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synced 2025-03-02 23:09:10 -05:00
Added Intel AMT device import to Intel AMT only device groups.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4960,6 +4960,108 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'importamtdevices': {
if ((command.amtdevices == null) || (command.meshid == null) || (typeof command.meshid != 'string') || (command.meshid.startsWith('mesh/' + domain.id + '/') == false)) return;
const mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid];
if ((mesh == null) || (mesh.mtype != 1) || (parent.GetMeshRights(user, command.meshid) & MESHRIGHT_EDITMESH) == 0) return null; // This user must have mesh rights to edit the device group
var amtDevices = [];
// Decode a JSON file from the Intel EMA migration tool
if ((typeof command.amtdevices == 'object') && (typeof command.amtdevices.ApplicationData == 'object') && (command.amtdevices.ApplicationData.Application == 'Intel EMA Migration Tool') && (Array.isArray(command.amtdevices['Managed Systems']))) {
for (var i in command.amtdevices['Managed Systems']) {
const importDev = command.amtdevices['Managed Systems'][i];
var host = null;
if ((typeof importDev.curr_AMTFqdn == 'string') && (importDev.curr_AMTFqdn != '')) { host = importDev.curr_AMTFqdn; }
if ((host == null) && (typeof importDev.curr_AMTIPv4 == 'string') && (importDev.curr_AMTIPv4 != '')) { host = importDev.curr_AMTIPv4; }
if (host != null) {
// Create a new Intel AMT device
const nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + parent.crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$');
const device = { type: 'node', _id: nodeid, meshid: mesh._id, mtype: 1, icon: 1, name: host, host: host, domain: domain.id, intelamt: { user: 'admin', state: 2 } };
// Add optional fields
if (typeof importDev.AMTVersion == 'string') { device.intelamt.ver = importDev.AMTVersion; }
if (typeof importDev.ConfiguredPassword == 'string') { device.intelamt.pass = importDev.ConfiguredPassword; }
if (typeof importDev.uuid == 'string') { device.intelamt.uuid = importDev.uuid; }
// Check if we are already adding a device with the same hostname, if so, skip it.
var skip = false;
for (var i in amtDevices) { if (amtDevices[i].host.toLowerCase() == device.host.toLowerCase()) { skip = true; } }
if (skip == false) { amtDevices.push(device); }
// Decode a JSON file from MeshCommander
if ((typeof command.amtdevices == 'object') && (typeof command.amtdevices.webappversion == 'string') && (Array.isArray(command.amtdevices.computers))) {
for (var i in command.amtdevices.computers) {
const importDev = command.amtdevices.computers[i];
if ((typeof importDev.host == 'string') && (importDev.host != '') && (importDev.host != '') && (importDev.host.toLowerCase() != 'localhost')) {
// Create a new Intel AMT device
const nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + parent.crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$');
const device = { type: 'node', _id: nodeid, meshid: mesh._id, mtype: 1, icon: 1, host: importDev.host, domain: domain.id, intelamt: { user: 'admin', state: 2 } };
if (typeof importDev.name == 'string') { device.name = importDev.name; } else { device.name = importDev.host; }
// Add optional fields
if (typeof importDev.user == 'string') { device.intelamt.user = importDev.user; }
if (typeof importDev.pass == 'string') { device.intelamt.pass = importDev.pass; }
if ((importDev.tls === true) || (importDev.tls === 1)) { device.intelamt.tls = 1; }
if (typeof importDev.digestrealm == 'string') { device.intelamt.realm = importDev.digestrealm; }
if (typeof importDev.ver == 'string') { device.intelamt.ver = importDev.ver; }
if (typeof importDev.uuid == 'string') { device.intelamt.uuid = importDev.uuid; }
if (typeof importDev.pstate == 'number') { device.intelamt.state = importDev.pstate; }
if (typeof importDev.tlscerthash == 'string') { device.intelamt.hash = importDev.tlscerthash; }
if (typeof importDev.icon == 'number') { device.icon = importDev.icon; }
if (typeof importDev.desc == 'string') { device.desc = importDev.desc; }
// Check if we are already adding a device with the same hostname, if so, skip it.
