diff --git a/views/default.handlebars b/views/default.handlebars index 628e31bb..069e062c 100644 --- a/views/default.handlebars +++ b/views/default.handlebars @@ -3202,13 +3202,13 @@ var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 443)?'':(':' + serverinfo.port); if ((features & 0x2000) == 0) { - Q('agins_linux_area').value = '(wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh || wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh) && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo -E ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n'; + Q('agins_linux_area').value = '(wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh || wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh) && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo -E ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\' || ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n'; Q('agins_linux_area_un').value = '(wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh || wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh) && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh uninstall\r\n'; } else { // Server asked that agent be installed to preferably not use a HTTP proxy. - Q('agins_linux_area').value = 'wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n'; + Q('agins_linux_area').value = 'wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\' || ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n'; Q('agins_linux_area_un').value = 'wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh uninstall\r\n'; } }