Added login token support to MeshCtrl.js

This commit is contained in:
Ylian Saint-Hilaire 2021-05-07 12:15:44 -07:00
parent b423a8f3e4
commit acdea410c3
2 changed files with 72 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ try { require('ws'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Missing module "ws", type "npm
var settings = {};
const crypto = require('crypto');
const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const possibleCommands = ['edituser', 'listusers', 'listusersessions', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'listevents', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'editdevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'showevents', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'addusertodevice', 'removeuserfromdevice', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink', 'config', 'movetodevicegroup', 'deviceinfo', 'addusergroup', 'listusergroups', 'removeusergroup', 'runcommand', 'shell', 'upload', 'download', 'deviceopenurl', 'devicemessage', 'devicetoast', 'addtousergroup', 'removefromusergroup', 'removeallusersfromusergroup', 'devicesharing', 'devicepower', 'indexagenterrorlog'];
const possibleCommands = ['edituser', 'listusers', 'listusersessions', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'listevents', 'logintokens', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'editdevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'showevents', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'addusertodevice', 'removeuserfromdevice', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink', 'config', 'movetodevicegroup', 'deviceinfo', 'addusergroup', 'listusergroups', 'removeusergroup', 'runcommand', 'shell', 'upload', 'download', 'deviceopenurl', 'devicemessage', 'devicetoast', 'addtousergroup', 'removefromusergroup', 'removeallusersfromusergroup', 'devicesharing', 'devicepower', 'indexagenterrorlog'];
if (args.proxy != null) { try { require('https-proxy-agent'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Missing module "https-proxy-agent", type "npm install https-proxy-agent" to install it.'); return; } }
if (args['_'].length == 0) {
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
console.log(" ListDeviceGroups - List device groups.");
console.log(" ListUsersOfDeviceGroup - List the users in a device group.");
console.log(" ListEvents - List server events.");
console.log(" LoginTokens - List, create and remove login tokens.");
console.log(" DeviceInfo - Show information about a device.");
console.log(" Config - Perform operation on config.json file.");
console.log(" AddUser - Create a new user account.");
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
case 'listdevicegroups': { ok = true; break; }
case 'listdevices': { ok = true; break; }
case 'listevents': { ok = true; break; }
case 'logintokens': { ok = true; break; }
case 'listusersofdevicegroup': {
if ( == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing group id, use --id '[groupid]'")); }
else { ok = true; }
@ -396,6 +398,16 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
console.log(" --json - Give results in JSON format.");
case 'logintokens': {
console.log("List account login tokens and allow addition and removal. Example usage:\r\n");
console.log(" MeshCtrl LoginTokens ");
console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --remove [name] - Remove a login token.");
console.log(" --add [name] - Add a login token.");
console.log(" --expire [minutes] - When adding a token, minutes until expire.");
console.log(" --json - Show login tokens in JSON format.");
case 'adduser': {
console.log("Add a new user account. Example usages:\r\n");
console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUser --user newaccountname --pass newpassword");
@ -1091,6 +1103,18 @@ function serverConnect() {
case 'logintokens': {
if (args.add) {
var cmd = { action: 'createLoginToken', name: args.add, expire: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl' };
if (args.expire) { cmd.expire = parseInt(args.expire); }
} else {
var cmd = { action: 'loginTokens', responseid: 'meshctrl' };
if (args.remove) { cmd.remove = [args.remove]; }
case 'adduser': {
var siteadmin = getSiteAdminRights(args);
if (args.randompass) { args.pass = getRandomAmtPassword(); }
@ -1939,6 +1963,34 @@ function serverConnect() {
case 'createLoginToken': {
if (data.result != null) {
} else {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'loginTokens', responseid: 'meshctrl' }));
case 'loginTokens': {
if (args.json) {
} else {
console.log("Name Username Expire");
if (data.loginTokens.length == 0) {
console.log("No login tokens");
} else {
for (var i in data.loginTokens) {
var t = data.loginTokens[i];
var e = (t.expire == 0) ? "Unlimited" : new Date(t.expire).toLocaleString();
console.log(padString(, 28) + padString(t.tokenUser, 28) + e);
default: { break; }
//console.log('Data', data);
@ -1946,6 +1998,13 @@ function serverConnect() {
// String padding function
function padString(str, pad) {
var xpad = ' ';
if (str.length >= pad) return str; return str + xpad.substring(0, pad - str.length)
// Connect tunnel to a remote agent
function connectTunnel(url) {
// Setup WebSocket options

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@ -5796,10 +5796,18 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'createLoginToken': { // Create a new login token
if (req.session.loginToken != null) break; // Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
if ((typeof domain.passwordrequirements == 'object') && (domain.passwordrequirements.logintokens == false)) break; // Login tokens are not supported on this server
if (common.validateString(, 1, 100) == false) break; // Check name
if ((typeof command.expire != 'number') || (command.expire < 0)) break; // Check expire
var err = null;
if (req.session.loginToken != null) { err = "Access denied"; } // Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
else if ((typeof domain.passwordrequirements == 'object') && (domain.passwordrequirements.logintokens == false)) { err = "Not supported"; } // Login tokens are not supported on this server
else if (common.validateString(, 1, 100) == false) { err = "Invalid name"; } // Check name
else if ((typeof command.expire != 'number') || (command.expire < 0)) { err = "Invalid expire value"; } // Check expire
// Handle any errors
if (err != null) {
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'createLoginToken', responseid: command.responseid, result: err })); } catch (ex) { } }
// Generate a token username. Don't have any + or / in the username or password
var tokenUser = '~t:' + Buffer.from(parent.parent.crypto.randomBytes(12), 'binary').toString('base64');