var skip = false;
for (var i in amtDevices) { if (amtDevices[i].host.toLowerCase() == device.host.toLowerCase()) { skip = true; } }
if (skip == false) { amtDevices.push(device); }
// Decode a JSON file in simple format
if (Array.isArray(command.amtdevices)) {
for (var i in command.amtdevices) {
const importDev = command.amtdevices[i];
if ((typeof importDev.fqdn == 'string') && (importDev.fqdn != '') && (importDev.fqdn != '') && (importDev.fqdn.toLowerCase() != 'localhost')) {
// Create a new Intel AMT device
const nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + parent.crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$');
const device = { type: 'node', _id: nodeid, meshid: mesh._id, mtype: 1, icon: 1, host: importDev.fqdn, domain: domain.id, intelamt: { user: 'admin', state: 2 } };
if (typeof importDev.name == 'string') { device.name = importDev.name; } else { device.name = importDev.host; }
// Add optional fields
if (typeof importDev.username == 'string') { device.intelamt.user = importDev.username; }
if (typeof importDev.password == 'string') { device.intelamt.pass = importDev.password; }
if ((importDev.tls === true) || (importDev.tls === 1)) { device.intelamt.tls = 1; }
if (typeof importDev.version == 'string') { device.intelamt.ver = importDev.version; }
if (typeof importDev.digestrealm == 'string') { device.intelamt.realm = importDev.digestrealm; }
if (typeof importDev.uuid == 'string') { device.intelamt.uuid = importDev.uuid; }
if (typeof importDev.pstate == 'number') { device.intelamt.state = importDev.pstate; }
if (typeof importDev.tlscerthash == 'string') { device.intelamt.hash = importDev.tlscerthash; }
if (typeof importDev.icon == 'number') { device.icon = importDev.icon; }
if (typeof importDev.desc == 'string') { device.desc = importDev.desc; }
// Check if we are already adding a device with the same hostname, if so, skip it.
var skip = false;
for (var i in amtDevices) { if (amtDevices[i].host.toLowerCase() == device.host.toLowerCase()) { skip = true; } }
if (skip == false) { amtDevices.push(device); }
// Add all the correctly parsed devices to the database and event them
// TODO: We may want to remove any devices with duplicate hostnames
if (amtDevices.length == 0) return;
for (var i in amtDevices) {
// Save the device to the database
// Event the new node
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(parent.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(command.meshid, [nodeid]), obj, { etype: 'node', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'addnode', node: parent.CloneSafeNode(amtDevices[i]), msgid: 84, msgArgs: [amtDevices[i].name, mesh.name], msg: 'Added device ' + amtDevices[i].name + ' to device group ' + mesh.name, domain: domain.id });
default: {
// Unknown user action
console.log('Unknown action from user ' + user.name + ': ' + command.action + '.');
@ -4969,6 +4969,35 @@
return false;
// Intel AMT device import for a device group
function showAmtImport(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = '<form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=amtimport.ashx target=fileUploadFrame><input type=text name=link style=display:none id=amtImportDevGroup value="' + meshid + '" /><input type=file name=files id=amtImportInput style=width:100% onchange="p5updateUploadDialogOk(\'p5uploadinput\')" /><input type=hidden name=authCookie value=' + authCookie + ' /><input type=submit id=p5loginSubmit style=display:none /></form>';
setDialogMode(2, "Import Intel AMT devices", 3, p5uploadFileEx, x);
function showAmtImport(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = "Create many Intel® AMT device at once by importing a JSON file with the following format:" + '<br /><pre>[\r\n {\r\n "fqdn":"mycomputer.com",\r\n "uuid":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",\r\n "version":"12.0.1",\r\n "username":"admin",\r\n "password":"password",\r\n "tls":true\r\n }\r\n]</pre><input style=width:370px type=file id=d4importFile accept=".json" onchange=showAmtImportValidate() />';
setDialogMode(2, "Intel® AMT Device Import", 3, showAmtImportEx, x, meshid);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
function showAmtImportValidate() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('d4importFile').value != null);
function showAmtImportEx(b, meshid) {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function (r) {
var j = null;
try { j = JSON.parse(r.target.result); } catch (ex) { setDialogMode(2, "Intel® AMT Device Import", 1, null, format("Invalid JSON file: {0}.", ex)); return; }
if (j != null) { meshserver.send({ action: 'importamtdevices', meshid: meshid, amtdevices: j }); } else { setDialogMode(2, "Intel® AMT Device Import", 1, null, "Invalid JSON file format."); }
// Intel AMT activation and configuration for agentless device groups
function showAmtSetup(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
@ -12396,7 +12425,7 @@
//if (meshrights & 4) { }
if (currentMesh.mtype == 1) {
//x += '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title="' + "Import Intel® AMT devices." + '" onclick=\'return showAmtInput("' + currentMesh._id + '")\'><img src=images/icon-installmesh.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Import" + '</a>';
if (meshrights & 1) { x += '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title="' + "Import Intel® AMT devices." + '" onclick=\'return showAmtImport("' + currentMesh._id + '")\'><img src=images/icon-installmesh.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Import" + '</a>'; }
if ((features & 1) == 0) { // If not WAN-Only
x += '<a href=# onclick=\'return addDeviceToMesh("' + currentMesh._id + '")\' style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title="' + "Add a new Intel® AMT computer that is located on the local network." + '"><img src=images/icon-installmesh.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Install local" + '</a>';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user