diff --git a/views/agentinvite.handlebars b/views/agentinvite.handlebars
index e873ed6b..7a0fb151 100644
--- a/views/agentinvite.handlebars
+++ b/views/agentinvite.handlebars
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
Windows 64bit
Windows 32bit
+ Linux Binary
@@ -114,6 +115,8 @@
Apple™ MacOS
Download the installer here , right click on it or press "control" and click on the file. Then select "Open" and follow the instructions.
@@ -222,30 +225,70 @@
// Setup visible tabs
var tabcount = 0, tabselect = null;
- var tab1 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 1);
- var tab2 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 1);
- var tab3 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 2);
- var tab4 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 4);
- var tab5 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 16);
- var tab6 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 8);
- if (tab6) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'assistab'; }
- if (tab5) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'androtab'; }
- if (tab4) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'macostab'; }
+ var tab1 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 1); //win64
+ var tab2 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 1); //win32
+ var tab3 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 2); //linux
+ var tab4 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 2); //linuxbinary
+ var tab5 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 4); //macos
+ var tab6 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 16); //android
+ var tab7 = (showAgents == 0) || (showAgents & 8); //assistant
+ if (tab7) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'assistab'; }
+ if (tab6) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'androtab'; }
+ if (tab5) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'macostab'; }
+ if (tab4) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'linuxbinarytab'; }
if (tab3) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'linuxtab'; }
if (tab2) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'wintab32'; }
if (tab1) { tabcount++; tabselect = 'wintab64'; }
QV('twintab64', tab1 && (tabcount > 1));
QV('twintab32', tab2 && (tabcount > 1));
QV('tlinuxtab', tab3 && (tabcount > 1));
- QV('tmacostab', tab4 && (tabcount > 1));
- QV('tandrotab', tab5 && (tabcount > 1));
- QV('tassistab', tab6 && (tabcount > 1));
+ QV('tlinuxbinarytab', tab4 && (tabcount > 1));
+ QV('tmacostab', tab5 && (tabcount > 1));
+ QV('tandrotab', tab6 && (tabcount > 1));
+ QV('tassistab', tab7 && (tabcount > 1));
openTab(null, tabselect);
+ function linuxBinarySetup() {
+ var x = '
Linux Binary ', moreoptions = '';
+ var opts = '
+ opts += '' + "Linux / BSD / macOS Binary Installer" + ' ';
+ opts += ' ';
+ x += '
+ var servername = window.location.hostname;
+ if ((servername.indexOf('.') == -1)) { servername = window.location.hostname; } // If the server name is not set or it's in LAN-only mode, use the URL hostname as server name.
+ var portStr = (serverPort == 443) ? '' : (':' + serverPort);
+ var binaryInstallAgentsOrder = [ 6, 5, 10005, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41 ];
+ var binaryInstallAgents = { 5 : 'Linux x86-32', 6 : 'Linux x86-64', 10005 : 'Apple OSX Universal', 25 : 'Linux ARM-HF, Rasberry Pi', 26 : 'Linux ARM64-HF', 28: 'Linux MIPS24KC (OpenWRT)', 30 : 'FreeBSD x86-64', 32: 'Linux ARM 64 bit (glibc/2.24 NOKVM)', 36: 'OpenWRT x86-64', 37: 'OpenBSD x86-64', 40: 'Linux MIPSEL24KC (OpenWRT)', 41: 'ARMADA/CORTEX-A53/MUSL (OpenWRT)' };
+ for (var i in binaryInstallAgentsOrder) { moreoptions += '
' + binaryInstallAgents[binaryInstallAgentsOrder[i]] + ' ' }
+ x += '
+ x += addHtmlValue("System Type", '' + moreoptions + ' ');
+ x += '
+ x += '
+ x += addHtmlValue("Installation Type", '' + "Background & interactive" + ' ' + "Background only" + ' ' + "Interactive only" + ' ');
+ x += '
+ x += '
' + "This is a executable on OS's with graphical user interfaces. You need to 'chmod +x meshagent' and run this file." + '
+ x += addHtmlValue("Mesh Agent", '
' + "meshagent" + ' ');
+ x += addHtmlValue("Command", '
+ x += '
+ QH('linuxbinarytab', x);
+ addAgentToMeshClick();
+ }
+ function addAgentToMeshClick() {
+ var v = Q('aginsSelect').value;
+ QV('agins_linux_un', v == 4);
+ QV('agins_linux_inst', v == 5);
+ QV('aginsSysTypeDiv', v == 5);
+ Q('aginsbinlnk').onclick = function() { downloadFile((Q('aginsbinlnk').name.split('installflags=')[0]) + 'installflags=' + Q('aginsType').value + (urlargs.key?('&key=' + urlargs.key):'') + '&meshinstall=' + Q('aginsSysType').value); };
+ Q('aginsbincmd').value = (Q('aginsbincmd').value.split('&installflags=')[0]) + '&installflags=' + Q('aginsType').value + (urlargs.key?('&key=' + urlargs.key):'') + '&meshinstall=' + Q('aginsSysType').value + '\"';
+ QV('aginsTypeDiv', (v == 0) || (v == 5));
+ QV('asinsTypeDiv', (v == 7));
+ }
// Create the QR code
new QRCode(Q('android_qrimage'), { text: magenturl, width: 220, height: 220, colorDark: '#000000', colorLight: '#FFF', correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.M });
Q('android_qrimage2').setAttribute('href', magenturl)
@@ -388,6 +431,9 @@
QH('linuxinstall', linuxInstall);
QH('unlinuxinstall', linuxUnInstall);
+ // Linux Binary Setup
+ linuxBinarySetup();
// MeshCentral Assistant
url = 'meshagents?id=10006&meshid=' + meshid + '&ac={{{assistanttype}}}';
Q('assisturl').href = url;
@@ -412,6 +458,30 @@
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
function escapeHtml(string) { return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function (s) { return { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '/': '/', '`': '`', '=': '=' }[s]; }); };
function escapeHtmlBreaks(string) { return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function (s) { return { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '/': '/', '`': '`', '=': '=', '\r': '
', '\n': '' }[s]; }); };
+ function addHtmlValue(t, v) { return '
'; }
+ function downloadFile(link, name, closeDialog) {
+ var element = document.createElement('a');
+ element.setAttribute('href', link);
+ element.setAttribute('rel', 'noreferrer noopener');
+ element.setAttribute('target', 'fileDownloadFrame');
+ element.setAttribute('download', decodeURIComponent(name?name:''));
+ document.body.appendChild(element);
+ element.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(element);
+ if (closeDialog) { setDialogMode(0); }
+ }
+ function copyAgentUrl(url,addflag) {
+ var servername = window.location.hostname;
+ if ((servername.indexOf('.') == -1)) { servername = window.location.hostname; } // If the server name is not set or it's in LAN-only mode, use the URL hostname as server name.
+ var portStr = (serverPort == 443) ? '' : (':' + serverPort);
+ var c = 'https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + url;
+ if (addflag == 1) c += Q('aginsType').value;
+ c += (urlargs.key?('&key=' + urlargs.key):'');
+ if (Q('aginsSelect').value == 5) { c += '&meshinstall=' + Q('aginsSysType').value; }
+ if (Q('aginsSelect').value == 7) { c += '&ac=' + Q('asinsType').value; }
+ copyTextToClip(c);
+ }
+ function copyAgentIdValue(id) { copyTextToClip(Q(id).value); }