intelamt && node.intelamt.pass) { delete node.intelamt.pass; } // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this. parent.DispatchEvent(['*', node.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', action: (added ? 'addnode' : 'changenode'), node: node, nodeid: node._id, domain: node.domain, nolog: 1 }); } // Called when a device group has changed function dbMeshChange(meshChange, added) { if (parent.webserver == null) return; common.unEscapeLinksFieldName(meshChange.fullDocument); const mesh = meshChange.fullDocument; // Update the mesh object in memory const mmesh = parent.webserver.meshes[mesh._id]; for (var i in mesh) { mmesh[i] = mesh[i]; } for (var i in mmesh) { if (mesh[i] == null) { delete mmesh[i]; } } // Send the mesh update if (mesh.deleted) { mesh.action = 'deletemesh'; } else { mesh.action = (added ? 'createmesh' : 'meshchange'); } mesh.meshid = mesh._id; mesh.nolog = 1; delete mesh.type; delete mesh._id; if (mesh.amt) { delete mesh.amt.password; } // Remove the Intel AMT password if present parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh.meshid], obj, mesh); } // Called when a user account has changed function dbUserChange(userChange, added) { if (parent.webserver == null) return; const user = userChange.fullDocument; // Update the user object in memory const muser = parent.webserver.users[user._id]; for (var i in user) { muser[i] = user[i]; } for (var i in muser) { if (user[i] == null) { delete muser[i]; } } // Send the user update var targets = ['*', 'server-users', user._id]; if (user.groups) { for (var i in user.groups) { targets.push('server-users:' + i); } } parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, { etype: 'user', username: user.name, account: parent.webserver.CloneSafeUser(user), action: (added ? 'accountcreate' : 'accountchange'), domain: user.domain, nolog: 1 }); } // Called when a user group has changed function dbUGrpChange(ugrpChange, added) { if (parent.webserver == null) return; common.unEscapeLinksFieldName(ugrpChange.fullDocument); const usergroup = ugrpChange.fullDocument; // Update the user group object in memory const uusergroup = parent.webserver.usergroups[usergroup._id]; for (var i in usergroup) { uusergroup[i] = usergroup[i]; } for (var i in uusergroup) { if (usergroup[i] == null) { delete uusergroup[i]; } } // Send the user group update usergroup.action = (added ? 'createusergroup' : 'usergroupchange'); usergroup.ugrpid = usergroup._id; usergroup.nolog = 1; delete usergroup.type; delete usergroup._id; parent.DispatchEvent(['*', usergroup.ugrpid], obj, usergroup); } return obj; };